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Out of character question....who do I live with as well as where?

Supergirl wrote:
Out of character question....who do I live with as well as where?

Ultimately you can decide that

Superman would have had to put me up somewhere that he felt I'd be safe, not have to worry about my real identity being known, that sort of thing. What did they do in the Supergirl comic?

Supergirl wrote:
Superman would have had to put me up somewhere that he felt I'd be safe, not have to worry about my real identity being known, that sort of thing. What did they do in the Supergirl comic?

Other than living with the Kents for a time (before being trained by the Themyscirans) I believe she ended up part of various super teams even for a short time being stuck in the future with the Legion before returning, for now lets say she's living with the Kents unless you want to develop something else?

Ok, I'm 17, living in a big city, I'd like to go to school Mon-Fri. that could be intersting. Guess that would make me a senior. I'll live by myself, but tell people I'm staying with my Uncle since I just moved here. I'll live on my own, have a small apartment. I could be living in an aparment owned by Bruce Wayne (even though I don't know the connection between Batman and Bruce), so I have no housing expenses. Perhaps he has some sort of youth organization program he's involved in. Young people who are 18-23 who qualify for financial assistance footed by Bruce. Bruce gives a financial helping hand to select individuals who are going to school and improving their lives, perhaps have some kind of hard luck story as a prerequiste. He helps pay for living expenses, college, groceries, that sort of thing. In return these bright, hard working students are groomed for levels of management within one of his many subsidaries for a given amount of time after they graduate. We just tell people I'm 18, even though I'm not and use the program as a smokescreen. Whenever I need an adult to show up, he sends either Alfred, Clark Kent, or himself as my Uncle to school functions, or whatever comes up. I would think the amount of Uncle appearances would be quite minimal if at all.

Supergirl wrote:
Ok, I'm 17, living in a big city, I'd like to go to school Mon-Fri. that could be intersting. Guess that would make me a senior. I'll live by myself, but tell people I'm staying with my Uncle since I just moved here. I'll live on my own, have a small apartment. I could be living in an aparment owned by Bruce Wayne (even though I don't know the connection between Batman and Bruce), so I have no housing expenses. Perhaps he has some sort of youth organization program he's involved in. Young people who are 18-23 who qualify for financial assistance footed by Bruce. Bruce gives a financial helping hand to select individuals who are going to school and improving their lives, perhaps have some kind of hard luck story as a prerequiste. He helps pay for living expenses, college, groceries, that sort of thing. In return these bright, hard working students are groomed for levels of management within one of his many subsidaries for a given amount of time after they graduate. We just tell people I'm 18, even though I'm not and use the program as a smokescreen. Whenever I need an adult to show up, he sends either Alfred, Clark Kent, or himself as my Uncle to school functions, or whatever comes up. I would think the amount of Uncle appearances would be quite minimal if at all.

He probably had a hand in arranging it, question is do you rush back home or are you being transferred to New Proverbial?

I'd like to live in the same city as Superman (can't recall the name of it at the moment though). If it is the weekend I'll stick around for awhile, perhaps find a bathroom and get cleaned up a bit. If it is a weekday, I'd better head home cause I got school in a few hours.

Supergirl wrote:
I'd like to live in the same city as Superman (can't recall the name of it at the moment though). If it is the weekend I'll stick around for awhile, perhaps find a bathroom and get cleaned up a bit. If it is a weekday, I'd better head home cause I got school in a few hours.

Metro City this world's version of Metropolis and for since I don't recall the day ever being mentioned assume it was a friday night so its the weekend

Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
I'd like to live in the same city as Superman (can't recall the name of it at the moment though). If it is the weekend I'll stick around for awhile, perhaps find a bathroom and get cleaned up a bit. If it is a weekday, I'd better head home cause I got school in a few hours.
Metro City this world's version of Metropolis and for since I don't recall the day ever being mentioned assume it was a friday night so its the weekend

Cool, time to show these old fogies how teen super heroes party on the weekend.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I look at the card <I assume I can read it...some people handwriting you know hehe...did I see him write it?>

If it is acceptable to you officer, I have other duties as I am hmmm, how do you say, on the night shift and my shift does not end until sunrise; I assume by the traffic and large populations I have seen that this city has a large portions of citizen who are also on the nightshift. Perhaps if your officer could contact me after your lunch; you department may have collected more clues and I may perhaps have more information that may assist.

Also; as my strength is far greater than normal human; I can assist in recovery of trapped people and perhaps animals by use of my strengths. Best to do such things before the sunrise; would you detective, want to wait trapped beneath rubble for any longer than you had to awaiting a rescue that may or may not come?

But of course I will comply; if I am required to go to this place and wait; how shall it be?

Supergirl wrote:
Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
I'd like to live in the same city as Superman (can't recall the name of it at the moment though). If it is the weekend I'll stick around for awhile, perhaps find a bathroom and get cleaned up a bit. If it is a weekday, I'd better head home cause I got school in a few hours.
Metro City this world's version of Metropolis and for since I don't recall the day ever being mentioned assume it was a friday night so its the weekend
Cool, time to show these old fogies how teen super heroes party on the weekend.

Are you familiar with Wildguard or the Authority?

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

I look at the card <I assume I can read it...some people handwriting you know hehe...did I see him write it?>

If it is acceptable to you officer, I have other duties as I am hmmm, how do you say, on the night shift and my shift does not end until sunrise; I assume by the traffic and large populations I have seen that this city has a large portions of citizen who are also on the nightshift. Perhaps if your officer could contact me after your lunch; you department may have collected more clues and I may perhaps have more information that may assist.

Also; as my strength is far greater than normal human; I can assist in recovery of trapped people and perhaps animals by use of my strengths. Best to do such things before the sunrise; would you detective, want to wait trapped beneath rubble for any longer than you had to awaiting a rescue that may or may not come?

But of course I will comply; if I am required to go to this place and wait; how shall it be?

By the time you look up after glancing down at the card he's already gone.

It takes a moment for you to suddenly understand he hasn't just moved away from you he's completely vanished.

The Card:


Written on it is the address of a government building a little distance away from where you are, it includes a short note underneath the address.
"You're expected and do explain to the girl that she should know better than to fly through magically invoked darkness."
Its signed by the Martian Manhunter

Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
I'd like to live in the same city as Superman (can't recall the name of it at the moment though). If it is the weekend I'll stick around for awhile, perhaps find a bathroom and get cleaned up a bit. If it is a weekday, I'd better head home cause I got school in a few hours.
Metro City this world's version of Metropolis and for since I don't recall the day ever being mentioned assume it was a friday night so its the weekend
Cool, time to show these old fogies how teen super heroes party on the weekend.
Are you familiar with Wildguard or the Authority?

No, I can't say that I am.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I read the card and chuckle, then adopt a more serious continence.
hmm, i consider: a Martian who hunts men; what might that mean, curious, are martian real or is that an affectation, if there are Martians; how many are hear and what threat do they pose. Are Martians just lost fey hunters from Nephlehiem who have been separated by the closing of that gateway? curious, on the other hand this could be a trap by the forces that took down this guard station, police they call them here; so many names for guardians, its a wonder we can keep them all straight.

I fly to the address; and cautiously observe it; then enter. Ready to attack; defend or flee;
I loudly speak:

I am expected. By whom, I know not. Who Summons Maelidek the Mystic?
<hehe flare for the dramatic>

Supergirl wrote:
Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
I'd like to live in the same city as Superman (can't recall the name of it at the moment though). If it is the weekend I'll stick around for awhile, perhaps find a bathroom and get cleaned up a bit. If it is a weekday, I'd better head home cause I got school in a few hours.
Metro City this world's version of Metropolis and for since I don't recall the day ever being mentioned assume it was a friday night so its the weekend
Cool, time to show these old fogies how teen super heroes party on the weekend.
Are you familiar with Wildguard or the Authority?
No, I can't say that I am.

Wildguard is a reality tv show based on a super hero team, the Authority the closest thing to a rock star group of superheroes

Meanwhile back at the underground auxiliary base...


Will upload a map of the base for your perusal by tomorrow

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

I read the card and chuckle, then adopt a more serious continence.

hmm, i consider: a Martian who hunts men; what might that mean, curious, are martian real or is that an affectation, if there are Martians; how many are hear and what threat do they pose. Are Martians just lost fey hunters from Nephlehiem who have been separated by the closing of that gateway? curious, on the other hand this could be a trap by the forces that took down this guard station, police they call them here; so many names for guardians, its a wonder we can keep them all straight.

I fly to the address; and cautiously observe it; then enter. Ready to attack; defend or flee;
I loudly speak:

I am expected. By whom, I know not. Who Summons Maelidek the Mystic?
<hehe flare for the dramatic>

It take about fifteen minutes before you reach the location which appears to be a long abandoned government building that looks like it hasn't been used since the fifties.

You hear the sound of someone skateboarding as you look at the site as a trio of youths pass you without even batting an eyelid as they race past.
"Guess Bats found you then?" a voice asks from above you.
Skater lowers himself back to the ground.
"Thats how I found this place, that and the fact I used to go hide up on the upper floor before my powers manifested," Skater reminisces.
"Guess you want to go inside?" Skater asks after a moment.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

To what end go inside; should we not be helping those trapped in the rubble; or is there other pressing matters.

What is this place? Is supergirl here as well? I took the fallen hero to a medical facility.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

To what end go inside; should we not be helping those trapped in the rubble; or is there other pressing matters.

What is this place? Is supergirl here as well? I took the fallen hero to a medical facility.

"Yes, Bats said he had you diverted here, Supergirl is currently using the bathroom whilst Bats gets someone to fix her cape, Pong's trying to get a fix on whats going on out there and what was really going on when they tried to take out the Bat," Skater nodded back.

"Pong's one of my team mates he turned up shortly after you took Johnny to the hospital, he's trying to find out whether that guy Supergirl fought off had any links to those who you fought at the Aquaduct," Skater added taking a good look round.

"I'll be sticking around a little longer before I head off to make sure my own neighbourhood's okay, you never know those goons might stick their heads out before I do call it a night," he muses.

With Batman's suggestion that we call it a night, I'll leave and fly back towards Metro City. I will conveniently fly at a low height over the areas damaged from the attacks of earlier tonight just in case. I will utilize my various degrees of supervsion in doing so in order not to miss anything of value.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

well; I typically sleep during your daylight hours; if you like I can stand watch or monitor the situation until someone arrives in the morning; then I would like to sleep until after the sun has peaked; sometime late afternoon would be good; I have only been in the city; whatever city this is; I am guessing Gotham by the legends and stories I have heard, since dusk when the conjunction of realms was in flux enough for a person of my skills to slip through.

I am not looking forward to your sunlight; it has been a long long time since I walked upon the soil of my homeland; I have not seen sun in so long it is like a fable; the thought of it frightens me not a little; it will take some getting used to I suppose.

Supergirl wrote:
With Batman's suggestion that we call it a night, I'll leave and fly back towards Metro City. I will conveniently fly at a low height over the areas damaged from the attacks of earlier tonight just in case. I will utilize my various degrees of supervsion in doing so in order not to miss anything of value.

You find your flight is undisturbed and return to your home quite quickly in fact its only after you get back in that you hear word about the nights events on the news as they get their act together to make a more comprehensive report on the explosions in New Proverbial.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

well; I typically sleep during your daylight hours; if you like I can stand watch or monitor the situation until someone arrives in the morning; then I would like to sleep until after the sun has peaked; sometime late afternoon would be good; I have only been in the city; whatever city this is; I am guessing Gotham by the legends and stories I have heard, since dusk when the conjunction of realms was in flux enough for a person of my skills to slip through.

I am not looking forward to your sunlight; it has been a long long time since I walked upon the soil of my homeland; I have not seen sun in so long it is like a fable; the thought of it frightens me not a little; it will take some getting used to I suppose.

You're escorted inside where you're met by a strange man who looks a little too leathery than you think normal.

Introduced as "Pong" the newcomer escorts you down into the base which looks like it has only recently been put back into active use.
Skater by this time has returned upstairs leaving you two to confer on the nights events.

Pong agrees to Maelidek taking first shift on monitor duty whilst he tries to make sense of a pile of what looks like junk on a nearby work table.

The news seems filled with the explosions in New Proverbial but other than the work of the emergency services there's seems little other nefarious activity at present.

Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:
Supergirl wrote:
With Batman's suggestion that we call it a night, I'll leave and fly back towards Metro City. I will conveniently fly at a low height over the areas damaged from the attacks of earlier tonight just in case. I will utilize my various degrees of supervsion in doing so in order not to miss anything of value.
You find your flight is undisturbed and return to your home quite quickly in fact its only after you get back in that you hear word about the nights events on the news as they get their act together to make a more comprehensive report on the explosions in New Proverbial.

"Wow, I really do look fat on television. Kal-El never seems to have that problem."

Mutters a few other things....stares in the mirror

"Geez you look like a train wreck."

Peers closer to the mirror

"I need to go on a diet. Not gonna find any nice earth boy's looking like this."

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I do my best to learn the systems and be attentive; help out; watch the monitors; do whats needed though my learning level of technology is probably greatly behind the curve; it being very different from what Norse Dark Elves use.

I listen attentively.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

I do my best to learn the systems and be attentive; help out; watch the monitors; do whats needed though my learning level of technology is probably greatly behind the curve; it being very different from what Norse Dark Elves use.

I listen attentively.

Make an intuition feat check

The news babbles on even after you decide to sleep off the nights exertions.

By the time you wake it seems little has changed but after finding some food and drink you settle back to continue your monitor duty relieving Pong who looks a little worse for wear even after having a break himself.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Rolled a 41; so green on Intuition.


Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

Rolled a 41; so green on Intuition.


A strange news report catches your eye.

"Still no word from General Hospital on the current conditions of the famed Monster Hunters Society group found early this morning in Central Park. It has yet to be confirmed but witnesses at the site claimed all five members were found frozen solid in what appears to be another attack by the infamous Ice Witch," the reporter live on the scene outside General Hospital talks as he moves away as signs of even more ambulances coming and going as streams of wounded from last nights explosion wander in and out of the Hospital.
"As you know this latest attack has escaped the news networks due to the multiple explosions that spread through New Proverbial last night, but given the evidence of rampant superhuman acitivity this latest attack must merit more concern towards the signing of the Metahuman charter to bring this problem back under control," the reporter explains as the image switches back to the studio where it reverts to talking about last nights attack on the new police division headquarters.

Its pretty much uneventful when Pong relives you and you get a rest but later that night Batman rings in.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I make a note of this Monster hunters group; and the Ice Witch; and when I am relieved I ask what is known of these two individuals or groups and if anyone has checked the site of the frozen area for clues such as residual energies

When dawn comes; I will ask for a place to meditate then sleep until about 3pm; as I am adjusting to this realms day and night whereas where I come from; it is night separated by twilight and only have early childhood and preteen memories of earth.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

I make a note of this Monster hunters group; and the Ice Witch; and when I am relieved I ask what is known of these two individuals or groups and if anyone has checked the site of the frozen area for clues such as residual energies

When dawn comes; I will ask for a place to meditate then sleep until about 3pm; as I am adjusting to this realms day and night whereas where I come from; it is night separated by twilight and only have early childhood and preteen memories of earth.

Have added very brief note on Monster Hunters along with a brief on the Ice Witch just press the avatar for info then ask for extra details

"Can't sleep."

Rolls around in bed, tosses and turns.

Finally drifts off.

Has bad dreams of losing her cape.

Wondering if she's still in the PBP game?

Supergirl wrote:

"Can't sleep."

Rolls around in bed, tosses and turns.
Finally drifts off.
Has bad dreams of losing her cape.
Wondering if she's still in the PBP game?

Wakes up the next morning and hears the same report regarding the nights events in New Proverbial however unlike Maelidek actually knows something about whats spoken about.

Kal-El was one of the Justice League unit sent to catch the Ice Witch and she left him and the rest of the unit frozen, something Kara was warned about specifically because this particular foe is known to travel across the continent never staying in one place for more than a few nights and noone knows why.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

When 3pm comes; will wake up and take care of personal needs; meditate on my power; then check in with the group to see what is happening.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
When 3pm comes; will wake up and take care of personal needs; meditate on my power; then check in with the group to see what is happening.

Walking into the now dusted and cleaned monitoring room you think for a moment you saw Pong shutting a locker cupboard hiding what looked alarmingly like some cleaner uniform and hoover although you can't help thinking maybe the pink tutu was out of place.

The news channels seem to reporting more on the explosions last night but two additional stories have hit the wire.

"At 2pm this morning both the museum of antiquities and the harbour experienced a freak crimewave, the museum has yet to list what has been stolen as it counts the cost of all the damage within, meanwhile the harbour patrol still has no comment on the loss of a retired naval frigate being dismantled in the docks last night the only witnesses claim to have seen a small flying saucer land on the frigate before it vanished, more news on both of these items later as 10" the newscaster beams as the channel switches to the weather girl who goes on about it getting cold for this time of year.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Good Day Pong; life continues. What news is there; and how may I assist? What is the current condition of the wounded person I took to the Hospital or do I need to check; perhaps I should visit if he is awake or at least to check on his condition; doctors may be baffled though I doubt I could offer much aid.

Tell me of this team that has offered me shelter; how many are you and what is your mission and goal. I have only recently returned to this land of my birth and am somewhat out of touch with current history.

(I watch the two stories critically)

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
Good Day Pong; life continues. What news is there; and how may I assist? What is the current condition of the wounded person I took to the Hospital or do I need to check; perhaps I should visit if he is awake or at least to check on his condition; doctors may be baffled though I doubt I could offer much aid.

"Well we're stuck here until Bats can give us the go ahead to head back to the main base since we don't know what those guys last night know about us," Pong mutters tiredly.

"Oh Johnny, he's fine Bats said he was being transferred to a safe facility one where he can get the care he needs and avoid whoever it was you guys met last night," Pong adds.

]Tell me of this team that has offered me shelter; how many are you and what is your mission and goal. I have only recently returned to this land of my birth and am somewhat out of touch with current history.[/quote wrote:

"Well we were originally recruited as part of a team Bats was inspiring since the government were discussing outlawing supers altogether, unfortunately that would only effect the law abiding ones so Bats was developing this as a means of curtailing the usual problems we face when we go head to head with the kind of powered villains we faced last night, where do you hail from then?" Pong asks.

](I watch the two stories critically) [/QUOTE wrote:

The news channel focuses either on publicity events, sports or news relating to last nights explosions before switching to news occurring elsewhere, there is a short little update on the Monster Hunters but it flashes past with little interest at least to the newscaster.

"The Monster Hunters were released earlier today although no word has reached us of their leader Brimstone who was said to have been in a critical condition following his teams' defeat at the hands of the nefarious Ice Witch meanwhile the Mayor has openly asked the Police Commissioner to advise their Special Weapons and Tactics Unit to be mobilised in the aftermatch of last nights destruction of the new police division headquarters, no word as yet of how the Commissioner will respond but now onto sports news...."

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

hail from; ah; therein is a long and arduous tale. Suffice to say in the short of it, I was born in Metropolis, and thus marked as Changeling Fey by Token; sometime after, my family moved as my father took a job teaching among the American Norse in the Great Lakes region; when I was 9, i was sold into bondeture with a what you would call a Fey Dark Elf of Norse persuasion come calling upon his debt and showing the mastery of the Changeling Token, I had to obey; for thus my parents had tried to decieve the fey and were punished, and thus I was taken through to their world and for 45 years was raised and trained in the art of war and magic. Tales of the Americas were told to me as tales; and though I remember this land; it seems not all that changed to me as I had expected.

I know not most of these supers; tales of Batman and Superman I have been told; a few other as well; Flash the fastest man alive; and wonder woman; the greek goddess's chosen of strength and beauty. A few others. I won my freedom in a duel; but my strength here has ebbed; in the realm of the Norse Dark Elves; I am much stronger; mayhap I can figure out why my powers have wained here.

and you; what is your tale.

The Ice Witch wrote:
Supergirl wrote:

"Can't sleep."

Rolls around in bed, tosses and turns.
Finally drifts off.
Has bad dreams of losing her cape.
Wondering if she's still in the PBP game?

Wakes up the next morning and hears the same report regarding the nights events in New Proverbial however unlike Maelidek actually knows something about whats spoken about.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm going to do an internet search about all of the locations Ice Witch has been reported over the past few months. After reading each report, I shall mark the locations and dates on a map. I'm looking for any commonalites between locations, appearances, and the crimes committed; to see if a pattern of any kind emerges. Perhaps her "randomness" is not so random.

Supergirl wrote:

I'm going to do an internet search about all of the locations Ice Witch has been reported over the past few months. After reading each report, I shall mark the locations and dates on a map. I'm looking for any commonalites between locations, appearances, and the crimes committed; to see if a pattern of any kind emerges. Perhaps her "randomness" is not so random.

She's been reported as having been witnessed across Europe, Russia and North America however she hasn't been witnessed anywhere else but that's dependent on whether anyone saw her and most of those sightings were confirmed by the discovery of those she froze many of whom are also reported as having died as a result.

Supergirl only:

Has been reported in New Proverbial five times over the last decade alone, three times more than any other city she's been witnessed visiting and the last time was when she froze the Justice League unit sent to apprehend her including Kal-El. The odd thing is that New Proverbial is Batman's home base so there is little chance such an encounter could have happened without him being present yet he wasn't mentioned as having been left frozen. Also there's an actual forum where people are discussing who she is and how she's managed to keep her true identity a secret ranging from she only appears at night when its especially cold and that she turns into somebody else at dawn, all quite crazy given the topics also present

After documenting the information, I'll eat a balanced breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, toast, grapefruit, and juice. If my fridge is not quite as stocked as I like, I'll settle for wheaties. I shall then get dressed. I'll check my closet for an extra cape. If I don't have one, I'll plan on going back to the place where those other heroes took me last night to find out how long it will take for a replacement to be made. If I have an extra cape, I patrol my home city.

Assuming all is quiet, I'll plan on returning home late in the morning and do some shopping. After that, I'll plan on some entertainment for the day.

What month is it?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

just checking in :)

Supergirl wrote:

After documenting the information, I'll eat a balanced breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, toast, grapefruit, and juice. If my fridge is not quite as stocked as I like, I'll settle for wheaties. I shall then get dressed. I'll check my closet for an extra cape. If I don't have one, I'll plan on going back to the place where those other heroes took me last night to find out how long it will take for a replacement to be made. If I have an extra cape, I patrol my home city.

Assuming all is quiet, I'll plan on returning home late in the morning and do some shopping. After that, I'll plan on some entertainment for the day.

What month is it?

Its near the end of the summer holiday so its the last week of August

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

yuck; the dog days of summer; hot and humid; am just waiting for the game to proceed; are there only two of us players? do we need to recruit?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Are we waiting for anything particular?

Batman has been seen in town.

Patricio Calderón wrote:


Batman has been seen in town.

Good to hear from you, care to join in?

Rumors increase everywhere:

"The Bat...I saw the Bat"

"He was bleeding, I think he was hurt, turned for that alley and disappeared"

"I thought he was dead but... I don't know, his face was like a dead man's to me"

"Ha,ha,ha, I just finished my song as an homage for the fallen Batman and he resurrects. Son of #@$%& can't he be dead? By the way do you have money my bottle is empty"

"The Bat? sure I saw him, but somehing was wrong with him."

I want to come back: No recriminations or complaints please. Just leave me come back I had my reasons to leave the same I have my reasons to come back. Batman is in town to fight crime and he wants to know who is with him.

Patricio Calderón wrote:
I want to come back: No recriminations or complaints please. Just leave me come back I had my reasons to leave the same I have my reasons to come back. Batman is in town to fight crime and he wants to know who is with him.

Okay recap time, shortly after the apartment exploded Pong was blown clear and Skater trying to evade a flying pyrokinetic caught Bats and flew him to safety using the buildings and his magnetic power, he drew the bad guys after him allowing Bats to be picked up and this drew the attention of a trio of arriving heroes of whom only Maelidek is present. Aided by Supergirl they returned to find the police division headquarters blown up and Baron Mordo chasing Johnny Illuminanti who was hospitalised following Mordo's attempt to steal his darkness powers. Pong returned revealing he had found Mechimera's latest body which was inert and returned before leading the group to an alternate base to avoid the chance the bad guys knew of their existing base. Supergirl flew home, Maelidek was contacted by the Martian Manhunter and joined the others, Bats checked in on them before leaving to make a more detailed investigation of the situation.

1) The bad guy in the apartment was a double who has the power to blow up ala Shrapnel, the pyrokinetic resembling the human torch attacked Skater and they were backed up by a woman in a battlesuit that projects cold and has boot jet assisted flight, the fourth member was someone attached to a silver disc ala the green goblin who was able to call up an arsenal of weapons one of which blew up the freeway, he later on made use of a kryptonite force field to overpower Supergirl allowing the villains to escape.

2) Noone knows who was responsible for blowing up the new division headquarters as Mordo chased Johnny once he was outside,

3) An enigmatic villain called the Ice Witch has been haunting the same park she did last year when she took down an entire unit of the Justice League, this included both Superman and Green Lantern she has a habit of killing criminals caught in the act of violence but sparing others unless provoked, in the incident happening on the same night she hospitalised a group of mercenaries who tried to attack her following a museum robbery where she was reported something you know is very unlike her as she tends to only appear a few successive nights a month and usually prefers to keep to herself unless disturbed.

4) The bad guys fled towards the port, but disappeared shortly after indicating they have a base either on one of the ships in the port or somewhere close to where Bats set up his own base

Hope that wasn't too much let me know what questions you want answered

Ok let me read the whole thread, later I will read your recap and put all in order again. I will need 3 to 4 hours.

Well, hello:

My name is Patricio Calderón as you see. I started this PBP some months ago but for some reasons at the moment I left the game. I am coming back but I don't know how willing are the current players to accept me. I was trying to read the whole thread but it was really convoluted so I have some offers to you:

1) You kick my ass and ask me to leave the game (you have the right to do it).

2)The current GM goes ahead and fits the Batman when he can.

3)Let's starts from the point I left and assume that all the new players were presents in the events.

4)Let's start an all-new adventure.

Decide people.

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