Turn Undead - chance for instant kill

Additional Rules

I would like the idea, that there is a success number for turning undead, even if the undead has a significant higher CR than the cleric.

Consider the turning table in AD&D 2. Ed. It was a lot fun to turn even a lich with a lucky turn roll.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

If your channeling does enough damage to kill the undead, then you have an insta-kill.

JoelF847 wrote:
If your channeling does enough damage to kill the undead, then you have an insta-kill.

Yeah! It's really hard to instagib a lich, but I think it should be.

On the other hand, you'll contribute regardless. It's no longer all-or-nothing.

KaeYoss wrote:
JoelF847 wrote:
If your channeling does enough damage to kill the undead, then you have an insta-kill.

Yeah! It's really hard to instagib a lich, but I think it should be.

On the other hand, you'll contribute regardless. It's no longer all-or-nothing.

Isn't that what whacking the lich with a big stick or dropping a fireball in its kisser doing? Damage, that is, via channel energy?

Turin the Mad wrote:

Isn't that what whacking the lich with a big stick or dropping a fireball in its kisser doing? Damage, that is, via channel energy?

No, those things do not count. Nothing counts unless you have a note from your god that says it does.

Liberty's Edge

KaeYoss wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Isn't that what whacking the lich with a big stick or dropping a fireball in its kisser doing? Damage, that is, via channel energy?
No, those things do not count. Nothing counts unless you have a note from your god that says it does.

I agree, this is quite different

If you can intsant kill undead by channeling positive energy does that mean evil clerics who channel negative energy can instantly "revive" undead? That could lead to some seemingly never ending battles.

I like the channel as is, but i do feel being able to make undead run away is ...well to much and i never liked that anyhow.

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