Round Two Question

RPG Superstar™ 2009 General Discussion

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka NChance

The Rules wrote:


Apart from your own original content, you are limited to using or referring to the following sources:

* Paizo's Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beta Release, and officially released web enhancements to the Beta
* The 3.5 SRD as presented at
* Published content from Paizo's Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting
* Content from the earlier round of this year's RPG Superstar contest (whether you created it or not)
* Content that is in the public domain (such as mythological references, etc.)

You may NOT use or refer to Open Game Content (or any other material) from other publishers.

Emphasis mine on what I'm asking; When it says "original content", is that limited to the wondrous items we recently submitted, or can we use other original content as long as it falls within the realm of the other allowed sources?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 aka K. B. Carter

I interpreted it as "any original content that we can possibly make up that does not otherwise violate another rule". Otherwise, we could *only* draw inspiration from the above sources and/or our item submission, which would make for a strange test of one's creativity.

This was just my interpretation as a fellow contestant though. And if I'm wrong, my entry is toast :)

Hope this helps.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka Lord Fyre

Philip Snyder wrote:
  • Published content from Paizo's Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting

Does the material from the Pathfinder Adventure Paths count here?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Lord Fyre wrote:
Philip Snyder wrote:
  • Published content from Paizo's Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting
Does the material from the Pathfinder Adventure Paths count here?

Yes. I know it's not immediately obvious, but when we talk about the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting (with capital C and S), we mean just the main book that's the heart of our setting; when we refer to the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting (lowercase C and S), we're talking about our entire setting, including everything that we've published to support that setting.

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