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I play Warriors of Chaos for Warhammer Fantasy. My primary focus is on infantry, with sorcerers primarily for dispelling my enemie's spells. This force is untested so far.
I have Space Marines, my own chapter, and Imperial Guard for 40K. My Space Marines currently lack any vehicles, save for one Dreadnought, and concentrate on massed firepower. I'm really looking forward to the release of the plastic Drop Pod. The Marines have faced Sisters of Battle three times so far, lost twice and forced a draw the third time. The Imperial Guard force I am making specifically for a local tournament and is still untested.
Also, on a slightly related note, for Battlefleet Gothic (Warhammer 40K in Space) I have fleets for the Imperial Navy, Chaos, and Tau.

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Also, on a slightly related note, for Battlefleet Gothic (Warhammer 40K in Space) I have fleets for the Imperial Navy, Chaos, and Tau.
I'm actually unfamiliar with Battlefleet Gothic.
My Inquisition army is mostly comprised of Grey Knights with a couple squads of Sisters. And my Tomb Kings im building around the special characters, starting with Settra.

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I highly recommend Battlefleet Gothic. The basic concept is that each of the races and armies in 40K have their own fleet, and some fleets exist that don't have a 40K counterpart. One of those is the Adeptus Mechanicus fleet, quite an amazing range of models. Battles are fought anywhere from low orbit around a planet to the deep dark reaches of space, and could even be fought in the depths of the Warp itself if you want.
Here's a basic rundown.
1, Very similar to 40K in rules. If you play one then learning the other isn't too hard. All measurements are in the metric system though, this can throw some people but makes good sense.
2, Getting into the game is pretty cheap. The rules are available at GamesWorkshop's website as a free download. You can also buy the two rulebooks, the only two official books there are, if you must have something to hold. Also, it is easy to construct a 500pt force using just the contents of an Imperial Cruiser box set, which contains two ships, for 15 dollars.
3, There are no codexes. Everything you need to play in in the rules books that you can download for free.
4, There is a rather lively community for the game on several forums. Port Maw is a good website to go to if you want to get more information and talk with those who play the game.
5, Typically there are fewer models on the table in BFG then WHFB or 40K. This means that you can feel free to take the time to paint your ships and make them as detailed as you like. There are no set color schemes or symbols, and no transfer sheets, so everything it up to you and what you like.
1, It can be difficult to find players at times. They're out there, but you aren't likely to be able to just show up at a shop and expect someone to have a fleet ready to play. The websites help combat this.
2, It is more tactics oriented and unforgiving then 40K. You need to be careful when moving your ships because being off by only a couple of degrees on your turn can mean that your guns won't be in range. Or, if you can't turn fast enough, you may find your ship in the middle of an asteroid field. Almost nobody can turn on a dime, even light escort vessels can't turn more than 90 degrees without a leadership test. This ensures careful planning and tactical analysis, but can take those new to the game unaware and open them up to an 'up the kilt' shot. The best way to counteract this is to play a few friendly battles to get the hang of it, and don't worry about losing.
Anyway, I could go on but I wont, save to say that this game in the reason why I got into Warhammer and 40K to begin with. If you have any questions feel free to ask. You can also find more information, and see the miniatures for the game, at the Games Workshop website under the Specialist Games tab.
Back to Warhammer. What do you like about Tomb Kings? They look pretty neat and I'd love to hear a player's perspective.

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Back to Warhammer. What do you like about Tomb Kings? They look pretty neat and I'd love to hear a player's perspective.
To be honest, there's a degree of appeal in the history behind the Tomb Kings. What got me hooked initially was the idea of being able to play with an army of countless undead. Though, painting was time consuming..

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um, that's Tyranids for anyone not in the know, and it's a 40K army of devouring swarms of bug-lizards! The fluff is a lot of fun to read, since it's the only fluff that's entirely told from other armies P.O.V. (IIRC). shoot down all you want. i'll eat the dead and use the waste to make more troops! And their battle cry is Silence! *Oppressive Silence* hear that? your scout's dead! so's your tank! and now they're behind you!
geekery aside, it is a lot of fun to play them. I try to play each troop based on how intellegent the'd be. Gaunts would rush forward targetting the closest fleshy thing, stealers would be a bit more strategic and the higher up the more careful they are. I got about 2K points worth right now, and plan on buying myself that massive box (or two) come christmas. unfortunately, my friend switched to playing an Ork horde army, so i have to swtitch to using more ballistic units like biovores.
Also, I'm plannign to start a 'Nid BFG army, and should i branch into fantasy, either Skaven or Vampire Lords.

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A quick question for those who play Fantasy. I've got three regiments of Chaos Warriors assembled, 12 models each. I also have two boxes left unassembled. Which would be more effective in the game; using those boxes to make my three regiments larger, up to 18 models each, or simply building two more 12 man regiments?

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A quick question for those who play Fantasy. I've got three regiments of Chaos Warriors assembled, 12 models each. I also have two boxes left unassembled. Which would be more effective in the game; using those boxes to make my three regiments larger, up to 18 models each, or simply building two more 12 man regiments?
I'd prolly go with 4 of 15, though this advice comes from someone who doesn't play fantasy, only 40K, so take it with a grain of salt that i'm unfamiliar with the rules and you might not be able to do that.
assuming you can't do that, i'd reccomend for 5 of 12, since you'd be able to field more units that way, and the added bnumber of regiments increases strategic possibilities.

The Black Bard |

Tyranids. Splinter Fleet Lilith, a bunch of customs I made. Back history is that the spores touched down on a jungle planet populated mostly by avians as the dominant phenotype (instead of mammals). So most of my 'Nids are very birdlike, and any with wings have feathered wings. Its a black, dark green, and light green color scheme, and I play up the stealth and speed. For a 'Nid army, they don't hit hard, but man, they hit fast.

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For fantasy, I've got Vampire Counts and Skaven. I've also got an unassembled Tomb Kings army, and a partial Dark Elves army waiting in the wings. (one of these days I hope to have time to put them together..)
I've only played 40K once with a buddy's Space Marines. I do have some Space Marine models, and hope to assemble a Witch Hunter army when I have time (should that ever happen again...).

Tim Franklin |

What warhammer armies does everyone out there play?
I'm painting Space Marines (Ultramarines - yeah, I'm boring and conventional, but I like the blue), 'nids and Tau, although I'm a very slow painter and I rarely get to play. I just enjoy painting :)
I think some of the Eldar models are very cool as well, but after painting all the hard-edge highlights on the Space Marine and Tau armour, taking on another bunch of smooth, shiny models may be more than my aging eyes and fingers can handle.
Has anyone painted any of the crazy Forge World models? I bought a set of doors for Land Raider with loads of sculpted Ultramarines icons, rather than trying to paint my own symbols on, and they look great (unpainted - we'll see what my paint job does to them). I keep drooling over things like their titans (12"-14" tall!) and some of the aircraft (Imperial Guard, Eldar, and Thunderhawks), but the prices are way off in divorce-land somewhere...

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Jason Beardsley wrote:What warhammer armies does everyone out there play?I'm painting Space Marines (Ultramarines - yeah, I'm boring and conventional, but I like the blue), 'nids and Tau, although I'm a very slow painter and I rarely get to play. I just enjoy painting :)
I think some of the Eldar models are very cool as well, but after painting all the hard-edge highlights on the Space Marine and Tau armour, taking on another bunch of smooth, shiny models may be more than my aging eyes and fingers can handle.
Has anyone painted any of the crazy Forge World models? I bought a set of doors for Land Raider with loads of sculpted Ultramarines icons, rather than trying to paint my own symbols on, and they look great (unpainted - we'll see what my paint job does to them). I keep drooling over things like their titans (12"-14" tall!) and some of the aircraft (Imperial Guard, Eldar, and Thunderhawks), but the prices are way off in divorce-land somewhere...
ya, i got the wings for my warriors. those are some seriously awesome details on those things. and i plan to get the heirophant at some point. you wanna talk about detailed? the ripper swarms are downright gorgeous, and the heirodule. the Apoc rules for the scythed heirodule are insane! but seriously, you're lucky you're just doing doors. at least those are mostly symmetrical, and can be done (notice i say can) rather simply by spray painting black and drybrushing mithral on top. ya, but ultramarine is harder. you basically have to go through and do all the symbols in white over a blue backing, ey? maybe if you lay a thin coat of white on a sheet of saran wrap and sort of "dip" the symbols in after tankbrushing the whole thing blue?
also, that would be one advantage of being a single college student. i can buy the 'Phant and not have to justify it to anyone. noone to divorce me. HA!

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What warhammer armies does everyone out there play? I especially invite any of the Paizo staff to share. I play, for 40K: Inquisition (Daemonhunters with Witch Hunter allies) and 13th Company Space Wolves. For Fantasy I play Tomb Kings.
How about you?
Holy cow - where to start?
I have a passable SM force of 3k pts (easy) with about 2k of Imperial Guard (Catachans.) Then there is a good 2k of 'Nids, 3k of them Dark Eldar chaps, and a smattering of Grey Knights, Adeptus Sororitas, and Eldar.
On the fantasy side, I have 6k (I kid you not) of goblins. Lots of them. Spider riders, spears, bows, herders ... my formations tend to be so big I move the front lines and then spend my opponent's turn getting the rest of the army moved up. I also have about 2k of High Elves and Dwarves. And then, on the completely venerable side, I do have a 1200pt Chaos Dwarves army. I loves me some Sneaky Gits! Oi!!
I might be fixing to start up yet another army. YAY!!

Bill Mead |
I started with 40K about 11 years ago when a friend of mine invited me over to play in the second edition. Then I started with a single squad of Space Marine scouts. The army grew from there and now I have over 10,000 points worth of marines alone (a good portion of them not yet put together including the recently purchased company box set) and now I live for Apocalypse games. I wrote my own chapter, The Emperor's Blood. It is actually a vanilla style codex with new characters. I also got into Imperial Guard (cause I am a treadhead at heart) and now have about as many Forgeworld tanks as I have plastics, though I have not tabulated my points total in that army in a while. I sold my orcs when the new codex hit and the Speed Freaks got euthenized, but I still have a small eldar force, a 100% mounted Dark Eldar force, and some Tau, maybe 3000 points if I max them out (unfortunately, the tanks suffered a fall and are in some disrepair at present). I have recently started collecting Witch Hunters (especially Sisters of Battle) but they are still in the expansion phase and I don't even have enough to field 1500 points yet. No Grey Knights yet, they just cost to much on the table and in the store...
For Fantasy, I do not get to play much, opponents are few and far between, but I have Orcs and Goblins, Chaos (mixed), and a large Empire army with two Steam Tanks (treadhead remember?).
I have BFG and Epic armies also, but absolutely no players in my current area, so I have not dragged those out in some time. I don't have any of the newer models for Epic that have been produced in the last few years. I may be willing to part with my Tyranid fleet if the offer is a good one. They are assembled but not painted yet and I have all ship types up to but not including a Hiveship (the one bigger than a battleship class). If the Nids guy from earlier in the post is interested, drop me a line at thedmstrikes@yahoo.com for detailed accounting of the fleet. I may also part with other aspects of my armies that are not Imperial (40K)...

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I have:
Warhammer (last edition)
Chaos Daemons of Tzeentch -about 2000pts.
High Elves -about 8000pts.
Wood Elves -about 3000pts.
Undead (Vamps) -about 1000pts.
Chaos Warriors -about 2-3000pts.
Darkelves -about 1000pts.
Lizard Men -about 3000pts.
Mordhiem warbands:
High elves
Wood elves
Witch Hunters
Necromunda gangs
Pit Slaves
Unpainted: Ratskins
Eldar -about 2000pts mostly unpainted.
Spacewolves -a few squads.
Tyranids -about 2000pts or so.

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Tyranids. Splinter Fleet Lilith, a bunch of customs I made. Back history is that the spores touched down on a jungle planet populated mostly by avians as the dominant phenotype (instead of mammals). So most of my 'Nids are very birdlike, and any with wings have feathered wings. Its a black, dark green, and light green color scheme, and I play up the stealth and speed. For a 'Nid army, they don't hit hard, but man, they hit fast.
Thats brill! I love when people put a bit of story into their armies or come up with a theme. :) Yours sounds really cool.

Shane Leahy |

I have started (again) to work on my Tomb Kings army. Going for a purple color scheme with bronzes and brasses for the metal. Trying to do a Scarab theme to tie everything together.
My problem is I have to get it to a high standard as when I actually start playing it will be on the Warhammer World tables in Nottingham. Well they don't demand it but I could not put something not up to snuff down.

Valegrim |

Fantasy - Empire and Chaos humans; have a lot of undead also from when I played them back in the day; have about 7k of Empire; 4k of Chaos.
40k; Tau; have about 5k of Tau; with the new rules that add regiments of imperial guard; I have brought my squats out to supplement as imperial troops loyal to the Tau for bigger battles so I can field a good 7k or so.

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Now they've been out a while are the Tau considered good guys or baddies? On the surface they appear to be the only true good guys in the 40kverse but are they really agents of evil (does it hint at that in the background material etc) :)
My friend gave me some sound advice one day when I asked a similar question regarding IG. "There are no "Good Guys" in the 40K universe. only guys who want to keep living and the guys that want to stop them. Any other motivation given is merely publicity."
Now Tau are put forth as the essential "communist" army. equality for everyone (except those who are more equal of course). they fight to make the many happy, yes, and to try and form a collective army that can destroy chaos, yes. but they also demand your individuality. They aren't really good or bad. they only have an opposing view to others.
The closest you'll prolly get to a good race is the Tyranids, and they are at best Neutral since they are just living evolution and biology. They consume to expand. there is nothing really "evil" about them.
(Though if you want to get technical about it and look only at the manuals, it never mentions any hint that the Tau have any hidden "Evil" agenda.)

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I thought I once read something about tau elders that could have hinted a tzeentch influence? May have been a brain fart.
honestly? wouldn't surprise me if it were true. almost everything is influenced by them crazy Chaos Gods. but would that make them more evil? if they took all the same actions but there was no influence and they were doing ti because they believed themselves right, are they suddenly more "good"?
(as an aside, it is interesting that you use Tzeench here, since he is undoubtably the most morally questionable since he is the god of chaos. he is as much the god of torture and mayhem as he is the god of pink bunnies and rainbows. interesting, isn't it? it becomes like asking if someone who is mentally deranged (not psychotic, just unbalanced or seeing things or something of the sort) is less "Good" then the next guy...Plus, he gets to use Greater Turkeys of Tzeench!...those guys almost made me switch to a Chaos army a while back.)

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Just started gettin back into GW stuff again. Havent played 40k since Rouge Trader and Fntasy battles since about 2nd or 3rd edition.
Just got me an ultramarine force for 40k and ive got a wood elf for fantasy but im gonna start a dark elf one now that the new figs are out.
what got me back into it was the Horus Heresy novels. they were mostly quite good

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Just started gettin back into GW stuff again. Havent played 40k since Rouge Trader and Fntasy battles since about 2nd or 3rd edition.
Just got me an ultramarine force for 40k and ive got a wood elf for fantasy but im gonna start a dark elf one now that the new figs are out.
what got me back into it was the Horus Heresy novels. they were mostly quite good
oh, beware the novels. the Dan Abnett ones for the IG almost made me switch, and the Horus herasy ones as well. I particularly like the one about the Emporer's Children. That was some damn fine storytelling.

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I've almost convinced the group i play in to let me use them as variant 'Nid warriors. almost. same with my genestealers in tau armor and the rippers carrying the baneblade manned by stealers (note that i havn't actually converted these yet since there's no point if i can't use them.). i did get them to allow variations on the old stealer cult rules if i want. i can have my own army of Ood! (Gratuitous Dr Who refferance)

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Rich2346 wrote:oh, beware the novels. the Dan Abnett ones for the IG almost made me switch, and the Horus herasy ones as well. I particularly like the one about the Emporer's Children. That was some damn fine storytelling.Just started gettin back into GW stuff again. Havent played 40k since Rouge Trader and Fntasy battles since about 2nd or 3rd edition.
Just got me an ultramarine force for 40k and ive got a wood elf for fantasy but im gonna start a dark elf one now that the new figs are out.
what got me back into it was the Horus Heresy novels. they were mostly quite good
yeah his first one "horus rising" was probably my favourite. Apparantly Mr Abnett is going to be at gencon uk as well : ) I shall have to reprimand him for making me interested in wargaming again....damn him

Valegrim |

Tau are the only good in the entire game. Basically from the fluff they are a new race on the way up that has not yet fallen into decadence; they have only just begun meeting other races and have not yet been corrupted; their slogan is "The Greater Good". hehe one funny thing is that they are a bit Jihad; hehe one of the the things you can take for a hero is personal bomb; if your squad flees in hand to hand; the guy with this bomb doesnt run; your squad does; the enemy doesnt get to pursue; the hero yells out "For the Greater Good and detonates himself and the bomb goes off using the large template"
one thing; if you play Tau; be prepared for lots of fish jokes :)

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What warhammer armies does everyone out there play? I especially invite any of the Paizo staff to share. I play, for 40K: Inquisition (Daemonhunters with Witch Hunter allies) and 13th Company Space Wolves. For Fantasy I play Tomb Kings.
How about you?
Ok then
Gatekeepers - Dark Angels Codex Marines - 4 Companies (1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th) - 5th half painted
Blood Ravens - using Codex SM - 1st, 4th, 5th, 10th - 5th mostly painted and 1st and 10th about a quarter done.
13th Company - 2 Packs
Witchhunters/Sisters of Battle
Dark Eldar
Cadian Drop Troop army
Death Korp/Steel Legion Mechanised Infantry army, that can double as an Armoured Company due to the number of Russ I have - 3 platoons - army should be done by end of September.
Eldar - These will end up as Altansar when I get around to painting them.
Wood Elves and High Elves for fantasy.

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Bah! I've never bought into that "greater good" thing. they have an agenda. we just don't know what it is yet. forcing me to be equal to the next guy is almost as bad as killing me outright. individuality is life!
eh. the hive mind doesn't care. you're all food anyway. and considering my first victory was against tau, i've already got a taste for you.

AlexiDrake |

What warhammer armies does everyone out there play? I especially invite any of the Paizo staff to share. I play, for 40K: Inquisition (Daemonhunters with Witch Hunter allies) and 13th Company Space Wolves. For Fantasy I play Tomb Kings.
How about you?
A 3000 point Dark Angel Space Marine Army and a 2000point Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine Army.
1500 Points of Bretoians

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We play BFG at our Wednesday club several times a year. Usually manage one or two bigger games on a 4 by 8 foot table.
I'm a chaos guy with a love of magic and demons - Tzeentch forever!
We are currently playing a series of linked Legendary Battles at 6000pts a side based on Skaven trying to resurrect a Vermin Lord. On Saturday, the skaven were murdered by Lizardmen in 5 turns. It wasn't pretty and could have ended the entire campaign I'd written.
To save the plot, my mate suggested that he run a game of Warhammer Quest with converted Skaven players trying to reach the objective.
I'm due to fight a 1500 point battle against Vampire Counts next Wednesday night and have just borrowed their book to see what they are all about. We also run a Fantasy league at our club.

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<Threadjack, sorry>
Anyone here play the RPG versions of these games?
I have both. I have not played either. Dark Heresy especially looks VERY enticing.
One of the things I really like about WHFRP is you break the standard molds of "defender, controller, striker ..." and the game really encourages you to role play. Also, if you go with the rules as is, you play the character class you're given, not what you want. We talk that there are systems out there that favor combat, and then there are those that favor more story interaction (and lots of argument that this is even a trope) - my personal opinion is that this is a game that favors role playing - and looks like a lot of fun!
I am really building some nefarious plans for Dark Heresy. The book is GORGEOUS and its a shame it got no recognition at the ENnies - but it may be a time thing (I believe Jan 24th was the official release date.) I expect to see it in competition for a few awards next year. DEFINITELY for artwork, at the least. I'm really interested getting this one running!

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Played both editions of WFRP and currently running a Dark Heresy game. Both are great, dark and immersive games that advocate you find another way around a straight fight or you'll end up dead. For that reason the last thing I want to see are Space Marines as that'll just end up like the Aliens RPG.