Cpt_kirstov |
KaeYoss |
Krome |
Okay, I went and took the pictures - they might be a bit blurry, since I took them with my cell phone, but still.
Besides Valeros, Seoni, Erylium, Xanesha, The Skinsaw Man, Nualia, there are the other figures I painted so far (usually for some character I was playing)
Nualia is looking a bit cheeky there...
deathboy |
ok - I've seen many people talk about painting their minis, but only seen pictures of a few of them. I figured I would try to start a thread to get them all together. Here is the one that I have done so far:
When I get ready for my CotCT game I'll post my party as a picture. I know you have seen some of them so far kristov
Cpt_kirstov |
Cpt_kirstov wrote:When I get ready for my CotCT game I'll post my party as a picture. I know you have seen some of them so far kristovok - I've seen many people talk about painting their minis, but only seen pictures of a few of them. I figured I would try to start a thread to get them all together. Here is the one that I have done so far:
yeah - you're group will LOVE that AP wish I could a fly on the wall for those sessions.
Alagard |
Here are some of mine, the pictures are a little dark but you can see the detail.
The Scarecrow 1
The Scarecrow 2
The Scarecrow 4
Xanesha 1
Xanesha 2
The Skinsaw Man
Hook Mountain Ogre
Krome |
Here are some of mine, the pictures are a little dark but you can see the detail.
The Scarecrow 1
The Scarecrow 2
The Scarecrow 4
Xanesha 1
Xanesha 2
The Skinsaw Man
Hook Mountain Ogre
Very very nice!
I need to get my painting stuff back from a friend and do some more painting.
Krome |
So just out of curiosity how long does it take on average to paint one mini? I have always preferred to buy my minis pre-painted but I have been thinking about possibly painting some, if time allows.
It really depends upon how experienced you are, the detail of the mini and your painting style.
When I first started it took many many hours. After a while I got faster, but you don't wanna go too fast.
I find a magnifying glass and something to hold the mini with works great to make things go faster. I use elmer's glue to attach the mini to a strip of cardboard. Then I have this hobby tool that has a weighted base, some alligator clips on adjustable arms and a magnifying glass on an adjustable arm. I have the clips hold the cardboard for me. And shine a light on it all so I can actually see what the heck I am doing.
A great source for painting tips can be found at www.privateerpress.com
But in a nutshell now, I can crank one out in a couple of hours or so. However, I usually try to work on several minis at a time and can get out about 4 during the same couple of hours (time spent waiting for paint to dry ya know).
I kind of assembly line the minis. If it gets a spot of red, then I work with red for each mini. Then switch to the next color. So I tend to work on minis with similar color themes at a time.
Cpt_kirstov |
So just out of curiosity how long does it take on average to paint one mini? I have always preferred to buy my minis pre-painted but I have been thinking about possibly painting some, if time allows.
I tried Krome's assembly line technique, and found it less satisfying myself. I tend to paint while watching movies, it normally takes a movie and an hour tv program on DVD for me to finish one figure if I don't need to mix colors.
Fake Healer |
eirip wrote:So just out of curiosity how long does it take on average to paint one mini? I have always preferred to buy my minis pre-painted but I have been thinking about possibly painting some, if time allows.I tried Krome's assembly line technique, and found it less satisfying myself. I tend to paint while watching movies, it normally takes a movie and an hour tv program on DVD for me to finish one figure if I don't need to mix colors.
I usually use the same technique as Cpt Kirstov when working on individual minis, but go to Krome's technique when I have a multitude of similar minis, such as painting a bunch of goblins or gnolls or something.
I don't really focus as heavily on detail for multiple mooks like I do for NPCs, Villians and BBEGs, or PCs so the assembly line process works to get 5 or 6 off my plate in a fairly quick amount of time.Lisa Stevens CEO |
One little tip that has allowed me to paint miniatures that are much cooler to look at and not take that much time is a technique called dipping. There is a thread about this on ENWorld that is pretty darn good. Using dipping, I can usually get a mini painted in about an hour. It isn't going to hold up to close scrutiny, but neither can most of the D&D prepaints.
eirip |
One little tip that has allowed me to paint miniatures that are much cooler to look at and not take that much time is a technique called dipping. There is a thread about this on ENWorld that is pretty darn good. Using dipping, I can usually get a mini painted in about an hour. It isn't going to hold up to close scrutiny, but neither can most of the D&D prepaints.
Now that's what I'm talking about, fast and easy! I think I will give this a try, thanks.
GeraintElberion |
Lisa Stevens wrote:Now that's what I'm talking about, fast and easy! I think I will give this a try, thanks.One little tip that has allowed me to paint miniatures that are much cooler to look at and not take that much time is a technique called dipping. There is a thread about this on ENWorld that is pretty darn good. Using dipping, I can usually get a mini painted in about an hour. It isn't going to hold up to close scrutiny, but neither can most of the D&D prepaints.
For a variation on dipping, Games Workshop sell inks/washes which work in a similar manner but you can be selective about what gets "dipped" and the range of effects is wider.
They also sell a pretty good book on mini-painting, but it really favours their style of mini.
IconoclasticScream |
I've been working on the goblins for the last two weeks. I've posted the pictures here. Somewhere in the account is a picture of Erylium, too.
Krome |
eirip wrote:So just out of curiosity how long does it take on average to paint one mini? I have always preferred to buy my minis pre-painted but I have been thinking about possibly painting some, if time allows.I tried Krome's assembly line technique, and found it less satisfying myself. I tend to paint while watching movies, it normally takes a movie and an hour tv program on DVD for me to finish one figure if I don't need to mix colors.
Well it certainly is NOT a great technique for hero minis. But for armies it works great. I think I am going to try this out with Lisa's dipping technique. I have 25+ skeletons that need a paint job, and it would seem they are prime candidates for that technique. We have, probably 10 different colored stains, ranging from Mahogany to Cherry to Blue. Might even see how they look with a layered effect of stains- Mahogany dip first then a Golden Oak maybe. Might suck, might not.
For hero minis it does take me much longer. But I haven't done a hero in a while. I do know that the Warmachine minis took about 2+ hours each and are not where I want them yet. They are coming out way too dark. Driving me nuts.
Mark Moreland Director of Brand Strategy |
Here are some of mine, the pictures are a little dark but you can see the detail.
The Scarecrow 1
The Scarecrow 2
The Scarecrow 4
Xanesha 1
Xanesha 2
The Skinsaw Man
Hook Mountain Ogre
Wow! Those are freakin' awesome. Can I send you my unpainted minis and pay you to do the same bang-up job with them?
Mairkurion {tm} |
Thanks to all for sharing. Krome, if you don't mind, where on the Privateer website are the painting tips? I somehow failed to find it--hopefully I'm not just having a mental moment.
I ask because I'm channeling all of this info to my painter-in-training (wrings hands and executes stereotypical villain laughter).
IconoclasticScream |
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
For a variation on dipping, Games Workshop sell inks/washes which work in a similar manner but you can be selective about what gets "dipped" and the range of effects is wider.
I'll second this. Particularly the new GW/Citadel Washes are GORGEOUS... they require little to no dilution, dry matte (most inks dry glossy), and fall into crevices beautifully. They're a great way to shade miniatures quickly and do a great job of it. I am not overall one to spend lots of money on Citadel products, but these are definitely the exception.
Reaper Master Series also have a nice set of inks (similar to GW's older style inks, but even more rich in color), but these are definitely the highly pigmented glossy kind, so you need to dilute them for many purposes, and if you don't want the end result to be shiny, you need to make sure you thoroughly matte varnish it afterwards. They're fantastic for shading/bringing out detail in metal, however.
For a simple model you can paint something a base color, wash it, then quickly, lightly drybrush it with either the base color again or something a little lighter, and BAM... a nice model with some depth to it.
EDIT: Also, nice pics, everyone. Alagard, that Xanesha especially blows me away.
I'm gonna have to buy me some Pathfinder minis and paint them now...
Acev |
Made it myself from Styrofoam Insulation and a cotton ball.
I used Gamesworkshop's article on how to make asteroids for battlefleet gothic, but with a different paint scheme.
Starting materials
Cut to shape with knife then poke holes with pencil
Dye the cotton ball with thinned paint
Aerosol primmer/paint melts styrofoam, for rough surface
Zorg |
IconoclasticScream |
My gallery
I stumbled upon your gallery a while ago. Nice conversion to make that lamia.
IconoclasticScream |
Aerosol primmer/paint melts styrofoam, for rough surface
I stumbled upon using the same technique to weather terrain pieces I've made.
IconoclasticScream |
Krome |
Thanks to all for sharing. Krome, if you don't mind, where on the Privateer website are the painting tips? I somehow failed to find it--hopefully I'm not just having a mental moment.
I ask because I'm channeling all of this info to my painter-in-training (wrings hands and executes stereotypical villain laughter).
Just stumbled onto this thread again, sorry...
I just went and had a look see and they have completely changed their site. I sent an email asking for a link to the painting tips, which was actually a different site but they linked to it. I'll post if I hear back from them.
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
Just stumbled onto this thread again, sorry...I just went and had a look see and they have completely changed their site. I sent an email asking for a link to the painting tips, which was actually a different site but they linked to it. I'll post if I hear back from them.
Krome--it sounds like you're talking about the Brushthralls:
I haven't been to the PP site in ages, but when I was active there, that's what everybody referred to.
Lewy |
May be a bit dark but here's mine—mostly done by one of my players. The coins are because someone wanted a size idea.
Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |
Krome |
Krome wrote:
Just stumbled onto this thread again, sorry...I just went and had a look see and they have completely changed their site. I sent an email asking for a link to the painting tips, which was actually a different site but they linked to it. I'll post if I hear back from them.
Krome--it sounds like you're talking about the Brushthralls:
I haven't been to the PP site in ages, but when I was active there, that's what everybody referred to.
THAT WAS IT! Thanks!
IconoclasticScream |
The Otyugh |