Ranger - Seven Alternate Combat Styles

Classes: Barbarian, Fighter, and Ranger

Combat Style: The name evokes something rather special, and Pathfinder RPG has enhanced the structure, making it more streamlined and versatile.

Some feel that new versatility is going underused, so here is a new write-up of the Combat Style class feature with seven additional combat styles (some patterned after a Class Acts Dragon article in issue #326, some drawn from new cloth).

Combat Style Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, a ranger must select one combat style to pursue from among: arcane, archery, bounty-hunting, horsemanship, mobile fighting, thrown-weapon, two-handed combat, two-weapon combat, wrestling. This choice affects the character’s class features but does not restrict his selection of feats gained through normal advancement. He can choose these feats, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites.


If the ranger selects arcane, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Arcane Strike, Arcane Armor Training, Blind-Fight, and Combat Expertise.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Arcane Armor Mastery and Craft Magic Arms and Armor.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Improved Feint and Spell Penetration.


If the ranger selects archery, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Deadly Aim, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Shot.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Improved Precise Shot and Manyshot.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Pinpoint Targeting and Shot on the Run.


If the ranger selects bounty-hunting, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Dazzling Display, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bola, kama, net, nunchaku, spiked chain or whip), Improved Grapple, and Intimidating Prowess.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Improved Trip and Stunning Defense.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Improved Disarm and Deadly Stroke.


If the ranger selects horsemanship, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Combat Reflexes, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, and Ride-by Attack.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Animal Affinity and Spirited Charge.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Skill Focus (Handle Animal or Ride) and Trample.

Mobile Fighting

If the ranger selects mobile fighting, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, and Run.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Spring Attack and Wind Stance.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Improved Initiative and Lightning Stance.


If the ranger selects thrown-weapon, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, and Quick Draw.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Far Shot and Mobility.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Shot on the Run and Throw Anything.

Two-Handed Combat

If the ranger selects two-handed combat, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Cleave, Overhand Chop, Power Attack, and Improved Sunder.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Backswing and Great Cleave.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Devastating Blow and Razor Sharp Chair Leg.

Two-Weapon Combat

If the ranger selects two-weapon combat, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Double Slice, Improved Shield Bash, Two-Weapon Defense, and Two-Weapon Fighting.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Weapon Swap.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Rend.


If the ranger selects wrestling, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, and Scorpion Style.
At 6th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Defensive Combat Training and Gorgon's Fist.
At 11th level, he adds the following feats to his list: Medusa's Wrath and Stunning Fist.

The benefits of the ranger’s chosen style feats apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style feats when wearing medium or heavy armor.


Perhaps these should be saved for a supplement, perhaps one or two included in the Core as an example, or perhaps we shouldn't tamper with the balance of a very decent class.

Hmm, thought I'd lost the post - made it show up by replying to it from my "View Your Recent Posts" section of "My Account".

I've been playing a Shoanti Ranger (7th level) in the Runelords game with something similar to the two-handed combat. She uses mainly polearms such as the ranseur and glaive. For my combat style feats I worked with my DM and picked power attack and overhand chop. I plan on taking all of the feats mentioned except for razor sharp chair leg, 'cause it doesn't make much sense for her.

I like the horsemanship style for the Tamiir Quah, but I don't see how the arcane style works for a ranger.

the thrown weapon and horsemanship styles are options i've been after for some time

although the others seem balanced, i'm not sure that arcane or two-handed works for a ranger (though i could see arcane working for an urbanised variant)

the bounty-hunter option i really like as a concept!

i don't like the arcane style : its too multiclass oriented ...

But the bounty hunter is verry good !
I suggest this modification : remove nunchaku, add Lasso (distance grapple, no damage, but on a critical hit can strangle ...

You can add the Crossbow style (rapid reload, and some archery style) or add rapid reload too archery.
(because in underdark, tunnel ranger will use a crossbow ! )

Generally, with the ranger, I think his fighting styles need to be things that can be used practically in the woods, or, at least, they need to encompass weapons or feats a ranger might find a secondary use for (For example, I think the dagger and staff are good ranger weapons, but a greatsword is kinda silly). This is only peripherally related to your post, I'm just giving you a preface for my opinions.

Arcane-I really don't like this, it doesn't really have much to do with a ranger.

Archery-durh. Classic ranger stuff. I wish they'd add crossbow feats and call it marksmanship.

Bounty hunting-I'm Meh on this, but I could see how it'd be useful. I get the net, bola, and whip. I don't really get the nunchaku or kama. (on a tangent, I hate spiked chains too much to give an honest opinion)

Horsemanship-I like this, plus it synergizes with the (hopefully improved) animal companion class feature

Mobile fighting-I dunno about this. To me, it doesn't really feel like a fighting style the way archery or TWF is.

Thrown weapon-Good idea.

Two-handed weapon-meh. Other than maybe a greataxe, I don't know that a ranger would get a ton of use out of two-handed weaponry (again, I think greatswords are silly, I don't care what Aragorn did).

Wrestling-Good idea.

Scarab Sages

Velderan wrote:

Generally, with the ranger, I think his fighting styles need to be things that can be used practically in the woods, or, at least, they need to encompass weapons or feats a ranger might find a secondary use for (For example, I think the dagger and staff are good ranger weapons, but a greatsword is kinda silly). This is only peripherally related to your post, I'm just giving you a preface for my opinions.

Arcane-I really don't like this, it doesn't really have much to do with a ranger.

Archery-durh. Classic ranger stuff. I wish they'd add crossbow feats and call it marksmanship.

Bounty hunting-I'm Meh on this, but I could see how it'd be useful. I get the net, bola, and whip. I don't really get the nunchaku or kama. (on a tangent, I hate spiked chains too much to give an honest opinion)

Horsemanship-I like this, plus it synergizes with the (hopefully improved) animal companion class feature

Mobile fighting-I dunno about this. To me, it doesn't really feel like a fighting style the way archery or TWF is.

Thrown weapon-Good idea.

Two-handed weapon-meh. Other than maybe a greataxe, I don't know that a ranger would get a ton of use out of two-handed weaponry (again, I think greatswords are silly, I don't care what Aragorn did).

Wrestling-Good idea.

Why are greatswords silly? Generally weapons were designed to counteract a defense of an enemy. Greatswords and Axes were designed as anti-horse weapons, they could be used by footmen to gain reach against a mounted opponent or to chop the legs of the horse off.

Your reference to woods is not really relevant, as that would only be with a ranger with favored terrain of woods. If you have an Osirion Ranger, he might have Dungeon and Desert as his favored terrains, never having have set foot in a forest before in his life. He might use a Falchion as his main two-handed weapon, or he might even want horseman or mobility.

I really like these extra fighting styles, and if they don't make it into the main book, it would be nice if they landed in a Chronicles or a Gazeteer.

Wow. Nice ideas (i like especially the bounty hunting style). I think i gonna use them in my campaign.
Any ideas about a spear style? I always thought that rangers schould have a spear fighting style. After all it has been the favourite hunting weapon after the bow and the crossbow. Perhaps something in beetwen the two handed style and the throen weapon style?

Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:


Why are greatswords silly? Generally weapons were designed to counteract a defense of an enemy. Greatswords and Axes were designed as anti-horse weapons, they could be used by footmen to gain reach against a mounted opponent or to chop the legs of the horse off.

Your reference to woods is not really relevant, as that would only be with a ranger with favored terrain of woods. If you have an Osirion Ranger, he might have Dungeon and Desert as his favored terrains, never having have set foot in a forest before in his life. He might use a Falchion as his main two-handed weapon, or he might even want horseman or mobility.

I really like these extra fighting styles, and if they don't make it into the main...

Right, I think of rangers as a terrain-based warrior. What you referenced is open battlefield, which is the fighter's area. Isn't it a lot harder to sneak through forests and deserts with a 5-foot long sword across your back than a bow or a couple of daggers?

You're right, my example was limited. I was thinking more of the classic 'forest' ranger, and not all of the other possibilities. However, even then, isn't a falchion more of a fighter weapon, due to it's limited uses and utilities?

I'm just worried that too many fighting styles will cause the ranger to sort of become the fighter. At what point do we just give up the idea of style, and give them fighter bonus feats?

Thanks for the compliments all.

I wanted to put as many ideas out there as possible, even if they didn't make tons of sense to me (see Arcane), since others may find value that I do not.

MScam - I like your ideas but I was keeping to core stuff - no Lasso, and unfortunately no Crossbow Mastery feat (though honestly I hadn't thought of that at the time).

Velderan - Kama can trip, Nunchaku can disarm - added for some variety. Spiked chain I'm also not that fond of, but it fit far too well to leave out.

As far as two-handed - there are a good number of more woodsy/versatile two-handers, most of the polearms, heavy flail, etc.

I do also worry about too many styles, I just feel two is too few (perhaps not too few for core, but too few "official" - it's good to give guidelines to people creating new styles).

Widow - nice idea for spear. I think Thrown weapon would work pretty well for it, easily supplemented with regular feats. Two-handed might work if you *weren't* going to throw often, again easily supplemented.

Again thanks all!

Majuba wrote:

Thanks for the compliments all.

I wanted to put as many ideas out there as possible, even if they didn't make tons of sense to me (see Arcane), since others may find value that I do not.

MScam - I like your ideas but I was keeping to core stuff - no Lasso, and unfortunately no Crossbow Mastery feat (though honestly I hadn't thought of that at the time).

Velderan - Kama can trip, Nunchaku can disarm - added for some variety. Spiked chain I'm also not that fond of, but it fit far too well to leave out.

As far as two-handed - there are a good number of more woodsy/versatile two-handers, most of the polearms, heavy flail, etc.

I do also worry about too many styles, I just feel two is too few (perhaps not too few for core, but too few "official" - it's good to give guidelines to people creating new styles).

Widow - nice idea for spear. I think Thrown weapon would work pretty well for it, easily supplemented with regular feats. Two-handed might work if you *weren't* going to throw often, again easily supplemented.

Again thanks all!

LOL, I wasn't even thinking of kama and nunchaku as tripping and disarming, respectively. That makes a lot more sense. Also, that's a good idea.


Velderan wrote:
Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:


Why are greatswords silly? Generally weapons were designed to counteract a defense of an enemy. Greatswords and Axes were designed as anti-horse weapons, they could be used by footmen to gain reach against a mounted opponent or to chop the legs of the horse off.

Your reference to woods is not really relevant, as that would only be with a ranger with favored terrain of woods. If you have an Osirion Ranger, he might have Dungeon and Desert as his favored terrains, never having have set foot in a forest before in his life. He might use a Falchion as his main two-handed weapon, or he might even want horseman or mobility.

I really like these extra fighting styles, and if they don't make it into the main...

Right, I think of rangers as a terrain-based warrior. What you referenced is open battlefield, which is the fighter's area. Isn't it a lot harder to sneak through forests and deserts with a 5-foot long sword across your back than a bow or a couple of daggers?

You're right, my example was limited. I was thinking more of the classic 'forest' ranger, and not all of the other possibilities. However, even then, isn't a falchion more of a fighter weapon, due to it's limited uses and utilities?

I'm just worried that too many fighting styles will cause the ranger to sort of become the fighter. At what point do we just give up the idea of style, and give them fighter bonus feats?

My ranger is from the Storval Plateau, with favored terrain Plains. She has the bonus feat Big Game Hunter from the Rise of the Runelords adventure path. Her two-handed style is used for polearms that have reach and are reminiscent of the classic primitive tribe hunting a mammoth. The ranger class is to create a hunter. The official archery and two-weapon styles are short-sighted and limit the possibilities of expanding upon the unique races and locales of Golarion.

I created a similar Two Handed Style on my own using feats from the Beta version:

Choices at 2nd Level: Improved Initiative, Overhand Chop, Power Attack, Quick Draw

6th Level: Back Swing and Cleave

11th Level: Devastating Blow and Great Cleave

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