Are YOU ready for some FOOTBALL!

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Scarab Sages


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Ok; once again full of hope; GO LIONS!!!
yeah, I know...pipe dream.

Sovereign Court

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Scarab Sages

Callous Jack wrote:



Jack, you're an Eagles fan? And here I was starting to have respect for you.

You don't live in Philly, do you?

The Exchange

Go Cowboys!

Dark Archive

Well I used to ba a Niners fan, but I decided that if I'm going to cheer for a losing team I might as well go all the way and so now I'm a Bengals fan. Can't quite force myself to go all the way and cheer for the Lions. ;p

Liberty's Edge

I'm not scared...GO LIONS!!!
and Wolverines, too (too bad they were the only big ten team to lose yesterday).

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Dark Archive

gabriel davila wrote:

I'm not scared...GO LIONS!!!

and Wolverines, too (too bad they were the only big ten team to lose yesterday).

To my Utes no less.

Liberty's Edge

gabriel davila wrote:

I'm not scared...GO LIONS!!!

and Wolverines, too (too bad they were the only big ten team to lose yesterday).

wow, so y'all are 0-2 already (i say this because y'all WILL lost to OSU again...)

go 'boys and HOOK EM HORNS!!!!!!!!!

(oh, yeah, and, uh, texans, y'all do some stuff too :) )

Da Bears

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:
And here I was starting to have respect for you.

Well, that was yer first mistake.

*throws a D battery at Aberzombie*
Woo! Eagles!

(And no, I don't live in Philly anymore, that was years ago now but I have a fondness for the city, especially the football.)

well; the football talk at work is starting; bets and smirks abound hehe; go Lions, sheesh my Tigers are doing to well though; but my Wings are still skating around with the glory cup :)

Go Gobbos!! Bloodbowl XXXXVIII, here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Wondering when this was going to start.


GO THE WARATAHS - We are talking proper football aren't we.

Not the one hour game that takes three hours to play..... ummm Go the Redskins. :-)

Go 'horns! Wow, it's great to have football on again. No more having to watch crappy movies on the Scifi channel!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Go Browns, and go Buckeyes!

Both teams already lead the nation in injuries...

Liberty's Edge

Go Panthers! Don't choke again!

Scarab Sages

Go Alouettes! Go! Yay!

Silver Crusade

Here we go Brownies, Here we go. Ruff, Ruff.

And the home....of the SOONERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Garydee wrote:
Go 'horns! Wow, it's great to have football on again. No more having to watch crappy movies on the Scifi channel!

Go Miners!!! I get to watch the 'Horns take apart my favorite college football team this Saturday (season ticket holder). I'd like to think we have a decent chance to beat UT, but I'm a realist. I'll just be happy if we beat Rice and SMU, LOL.

farewell2kings wrote:
Garydee wrote:
Go 'horns! Wow, it's great to have football on again. No more having to watch crappy movies on the Scifi channel!

Go Miners!!! I get to watch the 'Horns take apart my favorite college football team this Saturday (season ticket holder). I'd like to think we have a decent chance to beat UT, but I'm a realist. I'll just be happy if we beat Rice and SMU, LOL.

I really thought the Miners were beginning to become contenders. What happened to them?

Dark Archive

farewell2kings wrote:
Garydee wrote:
Go 'horns! Wow, it's great to have football on again. No more having to watch crappy movies on the Scifi channel!

Go Miners!!! I get to watch the 'Horns take apart my favorite college football team this Saturday (season ticket holder). I'd like to think we have a decent chance to beat UT, but I'm a realist. I'll just be happy if we beat Rice and SMU, LOL.

There's always UCF.

Go Cowboys. Here’s hoping we can make it to the big show this year.
Hook ‘em Horns! Come early, stay late. Wear orange.

Dark Archive

CourtFool wrote:

Go Cowboys. Here’s hoping we can make it to the big show this year.

Well if they get to keep the supersized Tony Romo from the Lemon Pepsi commercials they just might. Otherwise they will find some way to blow it.

Garydee wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
Garydee wrote:
Go 'horns! Wow, it's great to have football on again. No more having to watch crappy movies on the Scifi channel!

Go Miners!!! I get to watch the 'Horns take apart my favorite college football team this Saturday (season ticket holder). I'd like to think we have a decent chance to beat UT, but I'm a realist. I'll just be happy if we beat Rice and SMU, LOL.

I really thought the Miners were beginning to become contenders. What happened to them?

It's hard to recruit people to come to El Paso. Preconceived notions and all that. So, we have to make do with the 2nd and 3rd rate recruits from the region. Mike Price had a lot better luck recruiting in the Pacific Northwest when he was at Washington State, but his old connections up there are hard to ring up when you have to convince a college age kid to move 2000 miles away. Plus, at Washington State, you knew that a great year would get you to the Rose Bowl. In Conference USA, a great year gets you to the what? Memphis Bowl? Look at what happened to Boise State--they went undefeated and beat Oklahoma and still didn't get a national championship chance. That's the disparity in college football. Unless you're in a top conference, you'll NEVER play for a national championship and you'll only go to a BCS Bowl IF you're undefeated and the stars are right. That really hurts recruiting and perpetuates the 2nd class cycle for most schools.

Our offenses are always pretty good, but the lack of decent recruits always hurts our defense.

But the bottom line is that few good recruits want to move to El Paso for four years. It's really hard to convince them that this is a great place to live--they want to party on Sixth Street or go hang out at the beach.

So we make do with what we have. I enjoy going to college football games too much to let a bad season or two get me down.

After four years we turn out some great players--Thomas Howard, Tony Tolbert, Chris Jacke, etc....but it's convincing them to come here that's the hard part.

Liberty's Edge


Sovereign Court

David Fryer wrote:
Well if they get to keep the supersized Tony Romo from the Lemon Pepsi commercials they just might. Otherwise they will find some way to blow it.

Music to my ears...


The Exchange

Go Snobi!

Tony actually reminds me of John Elway. Some great plays matched by equally great bad plays.

Does he have gap'd buck teeth and a befuddled look on his face?

Well, I think my Lions will do ok if they get the Offensive line to give Kitna some protection; sheesh; I think he could be pretty good is he wasnt laying on his back staring up at the lights all the time.

CourtFool wrote:
Tony actually reminds me of John Elway. Some great plays matched by equally great bad plays.

Valegrim wrote:

Does he have gap'd buck teeth and a befuddled look on his face?

Well, I think my Lions will do ok if they get the Offensive line to give Kitna some protection; sheesh; I think he could be pretty good is he wasnt laying on his back staring up at the lights all the time.

CourtFool wrote:
Tony actually reminds me of John Elway. Some great plays matched by equally great bad plays.

I think the thing that would help the Lions the most is if Millen would step down.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales


What? I live in Seattle... it's required. 12th man and all.

Cosmo wrote:


What? I live in Seattle... it's required. 12th man and all.

Go Hawks!!

And welcome back lightless days!!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Garydee wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

Does he have gap'd buck teeth and a befuddled look on his face?

Well, I think my Lions will do ok if they get the Offensive line to give Kitna some protection; sheesh; I think he could be pretty good is he wasnt laying on his back staring up at the lights all the time.

CourtFool wrote:
Tony actually reminds me of John Elway. Some great plays matched by equally great bad plays.
I think the thing that would help the Lions the most is if Millen would step down.

That would be a start. Kitna needs to be gone, too. Good statistics, decent arm - but when the game is on the line, he will find a way to turn the ball over. Kitna will break your heart.

Now, when Drew Stanton is healthy again, I think Lions fans may have a reason to get excited...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:


What? I live in Seattle... it's required. 12th man and all.

Down with the Seahawks. Go Niners.

And yes I realize I'm probably getting something bad in the mail from Cosmo soon. :P

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Go Ducks! Any season that starts with beating the crap out of the Huskies is a good one.

Biggest margin of victory for the Ducks since 1973, and the Duck's longest winning streak in the rivalry (5 years). Woohoo!

It's a nice consolation after the crushing loss of Dennis Dixon last year. And we've established that our third and fourth string QBs can get the job done, at least against Washington (#1 is done for the year with another pre-season injury, #2 got his bell rung and left in the second Q).

Go chiefs!

Go Chivass!!!...eer what? US football teams only?... Go Cowboys!

FC Dallas!

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…for that matter, Manchester United!

CourtFool wrote:
…for that matter, Manchester United!

I'm European, and with all my heart,I say to you all my children....

SOCCER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Exchange

Tampa Bay for me, though I'll be watching the Cardinals as well.

Greyblade wrote:
SOCCER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

I have to disagree with you there. I enjoy American Football and Soccer. I believe Soccer has never caught on here in the states because it is not high scoring enough. Hockey may be low scoring too, but you have fights. You know…'cause we miss our coliseum and lions.

Grand Lodge

Russ Taylor wrote:

Go Ducks! Any season that starts with beating the crap out of the Huskies is a good one.

Biggest margin of victory for the Ducks since 1973, and the Duck's longest winning streak in the rivalry (5 years). Woohoo!

It's a nice consolation after the crushing loss of Dennis Dixon last year. And we've established that our third and fourth string QBs can get the job done, at least against Washington (#1 is done for the year with another pre-season injury, #2 got his bell rung and left in the second Q).

I was at the Oregon-Arizona game. Man, what a disaster that was.


CourtFool wrote:
Greyblade wrote:
SOCCER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
I have to disagree with you there. I enjoy American Football and Soccer. I believe Soccer has never caught on here in the states because it is not high scoring enough. Hockey may be low scoring too, but you have fights. You know…'cause we miss our coliseum and lions.

If soccer is going to make it in America, the offsides rule is going to have to be modified in order for scoring to increase.

Dark Archive

Go Bradymosses!

Err, Patriots!

Yes, we cheat. Hence the 'spoiler' tag. Thank you everyone for your collective schadenfreude last year. Karma is a b!&+&, and it still stings, but there is always this year!

Scarab Sages

CourtFool wrote:
Greyblade wrote:
SOCCER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
I have to disagree with you there. I enjoy American Football and Soccer. I believe Soccer has never caught on here in the states because it is not high scoring enough. Hockey may be low scoring too, but you have fights. You know…'cause we miss our coliseum and lions.

I dunno about the peoples in other parts of the globe, but in the elementary school i come from we teach our children to play soccer in the snow, rain and sun. it builds character! getting hit in the face by a fast kick and not letting it in the net? just teaches kids to handle their fear! and when colleseums come back (which they will, mark my words...), us canadians will be ready for the ones with snow covering the grounds, since we've been running in it from childhood!


sorry. just having a bit of fun, but the part about playing in the snow is true in montreal at least. especially when the only two things to do at recess is stand around or play soccer.

CourtFool wrote:
You know…'cause we miss our coliseum and lions.

Here in Mex the lions are those sitting watching the games! So you can call mexican soccer an extreme/bloody sport! You have a blast of a time even if the game sucks; in fact, if the game sucks, the "audience gets more entertaining -and dangerous- :D

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