Ring Gates: Are the too powerful?

Magic Items

Dark Archive

Short answer, IMO yes.

Long answer, IMO the ring gates need nerfing or at least some clarification (ie. does casting a spell through the gates cause your similcrum to become visible, or, can you aim spells through the ring gates without sticking your head through etc.)

IMO these are a game breaker. Anyone else?

hehehehe.....I am sorry Im just trying to picture a PC putting their head through and peaking about...ahahahha.....hmmmm I am good now.
sorry about that.

First: the rings cost 40k in gold. And you cant create them until 17th level.

Second: its a two way street. you can cast through and so can "they"
This includes fiery breath and other delightful events.

Third: you still have to get the ring where you want it. or leave part of a very expensive magic item somewhere for an ambush. Theivery, Sundering, and Whack-a-mole mean no thank you for me.

In the End I can see you have had experiences to the contrary and I do not mean to brush them aside. But I think the DM is letting them slide if they use it without the aforementioned perils.

Dark Archive

I definitely agree, and speaking of the subject: I cannot understand the "role" and function of this item in the game. What is it supposed to do for you? And, furthermore, if it's going to be "nerfed", will it have any "real" qualities beyond remaining a "flavour" item?

Liberty's Edge

Asgetrion wrote:
I definitely agree, and speaking of the subject: I cannot understand the "role" and function of this item in the game. What is it supposed to do for you? And, furthermore, if it's going to be "nerfed", will it have any "real" qualities beyond remaining a "flavour" item?

Coupled with a retainer or NPC working for the PCs it becomes the largest storage device ever. Dump treasure you don't want to lug around. Resupply with potions you have used up by sending a note through and waiting for them to fill your order or just keep a selection within arms reach of the other side. Stick your head through and and shout "Big Lizard! Fetch my sword of big lizard slaying and send it through NOW!"

Why go back home when anything you need can be sent to you? Why live on trail rations when your chef can send hot meals through to you and your comrades come dinner time. Can't find the solution to a puzzle? Send a note and have lunch while your trusted servant consults the local sage on the subject.

The PCs in my current game have access to a similar magic though theirs is only about 8" around and they have found hundreds of uses for it. Add a shrink item spell and it gets more interesting.

The item as is is pretty nerfed anyway. 100lbs goes quick if you get creative. I would like to have the in/out sides thing clarified and and know if you can see through it without sticking your head through. But those are just minor rulings a GM can make.

Also, you can keep the one end with you and the other in a friendly temple to buy buffing spells when you need them. Or you can do something like this with ring gates.

It has an enter and exit side, so if you use some sovereign glue to attach the exit side down on a fighter's shield the mage can use the entrance side to reach through and deliver touch spells.

It has several uses for a party that is split up in a dungeon. The rogue can look through to see to look at a door the other half of the party has found to help figure out if it is safe or not (depending on the size of the character they might be able to squeeze through it to help in person).

As someone else mentioned it can be used as a sort of "go around" for the "extra dimensional space for stuff".

On the DM's side, some small creatures could use it as a secret entrance to a hidden city with no other access points.

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