Ghetto's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Correct on the hit points. Max at first and roll for the others.

We will be using InvisibleCastle to do rolls in game. Be sure to log in and use your character name for every roll. This way there never has to be a question of cheating. I trust everyone, but I don't want it to ever come up.

M Githzerai Monk 4

Here DM


I wish I had held onto my sheet when I made the character. Ok. Racial bonuses are +6 DEX, +2 WIS, -2 INT. 32 points to spend. DMG page 169 chart; I am assuming racial bonuses are applied after points are spent. Str: 13 ( 5 points) = 13
DEX: 17 (13 points) +6 = 23
CON: 13 ( 5 points) = 13
INT: 14 ( 6 points) - 2 = 12
WIS: 11 ( 3 points)+2 = 13
CHA: 8 = 8

The 120 will be partly spent other monk weapons: Kama 2 (4 gp),Sai 2 (2 gp), siangham 2(6 gp).

That's what I get for having my character made up too quick I suppose. Also, I have changed my mind many time as to which feats I would take. You may want to see the character aqain so that you are not surprised when play starts. I promise to change nothing else.

Male Dwarf Rogue / 6


Male Human Crusader (6th)
ghettowedge wrote:

Brinmore -

** spoiler omitted **

Fixed! His skills should now be up to date.

Male Human Expert 8th

Just created an invisible castle account and here is a practice roll.
27 Hope this works ( and if it does, that I keep getting rolls like this!)

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Scranford and Badslacker -
Consider this a polite nudge to get your characters posted.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Gerth Sol wrote:
Here DM ** spoiler omitted **

It looks better, but now it seems like you have one too many feats.

1st- Wild Talent
1st bonus - Stunning Fist
2nd bonus - Combat Reflexes
3rd - Weapon Finesse
? - Improved Trip

Also FYI, I'm running with the Psionics are the same as magic option. So your Power Resistance will work against spells and other creatures' spell resistance will work against your powers.

F Human Wizard 1

This is my wizard. She's almost ready, aside from background and a bit of equipment.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Lyria Flamedancer wrote:
This is my wizard. She's almost ready, aside from background and a bit of equipment.

The only issue I noticed was that none of the feats you selected qualified as a wizard bonus feat.

M Githzerai Monk 4
ghettowedge wrote:
Gerth Sol wrote:
Here DM ** spoiler omitted **

It looks better, but now it seems like you have one too many feats.


Male Human Priest 1

I promise tomorrow (Tuesday) Evening. If you want to start without me that will be OK, but I'm determined to get it typed in tomorrow. Spell choice is what's slowing me down.

sorry guys. I'll be better once I get the character typed in.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Gaspar Dawnbringer wrote:

I promise tomorrow (Tuesday) Evening. If you want to start without me that will be OK, but I'm determined to get it typed in tomorrow. Spell choice is what's slowing me down.

sorry guys. I'll be better once I get the character typed in.

I won't start without you, just get it done.

F Human Wizard 1
ghettowedge wrote:
The only issue I noticed was that none of the feats you selected qualified as a wizard bonus feat.


F Human Wizard 1

And done

Male Human Priest 1

Whew! I think I'm done!

Male Half Elf Ranger1

Drafting this up in stages.

Ghettowedge can you check the equipment list I have generated and see if its ok.

I'll keep going on the rest bit by bit.


M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Lyria Flamedancer wrote:
And done

Did you pay to scribe all those extra spells into your spellbook? You get the starter 0 and 1st level spells for free, plus two free ones at each level up. But, you need to pay for any others.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Gaspar -
I have a few class features you might be interested in.

The first replaces turn undead and lets you deal 1d6/level to undead.

The second replaces a domain power and makes your daylight spell count as actual daylight to creatures affected by natural daylight.

And the third also replaces a domain power and it lets you spend a turn undead to give allies within 30 feet fast healing 2 for 5 rounds.

If you're interested in any of these let me know and I'll post info on the organization you need to join to get them.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Happy Thanksgiving!

Over this long weekend I'll try to post everything we need to start, and we should be ready to start by Monday. I hope I didn't lose anybody with the huge delay.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

You all begin play knowing each other, and having gone on previous adventures.

Recently, you've gotten word from an organization known as the Lightbringers, that some of their members have gone missing in Barovia. A group of Lightbringers led by a paladin named Ashlynn sent a message saying the village was plagued by zombies, and asked for reinforcements.

Now is the time to do any last minute tweaking to your character, as well as get to know the others.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
ghettowedge wrote:

Gaspar -

I have a few class features you might be interested in.

The first replaces turn undead and lets you deal 1d6/level to undead.

The second replaces a domain power and makes your daylight spell count as actual daylight to creatures affected by natural daylight.

And the third also replaces a domain power and it lets you spend a turn undead to give allies within 30 feet fast healing 2 for 5 rounds.

If you're interested in any of these let me know and I'll post info on the organization you need to join to get them.

That would be great. If the organizations fit in with his concept I would definitely be interested. Send me the info and I'll see how it works. The whole greater turning once per day domain power doesn't excite me too much withe the "Disciple of the Sun" feat.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18


The lightbringers are an expansive guild of undead hunters that readily hands out charter memberships to anyone who wants to stamp out undead. The Lightbringers have no central headquarters. Generally affiliated good-aligned temples in large cities set aside meeting rooms for those who sign the guilds charter. Pelor's temples are best known for hosting Lightbringers - believers and nonbelievers alike.
Symbol: Stylized half-sun, half-moon disc.
Credo: "Suffer no false life."

Time for me to go... I'll post more later.

M Githzerai Monk 4

Have any of you, heard of this human female or the dwelling-land of which she speaks? It is not often that one would get messages from another of which one knows not.

Male Dwarf Rogue / 6

to Gerth:
Listen slim, not that I would normally disagree with a that doesn't need an axe to take down the things I've seen you take down, but just 'cause we've never heard of her or them, doesn't mean they've never heard of us. Maybe they heard about that little manuever we pulled at the battle of Taanab.

Either way, it's something to do. Lets finish our drinks and get on the road. Maybe Barovia has a decent pub.

Male Half Elf Ranger1

Well I shall continue on Asfer's alias over the weekend.


M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Rourke of the Nines wrote:
Maybe they heard about that little manuever we pulled at the battle of Taanab.

Thanks Lando!

Weird aside that just happened at my fiance's family's house: I made a Star Wars reference and her sisters, both are in their twenties, reponded with "What's a Boba Fett?"

I'll get some information up about Barovia over the weekend, don't worry.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Gerth Sol wrote:
Have any of you, heard of this human female or the dwelling-land of which she speaks? It is not often that one would get messages from another of which one knows not.

You were contacted by the Lightbringers. The paladin sent the message to them, not you.

M Githzerai Monk 4
ghettowedge wrote:
Gerth Sol wrote:
Have any of you, heard of this human female or the dwelling-land of which she speaks? It is not often that one would get messages from another of which one knows not.
You were contacted by the Lightbringers. The paladin sent the message to them, not you.

My cosmic intuition reminds me they did not send the message to us. What are lightbringers? Celestials on this plane perhaps?

M Githzerai Monk 4
Rourke of the Nines wrote:

Maybe they heard about that little manuever we pulled at the battle of Taanab.

...Migzar was a difficult foe... good training for what is to come I believe.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

More info on the Lightbringers:

As a guild, the Lightbringers organization requires a prospective member to have at least 4 ranks in an associated skill. The guild accepts all classes, so no minimum level requirement exists. Entry aand annual dues are required, and the guild imposes minimum service.
Associated Skills: Concentration, Gather Information, Heal, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (religion).
Dues: The initiation fee is a one-time payment of 100 gp, donated to the affiliated temple housing the local Lightbringers chapter. Annual dues are also 100 gp, but the real cost of membership is a commitment to destroy a minimum number of undead each year. Each member sets his or her own limit, and is accountable only to the local chapter.

Gaspar, for this game, you'll need to just pay the 100 gp initiation fee.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

All guilds provide basic services to their members, including food and lodging, a 10% subsidy on the cost of basic supplies and guild related services, emergency loans, and other aid. Guild members gain a contact within the organization that can help with specific tasks.

In addition, for the course of this game the guild also provides the following benefits.

  • A guild member gains access to the alternative class features.
  • Lightbringers respect each other. A guild member recieves a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy or Gather Information checks made while talking to a fellow Lightbringer.
  • Guild members qualify for the Favored in Guild feat.

New Feat: Favored in Guild
You are an active and valued member of your guild.
Prerequisites: Membership in a guild. 2 ranks in an associated skill and at least 1 rank in another of the guild's associated skills.
Benefit: As an active and necessary member of your guild, select one of your guild's associated skills. As long as you remain a member of the guild, you gain a +2 competence bonus on all checks made with that skill. As a lightbringer you also gain a further discount on equipment useful in combatting undead, including stakes, holy water, and so on.
Gaspar, if you select this feat I'll reimburse you some gp based on your selected equipment.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Gerth Sol wrote:
My cosmic intuition reminds me they did not send the message to us. What are lightbringers? Celestials on this plane perhaps?

Gerth, you can make a Knowledge (history, local, or religion) check for more info on the Lightbringers.

Male Human Priest 1

AFK till Sunday PM

The Exchange

DM Ghettowedge, my son is a bit ill and I haven't had a chance to do my character.

It's a combination of teething and a virus which has so far lasted ten days and is steadily getting worse. Maybe you should start without me or I'll bow out. My son has ended up in hospital before due to these problems and although that may not happen this time, I doubt I'll be able to sort my PC for a week or more at least.


I’ve been thinking to ask to join for some time now since Ghetto’s original post accommodated up to 7 players, so I figured since there are currently 6, you might want another to assist in the cause and Ghetto mentioned this was a tough adventure. I’m also hoping that French Wolf will remain an active player

A Lesser Aasimar Paladin of Freedom “Vampire Hunter” (he’s a Half-Vampire, now you know why he hates them). The character is nearly complete, and can finish it up this afternoon after I pickup my daughter.

Profile for Lance Blackhilt, I still need to clean it up as it’s a template sheet from another character

I know the Half-Vampire isn't the best template but i wanted to make a concept/theme character.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

French Wolf - It's not a problem. Work on the character when you can, and when you're ready you can jump in.

Loderl - You're in. The only thing I immediately noticed off about your character was that you should only have 2 feats. Level Adjustments don't count as Hit Dice. Also take a look at the prestige class info above as well as the Lightbringer organization info I posted. I have the following alternative class features for a Lightbringer Paladin:

  • Detect Undead that replaces Detect Evil.
  • Pelor's Blessing replaces Divine Health and increases your Smite Evil bonuses when used against undead.

Everyone else, make sure your characters are finished. I plan to start this campaign in about 24 hours.

M Githzerai Monk 4
ghettowedge wrote:
Gerth, you can make a Knowledge (history, local, or religion) check for more info on the Lightbringers.

knowledge Religion: 8 rolled a 1! I hope this doesn't continue

ghettowedge wrote:

Loderl - You're in. The only thing I immediately noticed off about your character was that you should only have 2 feats. Level Adjustments don't count as Hit Dice. Also take a look at the prestige class info above as well as the Lightbringer organization info I posted. I have the following alternative class features for a Lightbringer Paladin:

  • Detect Undead that replaces Detect Evil.
  • Pelor's Blessing replaces Divine Health and increases your Smite Evil bonuses when used against undead.

Sweet!, I’ve recently started getting my feet wet with templates and see now why many are avoided, though I’m still going to go with this concept so I get a feel for their worth. I'm currently working on finishing the characters details and such.

I’ll pass on the Detect Evil swap as one of the PrC’s I’m going to take grants Detect Undead, its Hunter of the Dead.

While on the subject of the Hunter of the Dead PrC, the Scar of Unlife requirement comes to mind. Could this have already taken place during the earlier levels or perhaps the fact that he’s already a Half-Vampire meet this requirement, or should I be looking to get wacked at least once?

Pelor’s Blessing sounds good to me, I’ll take it :) What’s a bit of Mummy Rot between friends, haha :)

Other PrC which I’m planning to take are Shadow Striker (Complete Champion) and Holy Liberator (Complete Divine)

ghettowedge wrote:


All guilds provide basic services to their members, including food and lodging, a 10% subsidy on the cost of basic supplies and guild related services, [i]emergency loans, and other aid. Guild members gain a contact within the organization that can help with specific tasks.

In addition, for the course of this game the guild also provides the following benefits.

  • A guild member gains access to the alternative class features.
  • Lightbringers respect each other. A guild member recieves a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy or Gather Information checks made while talking to a fellow Lightbringer.
  • Guild members qualify for the Favored in Guild feat.

New Feat: Favored in Guild
You are an active and valued member of your guild.
Prerequisites: Membership in a guild. 2 ranks in an associated skill and at least 1 rank in another of the guild's associated skills.
Benefit: As an active and necessary member of your guild, select one of your guild's associated skills. As long as you remain a member of the guild, you gain a +2 competence bonus on all checks made with that skill. As a lightbringer you also gain a further discount on equipment useful in combating undead, including stakes, holy water, and so on.
Gaspar, if you select this feat I'll reimburse you some gp based on your selected equipment.

Ok, the entry requirement is cake, the real question is what I have in bold above as it will factor into what items I can purchase.

So maybe with the 10%, an emergency loan, other aid and further discount on equipment for being a Favored in Guild (which I’ve listed as my 1st level feat to show character involvement/initiation from beginning of career), I could possibly enhance my weapon to Undead Bane, from Alchemical Silver (-1 damage) to Silver (no damage penalty). Or possibly an armor, shield enhancement

Please fill me in on an amount if an emergency loan is possible and or the other discount benefits or how that works

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
French Wolf wrote:

DM Ghettowedge, my son is a bit ill and I haven't had a chance to do my character.

It's a combination of teething and a virus which has so far lasted ten days and is steadily getting worse. Maybe you should start without me or I'll bow out. My son has ended up in hospital before due to these problems and although that may not happen this time, I doubt I'll be able to sort my PC for a week or more at least.


FW, sorry to hear about your son. Good luck.

The Exchange

Thanks chaps.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Gaspar, I just noticed that you have conviction, mass on your spell list. According to my house rules in the first post, it's a 5th level spell.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Lorderl, sorry, but I don't think a weapon enhancement justifies an "emergency loan". I don't think I'd subsidize more than 100gp at this point, just to offset the guild entry requirement.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

The campaign thread is up.

ghettowedge wrote:
Lorderl, sorry, but I don't think a weapon enhancement justifies an "emergency loan". I don't think I'd subsidize more than 100gp at this point, just to offset the guild entry requirement.

Ok, besides the emergency loan, you had mentioned some further reimbursement (beyond the 10%) for being a Favored in Guild which I would be taking the feat at first level. I wasn’t referring to just being a standard Lightbringer member.

Because of my character theme/concept I knowingly purchased items that would fit the theme, such as…

Truedeath Crystal (extra damage against undead)
Restful Crystal (hunting undead usually requires dungeons, so sleeping in armor is highly recommended)
Holy Surge (the name says it all)
Alchemical Silver weapon (preferred to go Silver)
Aspergillum (allows you to spray holy water)
Holy Symbol, Wooden (curious if this can double as a stake?)
Healing Belt (can be used against undead)
Inquisitor Bracers (specially create to weed out vampires from normal folk)

There’s must be some kickback for the above items, no? Even with just the 10% I could have possibly gotten my weapon to Silver or perhaps have gotten some other useful item(s)

Ok, other than for character theme/concept and the 100gp offset for guild membership, its really hard to justify the feat investment, which I’m already tight for because of my template.

ghettowedge wrote:

You all begin play knowing each other, and having gone on previous adventures.

Recently, you've gotten word from an organization known as the Lightbringers, that some of their members have gone missing in Barovia. A group of Lightbringers led by a paladin named Ashlynn sent a message saying the village was plagued by zombies, and asked for reinforcements.

Now is the time to do any last minute tweaking to your character, as well as get to know the others.

ghettowedge wrote:
Gerth Sol wrote:
Have any of you, heard of this human female or the dwelling-land of which she speaks? It is not often that one would get messages from another of which one knows not.
You were contacted by the Lightbringers. The paladin sent the message to them, not you.

My thoughts on the emergency loan comes from the above posts.

If Lightbringer members are going missing (which I would be a member of and Favored in Guild) and the village is plagued by zombies, well zombies just don’t pop up on their own so something else is in the works. This usually means the work of an evil cleric/wizard.

And as already mentioned that members have gone missing (not just slain), it could well warrant some form of emergence cash flow, or access to some undead specific items (which you could select) from which I would have to spend the emergence cash on.

It may bear mentioning as this is somewhat working behind the scenes but would being an experienceed warrior (6th character) have any weight behind the request. I can understand not giving gold out freely to a first level new recruit

Male Lesser Aasimar Paladin of Freedom 4/ Half-Vampire Template LA +2

Just to iron out a detail or two

I’ll be going with the thought that Lance’s companions are aware of his vampiric half (see profile under Description). If they so chose, he can use his Charm Gaze ability upon them to prevent another from gaining control of them. Basically a preventive measure before or during combat, especially if they know they’ll be going up against a vampire.

I’ll have to read the details of how this would work or perhaps Ghetto or another player would know offhand

I’ll leave it to each player whether they feel this is something that they’re open to, though because Lance is a Paladin of Freedom, the character would have to request this each time so as not to violate his code.

If it even works, would this be acceptable with you Ghetto?

Ghetto, would using the Charm Gaze ability on someone for the greater good or for their personal safety violate my code of freedom?

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Lorderl wrote:

Ok, other than for character theme/concept and the 100gp offset for guild membership, its really hard to justify the feat investment, which I’m already tight for because of my template.

All of the items you purchased will be of use in this adventure, so will be their own benefit. I suggest not taking the feat. If we were playing a full campaign, there would be a lot more opportunities to take advantage of the discount. I just put it out there as an option. Besides, you don't need the feat to be a Lightbringer.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Lance Blackhilt wrote:

Ghetto, would using the Charm Gaze ability on someone for the greater good or for their personal safety violate my code of freedom?

Charm doesn't allow you to control a creature, it just makes them view you favorably. So it wouldn't prevent domination.

Using the charm gaze is a violation of the code. Essentially, you're taking away their ability to choose. However, it may be worth risking it for the greater good.

ghettowedge wrote:
I suggest not taking the feat. If we were playing a full campaign, there would be a lot more opportunities to take advantage of the discount. I just put it out there as an option. Besides, you don't need the feat to be a Lightbringer.

ok np, I'll correct my sheet and also adjust for the 100gp membership fee as i'll be taking the Pelor's Blessing ACF

Ok, want to make sure I cover my bases.

From PHB Dominate spell

”PHB” wrote:
Subjects resist this control, and any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus.

If my character is aware or suspects that one of his allies is being controlled/dominated, would using the Charm Gaze on them to influence them to resist a command/action allow them to receive a new saving throw?

Also, since I would be using the Charm Gaze for the sole purpose of trying to free the characters will, would doing so break my paladins code?

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