Maugan22 |

Well I've finally cracked and started up a wiki for the pathfinder (beta) rules, spent about 12 hours last weekend getting the first six chapters up into the site
Purpose is simply to provide all rules found in the pathfinder RPG (beta). Mostly to help players make PCs and reference rules in real time during play (similar to what www.d20srd.org did for 3.5)
To date I've got classes, Races, Skills, and Feats, and I'm looking for fellow editors to help add the other chapters particularly spells and magic items if anyone wants to collaborate see contact info on the site.
The definition of Open Game Content as it applies to the Pathfinder RPG seems very vague. Further there is presently no pathfinder SRD to clearly delineate open game content from product identity. As such I've basically included ever piece of text in the pdf unless it is clearly product identity such as the description of Golorian deities.
It's my hope that if I'm stepping on any toes that one of the Paizo mods who frequent these forums can let me know what specifically they would like to see taken out.

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Very nice work! It's still obviously just a start, but this could turn into an excellent resource. I still use the d20srd.org site all the time and have been longing for a PRPG equivalent. It would be nice to hear from someone at Paizo about their thoughts on this though - if there was a plan for them to do it themselves, or how much they want us to be able to put out on our own so we can still play nicely with their legal department.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

I know that there's already some competition for this:
pfogc.com is another wiki.
And I'm working on pfsrd.org, which is password protected because Paizo asked to community to not share the Beta rules online. As far as I'm aware, this is the position they still hold. (pfsrd.org is currently on hiatus as well, I've been too busy to work on it.)

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As such I've basically included ever piece of text in the pdf unless it is clearly product identity such as the description of Golorian deities.
You're on the right track when it comes to Open Game Content.
The big problem I see is that section 7 of the OGL prohibits you for using our trademarks without a separate license. ("You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.") This means that you can't use either "Pathfinder" or "Paizo" in that fashion. We'll have a license coming out early in the new year that will help work around that clause.
In the meantime, we haven't trademarked "PFRPG" or things of that nature.

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Dag nammit! And here I was, trying to put together my own SRD site for use with the world's largest RPG playtest. Looks like I've been beaten to the punch three or four times over.
Instead of a DC 20 + caster level, I would use
DC 10 + spell level + caster level.
Rationale: essentially nobody uses that skill, cause the DC are too hard for low level PCs, (and the costs of using these scrolls too).
Seems to me that for 1d8+1 of healing, a DC 12 for your rogue or bard should be fair enough. The new rule would make these two classes a bit more attractive (and useful).

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Epic Meepo wrote:Dag nammit! And here I was, trying to put together my own SRD site for use with the world's largest RPG playtest. Looks like I've been beaten to the punch three or four times over.NEW RULE SUGGESTION FOR SCROLLS WITH USE MAGIC DEVICE
Instead of a DC 20 + caster level, I would use
DC 10 + spell level + caster level.
Rationale: essentially nobody uses that skill, cause the DC are too hard for low level PCs, (and the costs of using these scrolls too).
Seems to me that for 1d8+1 of healing, a DC 12 for your rogue or bard should be fair enough. The new rule would make these two classes a bit more attractive (and useful).
Uh, did you post this to the wrong thread? I'm pretty sure Jason won't see it here.

Patrick Baldwin |
Very nice work! It's still obviously just a start, but this could turn into an excellent resource. I still use the d20srd.org site all the time and have been longing for a PRPG equivalent. It would be nice to hear from someone at Paizo about their thoughts on this though - if there was a plan for them to do it themselves, or how much they want us to be able to put out on our own so we can still play nicely with their legal department.
Perhaps someone from Paizo might want to contact the guy that put
together d20srd.org, and see if he's interested in making a Pathfinder version?
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ESSEL wrote:Uh, did you post this to the wrong thread? I'm pretty sure Jason won't see it here.Epic Meepo wrote:Dag nammit! And here I was, trying to put together my own SRD site for use with the world's largest RPG playtest. Looks like I've been beaten to the punch three or four times over.NEW RULE SUGGESTION FOR SCROLLS WITH USE MAGIC DEVICE
Instead of a DC 20 + caster level, I would use
DC 10 + spell level + caster level.
Rationale: essentially nobody uses that skill, cause the DC are too hard for low level PCs, (and the costs of using these scrolls too).
Seems to me that for 1d8+1 of healing, a DC 12 for your rogue or bard should be fair enough. The new rule would make these two classes a bit more attractive (and useful).
Then, please where I should post this....;)

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If you press the 'flag' link, a nice man might move it for you.
<presses flag>
And, for the record, the UMD DCs were set at the level they were, so that they became viable at the same level where Thieves were able to start using scrolls in 1st/2nd Edition (about level 8?).
So it's not really something that low-level PCs should be relying on.
It still doesn't explain why all wands were the same DC, regardless of spell level or caster level. What was that all about?

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Then, please where I should post this....;)
In the Pathfinder RPG Playtest section, in the subforum dedicated to skills, though we're several weeks past when that was the focus of discussion. Not to say that it won't get seen or spur on debate but you might also want to hold off on it until the final week of wrapping up loose ends.