Urumi - Weapon Finesse?

Equipment and Description

The urumi is described as being similar to a whip, but there is no mention of using the weapon finesse ability. Was this just an oversight? I just have a hard time seeing how a coil of steel is not a finesse weapon.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I suspect it was PROBABLY an oversight... I'd have to look at the urumi to be sure. I can't remember what its stats were like off the top of my head...

But generally speaking, weapons that can be used with weapon finesse are small weapons or weapons that, even though they're big, don't do a lot of damage. If the urumi does more damage than a spiked chain, it's too tough and shouldn't be able to go the weapon finesse route. Heck; the spiked chain's probably too bad-ass to be a wise choice (game design wise, at least) for weapon finesse...

I don't know, I don't see a problem with weapons like the elven courtblade (which does 1d10 and can be used with weapon finesse).

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmm, an interesting question. Especially since my character in second darkness uses the urumi.

KaeYoss wrote:
I don't know, I don't see a problem with weapons like the elven courtblade (which does 1d10 and can be used with weapon finesse).

But the elven courtblade doesn't have flexible 10' reach, take half damage from sundering and grant a +2 bonus on disarm attempts. Given its description, the urumi's hit points are also a tad vague to readily discern...

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