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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Before we move on, an important life altering question:Kiss or Lash ?
Why not both? Mix it up a little. Why settle for one over the other?
Be still my hearts ...
Stand back ye lessers, she's mine ! ;-)
edit:: whoa ! she banished me to another page ! Bloody rituals !

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Kate C wrote:baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Before we move on, an important life altering question:Kiss or Lash ?
Why not both? Mix it up a little. Why settle for one over the other?
Be still my hearts ...
Stand back ye lessers, she's mine ! ;-)
edit:: whoa ! she banished me to another page ! Bloody rituals !
I don't know about that, my friend.
I think I'd fight ya for her, heh :)

Kate C |

You must keep the same sleeping habits as I do Mothman : )
Hi gang, I’m going over some much older gaming material now and had to ask, is there a Golarian demigod of evil that has close ties to the world itself? A godling who’s interests and portfolio directly tied in with the setting?
In other words is there a close equivalent to Iuz the Old in Pathfinder? Actually I would be looking for a female demigod of evil.
Wheels within wheels
edit: Same goes for you Lazaro and Baron, insomniacs a little ?
edit II: What's the insomniacs faction ?

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You must keep the same sleeping habits as I do Mothman : )
Hi gang, I’m going over some much older gaming material now and had to ask, is there a Golarian demigod of evil that has close ties to the world itself? A godling who’s interests and portfolio directly tied in with the setting?
In other words is there a close equivalent to Iuz the Old in Pathfinder? Actually I would be looking for a female demigod of evil.
Wheels within wheels
edit: Same goes for you Lazaro and Baron, insomniacs a little ?
edit II: What's the insomniacs faction ?
Just a bit ya
*I'll try find a god that fits the bill
**That would be Cheliax, my dear. We should talk we're alwys looking for new members.
bows and hands her a rose

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Lazaro wrote:Baah, Cheliax is for wimps. Come over to Osirion - Undead never sleep.Kate C wrote:**That would be Cheliax, my dear. We should talk we're alwys looking for new members.
edit II: What's the insomniacs faction ?
That is true, but we have barbeque and CAKE...Devil's Food of course

Trey |

Lazaro wrote:Baah, Cheliax is for wimps. Come over to Osirion - Undead never sleep.Kate C wrote:**That would be Cheliax, my dear. We should talk we're alwys looking for new members.
edit II: What's the insomniacs faction ?
Feh. The masters of night life, both in intrigue and style are to be found in Taldor. Pass among the shadows, regally.

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You must keep the same sleeping habits as I do Mothman : )
Hi gang, I’m going over some much older gaming material now and had to ask, is there a Golarian demigod of evil that has close ties to the world itself? A godling who’s interests and portfolio directly tied in with the setting?
In other words is there a close equivalent to Iuz the Old in Pathfinder? Actually I would be looking for a female demigod of evil.
I’m sure there’s a line in there somewhere, but as others seem to have the obligatory flirting pretty well in hand, I’ll focus on the question.
We actually don’t know much about demi-gods at this stage – a few have been mentioned, but not that many (unless there’s more in the Campaign Setting – I don’t have it yet). The Gods and Magic book may remedy that situation. In the meantime …
How important are each of the factors you mentioned (female, demi-god, close ties to the world)? There may be some demon lords who come close to fitting the bill (you’d need to try to pry the details out of James though); I think as far as power level goes they’d be on par with a demi-god, but they probably wouldn’t tend to have close ties to Golarion.
Urgathoa, the Pallid Princess might be an option. She’s a fully fledged Goddess rather than a demi-god, but she was mortal once (so there’s close ties to the world) and fled back to Golarion after she died. She’s … pretty evil (although her portfolio is gluttony, disease and undeath, rather than evil itself).
Besmara the pirate queen may also be an option, but I don’t know that we know much about her really (including whether she’s evil, and whether she’s a god or a demi-god). She does appear to dwell on Golarion rather than in the Great Beyond though.
But yeah, keep an eye on the Gods and Magic book for better ideas.

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You must keep the same sleeping habits as I do Mothman : )
Not Australian by any chance are you Kate?
Hi gang, I’m going over some much older gaming material now and had to ask, is there a Golarian demigod of evil that has close ties to the world itself? A godling who’s interests and portfolio directly tied in with the setting?
We actually don’t know much about demi-gods at this stage – a few have been mentioned, but not that many. The Gods and Magic book may remedy that situation. In the meantime …
There may be some demon lords who come close to fitting the bill. I think as far as power level goes they’d be on par with a demi-god, but they probably wouldn’t tend to have close ties to Golarion.
Urgathoa, the Pallid Princess might be an option. She’s a fully fledged Goddess rather than a demi-god, but she was mortal once (so there’s close ties to the world) and fled back to Golarion after she died. She’s … pretty evil.
Besmara the pirate queen may also be an option, but I don’t know that we know much about her really (including whether she’s evil, and whether she’s a god or a demi-god). She does appear to dwell on Golarion rather than in the Great Beyond though.
I was gonna suggest Besmara as well, but I'm not sure that she would fully fit the "evil" feel you're going for. Just that she seems to be the best fit for the Demi-God/close ties to Golarion angle.
Otherwise, as Moth said; maybe a Demon Lord? I have put the ones I think may fit in bold.
From James' Blog Entry:
Brand New Demon Lords: And that leaves us with 16 brand new demon lords: the razor-edged Andirifkhu, the brutish simian Angazhan, the mysterious sphinx Areshkagal, the poisonous and fungoid Cyth-V'sug, the insectoid infestation Deskari (whose freaky swarming minions are illustrated here), the froglike and ravenous Gogunta, the murderous werewolf Jezelda, the ghoulish Kabriri, the creeping spider-thing Mazmezz, the deformed and hateful hag Mestama, the dangerously seductive Sifkesh, the troll god Urxehl, the stony gargoyle Xoveron, the dinosaurian troglodyte Xevgavizeb, and beautiful but vampiric Zura. I think that's all of them. These guys and gals were created specifically for Golarion (or in a few cases, imported from my own home-brew campaign world), and beyond a few mentions elsewhere in print, we haven't said much about them yet. That's a situation I hope to change over the next few months, though!
Cheers and welcome! ;)

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Not Australian by any chance are you Kate?
Nah mate, she's a New Yorker.
Otherwise, as Moth said; maybe a Demon Lord? I have put the ones I think may fit in bold.
From James' Blog Entry:
Brand New Demon Lords: And that leaves us with 16 brand new demon lords: the razor-edged Andirifkhu, the brutish simian Angazhan, the mysterious sphinx Areshkagal, the poisonous and fungoid Cyth-V'sug, the insectoid infestation Deskari (whose freaky swarming minions are illustrated here), the froglike and ravenous Gogunta, the murderous werewolf Jezelda, the ghoulish Kabriri, the creeping spider-thing Mazmezz, [b]the...
Yeah, I just read that ... we'll need to press James for the details, though I think he mentioned there's an article on demon lords in an upcoming Pathfinder for Second Darkness.

Elcian |

I'm DMing Shackled City at the moment, and while I'd agree that it's a great series of adventures, I'd also agree that it may not be the best one in terms of overall coherence and occasional plot holes. Still worth looking at though (though of course if your current DM has read it it may be a moot point).
I completely agree, there are a few challenging chapter transitions etc but then thats half the fun and there is space to make the campaign your own.
A few have mentioned that its a big adventure to start with and I agree but i is also my first real stab at Dming and so far so good. Like you (Kate) I had played for years before Dming. In my case I became a DM because I finally found a bunch of players and started a group. We have been playing for about a year and a half though since we can only get together about every four to six weeks the pace is slow.
Mothman, how far have you got, I'm about to finish Flood season this Friday (if all goes well)

Kate C |

flash_cxxi wrote:
Not Australian by any chance are you Kate?
Nah mate, she's a New Yorker.
Russian actually. But yes in New York : )
I was looking at the blog post as well, I'm not sure i can use a demon lord because the adventure I had in mind already has a demon that the demi god is allies with.
My DM subscribed to Second Darkness so for now a lot of that particular info is off limits to me ...

Kate C |

I think Mothman pretty much covered it. I would like to mention Rovagug. Sure he's locked away for now. It was his presence in the Darklands that created the Drow.
Thanks for the rose, this is a non binding contract of course ; )
I think Rovagug may play a part if the back story i'm creating, with the players disrupting the plans of the main BBEGs.
Ok I just came from my game store and have in hand
The Pathfinder Campaign Sourcebook
The Korvosa Guidebook
Classic Monsters Revisited
Pathfinder 7 {just in case i want to run it later on, so i called dibs on it with my DM}
sadly they did not have the Harrow Deck,
the Guide to Darkmoonvale
and the figurine of the icnonic sorceress which i really wanted
i was also looking for D1.5 for my DM in exchange for a look at the articles at the back of Pathfinders 1 to 6 but they said they only got copies of it as a promotional and were out.
So i have got a lot of reading in front of me before i head to work : )

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Mothman, how far have you got, I'm about to finish Flood season this Friday (if all goes well)Elcian
We have been playing this literally for years now ... and we're not that far through! Mind you, we only play this campaign once a month, and real life issues sometimes force us to skip a month (or three).
The group has pretty much completed Zenith Trajectory. (SC spoiler):

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Ok I just came from my game store and have in hand
The Pathfinder Campaign Sourcebook
The Korvosa Guidebook
Classic Monsters Revisited
Pathfinder 7 {just in case i want to run it later on, so i called dibs on it with my DM}sadly they did not have the Harrow Deck,
the Guide to Darkmoonvale
and the figurine of the icnonic sorceress which i really wantedi was also looking for D1.5 for my DM in exchange for a look at the articles at the back of Pathfinders 1 to 6 but they said they only got copies of it as a promotional and were out.
So i have got a lot of reading in front of me before i head to work : )
I bet you could get some of that stuff if you ordered direct from Paizo!
Still, you've got a lot to go with - happy reading.

Kate C |

From James' Blog Entry:
...the poisonous and fungoid Cyth-V'sug, the insectoid infestation Deskari (whose freaky swarming minions are illustrated here), ... the deformed and hateful hag Mestama
I may very well use EITHER Cyth-V'sug or Mestama if had more info on them I have yet to read thier role in Golarion from the campaign setting. It's a grate book read so far though. But i have to run to work now.
Have any of you played through or DM'd The Temple of Elemental Evil ?

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Have any of you played through or DM'd The Temple of Elemental Evil ?
The original T 1-4? I played through it --all of it-- a very long time ago.
The "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil" for 3rd Edition, written by Monte Cook? I own it, and have read through it, but I've neither run it nor played through it.
I think the original Temple "reads bad, plays good". It sounds tedious, with all the encounters, but there's an underlying theme going on, like there is in much of Gygax's works. You need to stop and pay attention to the big picture, while you're cleaning out another room full of fungal abominations.
"Return" reads better, but I don't know how well it actually plays.

ZeroCharisma |

at least you don’t have to wear a French maid’s outfit for work
Wel... it was discussed, but in the end, Slave Girl Leia Outfit won out.
It goes nicely with my facial hair...<grin>
Nice to hear from a fellow NY-living service industry Euro-expat insomniac with bosses who don't know the meaning of the phrase "human dignity" :)
small world, eh?

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We have been playing this literally for years now ... and we're not that far through! Mind you, we only play this campaign once a month, and real life issues sometimes force us to skip a month (or three).
Sucks doesn't it. We play fortnightly (V:tES one week, D&D the next) and there was a while there where we missed about 3 or 4 sessions.
Seriously Jonesin' by the time we got back.
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Kate C wrote:
I've been know to ride the mechanical bull in that attire : )And who sunbathes with a top really ?
Oh, I like you ;-)
For the record, James just stopped by briefly at the chat to say hi, so you didn't miss any of Golarion's deepest, darkest secrets or anything.
This made me double take to make sure I actually read what I read! =0
And I second Moth's statement. ;)
And while I'm at it: Ekaterina is a lovely name. It is on my list of Girls names (which is now a moot list, as we named our Daughter Caitlin and our Son Seth and no more kids).
Also, Moth.
What time is the chat by our time? I have always thought about dropping in for a look see, but I hate trying to work out timezones.

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Have any of you played through or DM'd The Temple of Elemental Evil ?
I ran that as one of my first 3rd edition DM experiences. (started with Sunless Citadel, then Forge of Fury, then Temple).
It took about a year to complete it (14 months I think) and it was fabulous. Monte always writes great adventures, and he did a great job on that one mixing story/quest/adventure that gelled perfectly with his rules he wrote for 3rd edition.
I would certainly recommend it for DMs - especially those that don't have a lot of experience - since its very straight-forward and easy to run with all the needed dialogue etc already done for you - to allow your own pace and level of ad-libbing.
That being said - it would need to be updated to 3.5 (or 3.PF).

Elcian |

Elcian wrote:
Mothman, how far have you got, I'm about to finish Flood season this Friday (if all goes well)Elcian
We have been playing this literally for years now ... and we're not that far through! Mind you, we only play this campaign once a month, and real life issues sometimes force us to skip a month (or three).
The group has pretty much completed Zenith Trajectory. (SC spoiler):** spoiler omitted **
Cool, Glad to know I'm not the only one with a slow moving group. I think I worked out at this pace it will take us 6-7 years to complete. Theres no hurry, we are enjoying the story and thats surely the point.

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Mothman wrote:Elcian wrote:
Mothman, how far have you got, I'm about to finish Flood season this Friday (if all goes well)Elcian
We have been playing this literally for years now ... and we're not that far through! Mind you, we only play this campaign once a month, and real life issues sometimes force us to skip a month (or three).
The group has pretty much completed Zenith Trajectory. (SC spoiler):** spoiler omitted **
Cool, Glad to know I'm not the only one with a slow moving group. I think I worked out at this pace it will take us 6-7 years to complete. Theres no hurry, we are enjoying the story and thats surely the point.
Indeed. We started the last week of March of 07. They are currently in the middle of chapter 7. Just made 13th level.
Next game (two Saturday's from now) should wrap up 7 and we'll be ready to 8 at next game.

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Also, Moth.
What time is the chat by our time? I have always thought about dropping in for a look see, but I hate trying to work out timezones.
1pm Wednesday (or thereabouts for start time - normally runs through the afternoon finishes up about 4 or 5 or so).
I usually catch the start of it during my lunchbreak and depending on how busy I am might pop back in for bits and pieces of it.

Kate C |

.."human dignity" :)
small world, eh?
Human Dignity ? Not in New YOrk sir !
and yes, a VERY small world.
And while I'm at it: Ekaterina is a lovely name. It is on my list of Girls names (which is now a moot list, as we named our Daughter Caitlin and our Son Seth and no more kids).
Thank you, I would use it more but people seem to mangle it.
I think Caitlin is *such* a beautiful name. And yes 2 kids are perfect, enough to keep each other company and watch each others' backs, but more would contribute to global over population. Ok no more being preachy from me : )
I ran that as one of my first 3rd edition DM experiences. (started with Sunless Citadel, then Forge of Fury, then Temple).
It took about a year to complete it (14 months I think) and it was fabulous. Monte always writes great adventures, and he did a great job on that one mixing story/quest/adventure that gelled perfectly with his rules he wrote for 3rd edition.
Is this the original Temple Module ? That's the adventure i have access to.
If you want to use one of the Demon Lords why not take your demon ally, and make them a servant or herald for the demon lord?
I thinking of using Zuggatomy herself because she will not be part of Golarion's official house of Demon lords. Her entrapment would explain why she's not active in the campaign. But following 3.5, that makes it her aspect that's traped. I'm enjoying the working through the details.

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I think Caitlin is *such* a beautiful name. And yes 2 kids are perfect, enough to keep each other company and watch each others' backs, but more would contribute to global over population. Ok no more being preachy from me : )
Caitlin IS a beautiful name. So is Krystal. My wife and I couldn't decide on one or the other for our daughter.....hence when she was born, we named her "Kristalyn"
Katerina too is a beautiful name, though.
We have a woman from moscow at work named Valentina. I love talking to her - love the accent and that beautfiul blue-eyed eastern european look.
I ran that as one of my first 3rd edition DM experiences. (started with Sunless Citadel, then Forge of Fury, then Temple).
It took about a year to complete it (14 months I think) and it was fabulous. Monte always writes great adventures, and he did a great job on that one mixing story/quest/adventure that gelled perfectly with his rules he wrote for 3rd edition.
Is this the original Temple Module ? That's the adventure i have access to.
No - I'm talking about Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil released for 3rd edition - re-written by Monte Cook. Takes place 25 years after.
I'm of the opinion that the origianl T1 - T4 (including Village of Homlet) would be too outdated and very hard to really modify it all for PF rules; not to mention its mostly just a big dungeon crawl combat fest.
T1-T4 was the first adventure I ever ran as a DM(back in 87) so I have a lot of nastalgic memories of it, and it will always be one of my favorite of all times - I just dont think it makes a good modern adventure.
The newer book has a much more modern, streamlined and better overall story.
It just doesn't have the gothic and macabre feeling like the original had!

Kate C |

The original T 1-4? I played through it --all of it-- a very long time ago.
The "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil" for 3rd Edition, written by Monte Cook? I own it, and have read through it, but I've neither run it nor played through it.
I'm tried to create a link to the other thread I started but i'm not that tech savvy i guess ! It's hard doing it from an iphone at work : )
But yes I was reffering to T 1-4, I wanted to make it Golarionesque.
It was either that or the Slave Lords and I think that series would be a little more difficult to transport into Pathfinder.
I would love to use the Slave Lords themselves additional flavor though.
Where would you put the Temple in Golarion ? I've had some good advice on the other thread.

Kate C |

Caitlin IS a beautiful name. So is Krystal. My wife and I couldn't decide on one or the other for our daughter.....hence when she was born, we named her "Kristalyn"
Kristalyn can use her own name if she rolls up a character for Goalrion!
eidt : Not if but *when* she rolls up a character.
T1-T4 was the first adventure I ever ran as a DM(back in 87) so I have a lot of nastalgic memories of it, and it will always be one of my favorite of all times - I just dont think it makes a good modern adventure.
The newer book has a much more modern, streamlined and better overall story.
It just doesn't have the gothic and macabre feeling like the original had!
What parts of it do you not consider a good modern adventure ?
And yes, there is a LOT of combat but I plan to add side treks, a lot of roleplaying situations, and background material.
But I would really like to hear your insight.

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As a fellow NYC'er and Paizoan( is that even the right term?), welcome on board. I have played through and do own the original Elemental Evil Module. It is a great little module, especially the initial set up with Hommlet. However, the module can become a hack and slash fest without some infusion of creativity and RPing from the GM. I think the Temple can be placed in the Cinderlands.
In fact, at one point in time, I had tied in elements of the Slave Lords to ToEE (I think SL might be easier to run in Pathfinder as it has less setting specific elements).
One thing I am not clear on is the type of campaign you are planning to run. If more urban, it is very easy to incorporate elements of other great "urban" products into Korvosa (since you have the city guide). If you want to add more of a piratey feel; the Freeport related resources from Green Ronin is wonderful. I would also highly recommend Five Fingers, Port of Deceit from Privateer Press.

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Robert Brambley wrote:
Caitlin IS a beautiful name. So is Krystal. My wife and I couldn't decide on one or the other for our daughter.....hence when she was born, we named her "Kristalyn"
Kristalyn can use her own name if she rolls up a character for Goalrion!
eidt : Not if but *when* she rolls up a character.
Well, coincidentally, we named our daughter years before she was born. During our "dreams of the future" and thinking/planning on what we would name our kids (if we had them and if it was a girl and if....)
We loved Kaitlyn and Krystal and my wife combined them to make Kristalyn.
The next week she made a new character, replacing her halfling cleric (this was back in 95), with her new character - a human cleric priestess of Mystra named "Kristalyn"
This was in 95. She played that character until 2006!! (when she was immortalized in the world and became a god in my world/campaign and is now the goddess of Magic in my homebrew world). In the meantime, My daughter was born in 2000; and we named her Kristalyn - seemingly naming her after my wife's D&D character that she had been playing for over 5 years!
So - Kate - truthfully Kristalyn IS a name of a D&D character! ;-)