[Cleric] Updated OGL Domains

Classes: Cleric, Druid, and Paladin

So, I've been recently working on updating the thaumaturge base class for the PRPG, mainly due to the two prominent thaumaturges in the Rise of the Runelords AP. As such, I decided to update the given domains in the back of the "Armies of the Abyss" book. So here they are. They should be balanced with the rest of the Pathfinder domains, but I really don't know, hence my asking you, the forum goers, for your input. Thanks in advance.

Catastrophe Domain

Patrons: Deskari, Groetus, Rovagug
  • 1st Level Ability - Catastrophic Pall (Su): You can give a creature a catastrophic pall as a melee touch attack. The target takes a -1 penalty to their saving throws equal for one minute. This penalty increases by 1 for every five levels you possess. A creature can only be affected by your catastrophic pall once per day.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Doom (Sp): You can cast doom 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Shatter (Sp): You can cast shatter 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Avoid Catastrophe (Su): When caught in the area of effect of one of your own spells that allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save.
  • 12th Level Ability - Control Weather (Sp): You can cast control weather 1/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Earthquake (Sp): You can cast earthquake 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Storm of Vengeance (Sp): You can cast storm of vengeance 1/day.

Change Domain
Patrons: Haagenti, Jubilex, Valani
  • 1st Level Ability - Mutable Form (Su): You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to one physical ability score (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution). This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 caster levels you possess, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. You can change this bonus to a new physical ability score when you prepare spells.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Enlarge Person (Sp): You can cast enlarge person 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Gaseous Form (Sp): You can cast gaseous form 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Control Shift (Su): You are immune to confusion or similar effects. Further, if you successfully save against baleful polymorph cast upon you, you may take control of the spell as if it were polymorph self (Treat it as polymorph self to determine duration, possible forms, and so on).
  • 12th Level Ability - Transmute Rock to Mud(Sp): You can cast transmute rock to mud 1/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Transmute Metal to Wood (Sp): You can cast transmute metal to wood 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Shapechange (Sp): You can cast shapechange 1/day.

Crippling Domain
Patrons: Achaekek, Kostchtchie, Shax, Zon-kuthon
  • 1st Level Ability - Crippling Strike (Su): As a full-round action, you can make a single melee attack against an opponent with a bonus equal to ½ your caster level (minimum 1). If this attack hits, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half your caster level + your Constitution modifier) or become dazed for one round.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Doom (Sp): You can cast doom 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Hold Person (Sp): You can cast hold person 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Withering Touch (Su): As a full-round action, you can make a single melee touch attack against an opponent. If this attack hits, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half your caster level + your Constitution modifier). If the target fails its save, you wither one of its limbs, bestowing either a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls (minimum +0) or a 5 ft penalty to all movement speeds (minimum 0 ft) for one round per caster level you possess. Penalties from multiple withering touches stack.
  • 12th Level Ability - Enervation(Sp): You can cast enervation 3/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Waves of Fatigue (Sp): You can cast waves of fatigue 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Implosion (Sp): You can cast implosion 1/day.

Disease Domain
Patrons: Apollyon, Cyth-V'sug, Ghlaunder, Urgathoa
  • 1st Level Ability - Sickening Touch (Su): You can cause a living creature to become sickened as a melee touch attack. This ability has no effect on creatures of higher level than you or with more HD. This effect lasts one round per caster level. Once a creature has been affected by your sickening strike, he is immune to its effect for 1 day.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Ray of Enfeeblement (Sp): You can cast ray of enfeeblement 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Summon Swarm (Sp): You can cast summon swarm (rat swarm only) 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Disease Harbinger (Su): You become immune to ability damage or drain caused by any disease, though you still carry them and suffer any superficial effects (boils, odors, sores, and so on). Also, a number of times per day equal to half your caster level (rounded down), you can imbue a spell that deals hit point damage to be resistant to healing. Any creatures targeted by this ability cannot heal the damage dealt by the augmented spell until they receive either a heal, remove disease, or are treated by a DC 10 + half your caster level + your Charisma modifier Heal check. Once a creature has been affected by this ability, it is immune to its effects for 1 day.
  • 12th Level Ability - Eyebite (Sp): You can cast eyebite 1/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Regenerate (Sp): You can cast regenerate 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Energy Drain (Sp): You can cast energy drain 1/day.

Eloquence Domain
Patrons: Arshea, Asmodeus, Belial, Nocticula, Ragathiel
  • 1st Level Ability - Graceful Caress (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action, giving it a bonus to a single Dexterity- or Charisma-based skill check or ability check equal to your caster level. This bonus lasts 3 rounds or until it is used. Once a creature has benefited from a graceful caress, it gains no further benefit from this ability for one hour.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Charm Person (Sp): You can cast charm person 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Enthrall (Sp): You can cast enthrall 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Divine Elegance (Su): You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on all saving throws. In addition, you may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier for your Will saves.
  • 12th Level Ability - Mass Eagle's Splendor (Sp): You can cast mass eagle's splendor 1/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Geas/Quest (Sp): You can cast geas/quest 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Dominate Monster (Sp): You can cast dominate monster 1/day.

Fear Domain
Patrons: Lamashtu
  • 1st Level Ability - Fearful Touch (Su): You can cause a living creature to become shaken as a melee touch attack. This ability has no effect on creatures of higher level than you or with more HD. This effect lasts one round per caster level. Once a creature has been affected by your fearful touch, he is immune to its effect for 1 day.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Cause Fear (Sp): You can cast cause fear 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Scare (Sp): You can cast scare 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Heighten Fear (Su): You become immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Also, as a melee touch attack you can increase any fear effect that you caused in a creature. A shaken creature becomes frightened, a frightened creature begins cowering, and a cowering creature becomes panicked. This ability has no effect on panicked creatures or creatures that are not under any fear effects.
  • 12th Level Ability - Phantasmal Killer (Sp): You can cast phantasmal killer 1/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Symbol of Fear (Sp): You can cast symbol of fear 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Wail of the Banshee (Sp): You can cast wail of the banshee 1/day.

Pain Domain
Patrons: Andirfkhu, Besmara, Droskar, Norgorber, Shax, Zon-kuthon, Zyphus
  • 1st Level Ability - Crueler Cut (Su): As a full-round action, you may make a single melee or ranged attack against a foe. If the attack is successful, you deal extra damage equal to you caster level and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your caster level + Constitution modifier) or suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls and skill checks for 1 round per caster level you possess.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Chill Touch (Sp): You can cast chill touch 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Inflict Moderate Wounds (Sp): You can cast inflict moderate wounds 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Wracking Mantle (Su): A mantle of black energy surrounds you for a number of rounds per day equal to your caster level. While the wracking mantle is in effect, any adjacent foe striking you with a melee weapon takes 1d6 points of damage +1 per two caster levels you possess. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
  • 12th Level Ability - Harm (Sp): You can cast harm 1/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Destruction (Sp): You can cast destruction 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Horrid Wilting (Sp): You can cast horrid wilting 1/day.

Pleasure Domain
Patrons: Belial, Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Nocticula, Socobenoth
  • 1st Level Ability - Alluring Touch (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting it a bonus to single Bluff, Diplomacy, Perform, or Sense Motive check equal to your caster level +1. This bonus lasts 3 rounds or until it is used. Once a creature has benefited from your alluring touch, it gains no further benefit from this ability for 1 hour.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Charm Person (Sp): You can cast charm person 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Hideous Laughter (Sp): You can cast hideous laughter 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Ecstasy Aura (Su): You can emit a 30-ft aura of ecstasy for a number of rounds per day equal to your caster level. Creatures in the aura other than you take a -2 penalty on attack rolls and AC. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
  • 12th Level Ability - Symbol of Persuasion (Sp): You can cast symbol of persuasion 1/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Regenerate (Sp): You can cast regenerate 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Irresistible Dance (Sp): You can cast irresistible dance 1/day.

Prophecy Domain
Patrons: Nethys, Pharasma
  • 1st Level Ability - Prophetic Touch (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting it a bonus on all attack rolls equal to your half your caster level rounded down (minimum +1) for one round. Once a creature has benefited from your prophetic touch, it gains no further benefit from this ability for 24 hours.
  • 2nd Level Ability - True Strike (Sp): You can cast true strike 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Augury (Sp): You can cast augury 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Fate Armor (Su): A swirling armor of fate can surround you for a number of rounds per day equal to your caster level. While your fate armor is in effect, you gain a deflection bonus to your AC equal to half your level rounded down. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
  • 12th Level Ability - Divination (Sp): You can cast divination 3/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Greater Scrying (Sp): You can cast greater scrying 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Foresight (Sp): You can cast foresight 1/day.

Subterfuge Domain
Patrons: Baalzebul, Norgorber, Shax
  • 1st Level Ability - Touch of Falsehood (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting it either a bonus or a penalty equal to your caster level on Bluff or Sense Motive checks for one minute. Once a creature has been affected by your touch of falsehood, it is immune to its effect for 1 hour.
  • 2nd Level Ability - Disguise Self (Sp): You can cast disguise self 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
  • 4th Level Ability - Alter Self (Sp): You can cast alter self 1/day.
  • 8th Level Ability - Aura of Misdirection (Su): You can emit a 30-ft aura of misdirection for a number of rounds per day equal to your caster level. You and all allies in the area gain a +1 luck bonus to your AC and a 10% mischance against ranged attacks for every 4 caster levels you possess. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
  • 12th Level Ability - Mislead (Sp): You can cast mislead 1/day.
  • 16th Level Ability - Mass Invisibility (Sp): You can cast mass invisibility 1/day.
  • 20th Level Ability - Mind Blank (Sp): You can cast mind blank 1/day.

Dark Archive

First of all, I can't believe I missed this earlier! Very neat.

A very few specific thoughts after the first read through;

Change Domain - my favorite of the Thaumaturge Domains, and it's still my favorite after your conversion. Very cool.

Prophecy Domain - that touch power is a bit limited, with the 1 round duration. I'd up it to the first attack within the next minute, just to make it a tiny bit more useful.

Disease - the sickening touch probably doesn't warrant a HD cap limit. Sickened is a pretty weak condition to apply, and having it only last rounds equal to cleric level is already a pretty strong limiting factor. On an 'economy of actions' level, I wouldn't want to be the Cleric who wastes a round giving something of my own level a -2 to rolls for a couple of rounds. Depending on the level, a Command, Cause Fear or bonk on the head with a Morning Star would be far more productive a use of my time. Where this power might prove more useful, is on those monsters that are +2 levels over the party, to soften them up a small bit.

Maybe instead of sicken you go with Nauseate? Tad more powerful just limit it to only affected once a day for a round and let it fly.

Set wrote:

First of all, I can't believe I missed this earlier! Very neat.

A very few specific thoughts after the first read through;

Change Domain - my favorite of the Thaumaturge Domains, and it's still my favorite after your conversion. Very cool.

Prophecy Domain - that touch power is a bit limited, with the 1 round duration. I'd up it to the first attack within the next minute, just to make it a tiny bit more useful.

Disease - the sickening touch probably doesn't warrant a HD cap limit. Sickened is a pretty weak condition to apply, and having it only last rounds equal to cleric level is already a pretty strong limiting factor. On an 'economy of actions' level, I wouldn't want to be the Cleric who wastes a round giving something of my own level a -2 to rolls for a couple of rounds. Depending on the level, a Command, Cause Fear or bonk on the head with a Morning Star would be far more productive a use of my time. Where this power might prove more useful, is on those monsters that are +2 levels over the party, to soften them up a small bit.

I hadn't even noticed anyone commented on this :) Thanks for the kind words for starters.

The power of the Prophetic Touch is that it affects all attacks for one round. So while at low levels it's a minor boon, at higher levels, say for a fighter with Power Attack and boots of haste on, that +5 to hit at 10th level helps quite a bit.
As for Disease domain, I tried to keep it in line with some of the other domains, such as the Charm domain, in terms of power. If the domain powers bump up more, I'd change them appropriately. Although, I haven't had a chance to playtest it, so your mileage may vary.

Dark Archive

Golarion Goblin wrote:
The power of the Prophetic Touch is that it affects all attacks for one round. So while at low levels it's a minor boon, at higher levels, say for a fighter with Power Attack and boots of haste on, that +5 to hit at 10th level helps quite a bit.

Which will make the power possibly useful at around sixth level, but the Cleric gets it at 1st level, and it basically requires him to lose his action to add a 1 round bonus to someone else's action within touch range.

At 1st through 3rd level, he'd be *more* effective using an Aid Other action, which would eat up his action, require melee range and give the recipient a +2 to hit (or AC), and he can Aid Other all the live-long day.

If it's going to eat an action, perhaps it should have a 30 ft. range. If it's going to require touch range, perhaps it should be a free action. In any event, it's underwhelming at low levels, and, potentially, scary-good at higher levels under optimized circumstances (11th Cleric standing behind dual-wielding hasted fighter whose getting 6 attacks this round, giving him a +5 to each of them).

Of course, for all the criticism, I'm not sure what would be a better solution.

Perhaps +Wisdom bonus to all attacks for one target within touch range, usable as a free action, once per day per target? At 1st level, a Wisdom 16 Cleric could give each party member +3 to hit on one attack per day, as long as they stay close. By 10th level, his Wisdom is 20-ish with gear and level-ups, and he can grant +5s, which will apply to progressively more attacks for some of his allies (due to Iteratives, etc).

Making it a free action would also allow it to be shortened to one round duration. The recipient's next round gets the pluses, he can't store it up for a couple of rounds.

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