ITS UP !!!! and the BETA is in DOWNLOADS !!!


woo hoo

-- david

and it is being downloaded NOW !!!

Liberty's Edge

Beta Download in progress!
Go baby go!

Excellent! Muahahahahahahaha

Despite disliking the Alphas, the length of the Beta makes me dangerously cautious. Maybe it'll be good? That would make my day!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

*sob* 3 hours before I can go home and DL it.

Liberty's Edge

Son-of-a! I had the book pre-ordered and I didn't think of adding the pdf to my cart then I was sitting there anxiously watching my downloads page for it to appear after the site came back up.

I've gotten too spoiled with the subscriber stuff auto-adding the pdfs too.


Edit: Hmm... I went back and added it along with swords to plowshares and the new argonauts as pdfs. They appeared in my downloads, but the beta didn't. I knew something was going to try and make sure I didn't get to flip through it before heading out on vacation tonight...

Is there any delay happening on it jumping to the cart, so that orders are staggered and the servers hold up better? Or was I just targeted by whatever gods or evil entities thought I would be fun to taunt today?

Secondary Edit: I am stupid and they updated the alpha. Thank you.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Bad part is once I DL it I have to go to bed (2.30am here in Australia).
I'm only still up 'cause right before I shut the computer down I loaded up Paizo and saw the "The Future of Roleplaying is Coming..." Screen and had to sit there hitting refresh for nearly an hour. ;)

Reading the Beta now.


Argh... The one chapter per file only has the back cover, but the other one is fine, including the web-enhancement.

-- david

Liberty's Edge

Papa-DRB wrote:

Argh... The one chapter per file only has the back cover, but the other one is fine, including the web-enhancement.

-- david

Ya, the Web Enhancement was a nice surprise.

Hope the "One Chapter per File" gets fixed up soon!

Papa-DRB wrote:

Argh... The one chapter per file only has the back cover, but the other one is fine, including the web-enhancement.

-- david

Yeah, I noticed the small file size and switched... 89% AAAND Done, bye

475 pages... (web enhancement included) : pure delirium. are there major differences with Alpha 3 that I should look for ? Yes, I'm lazy... Guess the easiest way will be to create a character : a barbarian ?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I think I've tried to re-personalize the files a dozen times now, and both the complete version and the one-file-per-chapter version keep downloading as just the back page.

This is what I get for being on the front line to download the Campaign Setting. :(

Dark Archive

Is there going to be a printer friendly version?

CrackedOzy wrote:
Is there going to be a printer friendly version?

Its about the same price to print 408 pages and bind them as it is to buy the softcover Beta.

I'd recommend getting the softcover, its nicer than a printout anyway :)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

IconoclasticScream wrote:

I think I've tried to re-personalize the files a dozen times now, and both the complete version and the one-file-per-chapter version keep downloading as just the back page.

This is what I get for being on the front line to download the Campaign Setting. :(

Ahhhhh, I see what's happening. Give me a few minutes to fix it.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Got mine :D

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

OK, I've fixed the problem with the back page thing. You may need to sign out and sign back in, and you will need to repersonalize the file.

Already downloaded! Now reading to see what changes we need to make in our game to play test this version.

I can't wait for August 2009 for the Hardcover book.

Dark Archive

psymin wrote:
CrackedOzy wrote:
Is there going to be a printer friendly version?

Its about the same price to print 408 pages and bind them as it is to buy the softcover Beta.

I'd recommend getting the softcover, its nicer than a printout anyway :)

Thats assuming you have to pay for printing your free Beta pdf. I have a nice big work printer that I can print on for free. Buying the softcover is something I am considering doing, but I like being able to print extra copies of sections, or just having a physical copy to playtest so I can determine if buying it is worth my time or not.

Scarab Sages

Web Enhancement Printed and Coil Bound - ready to read!

Game on!

Liberty's Edge

Gary Teter wrote:
OK, I've fixed the problem with the back page thing. You may need to sign out and sign back in, and you will need to repersonalize the file.

It downloading as we speak! Thanx for the quick fix!

Thanks Papa-DRB!
It went up at lunchtime where I live. Tastes good!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
OK, I've fixed the problem with the back page thing. You may need to sign out and sign back in, and you will need to repersonalize the file.

You are The Man, Gary.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CrackedOzy wrote:
Is there going to be a printer friendly version?

You have any idea how much it would cost you to print it out? Even as a black and white over at Staples? Much cheaper to just pony up.

Scarab Sages

Woo hoo! downloading now. something to entertain me at work this afternoon.

Matthew Morris wrote:
*sob* 3 hours before I can go home and DL it.

*Me too* Actually longer, I have a golf game after work. *Can't wait*

Sovereign Court

I have it!
Now it´s reading time!

Scarab Sages

Schattenmann wrote:

I have it!

Now it´s reading time!

For me too! I've already had a quick look through. First impressions: excellent. Nothing jumping out to scream "WRONG" to me.

Now comes phase 2: readthrough. ;0)



Dark Archive


Awesome stuff.

Not much changed, though. Glad to have it all in one place, at least!

Sovereign Court

Thanks Paizo!

Dark Archive

LazarX wrote:
CrackedOzy wrote:
Is there going to be a printer friendly version?
You have any idea how much it would cost you to print it out? Even as a black and white over at Staples? Much cheaper to just pony up.

Since you failed to read the last response I gave to this very same suggestion, I'll state again that I have access to a printer that I can print on for FREE, thus a print friendly copy would be nice. Even if I wasn't planning on printing it, a print friendly copy would load quicker on my laptop as I flip pages. They provided the print friendly versions of the Alpha releases, so its not unreasonable to ask for the same now.

Okay this is amazing. Both good looking and wonderful reading. Now I can't wait to get my hands on the hard copy that will let my computers rest.

Hey everyone!

New poster here, just joined after downloading the Beta playtest and got to know more about Pathfinder after doing a little research.

I just like to say that the Pathfinder Beta looks awesome!

Scarab Sages

Hooray! Looks awesome, I'm trying to cram it all into my brain at once and keep flipping around to look up various random bits as they spring to mind.

ps, I've found that the one-file-per-chapter version works well if you load each chapter PDF in a new Firefox tab, then bookmark the set of tabs and voila - easy to load them all at once and easy to flip back and forth as you want to look up various random things. Much easier than switching between Adobe Reader windows, anyway :D

Dark Archive


I've finally had time to download and read it!!

Life is GOOD!!!

Dark Archive

grrtigger wrote:
ps, I've found that the one-file-per-chapter version works well if you load each chapter PDF in a new Firefox tab, then bookmark the set of tabs and voila - easy to load them all at once and easy to flip back and forth as you want to look up various random things. Much easier than switching between Adobe Reader windows, anyway :D

If you are going to have all of the chapters open anyways, why not just have the full version open in Adobe? I'm unclear what the advantage is there.

Mine keeps asking me for some password. I don't get it?

Something odd is going on.

P.S. I keep getting this message;

"Please enter the Document Permission password to remove the restrictions."

Can anyone help me?

Scarab Sages

CrackedOzy wrote:
If you are going to have all of the chapters open anyways, why not just have the full version open in Adobe? I'm unclear what the advantage is there.

I can look up or cross-reference stuff in different chapters without losing my place in each chapter, which is nice if you're prone to doing a lot of flipping around in different sections.

grrtigger wrote:
CrackedOzy wrote:
If you are going to have all of the chapters open anyways, why not just have the full version open in Adobe? I'm unclear what the advantage is there.
I can look up or cross-reference stuff in different chapters without losing my place in each chapter, which is nice if you're prone to doing a lot of flipping around in different sections.

Not to mention it cuts down on the time spent scrolling/paging up/down. You just click the tab of the chapter and then start scrolling.

Dark Archive

See now thats odd, because for me, having a pdf open in Firefox slows my computer down. Oh well, whatever works best for you.

*Still waiting and hoping for a print-friendly version.

Scarab Sages

CrackedOzy wrote:
See now thats odd, because for me, having a pdf open in Firefox slows my computer down.

Hm, are you using the latest version of both Firefox and Adobe Reader? If not, you might try updating both to see if that helps.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:

Mine keeps asking me for some password. I don't get it?

Something odd is going on.

P.S. I keep getting this message;

"Please enter the Document Permission password to remove the restrictions."

Can anyone help me?

I'd suggest you try either:

1) repersonalize and redownload the Beta
2) Update your Adobe Reader.

Or use Foxit Reader at . Make sure it is Version 2.3 (NOT 2.2). Adobe, especially Version 8 brings my machine to a crawl. Foxit is a faster, lighter PDF reader that works great.

-- david

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