hopeless |

Am trying the waters to run a 4e game.
Looking for 3-5 players in a short game set during the last few weeks of a war between five nations.
The players have been hired to investigate the site of a Darguun tomb in return for a purse of 50 gold each as long as they return with proof of their investigation.
The problem is the site is in Aundaire and whilst getting in isn't a problem, getting out might be.
So thats 1st level characters using only the 4e phb for races and classes if you're interested.

hopeless |

Fighter or Paladin. How are we generating ability scores? Point buy? Array?
Either will be fine, have you seen the en world thread regarding the beta character generator for 4e?
It only applies for the 1-3 levels but it looks quite good even if it can't distinguish between holy symbols and weapons equipped to your main hand...

hopeless |

Nasserath: Rogue
Bmars3: fighter or paladin
Davi the Eccentric: Wizard
Curaigh: To be decided
Okay got room for one more I'll set up the discussion thread as the last opening awaits!
For the discussion thread:
One dark and stormy night in Aundaire
In case you interested in that thread on EN World:

Curaigh |

Nasserath: Rogue
Bmars3: fighter or paladin
Davi the Eccentric: Wizard
Curaigh: To be decidedOkay got room for one more I'll set up the discussion thread as the last opening awaits!
For the discussion thread:
One dark and stormy night in Aundaire
In case you interested in that thread on EN World:
sheesh without the book in front of me I do not even remember all the 4E classes *grin* I will look at a cleric type then, with a wizard type in backup if player 5 wants cleric. I am looking at Eladrin or Dragonborn though.

Valegrim |

does that mean they all have to play gnomes and halflings and dwarves? how short a game; oh; wait; they deleted some of these in 4e; my bad.
Am trying the waters to run a 4e game.
Looking for 3-5 players in a short game set during the last few weeks of a war between five nations.
The players have been hired to investigate the site of a Darguun tomb in return for a purse of 50 gold each as long as they return with proof of their investigation.
The problem is the site is in Aundaire and whilst getting in isn't a problem, getting out might be.
So thats 1st level characters using only the 4e phb for races and classes if you're interested.

Scott Betts |

does that mean they all have to play gnomes and halflings and dwarves? how short a game; oh; wait; they deleted some of these in 4e; my bad.
Halflings and dwarves are player races detailed in the 4th Edition Player's Handbook. The gnome race has player stats provided in the back of the 4th Edition Monster Manual. None of them were deleted. Thanks for being a prime example of ignorant, unjustified vitriol against the new edition of D&D. Troll harder next time.

mevers |

Nasserath: Rogue
Bmars3: fighter or paladin
Davi the Eccentric: Wizard
Curaigh: To be decidedOkay got room for one more I'll set up the discussion thread as the last opening awaits!
So does this mean you have room for one more? If so I would love to join. Looks like we could us a leader, so if there is still room, I'll play the leader.
Is a Dragonborn Warlord going to fit into Eberron? If not, i'll play either a dwarven or elven cleric.
Although a Halfling Beastmaster Ranger would also be a lot of fun.

hopeless |

hopeless, I think my character is complete. Can you check and let me know if there is anything I'm missing or have incorrect?
For your reference:
Out of curiosity did you want 4 sunrods, 2 pouch belts and two sets of hemp rope?
The adventurer's kit gives you those as part of its set just as the climber's kit consists of a grappling hook, hammer and 10 pitons, if you get rid of the extra set of sunrods, pouch belt and hemp rope it will allow you to upgrade your armour to scale leaving you with 5 gold if you want.
Its perfectly fine but I thought I'd ask about that.

hopeless |

hopeless wrote:Currently...
Nasserath: Rogue
Bmars3: fighter or paladin
Davi the Eccentric: Wizard
Curaigh: To be decidedOkay got room for one more I'll set up the discussion thread as the last opening awaits!
So does this mean you have room for one more? If so I would love to join. Looks like we could us a leader, so if there is still room, I'll play the leader.
Is a Dragonborn Warlord going to fit into Eberron? If not, i'll play either a dwarven or elven cleric.
Although a Halfling Beastmaster Ranger would also be a lot of fun.
Either will be fine although a dragonborn warlord might come in useful, in case there's some confusion you're included I'd added the earlier post to mark when this has to switch to the discussion thread so look forward to hearing from you there!
Oh and a happy new year too.

mevers |

Either will be fine although a dragonborn warlord might come in useful, in case there's some confusion you're included I'd added the earlier post to mark when this has to switch to the discussion thread so look forward to hearing from you there!
Oh and a happy new year too.
OK, after thinking about it a bit more, I think i'll go with an Eladrin Warlord. An Aerenal Elf (Eladrin), who saw some action in the last war. He saw his fair share of large battles, but was primarily the commmander of a small special forces unit. With the end of the War, his unit was disbanded, and now he looks for work wherever he can get it.

Curaigh |

Created a dragonborn cleric, mostly. Still need to do stats and had to get online to see what you requested for stats (I will try the point buy).
Do we have another cleric then? and did I see a request for a dragonborn warlord? My character could be a warlord of that is what we need, but otherwise will have a dragonborn on tomorrow.

mevers |

Created a dragonborn cleric, mostly. Still need to do stats and had to get online to see what you requested for stats (I will try the point buy).
Do we have another cleric then? and did I see a request for a dragonborn warlord? My character could be a warlord of that is what we need, but otherwise will have a dragonborn on tomorrow.
I was going to go with a dragonborn warlord, but decided to go with Eladrin instead. I should have the stats finished tomorrow.