Errata and Typos (Prestige Classes)

Prestige Classes

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Welcome to the Errata and Typos thread for the Prestige Classes portions of the classes chaper. If you spot any typos or rules that need errata in this section, please post them to this thread. Note that this is not a thread for discussing rules changes, only obvious mistakes or unclear rules. We have done our best to make these chapters as clean as possible, but 10,000 eyes are better than 12. Thanks for your help.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

In the Shadow Dancer table, on page 17, Summon Shadow is listed twice, at level 3 and level 9.

Silver Crusade

Arcane Archer - page 2. Under the enhance arrow ability, it mentions enhancing arrows not costing experience. Wasn't magic items costing experience removed in Pathfinder? Could cause confusion.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

For the Pathfinder Chronicler, under the deep pockets ability, there is a typo/omission at the end of the first paragraph. The text reads:

"... until she refills her deep pockets by spending a few hours and 100 gp in any settlement."

It should read:

"... until she refills her deep pockets by spending a few hours and up to 100 gp per class level in any settlement. The value of items pulled from her deep pockets cannot exceed the amount of money she has invested."

Just to cut off the 'infinite wealth exploit' from the way the text was written.

Silver Crusade

Assassins still list spells at first level in Table 12-3

Skills for Dragon Disciple list Perception (Int)

An arcane trickster can still use the ranged legerdemain ability with the Open Lock skill, despite the fact that Open Lock no longer exists.

Arcane Archer, Enhance Arraows, first paragraph ends "These abilities can be changed whenever the arcane archer prepares spells or spell slots each day." Nowhere in the beta is there mention of preparing spell slots. There are several references to expending slots in the sorcerer description, but not preparing them. A wizard can choose to leave a spell slot open (to be filled in later), but there is no mention of any preparation cost associated with that.

Shadowdancer lists Search as a class skill.

Nit: In the Mystic Theurge Combined Spells description, it reads "The components of these spells do not change, but they otherwise follow the rules for spellcasting class used to cast the spell." Edit to "... follow the rules of the spellcasting class ..."

The Pathfinder Chronicler requirements state that a character must have "written and published" something sold for at least 50gp. I think that "published" here is an anachronism, since it implies that you have a printing press that allows you to print multiple copies, which contradicts the existence of Profession (scribe), also listed in the requirements. I think this should read that a character must have "authored and scribed" something sold for at least 50gp.

minkscooter wrote:
Arcane Archer, Enhance Arraows, first paragraph ends "These abilities can be changed whenever the arcane archer prepares spells or spell slots each day."

This does come across a bit odd, perhaps "These abilities can be changed whenever the arcane archer prepares spells or readies spell slots each day."

The Dragon Disciple is clearly geared towards sorcerers, yet lists an Intelligence stat increase rather than Charisma. That would appear to be an oversight to me.

The Eldritch Knight Spells Per Day section uses "she" even though the rest of the description uses "he". Elsewhere in the Beta the gender pronoun in class descriptions always matches the iconic character depicted in the artwork.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Dragon Disciple, Page 8, it says:

"Form of the Dragon (Sp): At 7th level, a dragon disciple can assume the form of a might dragon for a limited period of time.

I presume you guys meant "mightY".

Also, it doesn't state this anywhere, but can you take the form of ANY dragon? I would think that you could only assume the form of your selected dragon type . . .

Silver Crusade

minkscooter wrote:
The Eldritch Knight Spells Per Day section uses "she" even though the rest of the description uses "he". Elsewhere in the Beta the gender pronoun in class descriptions always matches the iconic character depicted in the artwork.

The eldritch knight spell per day section seems to have been copied directly out of the SRD, as it still says you don't gain spells known from eldritch knight levels, which is surely a typo, right? Right?

Mikael Sebag wrote:

Dragon Disciple, Page 8, it says:

"Form of the Dragon (Sp): At 7th level, a dragon disciple can assume the form of a might dragon for a limited period of time.

It also does not list a duration on the effect. I would assume it's the same as the spell but it's not entirely clear.

"Arcane Archer"
...rules that need errata...

  • You can only enhance "non-magical" arrows.

  • A magical bow always confirs its magic to the arrows it fires.

    This means a level 7+ archer(arcane archer) can never use a "magical bow" with any of his Enhance Arrow Features.

  • Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    There seems to be a fair number of people who believe that the text for Prestige classes that advance spellcasting classes does not grant spells known as well as spells per day. Maybe it needs to be spelled out more clearly. (Oddly enough, I never ran into this question in 3.x)

    Silver Crusade

    LazarX wrote:
    There seems to be a fair number of people who believe that the text for Prestige classes that advance spellcasting classes does not grant spells known as well as spells per day. Maybe it needs to be spelled out more clearly. (Oddly enough, I never ran into this question in 3.x)

    Good spot there LazarX. That's because in 3.5 prestige classes with +spellcasting had it clearly labled

    I opened the first complete book and got this from a random PrC it's from the Contemplative PrC in Complete Divine

    "Spells per Day/Spells Known: A contemplative who was previously a spellcaster continues to gain access to more powerful divine magic while following the contemplative path. Thus, when a new contemplative level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in the spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class..."

    This seems like it should be the rule since taking levels of dragon disciple would be useless to a sorcerer because he would never get any spells past what he started with. Perhaps just adding the "spells known" to the spells paragraphs in the prestige classes.

    Tamec wrote:
    LazarX wrote:
    There seems to be a fair number of people who believe that the text for Prestige classes that advance spellcasting classes does not grant spells known as well as spells per day. Maybe it needs to be spelled out more clearly. (Oddly enough, I never ran into this question in 3.x)

    Good spot there LazarX. That's because in 3.5 prestige classes with +spellcasting had it clearly labled

    I opened the first complete book and got this from a random PrC it's from the Contemplative PrC in Complete Divine

    "Spells per Day/Spells Known: A contemplative who was previously a spellcaster continues to gain access to more powerful divine magic while following the contemplative path. Thus, when a new contemplative level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in the spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class..."

    This seems like it should be the rule since taking levels of dragon disciple would be useless to a sorcerer because he would never get any spells past what he started with. Perhaps just adding the "spells known" to the spells paragraphs in the prestige classes.

    Well I believe that the blood of dragons ability should give bonus spells to sorcerers when spell slots of the appropriate level are gained so sorcerers are not stuck just filling higher slots with lower level spells. Bards on the other hand do not seem to get any bonus spells since the blood of dragons ability specifies sorcerer.

    However for the other classes spontaneous casters are rather out of luck and it would probably be reasonable to add spells known progression.

    Tamec wrote:
    LazarX wrote:
    There seems to be a fair number of people who believe that the text for Prestige classes that advance spellcasting classes does not grant spells known as well as spells per day. Maybe it needs to be spelled out more clearly. (Oddly enough, I never ran into this question in 3.x)

    Good spot there LazarX. That's because in 3.5 prestige classes with +spellcasting had it clearly labled

    I opened the first complete book and got this from a random PrC it's from the Contemplative PrC in Complete Divine

    Actually, it was not clearly and consistently labeled.

    If you look at the Prestige classes in the 3.5 DMG, all the ones that were in the 3.0 DMG are missing the language, while new ones included it. Later splat books seem to have been a bit better about it.

    Simply an oversight.

    Dennis da Ogre wrote:
    Mikael Sebag wrote:

    Dragon Disciple, Page 8, it says:

    "Form of the Dragon (Sp): At 7th level, a dragon disciple can assume the form of a might dragon for a limited period of time.

    It also does not list a duration on the effect. I would assume it's the same as the spell but it's not entirely clear.

    It also doesn't list what the caster level would be based off of character level or class level. I house ruled duration as per spell and caster level equal to class level.

    P. 7, under dragon disciple requirements:

    "Special: The player chooses a dragon variety when taking the first level in this prestige class."

    This should be deleted. It is not a requirement for the class, and is also stated later under Blood of Dragon, where it should be.

    This interesting question has appeared in another thread:

    Tholas wrote:

    "An eldritch knight adds his level to any levels of fighter he might have for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites for feats."

    Does "any levels" can also mean "zero levels" of fighter? So zero plus X is still X? Personally, I don't think that was the intention.

    I personally think that a clear sentence on whether an Eldritch Knight uses his PrC level as Fighter levels (even if he doesn't have any) or not would be better - I personally think that a Ranger 1/ Wizard 5/ Eldritch Knight 4 can take Weapon Specialization, but an official answer would be great.

    RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

    The Dragon Disciple prerequisites have 'Race: Any nondragon (cannot already be a half-dragon)'

    Since the class no longer actually grants the Half-Dragon template, that wording can be shorted to 'Any nondragon'.

    (Half-dragons will be excluded anyway, since they change the creature's type to Dragon.)

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