Take a point from the Wilder for the Sorceror

Classes: Sorcerer and Wizard

I've seen Jason Buhlmann point out time and time again that he wants the Sorceror and Wizard to fill different niche's. My suggestion would be to take a que from the Wilder and it's Wild Surge ability. In effect, it lets the Wilder boost the "caster level" by 1-6 (depending on level) for free, but having a chance of suffering a loss of power and being dazed.

A Sorceror doesn't gain the same benefits from a Wild Surge as a Wilder does (psionics use power points to manifest powers, and the Wild Surge provides those as well), so my suggestion is to allow the Sorceror to cast spells and Surge them, gaining a +1 - +6 bonus to Caster Level on those spells, in exchange for having to make say a Fortitude save or be dazed.

Wild Surge rules: From D20SRD.org

What would the Fort save's DC be, formula-wise?

Stormhierta wrote:

I've seen Jason Buhlmann point out time and time again that he wants the Sorceror and Wizard to fill different niche's. My suggestion would be to take a que from the Wilder and it's Wild Surge ability. In effect, it lets the Wilder boost the "caster level" by 1-6 (depending on level) for free, but having a chance of suffering a loss of power and being dazed.

A Sorceror doesn't gain the same benefits from a Wild Surge as a Wilder does (psionics use power points to manifest powers, and the Wild Surge provides those as well), so my suggestion is to allow the Sorceror to cast spells and Surge them, gaining a +1 - +6 bonus to Caster Level on those spells, in exchange for having to make say a Fortitude save or be dazed.

Wild Surge rules: From D20SRD.org

I like it. Sign me up for this.

Silver Crusade

Speaking as a psionics fan, I don't know why I didn't look into this myself in regards to the sorcerer. Good call.

One of the first things I did after looking at the pathfinder sorcerer, was to write up a Wild mage bloodline, which uses the Wilders surge mechanics (including enervation and euphoria).

I have not had the oppertunity to give it a test run yet....but I'm looking foreword to taking it for a spin.

Kyrinn S. Eis wrote:
What would the Fort save's DC be, formula-wise?

My gut feeling says DC15+surge, but that might be a little harsh for a lvl 1 character. So, DC10 + ½ level + surge. DC11 @ 1st lvl for a +1 surge.

Stormhierta wrote:
Kyrinn S. Eis wrote:
What would the Fort save's DC be, formula-wise?
My gut feeling says DC15+surge, but that might be a little harsh for a lvl 1 character. So, DC10 + ½ level + surge. DC11 @ 1st lvl for a +1 surge.

Thanks! :) I'll have to offer it to my Brd-Src player, and then get back to you on that.


Would this allow you to break level limitations on spells. For instance would you be able to break the 10d6 limit on fireball, or would the ability cease to be useful for such spells?

J. Cayne wrote:
Would this allow you to break level limitations on spells. For instance would you be able to break the 10d6 limit on fireball, or would the ability cease to be useful for such spells?

I think it should be able to break limits. After all, that makes the Sorceror more about "raw power" or raw potential even, than the learned Wizard.

I do not like this idea.

It will forever destroy my hopes for Pathfinder Psionics in the future. I want to play a Pathfinder wilder and if they implement this it will never be.

I do really like the mechanic. i just want it to be saved for my precious wilder.

Uff, if giving sorcerer Wilder spellcasting level boost ability also means giving him the Wilder's number of spells known (as in 1 every 2 levels), sign me out.

Temeryn wrote:

I do not like this idea.

It will forever destroy my hopes for Pathfinder Psionics in the future. I want to play a Pathfinder wilder and if they implement this it will never be.

I do really like the mechanic. i just want it to be saved for my precious wilder.

Well, we're hoping to be able to create something interesting for Pathfinder once the license is available (us being Dreamscarred Press). And I do believe classes can share abilities ;)

-Archangel- wrote:
Uff, if giving sorcerer Wilder spellcasting level boost ability also means giving him the Wilder's number of spells known (as in 1 every 2 levels), sign me out.

*looks up* Did I write that? *looks again* Nope. Sorry. Nothing in there. The Wilder is limited in powers because psionics allow for augmentations which effectively keeps powers in good use for a long time.

Stormhierta wrote:
-Archangel- wrote:
Uff, if giving sorcerer Wilder spellcasting level boost ability also means giving him the Wilder's number of spells known (as in 1 every 2 levels), sign me out.
*looks up* Did I write that? *looks again* Nope. Sorry. Nothing in there. The Wilder is limited in powers because psionics allow for augmentations which effectively keeps powers in good use for a long time.

No, you didn't. But the power needs a balancing factor and you do not have one. The original Wilder daze was not a good one, but a lot less spells (powers) known worked. It also worked to make the class one of the most boring ever.

To avoid making crazy balancing for this I would suggest making the bonus +1 and later +2 max.

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