I think the knight should be banned from chess.

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Sovereign Court

Tensor wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
If you're some kinda muchkin minimaxer.

Unlike most BBEG who take 20 minutes and explain all their plans, giving you plenty of time to free yourself and push him into the giant vat of acid.

This is the problem with the Black King, he talks too much.

[Edit:] Who wins below?


Well that depends, typically i'd favor the team with the pawn, rook, knight. But that depends, is the queen core or have you used suplements. If she has ranks in seducer from green ronin's courtly intrigue, then when she makes the knight switch sides as a pawn (assuming he hasn't taken the lancelot's charm as a defense, in which case that side definitely wins) the complete chess crenelation errata means that rooks can't move unless the king has taken mobile fortress. So really it just depends on what supplements your game allows.

A new Knight-Move:

"The Conan Move" - You may move all the pieces on your side once this turn, capturing if possible.

Motivation: Conan is a great leader of men.

Heathansson wrote:

They go two forward and one left or right. The queen, or even the rook totally pwns them. They're barely better than a pawn.

Totally useless. I think they should be able to jump at least a double "L" or something, because the knight is so imbalanced.
It ruins chess, man.

It's imbalanced but the other way. Who else can move into your square without provoking AoO? Who else can does not even force an opposed roll when they do? Who else automatically kills you by moving into your square? I tell its noone! I hate save or die effects. Oh yeah--no save just die! WTF??? so broken.

Liberty's Edge

Chris Mortika wrote:
Someone or another wrote:
A lot of people think that the queenside castling rules are messed up, 'cause it takes longer to develop the extra piece, and on top of that, the king's still more exposed. It's a ridiculous, fail-frought move.

But we just allow you to castle queenside with the knight in place, and it solves the problem. It's a simple house rule. So queenside castling isn't "broken" at all.

I'm really diggin' 4th Ed Chess, though. I'm getin' steamed at the people who say it plays like WoW. That slays me. WoW, does it have en passant? No. Didn't think so.

(Actually, en passant is kind of like pawn aggro, come to think about it...)

checkers is 4E chess :P

Sovereign Court

Tensor wrote:

A new Knight-Move:

"The Conan Move" - You may move all the pieces on your side once this turn, capturing if possible.

Motivation: Conan is a great leader of men.

Except Conan isn't a knight, he's a king or at best a rook

The Knight is still in the Chess Rules

If you can even play without fielding all queens, your opponent is coddling you.

Only Knights should be able to use the lance.
The lance is the katana of polearms.
Knights must be Lawful.
All other classes are suboptimal or even unplayable except the magish.
Samurai should be an alternative knight.
Chess is not combat-focused enough, introducing unnecessary pieces that are mechanically uninteresting and only foster distracting narrative.
Old school chess, REAL chess, it played on a circular board. The square board is unauthentic and broken at the same time.

All of you guys are livin' in the past, man.

Play some REAL Chess, for cryin' out loud:


Bruunwald wrote:

All of you guys are livin' in the past, man.

Play some REAL Chess, for cryin' out loud:


very awesome

Personaly I think we should get rid of pawns as they morally offensive and encourage lewd behavior.

Just follow along.

They start of as men...common foot soldiers.

Then as they get to the otherside they become queens. Which can be taken to ways that are just a abomination in the eyes of any god fearing people...

1) They are turned gay by something on the otherside and dress like a queen...or

2) They actual go though a blasphmous transformation into women...the gall...

Also the king is is a bigamist as he can have as many queens as he wants as long as his pretty boys can make it to the other side...

Chess is a sin against God.


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I'm boycotting chess until the World Chess Federation adopts my house rules regarding encumbrance. The game is too unrealistic without them.


And, no, I can't show you my personal house rules as they are too good and you would steal them. When the World Chess Federation sends me the money I requested, I'll sell them the rules. Not before then!!!!

I dislike the art work for the Knight. There is too much cheesecake, I prefer the grittier more realistic depiction...

LOL; whole thread is a chuckle hehe so I have to chime in; I think if anything the Bishop is hardly worth much and worth even less end of game; least you can do a lot more combinations mate moves with king and knight; Bishop is worthless.

What I don't understand is if a Bishop doesn't move can it take a five-foot step in any direction? I'll only accept a ruling from the games creator.

M'Tuk'Tuk the Angry Crocodile wrote:
What I don't understand is if a Bishop doesn't move can it take a five-foot step in any direction? I'll only accept a ruling from the games creator.

No but the Bishop does get an attack of opportunity.....

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