We'll draw your Pathfinder requests!

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Liberty's Edge

Mishi wrote:
I have started working on a sketch - need to fix some problems with it and tidy up/add details still, but I think I have a basic pose down. (Unfortunately, I can't look at the one you linked just now, but I shall when I get home. :) )

good Mishi, thanks :)

hope you like Lylla's version :)

Sovereign Court

Here's a rough sketch of Astinos Promachos.

Looking at the list, many of the choices are taken or the people have not been on Paizo for months, we need more people to post their characters.

Liberty's Edge

Emperor7 wrote:


You artists wouldn't be starvin' if you drew like this guy! ;)

That is so cool :)

Callous Jack wrote:

Here's a rough sketch of Astinos Promachos.

Looking at the list, many of the choices are taken or the people have not been on Paizo for months, we need more people to post their characters.

Awesome! I love the expression, he so looks like Superman!

And on another subject:

This is the latest comic strip stuff I have been making, pelase check'em out! There will be lots of these coming in the next month :D

You want to see comic strips?!?!

Liberty's Edge

Callous Jack wrote:

Here's a rough sketch of Astinos Promachos.

Looking at the list, many of the choices are taken or the people have not been on Paizo for months, we need more people to post their characters.

great drawing C-Jack

and you are right... many of the commisions are for people not actually comming around :S

I will begin taking down some on the list beginning with the Magdael's iconics and the most generic commisions.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Just something silly I knocked up for my Character Lady Bethany Archaise, based off Hugo's marvellous Harpy Artwork.

Lady Bethany's Footbow

Sovereign Court

Hugo Solis wrote:
Awesome! I love the expression, he so looks like Superman!

Hehe, that is the plan, based on Vulcan's description!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

New art up, and while it didn't come along as a result of people posting on this thread, it's still artwork. I guess consider these requests from Benchak, kinda-sorta.

From Ben's Mwangi Expanse 4E minigame:



And from Ben's upcoming Second Darkness 4E game:

Sheyr Rylyn Firshaki

And because, well, why not, he's badass lookin':

Hurvank the Strangler

Hurvank's got a big "SAMPLE" on him, 'cuz he's from my soon-to-be-released LoF mini set. So, y'know, don't steal him. :P

Kayos. wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Hey all. Thought I'd add another to the rapidly-growing list of requests:

Pendobar 'Pip' Bushytoe

A halfling bard, Pip is a typical 3' in height, with sandy brown shoulder-length curly hair, green eyes and a pudgy apple-cheeked smiling face. He wears a battered cowboy-styled hat (a Hat of Disguise) and a long leather duster coat with leather cowboy boots. He is armored with a chain shirt (of silent moves), but this is often glammered to look like natural clothing. He carries a longsword and a sling as weaponry, but his main accoutrement is Lucille his guitar. He also has the usual adventurer stuff: backpack, beltpouches and the like.

I'm trying to do something with this, if I fail miserably I'm sure there'll be a Pip chibi incoming at the very least!


People, for those who have Facebook but not DeviantArt accounts, here goes Butterforg on facebook :D

Join if you want to leave hate messanges and stuff :P

Montalve wrote:
Mishi wrote:
I have started working on a sketch - need to fix some problems with it and tidy up/add details still, but I think I have a basic pose down. (Unfortunately, I can't look at the one you linked just now, but I shall when I get home. :) )

good Mishi, thanks :)

hope you like Lylla's version :)

I do - it looks awesome :) Quick progress update - sketch with details is done and I'm partway through the shading now. Will hopefully have something by the weekend for you.

Liberty's Edge

Mishi wrote:
I do - it looks awesome :) Quick progress update - sketch with details is done and I'm partway through the shading now. Will hopefully have something by the weekend for you.

thank you Mishi, I will be looking forward to see it :)

Natalia Crow

Hope you like it and sorry for taking so long!

Mishi wrote:

Natalia Crow

Hope you like it and sorry for taking so long!

thats awesome!

Just put up Mistblade as I envision him.

This was a request from wspatterson.. ;)

Now for the next project....

Liberty's Edge

Mishi wrote:

Natalia Crow

Hope you like it and sorry for taking so long!

Mishi, more of my comments in your DA...

but basically... I loved how you depicted her :)
It was almost what I had on mind, really :)

thanks... and don't worry... I am patient man... I just find what to do while I wait :)

It's not my drawing, and it's not strictly a Pathfinder one, but I have to share this picture James Keegan drew for my Modron character O.L.L.I: >>LINKY<<. The little swinging ball on his top is an aspergillium (holy water sprinkler.). James has really captured O.L.L.I's look perfectly.

Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:
It's not my drawing, and it's not strictly a Pathfinder one, but I have to share this picture James Keegan drew for my Modron character O.L.L.I: >>LINKY<<. The little swinging ball on his top is an aspergillium (holy water sprinkler.). James has really captured O.L.L.I's look perfectly.


pretty amazing indeed

The Exchange

Pendobar Bushytoe
& Chibi Pip


Kayos. wrote:

Pendobar Bushytoe

& Chibi Pip


Both fantastic Kayos! Thank you so much, Pip really takes on life with these. Like the wrapped hand in the 'big' picture!

Liberty's Edge

Kayos. wrote:

Pendobar Bushytoe

& Chibi Pip


nice Kayos

and yesterday I was going to ask if you had any more art for us.

Gworeth wrote:

Just put up Mistblade as I envision him.

This was a request from wspatterson.. ;)

Now for the next project....

Hey! Coolness! Thanks!

It'll give the player something to remember now that his character has been reincarnated as a female half-elf. ;-) Poor guy.

Liberty's Edge

wspatterson wrote:
Gworeth wrote:

Just put up Mistblade as I envision him.

This was a request from wspatterson.. ;)

Now for the next project....

Hey! Coolness! Thanks!

It'll give the player something to remember now that his character has been reincarnated as a female half-elf. ;-) Poor guy.

jajajaja poor indeed

Liberty's Edge

Colored version of YeuxAndI's Fish Hook Anni.

I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring. This isn't a PC, but here's my rendition of Long Shanks Le Shiv from the Savage Tide adventure- Serpents of Scuttlecove


P.H. Dungeon wrote:

I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring. This isn't a PC, but here's my rendition of Long Shanks Le Shiv from the Savage Tide adventure- Serpents of Scuttlecove


Wow, impressive Sir Dungeon! ^_^

Liberty's Edge

P.H. Dungeon wrote:

I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring. This isn't a PC, but here's my rendition of Long Shanks Le Shiv from the Savage Tide adventure- Serpents of Scuttlecove


indeed. great image!

Needing a picture of my human male cleric of Sarenrae, who has been tainted with ghoul-rot. Any pose would be fine, would prefer something action-oriented though.

I actually need a tattoo designed for me....I have a pretty good writeup of it with some sample art...to give an idea of what it is that I am looking for...

If anyone might consider helping me out, I'd greatly appreciate it...please contact me...

flynnster at rocketmail dot com


Sovereign Court

Thomas Thiessen wrote:
Needing a picture of my human male cleric of Sarenrae, who has been tainted with ghoul-rot. Any pose would be fine, would prefer something action-oriented though.

Hey Thomas, welcome. You need to provide more details for any artist that decides to pick this up (armor, weapons, clothing or anything else important).

Sovereign Court

RiseFlynnsterRise wrote:

I actually need a tattoo designed for me....I have a pretty good writeup of it with some sample art...to give an idea of what it is that I am looking for...

If anyone might consider helping me out, I'd greatly appreciate it...please contact me...
flynnster at rocketmail dot com

Shiney is pretty good at tattoos, if I recall correctly.

Callous Jack wrote:
Shiney is pretty good at tattoos, if I recall correctly.

Shiney, if you'd email me, I'd love to get in touch with you with the information I have for this tattoo....

Callous Jack wrote:
Thomas Thiessen wrote:
Needing a picture of my human male cleric of Sarenrae, who has been tainted with ghoul-rot. Any pose would be fine, would prefer something action-oriented though.
Hey Thomas, welcome. You need to provide more details for any artist that decides to pick this up (armor, weapons, clothing or anything else important).

Wields a +1 Dogslicer when fighting goblins (gobliny ghouls infected him). Long, stringy hair which is usually mussed up. The rot seeps into his robes, giving his once-yellow robes a tinge of dirtiness to them. Walks around Sandpoint with his hood obscuring his face (shunned by the Cathedral priests)--although out in the wilderness keeps it down.

Liberty's Edge

RiseFlynnsterRise wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Shiney is pretty good at tattoos, if I recall correctly.
Shiney, if you'd email me, I'd love to get in touch with you with the information I have for this tattoo....

Cool, will do when I get home.

Wow great work everybody!!!

I wanted to show you that I'm not dead (yet) and here's what I've been so busy about, this is a teaser on the art of what you'll see at

Halls of the Mountain King

Those are 10 of the 13 pieces I made for th adventure, I hope you like it, join the patronage!!!

Liberty's Edge

Flynnster - I just sent you an email about your tattoo.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Flynnster - I just sent you an email about your tattoo.

Thanks...just replied....

Liberty's Edge

RiseFlynnsterRise wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Flynnster - I just sent you an email about your tattoo.
Thanks...just replied....

Got it. Will come up with some concepts this week.

Oi you lovely lads and lassies...

Here's two more for Wspatterson....

Hork Bonk and Earmon, Dwarven Cleric of Gorum

Hope you'll enjoy them!

Take care Y'all!!

If anyone wants to draw up my PbP character Leux here is some info:

Male half-elf, Bard
about 6'1" tall
about 163 pounds and athleticly built.
and has green eyes
Black hair dreadlocks in pony-tail
Deep tan/almost leather like skin (spent to much time on a boat)
Musical instrument: fiddle/violin (same thing) ebony with gold leaf inlay around the body link for shape and style
Wields a rapier like this
also carries a short bow mongolian style
also wears a wide brimed hat fedora style
Tends to like black and deep royal/dark purple for clothes
He always has a smile on his face.

as for pose anything would almost do. you are the artist I am just giving the basics.

I would appriciate if I could get both a color and a pencil sketch if that is ok

Gworeth wrote:

Oi you lovely lads and lassies...

Here's two more for Wspatterson....

Hork Bonk and Earmon, Dwarven Cleric of Gorum

Hope you'll enjoy them!

Take care Y'all!!

These are awesome Gworeth :D I love your shading!

I also have a request: another character from a pbp (the same pbp that Leux is in, actually), Zareby Grenache.

A consummate gambler, Zareby is nothing if not charming. Tall, thin, black hair, self-confident smile. Wears a red scarf (billowing in the wind, if you please) and leather gloves. (Note: Yes, he's wearing a shirt and pants too. I got more than enough beefcake from Tallis' picture.)

Gworeth wrote:

Oi you lovely lads and lassies...

Here's two more for Wspatterson....

Hork Bonk and Earmon, Dwarven Cleric of Gorum

Hope you'll enjoy them!

Take care Y'all!!

These are great. Thanks a lot!

Ok, if you want more info on my commission request here's Leux and ahead of time thanks for your time and effort

wspatterson wrote:
Gworeth wrote:

Oi you lovely lads and lassies...

Here's two more for Wspatterson....

Hork Bonk and Earmon, Dwarven Cleric of Gorum

Hope you'll enjoy them!

Take care Y'all!!

These are great. Thanks a lot!

You're welcome! My pleisure an' all that. :)

Liberty's Edge

Gworeth wrote:

Oi you lovely lads and lassies...

Here's two more for Wspatterson....

Hork Bonk and Earmon, Dwarven Cleric of Gorum

Hope you'll enjoy them!

Take care Y'all!!

very cool drawings Gworeth

pages already updated

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Once again, no one asked for it in particular. But as part of a 3-D project I'm working on, I whipped up this piece of art and made it into a background. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Also, Ogre's commissioned me to do some art for his character; I hope to have it done tomorrow before the Paizo chat. I'll put up links once they're available.

I would like to say that all of you here that are donig the artwork are tremendous. I just wish I had a scanner so I could help out. My area that I feel comfortable is still life objects and equipment. But, alas I haven't done any real work since HS that was back in 03-04. My hat is off to all of you fine artists

Liberty's Edge

N'wah wrote:

Once again, no one asked for it in particular. But as part of a 3-D project I'm working on, I whipped up this piece of art and made it into a background. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Also, Ogre's commissioned me to do some art for his character; I hope to have it done tomorrow before the Paizo chat. I'll put up links once they're available.

really good one N'wah, we wait to see Ogre's character :D

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