Jeb Graden

Wandering Wizard's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


I am looking to run Rise of the Ruinlords every other Tuesday night. The campaign will take the characters from level 1 to 17-18. My group is looking for 1-3 more players. Please let me know if you interested.

Imbicatus wrote:
Alter Self is a polymorph spell, not an illusion spell. It follows the rules of the polymorph school. The polymorph school states you gain any natural attacks of the form. There isn't a developer faq on this because it's self evident.

I was trying to take a troglodyte form. Couple of days ago I saw a post where someone had reference a post from one of the designers, but unfortunately now I am unable to find it. Thanks for all the help.

It is my understanding that the alter self spell, due to being a part of the polymorph subschool will also allow you to gain the new forms natural attacks. My DM disagrees with this point of view, but has agree that if I can show him an entry from a designer or a creative team member that alter self does provide natural attacks, then he will allow it.

So my question is can anyone help me find any posting agreeing that the alter self spell provides natural attacks.


I for one enjoy psionic and the XPH system. With that being said I believe that there could be some room for improvement. I really enjoy the versatility of the point system, but not its ability to nova. Now the ability to nova is balance if your group fights more than one battle a day, but if you don't it becomes really over powering. The easiest way to do this is to remove the overchannel or talented feat.

What type of fighting style does he want to use? Two weapon or spring attack. Also with the books you listed don't forget Telling blow. It allows you to apply SnA damage if you crit. Works very well with a keen rapier.

The urumi is described as being similar to a whip, but there is no mention of using the weapon finesse ability. Was this just an oversight? I just have a hard time seeing how a coil of steel is not a finesse weapon.

The urumi is described as being similar to a whip, but there is no mention of using the weapon finesse ability. Was this just an oversight? I just have a hard time seeing how a coil of steel is not a finesse weapon.