hallucitor |

I know that there has not been an official approval for a Pathfinder compat. logo and SRD/OGL variation for the game, but I've started creating new races for Pathfinder.
I figure that although I'm a designer by side trade, I'm also a player and I'm entering that mode where I'm becoming more interested in creating again to make myself happy rather than to look at selling a product.
With this in mind I'm going ahead and creating my own Pathfinder races, monsters, etc. Naturally, these are also 3.5 compat. but they share more of the Pathfinder flavor of construction... particuarly two Ability bonuses and one ability penalty.
So far I'm working on brownies and the arimaspoi or arimaspians (human sized cyclops), and others are to follow.
Just curious if anyone else is already creating new additions specifically for the Pathfinder flavor?

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While I know the official response from Paizo crew will be "don't do it yet" and there is no license to use Pathfinder yet...
I have been messing with some monsters more for myself than anything else. Mostly variant undead, so a player can't just say "another zombie, no problem here this will be easy." Cause then the zombie melds into the earth and travels up behind the PC and pokes its arms THROUGH the PC to grapple him and then tries to suck the PCs brains out...

hallucitor |

While I know the official response from Paizo crew will be "don't do it yet" and there is no license to use Pathfinder yet...
I have been messing with some monsters more for myself than anything else. Mostly variant undead, so a player can't just say "another zombie, no problem here this will be easy." Cause then the zombie melds into the earth and travels up behind the PC and pokes its arms THROUGH the PC to grapple him and then tries to suck the PCs brains out...
I've been working on a few monsters too.. particularly new variant garbage eaters and creatures worthy as mounts...
I'm wanting to create a huge amount of forgotten or seldom worked up mythological beasts.... there are quite a few forgotten ones...and of course, what I call a pegicorn (winged unicorn... I think also called an alicorn) for my wife's interest.

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Alicorn I remember seeing that somewhere around AD&D days...
I like the mounts idea. I have on my list to work on herd animals (predators have to have something to eat) that can be interesting- like bison, deer, sheep whatever, also have mounts and have river and stream based critters.
We should share some ideas on the mounts.
I really think there is a lack of river and stream based monsters especially at lower levels. Make the Ranger think twice before fording the river knowing there may be a Carniverous Dire Sabre-Toothed Catfish in there.

CourtFool |

One of the things I have appreciated about Hero is that I can let the players play whatever crazy race they want. I do not have to do all the work on the front end and can let them create builds at run time.
Of course this eliminates the need for a second Player's Handbook and five Monster Manuals. I guess Hero Games are cutting their own throat.

hallucitor |

Alicorn I remember seeing that somewhere around AD&D days...
I like the mounts idea. I have on my list to work on herd animals (predators have to have something to eat) that can be interesting- like bison, deer, sheep whatever, also have mounts and have river and stream based critters.
We should share some ideas on the mounts.
That would be good.
I've got a few different ideas, course I did work on a Mount based book back in the old 3.0 days that was published... well, pdf... but I've had several more ideas since then.I've also been interested in working on common wildlife... particularly wildlife similiar to the area I live in (Appalachian Mountain chain)...
I've played around with whitetail deer stats in the past, as well as elk, and have wanted to expand the ranger's and druid's animal companions base to include raccoons (a good alternative to monkeys for the temperate woodland flavor), oppossum (oh why not), bobcats/lynx, etc. Rangers and druids are my favorite classes but I've never been too terribly fond of their basic animal companion selection.... naturally I just stick with wolves and bears for the flavor I need (which gets old after awhile)

The Authority |

Just curious if anyone else is already creating new additions specifically for the Pathfinder flavor?
I knocked up a few custom races and doused them with a liberal helping of Golarion sauce.
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/design/ability/customRacesWithLA0
Please comment if you so desire.

hallucitor |

To All,
Been meaning to get back with everyone but had a busy several days...
Krome, Would like to work up some ideas with you.
The Authority... taking a look at your stuff, always interested. Pathfinder is really the needed fresh twist on 3.x that I had been waiting for so all is welcome.
The rest... coolness that someone else was thinking Brownies... in some ways I see them as a bit of a blend between halfling and gnome... that actually could be a possible story bit on heritage, but further deviated with a dollop of fey blood.
Pixie... oh yeah.. I'm all for it as I think of pixies more with my memories of playing Legacy Of The Ancients
(which, reminds me... can the carrion crawler truly be WOTC property when a carrion crawler existed in Legacy Of The Ancients (Electronic Arts) and Legend Of Blacksilver (Epyx))... Eh, nevermind... I know, another legal showdown no one wants to get into.

hallucitor |

Interesting. I was thinking about Brownies, too. They're not very popular as d&d baddies, but do to the mischif factor may be fun pcs.
No one really gets into the Leprechaun either.
Heck, there's a ton of possibilities...
Here's actually a resource that I've been looking at as of late:
(Yeah, I know some people do not like wikipedia but honestly this is an awesome, AND HUGE, resource...)
I've been wanting really badly to work up some of these not so commonly mentioned creatures into a product, now specifically a Pathfinder product.... (I personally prefer 100% OGL on monster stats to let others use them but I'd go with anyone that would be open about the monster product.... my own publisher is more leaning towards 4th edition now so I'd be tempted to work out of my normal circle)

Demandred69 |

...or Sprites.
Record of Lodoss War had a Meadow Sprite Bard. Very cool.
As for Pixies (Pixys in oldenglish, I think), I had an interesting Pixie NPC in a party. She was also a Bard- and annoying.
Yes, endless possibilities. I'd like to see some in PHBs, though. Not Savage Worlds or Races of.. books. Just isn't the same thing.