Are YOU ready for some FOOTBALL!

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Sovereign Court

Thanks CF, funny thing is, I don't even get to watch the game. I'm gaming with one of my groups (although I seriously thought about canceling...).
Maybe my blood pressure is better off. :-)

Truth be told, I would rather be gaming. Since I do not have a group currently, I will watch the game.

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
Truth be told, I would rather be gaming.

Even if it wasn't Hero?

Callous Jack wrote:
Even if it wasn't Hero?

As long as it was not D&D.

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Even if it wasn't Hero?
As long as it was not D&D.


Dark Archive

Callous Jack wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Even if it wasn't Hero?
As long as it was not D&D.

So Jack, you ready for the Seagulls/Cowgirls game tonight?

I think the Eagles are going to upset the 'boys tonight. If not, I'm hoping they'll at least beat the spread(LOL!). Go Eagles!

Sovereign Court

Damn, they were close! I wish I'd been able to watch that game, sounds like it was really good!

Callous Jack wrote:
Damn, they were close! I wish I'd been able to watch that game, sounds like it was really good!

It was a great game. Best game this season so far.

It was a good game. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. In all fairness, the Eagles looked good. McNabb and Westbrook are going to have a big season and December 28th is going to be another tough game.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Garydee wrote:
The Ducks played well today. I just hope you guys don't lose any more quarterbacks. You've had some rotten luck the last two years.

We may well have him back by USC, not that it's likely to help. Mandel over at SI referred to the Ducks as going through QB like Spinal Tap goes through drummers.

Dark Archive

Well Mac, I guess your faith in the Lions wasn't misplaced. Sorry we had to stomp you so badly though.

Huzzah LSU! Victory yet again!

Sovereign Court

Woo! Eagles!

If any of you want to watch a fast moving football game, one where they dont wear helmets and padding and have a rest every 2 minutes - the Australian Rules Grand Final is on this weekend.

Sovereign Court

Werecorpse wrote:
If any of you want to watch a fast moving football game, one where they dont wear helmets and padding and have a rest every 2 minutes - the Australian Rules Grand Final is on this weekend.

Meh, not holding my interest.

Liberty's Edge

Friggin' Panthers ARRGGH!!!. Could the Offense please, please show up for the entire game? Is that too much to ask?

Dark Archive

The SUU T-Birds could have used some better offense on Saturday. 18 seconds on the clock, on the two yard line, down by two, and what do they do? They turn the damn ball over on an interception. Well at least BYU won again.

Sovereign Court

No, but I'm ready for some hockey!



*crickets chirping*

*slinks in stealthily and waves his Cowboys hand flag*

*scurries out before anyone notices*

Liberty's Edge

*Kicks the poodle for being a Cowgirls fan*

Sovereign Court

Cultist of Jack wrote:
*Kicks the poodle for being a Cowgirls fan*


Liberty's Edge

Anything for you my lord.

Cultist of Jack wrote:
*Kicks the poodle for being a Cowgirls fan*

Not impressed. I would have eaten the poodle if I was there.

Liberty's Edge

If you were there, you would have wet yourself and run off screaming like a little girl.

Cultist of Jack wrote:
If you were there, you would have wet yourself and run off screaming like a little girl.

You dare mock me, little man? If you were not serving our dread lord I would destroy you.

Liberty's Edge

At least I'm not a zombie with delusions of grandeur.

Scarab Sages

Cultist of Jack wrote:
At least I'm not a zombie with delusions of grandeur.

Hey! I resemble that remark!

Scarab Sages

Huzzah! USC lost! *does the Dance of Joy*

Aberzombie wrote:
Huzzah! USC lost! *does the Dance of Joy*

That made my day as well.

Cultist of Jack wrote:
At least I'm not a zombie with delusions of grandeur.

Me? A zombie? What are you talking about? *grin*

Go Tigers!

Holy Shit, though, did anyone watch Bama beat the snot out of Georgia? I'm telling you, that Saban must have sold his soul to some infernal power.

Liberty's Edge

Panthers are 3-1, and leading the NFC South (for now), woo-hoo!!

Maybe they'll stay on pace, finish 12-4 and go on to the playoffs.

Then again, maybe they'll choke down the stretch and finish their with their usual 7-9, and miss the playoffs...again.

It's so hard to be optimistic.

*chews up a pair of Romo's dress shoes*

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
*chews up a pair of Romo's dress shoes*

Don't forget to pee in his sock drawer.

Dark Archive

Go Niners! Yeah we are really off to another great season.

Dark Archive

CourtFool wrote:
*chews up a pair of Romo's dress shoes*

Oh come on, just because this is the first time since '71 that a new 'Skins coach has beat Dallas at home in his debut game is no reason to take it out on Tony. Do what the Rams did and fire the coach.

The Redskins played well. I will give credit.

Arguably, the interception cost the game. To be honest, I do not lay all the blame on Romo. The defense did not show up.

Liberty's Edge

For any Kansas City Chiefs fans, my apologies. The Panthers don't usually play that well, especially in our home games.

My Longhorns upset the #1 Sooners. Woo-hoo!

Liberty's Edge

Go Gators! Beat them Tigers!!!

Go Tigers!!! Beat them Gators!!!!!

Liberty's Edge

Heh heh....your post don't even appear.

Now it does.

Liberty's Edge

Garydee wrote:
My Longhorns upset the #1 Sooners. Woo-hoo!

YOUR longhorns???? they're MY longhorns!!!!

that was a GREAT game, eh, Gary? ;)

Liberty's Edge

Heathy, Mike, let's be honest: if the national championship game isn't the big 12 champs vs. the SEC champs, the NCAA is doing it wrong.

i'll say it: other than the Big 12 and the SEC, there are NO conferences in college football that should even matter ;)

houstonderek wrote:
Garydee wrote:
My Longhorns upset the #1 Sooners. Woo-hoo!

YOUR longhorns???? they're MY longhorns!!!!

that was a GREAT game, eh, Gary? ;)

Yeah, it was. To be honest I didn't like our chances before the game, but we pulled it through. We got a tough game against my second favorite team next week, Missouri.

Liberty's Edge

I heard (I think it was on CBS) they were decrying the BCS because Ohio St. was 7-0 vs. Purdue, and USC was 7-0 vs. Arizona state in the 1st half, and neither one of those guys are contenders.
I love to hear those guys whine.

Liberty's Edge

I think the ref's of the Red River Shootout need to go to the Carter Eyecare Clinic, though. Lousy calls; at least they weren't too far in either damn direction.

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
I think the ref's of the Red River Shootout need to go to the Carter Eyecare Clinic, though. Lousy calls; at least they weren't too far in either damn direction.

i was at work, so i didn't see it (listened on the radio), but i have it recorded, so i'll watch tonight. but nothing to beat how bad OU was hosed in oregon a couple years ago...

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:

I heard (I think it was on CBS) they were decrying the BCS because Ohio St. was 7-0 vs. Purdue, and USC was 7-0 vs. Arizona state in the 1st half, and neither one of those guys are contenders.

I love to hear those guys whine.

yeah, well, they shouldn't have lost...

the Pac 10 and the Big 10 need to be dropped from the BCS conference tier. neither has done much in bowl games for years now (well, except for get whupped by Big 12 teams in the case of the Pac 10 ;))

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