Pathfinder: Amiri (Iconic Female Human Barbarian)

Product Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Can we get a rough release date for this one? Please?

Liberty's Edge

Any date invloving Amiri is going to be "rough".

Liberty's Edge

Dark Lurker of Psionics wrote:
Any date invloving Amiri is going to be "rough".

*snazzy comic drum roll*


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dark Lurker of Psionics wrote:
Any date invloving Amiri is going to be "rough".

Or when dancing with her, where there isn't a sharp pointy edge.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dhampir984 wrote:
Can we get a rough release date for this one? Please?

I wish I could be provide specifics, but with this minis line, we tend not to know when things will arrive until they actually arrive.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Dhampir984 wrote:
Can we get a rough release date for this one? Please?
I wish I could be provide specifics, but with this minis line, we tend not to know when things will arrive until they actually arrive.

Any further news? It's been three more months.

Some ballpark like "a year" or "six months"?



Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
I wish I could be provide specifics, but with this minis line, we tend not to know when things will arrive until they actually arrive.

When, oh when, will this mini arrive?

When, oh when, will it be?
With her hair cut short and her sword held high,
Oh when, oh when will it be?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
I wish I could be provide specifics, but with this minis line, we tend not to know when things will arrive until they actually arrive.

Still nothing?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dhampir984 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I wish I could be provide specifics, but with this minis line, we tend not to know when things will arrive until they actually arrive.
Still nothing?

We are taking steps to get this line back on track, but we have nothing to report yet.

Sovereign Court

I don't care about the iconics, but I'd love to see them make more of the other minis.

Liberty's Edge

Bagpuss wrote:
I don't care about the iconics, but I'd love to see them make more of the other minis.

I care very much. I still want them to get to a Seltyiel mini T_T

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Priority number one is finishing off the iconics, since we're nearly done with them. But we'd like to see more unique minis too, and at a much greater pace. Things are in motion.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Priority number one is finishing off the iconics, since we're nearly done with them. But we'd like to see more unique minis too, and at a much greater pace. Things are in motion.

Good to know Vic - these minis are great, but just waaaay to long in coming [which in these recession hit times might not be a bad thing I know] but a more regular schedule AND seeing the iconics finished would be great news.

When a miniatures subscription? I think can be interesting...

Vic Wertz wrote:
Dhampir984 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I wish I could be provide specifics, but with this minis line, we tend not to know when things will arrive until they actually arrive.
Still nothing?
We are taking steps to get this line back on track, but we have nothing to report yet.

Not even some beheadings to motivate the rest of the crew?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Priority number one is finishing off the iconics, since we're nearly done with them. But we'd like to see more unique minis too, and at a much greater price. Things are in motion.

That's how I read it at first. I was shocked until I read it again.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

northosh wrote:
When a miniatures subscription? I think can be interesting...

I don't think you'll see us offering subscription for any lines we don't have direct control over.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
I don't think you'll see us offering subscription for any lines we don't have direct control over.

Take 'em over! Total domination through dictatorship!

Dhampir984 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I don't think you'll see us offering subscription for any lines we don't have direct control over.
Take 'em over! Total domination through dictatorship!

Dictatorship is lame.

Use some neurotoxins to turn them into neuropuppets.

I have some left over from my last world domination attempt. I refined the recipe so it won't turn them into psychotic killpuppets after 48 hours.

Still not all glitches out, but most last almost a week before going postal.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
KaeYoss wrote:
Still not all glitches out, but most last almost a week before going postal.

Lemme know when you've got the glitches more worked out. I can't take over Paizo and have em go postal in a week.

Liberty's Edge

KaeYoss wrote:
Dhampir984 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I don't think you'll see us offering subscription for any lines we don't have direct control over.
Take 'em over! Total domination through dictatorship!

Dictatorship is lame.

Says the Chelixian

Misery wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Dhampir984 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I don't think you'll see us offering subscription for any lines we don't have direct control over.
Take 'em over! Total domination through dictatorship!

Dictatorship is lame.

Says the Chelixian

Yeah. It's only a stopgap until we can control the people more fully and thoroughly.

So now that Reaper is making these, can we get an update?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Paul Duggan wrote:
So now that Reaper is making these, can we get an update?

We've only just signed the deal with them; it'll take a little while for everyone to get up to speed on where everything is.

Paul Duggan wrote:
So now that Reaper is making these, can we get an update?

Check out Reaper's forums at, Paul. ReaperBryan posted a list of upcoming miniatures and the month they are expected.

Grand Lodge

I would just like to state, that Amiri has to be the sexiest character design yet, seriously I would take the half way to death beatings just to date a girl like that. Call me masochistic, but there is something attractiveabout a girl that can kick your rear and look good while doing so. Now for the awkward silence, ok now that's over. Keep up the good work on her, and seriously get more illustrations of her, there is not enough.


Tonnerre wrote:
Check out Reaper's forums at, Paul. ReaperBryan posted a list of upcoming miniatures and the month they are expected.

I found This one:

You can expect These 8 in November:
Officially Licensed Pathfinder Miniatures
60001_____ Valeros, Human Fighter by Bobby Jackson
60002_____ Ezren, Human Wizard by Todd Harris
60003_____ Amiri, Human Barbarian by Derek Schubert
60004_____ Harsk, Dwarf Ranger by Todd Harris
60005_____ Arael Half Elf Cleric by Gene Van Horne
60006_____ Goblin Warriors (4) by Ben Seins
60007_____ Sinspawn by Derek Schubert
60008_____ Hook Mountain Ogre by Dave Summers

was there a bigger list somewhere

Not that I know of. Hopefully we'll get more info soon because I can't wait to get the Kyra mini.

Scarab Sages

Is reaper using the previous sculps or making their own new ones?

Paizo Employee CEO

Kohl McClash wrote:
Is reaper using the previous sculps or making their own new ones?

Reaper will be using all the sculpts done by Crocodile Games in addition to making new ones. They plan to mix the redone sculpts in with the new ones each month until the Crocodile minis have all been rereleased under Reaper packaging.


Paizo Employee CEO

Oh, and I added the Amiri picture to this product. :)


Liberty's Edge

I saw her at Gencon along with another sculpts at the reaper booth. Highly impressed. In fact it made me start getting the Iconic in the first place. Well at least they are ordered when September order comes in.






Shouldn't this be under Reaper Miniatures? Not Crocodile games?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

vagrant-poet wrote:
Shouldn't this be under Reaper Miniatures? Not Crocodile games?

It will be... eventually. As soon as we get all of the info we need from Reaper to put up their first wave or two, we'll move it over.

Glad to hear it.

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