agarrett |
I have a group that is tentatively interested in trying Second Darkness as a 4th edition game. I started doing some conversion work, and figured it was worth posting here, for some suggestions (and for anyone else to use, if desired.)
I'm starting with the Player's Guide, since that is what will go out to players as part of the initial campaign package.
Anything not mentioned in this section can be assumed to remain as written.
These creatures appear to be native to the Green World. Their appearance on Golarion has never been explained, but they appear to come occasionally through long-forgotten Azlanti Gates. They have never existed in Golarion in sufficient numbers to form any community, and no Dragonborn birth has ever been recorded on Golarion (one presumes there is no such problem on their home world…) Golarion’s dragons have a well-known antipathy for Dragonborn, which makes them generally unwelcome. Riddleport is a generally safer spot for Dragonborn than many more orderly cities, as they are accustomed to ‘welcoming’ the unwanted.
As written. Note that while elves and eladrin can distinguish each other on sight, they are identical species to outsiders. As such, everything written about elves also applies to eladrin.
The section on elves covers everything to be said about eladrin also. While elves and eladrin can distinguish each other on sight, they are identical species to outsiders. The two species do not get along well. Eladrin maintain a stronger connection to the First World, but that connection weakens as they stay in this world. It is possible for eladrin to give birth to an elf. In this world, the converse is not possible.
As written. Players choosing to play a gnome will use the rules from the Monster Manual.
As written. Players choosing to play a half-orc will use the rules from the Monster Manual.
As written.
While this does not exist as a class, barbarians certainly do exist. Feel free to use the name, despite the actual class. Shoanti barbarians tend towards Rangers, while Ulfen tend towards Rogues or Paladins.
Another class that has not been carried over to 4th edition yet. Given the general dislike towards this class, I’m considering this an NPC option, and not bothering with much more at this time. If someone is dying to play a bard-equivalent, let me know, we’ll discuss it.
Note that the Golarion gods are the ones supported here. I have not converted all the divine feats. Please let me know what God you’d like to follow, we can work on that one. The Gods mentioned in this section remain the primary Gods in Riddleport.
While the class has not been carried over, Clerics of Besmara and Gozreh are occasionally called Druids.
Another class that has not been carried over to 4th edition yet. This has never been an hugely popular class, so I’m again relegating it to NPC status, pending a new release of the class.
Use wizard. They are no longer easy to distinguish mechanically. Wizards study, sorcerers seem to have a natural gift. They are thus distinguished by background.
Like wizards, many warlocks come to Riddleport to obsess over the monuments, and try to divine their hidden secrets. Several have joined the Order of Cyphers, although that order officially does not welcome warlocks. There is generally a darker edge with warlocks than with wizards, though. Many warlocks report feeling drawn to Riddleport, and have great difficulty leaving. They have been known to work themselves to death poring over the Cyphergate. Riddleport is a dangerous flame, but it draws warlocks like moths.
Just as Riddleport always needs strong arms and sharp weapons, it also needs people to lead them. They’ve never developed a strong military or guard position, so leadership tends to fall to those who will take it. Many of the more effective gangs have a warlord at their core. Some would go very far, but there is usually competition from a neighboring gang, possibly with its own leader. This never stops a new warlord from trying, hoping to be the one to make it big.
We’ll have these too. All characters gain 2 traits, one of which must be a Campaign Trait. I have adapted the first half of all the basic traits. If there is a trait on the unconverted list that particularly intrigues you, feel free to discuss it. It’ll probably go faster if you also present a conversion yourself.
Note that the changes listed are mechanical only. The reasons, or background, behind the trait remains as written unless specifically changed.
Additional Traits: As written. This is a heroic tier feat.
1. Anatomist: You do an extra +1 damage on a critical hit. This goes to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st.
2. Armor Expert: You may reduce the check penalty of 1 type of armor (chosen with trait) by 1, to a minimum of 0.
3. Bullied: As written. You get a +1 on opportunity attacks if you are unarmed. Unarmed attacks count as improvised weapons unless you have proficiency with them. (Note that in 4th edition, you get the opportunity attack with unarmed without any need for additional feats.)
4. Courageous: You gain a +2 trait bonus to your Will when targeted by a power with the fear keyword.
5. Deft Dodger: +1 trait bonus to Reflex. This trait does not work if you carry a shield.
1. Birthmark: You gain a +2 trait bonus to your Will when targeted by a power with the charm keyword.
2. Caretaker: You gain a +1 trait bonus to your Heal skill.
3. Child of the Temple: You gain a +1 trait bonus to your Religion skill.
4. Devotee of the Green: You gain a +1 trait bonus to your Nature skill.
5. Ease of Faith: You gain a +1 trait bonus to your Diplomacy skill.
1. Classically Schooled: You gain a +2 trait bonus to your Arcana skill when using it as a knowledge check.
2. Dangerously Curious: You gain a +2 trait bonus to your Arcana skill when using it to Detect Magic.
3. Focused Mind: Removed. No longer applicable.
4. Gifted Adept: You gain a +2 trait bonus to skill use on one class of rituals (chosen with the trait.)
5. Hedge Magician: Reduce the material cost of rituals by 10%, for one type of ritual components (chosen with trait.)
1. Adopted: As written (note that there are no racial traits as yet.)
2. Bully: You gain a +1 trait bonus to your Intimidate skill.
3. Canter: You gain a +1 trait bonus to your Insight skill.
4. Charming: You gain a +1 trait bonus to your Bluff and Diplomacy skill when dealing with a member of the same race, and opposite sex.
5. Child of the Streets: You gain a +1 trait bonus to your Streetwise skill.
1. Fools for Friends: You gain +1 trait bonus to and Aid Another action, whether you take it to aid another, or they take it to aid you. You gain +1 to your Will defense against any power with the charm keyword, provided you have an ally within 6 squares.
2. Into Enemy Territory: You gain a +1 trait bonus to one non-AC defense trait (chosen with trait.)
3. Looking for Work: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Perception (chosen with trait.)
4. Optimistic Gambler: You get +2 to your Saving Throws whenever you are granted an additional save (not the save you normally take at the end of your turn.)
5. Researching the Blot: You gain a +4 trait bonus to your Arcana skill when used to identify a conjuration, zone, ritual, or magical effect.
6. Scouting for Fiends: You gain a +1 trait bonus to any attack roll against a creature you know to be a demon or devil.
To Do: Convert poisons (see DMG p. 51)
Paragon Path
Prerequisite: Rogue class. Good or Unaligned.
Liberator’s Action (11th Level): You may spend an action point to rally your allies. Any ally within 6 squares may make an immediate saving throw against any fear effect, and they may make an immediate attempt to escape if applicable. Any such attempt, save or escape, gains a +4 bonus. Note that the liberator may include himself in this effect.
Neutralize the Slaver’s Weapon (11th Level): The liberator gains a +2 bonus to his Fortitude defense against any poison effect, and gains a +2 to save against any poison effect.
Enter Quickly Now (16th Level): The liberator may use the Thievery skill to open locks as a move action without penalty. If this is part of a skill challenge in combat, he may use the skill twice in one round (once as a standard action, once as a move action.)
Sunder Weapon Liberator Attack 11
A strike made to break chains can also serve to break swords.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
Target: One creature armed with a weapon
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and opponent’s weapon damage is halved for the rest of the encounter.
Special: Outside of combat, Liberators can use this power to break chains with relative ease and silence.
Instant Escape Liberator Utility 12
A life devoted to freedom despises restraint.
Encounter * Martial
Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: You become immobilized, restrained, or slowed.
Effect: You end any of the above conditions that currently afflict you. Then you can shift 2 squares.
Turn their Weapons Against Them Liberator Attack 20
Among the most satisfying of feelings is turning your foes to fight among themselves.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy hits you with a melee attack and can reach another enemy.
Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
Target: The enemy that hit you.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: The target’s attack misses you and hits an enemy of your choice within range of the target’s attack.
Miss: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier against the target.
Effect: Shift 1 square.
Hero’s Brew Level 15
A potent brew made exclusively by the Church of Cayden Cailean. Imbibers feel the spirit and courage of the God Himself, but also some of the God’s less pleasant effects.
Potion 1,000 gp
Power (Consumable * Divine): Minor Action. Drink the potion and spend an action point (this counts as the one action point you may spend per encounter). For the rest of the encounter, you receive +2 to all attacks, and +2 to all saves. But, you also receive -2 to Will Defense, -2 to all Wisdom checks, and automatically fail your first save against any effect that attacked your Will Defense.
Luthier’s Blade Level 8+
A dazzling rapier with a ruby on its hilt, the weapon seems to seek out foes with swift and sure strokes.
Level 8 +2 3,400 gp
Level 13 +3 17,000 gp
Level 18 +4 85,000 gp
Level 23 +5 425,000 gp
Level 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Weapon: Light Blade (exclusively rapiers)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 radiant damage per plus
Power (At-Will * Radiant): Free Action. All damage dealt by this weapon is radiant damage. Another free action returns the damage to normal.
Power (Daily * Radiant): Free Action. Use this power when you hit with the weapon. The target takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage. If the target is undead or a demon, it is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Level 13 or 18: 2d8 radiant damage.
Level 23 or 28: 3d8 radiant damage.
Power (Once * Radiant): Standard Action. Close burst 6. Dexterity vs. Will or be stunned (save ends). After this power is used, the rapier is forevermore a Magic Weapon with the current enhancement bonus. This counts as a daily use of a magic item power.
Ring of Emancipation Level 16
A rusty iron ring with deceptive powers.
Item Slot: Ring 45,000 gp
Property: Gain a +2 item bonus to your Thievery skill when attempting to open a lock, and +2 item bonus to any Escape attempt.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn, if you deal damage to a person wielding a weapon, that person will not be able to make an attack doing weapon damage until after the end of his next turn.
If you’ve reached at least one milestone today, this ability lasts until the end of your next turn.
Special: After the third time you use this ability, the ring breaks, and becomes a non-magical ring.
I am changing these from spells to rituals.
Level: 4
Category: Deception
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 1 hour
Component Cost: 25 gp
Market Price: 150 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
While under the effects of this ritual, you and all the other participants in the ritual speak a new language. You all understand each other, but no unaffected people will understand this language. You may read and write in this language as well, but anything written will appear as gibberish once the ritual expires. Each time you use this ritual, you go to the same language, and anything written previously will once again be legible.
Your Arcana check + 5 is the difficulty for anyone to magically comprehend this new language through the use of Comprehend Language or other similar ritual, spell, or other effect.
Level: 5
Category: Deception
Time: 1 hour
Duration: Special
Component Cost: 25 gp
Market Price: 250 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
The duration of this ritual is determined by your skill roll. It lasts 1 day for every 5 points, or fraction thereof, in your skill roll. It is otherwise identical to the version described.
No idea on this one as of yet. This may become a wizard power, though I’m resistant to that as the verbal component mechanic is now a bit too foreign to the game (as is extending casting times.) I can’t come up with a useful ritual form of this either. Ideas welcome.
Level: 3
Category: Exploration
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 1 hour
Component Cost: 20 gp
Market Price: 150 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
For the duration of this ritual, you and any other participants may use your Arcana skill in place of your Perception skill whenever searching an area, or attempting to follow someone’s tracks.
Not done yet. Open to ideas.
Not done yet. Open to ideas.
Caver’s Hammock Level 6
A soft, billowy hammock that is both light and strong.
Wondrous Item 1,800 gp
Power (Daily): Minor Action. On command, the hammock attaches itself to any flat overhead surface, or 2 sturdy surfaces 10’ across. It can support up to 500lbs once so attached. Once in the hammock, it takes a Perception roll against a DC 30 for an outsider to see it, provided the hammock is underground or in an otherwise rocky setting.
Mushroom Vest Level 4
A springy, mottled brown vest several inches thick.
Wondrous Item 840 gp
Property: Treat any fall as though it were 20’ shorter.
Portable Stalactite Level 5
A miniature stalactite you can use as a weapon.
Wondrous Item 1,000 gp
Power (Daily): Minor Action. On command, the portable stalactite will attach to an overhead surface no more than 20’ above you. If anyone other than you walks beneath the stalactite, it will fall, making an attack at +10 vs. Reflex, and dealing 1d6+1 damage on a hit. Falling destroys the stalactite; otherwise it can be removed by you with another minor action, and used again. An attached stalactite can be seen with a Perception check against DC 20, and removed with the Thievery check against DC 15 (though the person disarming it must still get up to the ceiling.) A disarmed stalactite is destroyed. Portable stalactites may not be placed adjacent to other portable stalactites.
Ring of the Stone Sibling Level 13
A gray ring that appears to be made of stone.
Item Slot: Ring 17,000 gp
Property: Gain a +1 item bonus to your Fortitude defense.
Power (Daily): Standard Action. Touch a stone wall, and a stone duplicate of you steps out. The duplicate stands 2 squares away from you, will move with you, and will perform an aid another attempt with you each round, with a +5 bonus regardless of what he is trying to aid you with. You may command it to change location to anywhere within 6 squares of you with a move action, and in combat, may have it switch from aiding your attack to aiding your defense with a move action. The duplicate has a duration of encounter.
Note: Need defenses and hit points for duplicate…
Salt Lamp Level 3
A glowing piece of pink, white, or green quarts-like rock.
Wondrous Item 680 gp
Power (Consumable * Zone): Standard Action. Area burst 2 within 5 squares. Attacks at +15 vs. Reflex, giving a -10 penalty to Hide checks and removing invisibility (save ends). Creates a zone, and anyone entering or starting their turn in the zone suffers the same attack.
Sporeblade Level 13+
A blade covered with fungal growths, especially around the hilt.
Level 13 +3 17,000 gp
Level 18 +4 85,000 gp
Level 23 +5 425,000 gp
Level 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Weapon: Light Blade, Heavy Blade
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 radiant damage per plus
Property: On a critical hit, fungus begins growing on the target, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Power (Daily): Minor Action. This weapon scores a critical hit on 19-20, until the end of this turn.
Level 23+: This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
Spelunker’s Mail Level 7+
A dark, lustrous blue-black suit of armor.
Level 7 +2 2,600 gp
Level 12 +3 13,000 gp
Level 17 +4 65,000 gp
Level 22 +5 325,000 gp
Level 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Armor: Chain, Scale, Plate
Enhancement: AC
Property: +5 item bonus to any Escape attempt.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. You count as 1 size class smaller than normal for purposes of squeezing through passages or other obstructions.
Trackless Boots Level 7
Soft, well-worn leather boots with very thin soles.
Item Slot: Feet 2,600 gp
Property: Perception difficulties to track you are increased by 5.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Gain a +2 item bonus to stealth until the end of the encounter.
Not converted as of yet. No plans to do so unless necessary.
Thanks for any help,
Drew Garrett
N'wah |
Awesome work, lemme say. Very awesome. I'm doing a 4E Second Darkness campaign, but I'm waiting until either we're done with CoCT or until the PHB2 comes out, as one of my players wants to play a psion, and I'm 90% sure they're gonna be in the PHB2. But I have been working on some Second Darkness stuff on the side to keep ready for when it happens (encounters, mostly).
And sorry no one's posting replies over here. They probably don't cotton to us 4E types coming out of our designated sandbox. :)
WormysQueue |
And sorry no one's posting replies over here. They probably don't cotton to us 4E types coming out of our designated sandbox. :)
I'd say that it's a bit more of a "If we've nothing meaningful to add we better might just keep our mouths shut" stance. ;)
Personally I think it's great that some people make those conversions and by this advertise Paizo products to a larger (aka 4E) audience. So keep up the good work and have fun playing :)
Arelas |
And sorry no one's posting replies over here. They probably don't cotton to us 4E types coming out of our designated sandbox. :)
Not shocking no one has posted yet. I recieved my books today in the mail. I guess people could be looking a the pdfs, but the campaign is new. I know I have to finish the second half of Sins of the Savior/Spires before I begin Second Darkness. (another player in my group is doing Crimson)
Having said that I like the ideas and I think Im going to start reading the books. :)
agarrett |
Well, I appreciate that some folks are reading this, and I hope it comes in handy for others. We've played Rise of the Rune Lords, and were going to play Crimson Throne. But I liked Second Darkness better, so we decided to do that one instead.
That's the main reason I've started on these conversions. I'll post more as I do them...
P.H. Dungeon |
It looks like I'm going to be doing a 4E second darkness, starting in the next few weeks. I'd love to team up with a few people to do some stat block conversion. Or borrow converted stat blocks from anyone who is also running it as a 4E game. I was thinking maybe a few of us could get together, set up some kind of template in word or something, and then divide up some of the NPCs and post them/e-mail them to one another.
Well, I appreciate that some folks are reading this, and I hope it comes in handy for others. We've played Rise of the Rune Lords, and were going to play Crimson Throne. But I liked Second Darkness better, so we decided to do that one instead.
That's the main reason I've started on these conversions. I'll post more as I do them...
agarrett |
It looks like I'm going to be doing a 4E second darkness, starting in the next few weeks. I'd love to team up with a few people to do some stat block conversion. Or borrow converted stat blocks from anyone who is also running it as a 4E game. I was thinking maybe a few of us could get together, set up some kind of template in word or something, and then divide up some of the NPCs and post them/e-mail them to one another.
I haven't followed this up due to illness, then a busy period in at work. But I'm still interested in this, so by all means...
Mark Moreland Director of Brand Strategy |
FYI, Goodman will be releasing a book of the Bard, Barbarian, Monk and Druid this fall (here). If you can wait, I playtested the 4 missing classes with the authors and they're much better than the WotC core classes. (Note that I'm not a 4e fan at all, but I hated playing these less than the official WotC stuff.) Hope that helps you, if only in the Races section.
Wiki Monster |
Anyone interested in 4e (or PRPG or True20 or whatever) conversions for this or any other Pathfinder product, we are compiling information to produce unofficial pdf downloads from the PathfinderWiki. Head to the Messageboard (from either the Community Portal or the bottom of the Main Page) and you'll see these forums. Once we have conversions for a whole product, we'll format it and move them to the wiki itself.
P.H. Dungeon |
Here's a couple of stat blocks I whipped up. I've kind of just eyeballed a few things, so they aren't entirely by the book. Anwar has a magic powder that I haven't detailed, but basically he's carrying one dose of it, and he will pour it over top of the chest, which will shrink it instead of using the reduction scroll. His pyrotechnics spell I more or less just made up and roughly based it on the 3E spell. I tried to give him some controlling type powers that aren't too lethal.
Riddleport Thug (level 1, skirmisher)
Ini +3 Perception +1 Speed 6
HP 20 Bloodied 10
AC 13 Fort 12 Ref 11 Will 11
Club +4 vs AC, 1d6+1 and bandit shifts one square
Dazing Strike (standard, encounter)- requires weapon
+4 vs AC, 1d6+1 target is dazed until the bandits next turn, bandit shifts 1 square.
Skills: Intimidate +3
Gear: Studded leather armour, club, dagger.
Riddleport Thief (level 1, skirmisher)
Ini +5 Perception +4 Speed 6
HP 18 Bloodied 9
AC 14 Fort 11 Ref 13 Will 11
Rapier +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 and bandit shifts one square
Sneak Attack (standard)- requires weapon and combat advantage
+5 vs AC, 1d8+1+2d6
Skills: Stealth +7, Perception +4, Thievery +5
Gear: leather armour, daggers (2-4), rapier.
Angvar Thestelcrit (level 2 wizard/controller)
Ini +6 Perception +2 Speed 6
HP 25 Bloodied 12
Healing Surge (6 points), Action Points 1, Saving Throws +2
AC 13 Fort 12 Ref 13 Will 14
Magic Missile (At Will), Range 10, +4 vs Ref, 2d4+2
Icy Terrain (Encounter), Burst 1, Range 10, +4 vs. Ref, 1d6+2
target is knocked prone.
Sleep (Daily), Burst 2, Range 20, +4 vs Will, target is slowed-
save ends, if the first save fails the target is unconscious.
Pyrotechnics (Daily), Burst 3, Range 10, +4 vs Fort,
target is blind (save ends).
Shield (Daily)- when hit by an attack gain +4 to AC and Ref Defense
until the end of next turn.
Attributes: Str 10 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 14 Wis 12 Cha 8
Gear: Belt pouch 33gp in house chips, powder of reduction, robes
P.H. Dungeon |
These two are still in progress. I was trying to decide if I should make Depora an elite, but I'm thinking I might give her a carnage demon minion instead of the dretch, which will make her more challenging. Alternatively, I might even give her two carnage demons, but reduce them to level 4 brutes instead of the level 6. However, by the time the heroes reach her they should be pretty beat up, so I don't want to totally thrash them.
Thuvalia Barabbio (level 1 controller)
Ini +5 Perception +2 Speed 6
HP 20 Bloodied 10
Healing Surges 1 (5 points), Action Points 1, Saving Throws +2
AC 14 Fort 11 Ref 13 Will 11
Rapier +4 (1d8+1)
Daze (Enounter) +3 vs Will (target is dazed, save ends)
Bardic Music/Inspire Courage (Encounter)- allies in a 5 radius
burst get a +1 bonus to defenses and attack rolls until the end
of the encounter.
Attributes: Str 10 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 8 Cha 14
Gear: rapier, leather armour, pouch with 13gp in house chips.
Depora Azrinae (drow, female, level 6 soldier)
Ini +5 Perception +5 Speed 6
HP 60 Bloodied 30
Healing Surges 1 (15 points), Action Points 1, Saving Throws +2
AC 23 Fort 16 Ref 17 Will 12
Hand crossbow +11, 10/20, (1d6+4+drow poison)
Rapier +10, (1d8+3)
Sneak Attack: +2d6 damage on melee and ranged
when Depora has combat advantage.
Excrutiating Shot (encounter) +11, 3d6+7 damage and the
target is weakened (save ends).
Darkfire (minor, encounter) range 10, +7 vs. Ref, until the end
of her next turn the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
Drow Poison: +13 vs. Fort, target takes –2 to attack rolls (save ends),
first failed save- target is weakened, second failed save- target falls
unconscious until the end of the encounter.
Attributes: Str 13 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 8 Cha 14
Skills: Intimidate +7, Stealth +8, Athletics +8.
Gear: Mithril Chainmale, Buckler, Rapier, +1 Hand crossbow (bayonent),
boots of spider climbing, ring of featherfalling, 20 bolts.
P.H. Dungeon |
Bradicar-Fadje (human, male, level 3 soldier)
Ini +3 Perception +2 Speed 5
HP 42 Bloodied 21
Healing Surges 1 (10 points), Action Points 1, Saving Throws +2
AC 20 Fort 15 Ref 12 Will 12
(Cleave) Longsword +7 vs AC (1d8+4)
(Tide of Iron) +7 vs AC (1d8+4) push the target 1 square and shift into the square.
Brute Strike (recharge 4,5,6) +7 vs AC (3W+4)
Dance of steel (recharge 4,5,6) +7 vs AC (2W+4 and target is slowed for a 1 turn)
Attributes: Str 17 Dex 8 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 9 Cha 11
Skills: Bluff +9, Intimidate +11, Streetwise +9.
Gear: longsword, heavy steel shield, scale male, dagger, cloak.
P.H. Dungeon |
Saul Vancaskerkin (level 5, rogue/skirmisher)
Ini +8 Perception +6 Speed 6
HP 53 Bloodied 26
Action Points 1, Healing Surge 13, Saves +2
AC 17 Fort 14 Ref 17 Will 15
Str 11 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 13 Wis 9 Cha 14
Sly Flourish (standard) +8 vs AC, 1d8+5
Sneak Attack (standard)- requires weapon and combat advantage
+2d6 damage
Encounter Exploits:
Positioning Strike (standard) +8 vs. AC, 1d8+3 (slide target 2 squares)
Set up Strike (standard) +8 vs. AC, 2d8+3 (you get combat advantage against
the target until the end of your next turn.
Daily Exploits:
Trick Strike (standard) +8 vs. AC, 3d8+3 (slide target 1 square, and for
the rest of the encounter you slide the target 1 square every time you hit)
Walking Wounded (standard) +8 vs. Fort, 2d8+3 (target is knocked prone
and target can only move at half speed until the end of the encounter
or he falls prone).
Utility Exploits:
Master of Deceit (encounter, free action) reroll a bluff check.
Skills: Bluff +12, Stealth +7, Perception +6, Thievery +8
Gear: leather armour +1, +1 rapier, key stump,
keys for the Gold Goblin, ruby earings (250 gp),
belt pouch (14 sp, 25 gp).
NOTE: my version is slightly higher level, as I have 6 players in my party.
P.H. Dungeon |
Bojask (level 3, ranger)
Ini +2 Perception +6 Speed 6
HP 44 Bloodied 22
Action Points 1, Healing Surge 11, Saves +2
AC 16 Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 13
Str 14 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 11 Cha 8
Longsword +5 vs AC, Hit: 1d8+2+1d6 (hunter’s quarry)
Twin Strike +5 vs. AC, Hit: 1d8/1d6 +1d6 (hunter’s quarry)
Encounter Exploits:
Dire Wolverine Strike +5 vs. AC (close burst 1) Hit: 1d8+2
(to each enemy hit)
Boar Strike +5 vs. AC (two attacks) Hit: 1d8+2/1d6+2+1d6 (hunter’s quarry)
and the target is pushed back 1 square.
Daily Exploits:
Jaws of the wolf +5 vs. AC (two attacks) Hit: 2d8+2/2d6+2+1d6 (hunter’s quarry)
Miss: half damage from each attack
Utility Exploits:
Unbalancing Party (Immediate/Interrupt) an enemy misses you with a melee attack:
You can slide the target into a square adjacent to you and gain combat advantage against the enemy until the end of your next turn.
Skills: Stealth +7, Perception +6, Survival +6
Gear: Chain Shirt, hand axe, dagger, longsword.
Pop'N'Fresh |
I got both the Forgotten Realms PDF's and the Adventurer's Vault PDF as well, so if there is anything you guys want investigated from those angles just let me know.
The FR player's guide has lots of Drow stuff for instance, and the Adventurer's Vault book has all the alchemical items missing from the PHB, like tanglefoot bags, alchemist's fire, frost, acid, etc.
P.H. Dungeon |
I started fooling around with stats for the Akata and Void zombies. I'm not sure if this is what I'll end up using yet, but it's a start.
Akata (level 3, skirmisher)
Ini +5 Perception +6 Speed 8
HP 44 Bloodied 22
AC 17 Fort 15 Ref 17 Will 14
Str 14 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 3 Wis 12 Cha 11
Immune: cold, disease, fire, suffocation Vulnerable: salt water 10
Bite (standard at will) +8 vs AC, 1d10+3+disease
Pounce (standard, recharge 5&6) +10 vs AC, 2d6+3+disease and target is knocked prone; the Akata must move 4 squares and can then pounce, which results in up to an
additional 4 squares of shifting movement.
Special Qualities:
Magic Resistant: +4 to defenses against attacks from spells.
Void Bite: +6 vrs Fort, Endurance: Improve DC 17, Maintain DC 14, Worsen DC 13
Initial State: target loses a healing surge until cured, Mid Sate: target heals only half amount from healing abilities, Final State: target dies, and rises as a void zombie in 2d4 hours.
Skills: Stealth +8
Void Zombies (level 2 skirmisher)
Ini +4 Perception +0, darkvision, Speed 6
HP 34 Bloodied 17
AC 16 Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 12
Immune: disease and poison
Slam (standard, at will) +8 vrs. AC (1d8+3)
Zombie Grab (standard, at will) +6 vrs. Reflex; the target is grabbed. Checks made to escape the zombie’s grab take –5.
Blood Drain by Larval tongue (standard, at will against a grabbed opponent) +6 vrs Fort; target takes 2d6+3 damage and is weakened (save ends).
Special Qualities:
Lifespan: The Akata larvae inside the void zombie takes 1d4 weeks to grow. After this time, they are ready to make the transformation into adult Akata. The void zombie vomits out the larvae into a shallow pit it digs. The zombie then collapses to the ground dead, and 2d6 hours later a full grown Akata emerges.
P.H. Dungeon |
I've modified the encounters under the Gold Goblin to better fit 4E
Encounter #1 EL 4 (750 xp- the first wave of defense): 3 guard drakes and 2 trogs (level 2 soldiers- modified from the MM). The trogs have the drakes on leashes, and release the drakes to attack the PCs. They hurl javelins and retreat back to their main lair.
Encounter #2 EL 5 (950xp- Main trog lair): 4 (6 if the 2 trogs from Encounter #1 joined them) trog warriors (level 2 soldiers), 1 trog curse chanter (level 5 controller)
Encounter #3 EL 4 (700 xp- Depora's lair): Depora (level 5 soldier), Carnage Demon (level 6 brute), 2 deathjump spiders (level 4 skirmisher)
These encounters may be pretty tough for a party of 4 (which is what my EL is built around). However, I have a party of 6.
P.H. Dungeon |
I basically built Zincher like a PC, I'm having trouble getting out of my 3E dm habits...
Clegg Zincher (level 6, fighter/soldier)
Ini +5 Perception +3 Speed 6
HP 68 Bloodied 34
Action Points 1, Healing Surge 17, Saves +2
AC 18 Fort 18 Ref 17 Will 16
Str 18 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 14
At will attacks:
Cleave (standard) +9 vs AC/ 1d8+7 (4 damage to adjacent enemies) (+1d8, +1d12 Crit)
Reaping Strike (standard) +9 vs AC/1d8+7 (4 damage on a miss)
Encounter Attacks:
Sneak Attack (+2d6 damage when Clegg has combat advantage)
Spinning Sweep (standard) +9 vs AC/1d8+7 (target is knocked prone)
Sweeping Blow (standard, close burst 1) +9 vs AC/1d9+9
Daily Attacks
Brute Strike (standard) +9 vs AC/3d8+7
Crack the Shell (standard) +9 vs AC/2d8+7 (target takes 5 ongoing damage is immobilized, save ends)
Utility Exploits
Unstoppable (minor) gain 2d6+2 hp
Unbreakable (Immediate, reaction, encounter) reduce the damage of the attack by 7.
Skills: Athletics +12, Bluff +3, Endurance +10, Intimidate +10, Stealth +2, Perception +3, Thievery +10.
Feats: Weapon Focus, Toughness, Action Surge (+3 to attack rolls during an action surge), Sneak of Shadows, Power Attack (-2 to hit, +3 to damage).
Gear: leather blood cut armour +1, +1 vicious warpick, 2 throwing axes, keys (E5, E6), belt and belt pouches, 24 sp, 25 gp.
P.H. Dungeon |
I ended up toning the last encounter down a little. The spider would have been too much, given that my trog curse chanter escaped to Depora's room. Instead I ended up with 2 trog warriors, the curse chanter, depora, and a carnage demon. That was plenty nasty. Depora escaped unscathed. The demon ended up loose on the neighborhood and two PCs were killed. A successful final encounter IMO.
I've modified the encounters under the Gold Goblin to better fit 4E
Encounter #1 EL 4 (750 xp- the first wave of defense): 3 guard drakes and 2 trogs (level 2 soldiers- modified from the MM). The trogs have the drakes on leashes, and release the drakes to attack the PCs. They hurl javelins and retreat back to their main lair.
Encounter #2 EL 5 (950xp- Main trog lair): 4 (6 if the 2 trogs from Encounter #1 joined them) trog warriors (level 2 soldiers), 1 trog curse chanter (level 5 controller)
Encounter #3 EL 4 (700 xp- Depora's lair): Depora (level 5 soldier), Carnage Demon (level 6 brute), 2 deathjump spiders (level 4 skirmisher)
These encounters may be pretty tough for a party of 4 (which is what my EL is built around). However, I have a party of 6.
P.H. Dungeon |
I pretty much based him on Zincher, but simplified him a little. He can still do some nasty damage with his maul, and I figured it was appropriate that he could knock them off their feet.
Akron Erix (level 4, fighter/brute)
Ini +4 Perception +4 Speed 6
HP 62 Bloodied 32
AC 15 Fort 17 Ref 16 Will 16
Str 16 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 10
Cleave (standard) +7 vs AC/ 2d6+5 (3 damage to adjacent enemies)
Reaping Strike (standard) +7 vs AC/2d6+5 (3 damage on a miss)
Encounter Attacks:
Spinning Sweep (standard, recharge 5 or 6) +7 vs AC/2d6+5 (target is knocked prone)
Brute Strike (standard) +7 vs AC/6d6+5
Utility Exploits
Unstoppable (minor) gain 2d6+2 hp
Skills: Athletics +12, Bluff +3, Endurance +9, Intimidate +8, Stealth +2, Perception +4
Gear: Maul
P.H. Dungeon |
I revised Zincher a little and gave him a better pick.
Clegg Zincher (level 6, fighter/soldier)
Ini +5 Perception +3 Speed 6
HP 68 Bloodied 34
Action Points 1, Healing Surge 17, Saves +2
AC 18 Fort 18 Ref 17 Will 16
Str 18 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 14
At will attacks:
Cleave (standard) +9 vs AC/ 1d12+7 (4 damage to adjacent enemies) (+1d8, +1d12 Crit)
Reaping Strike (standard) +9 vs AC/1d12+7 (4 damage on a miss)
Encounter Attacks:
Sneak Attack (+2d6 damage when Clegg has combat advantage)
Spinning Sweep (standard) +9 vs AC/1d12+7 (target is knocked prone)
Sweeping Blow (standard, close burst 1) +9 vs AC/1d12+9
Daily Attacks
Brute Strike (standard) +9 vs AC/3d12+7
Crack the Shell (standard) +9 vs AC/2d12+7 (target takes 5 ongoing damage is immobilized, save ends)
Utility Exploits
Unstoppable (minor) gain 2d6+2 hp
Unbreakable (Immediate, reaction, encounter) reduce the damage of the attack by 7.
Skills: Athletics +12, Bluff +3, Endurance +10, Intimidate +10, Stealth +2, Perception +3, Thievery +10.
Feats: Weapon Focus, Toughness, Action Surge (+3 to attack rolls during an action surge), Sneak of Shadows, Power Attack (-2 to hit, +3 to damage).
Gear: leather blood cut armour +1, +1 vicious warpick, 2 throwing axes, keys (E5, E6), belt and belt pouches, 24 sp, 25 gp.
P.H. Dungeon |
Here are stats for drow guards for Devil's Elbow. I had to reduce their power from the drow in the MM, but I didn't want to bring them down too low. They should still pretty dangerous, especially if they have any numbers. The poison is still very dangerous.
Drow Guards (drow, male or female level 4 soldier)
Ini +5 Perception +4 Speed 6
HP 50 Bloodied 25
AC 21 Fort 16 Ref 16 Will 16
Hand crossbow +10, 10/20, (1d6+4+drow poison)
Rapier +10, (1d8+4)
Darkfire (minor, encounter) range 10, +7 vs. Ref, until the end
of her next turn the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
Drow Poison: +13 vs. Fort, target takes –2 to attack rolls (save ends),
first failed save- target is weakened, second failed save- target falls
unconscious until the end of the encounter.
Combat Advantage: The drow deals an extra 1d6 to any target it has combat advantage against.
Attributes: Str 11 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 11
Skills: Intimidate +6, Stealth +5, Athletics +4.
Gear: Mithril Chainmail, Buckler, Rapier, Hand crossbow, 10 bolts.
P.H. Dungeon |
Chmetugo- Shadowdemon (level 7, skirmisher, XP 300)
Ini +8 Perception +11/21 Speed (Fly 8, hover, insubstantial)
HP 77 (takes half damage from all sources) Bloodied 38
AC 19 (insubstantial) Fort 19 Ref 19 Will 19
Str - Dex 17 Con 17 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 16
Immune: poison Resist: variable 10 (1 per encounter), insubstantial
Claws (standard at will) +10 vs Ref 2d6+5
Pounce (standard, must make a charge action) +12 vs Ref, 4d6+5
Fear Aura (move, encounter, close burst 3) +10 vs Will, characters are stunned until the end of the demon’s next turn. Aftereffect: suffer a –2 penalty to attacks (save ends)
Chilling Darkness (standard, recharge 5 and 6, blast 3 within 10) +10 vrs Fort the target takes 3d8+5 necrotic damage. The darkness lasts until the end of his next turn and anyone in the darkness is blind.
Special Qualities:
Sunlight Powerlessness: the shadow demon cannot function in true daylight.
I think he's looking pretty nasty. Maybe too nasty considering my party is only 3-4th level going into this fight
Skills: Stealth +15
P.H. Dungeon |
I decided to make him a fey pact warlock, which though not a druid seemed like a good alternative.
Xakihn (drow, male, level 4 warlock (fey)/artillery)
Ini +4 Perception +5 Speed 6
HP 43 Bloodied 21
Healing Surges 1 (10 points), Action Points 1, Saving Throws +2
AC 17 Fort 13 Ref 17 Will 18
Eldrich Blast (standard, at will, range 10, 1 target) +9 vs Ref, 1d10+6
Warlock’s Curse (minor, at will, closest target) the cursed enemy takes and extra 1d6 damage from is attacks. He can apply this damage once in a round.
Eye Bite (standard, at will, range 10, one target) +8 vs Will, 1d6+6 psychic damage and he is invisible to his foe until the end of his next turn.
Witchfire (standard, encounter, range 10, one target) +8 vs Will, 2d6+6 fire damage and the target takes –5 to attack roles until the end of his next turn.
Eldrtich Rain (standard, encounter, range 10, two targets) +8 vs Ref, 1d10+9 damage to each target.
Curse of the Darkdream (standard, encounter, range 10, 1 target) +8 vs Will, 3d8+6 psychic damage, and the target slides 3 squares.
Darkfire (minor, encounter) range 10, +8 vs. Ref, until the end
of her next turn the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
Attributes: Str 10 Dex 15 Con 11 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 18
Skills: Arcana +10, Intimidate +11.
Gear: leather armor, dagger, two silver bracelets (50gp each), ring (100gp), +2 rod of malign conveyance (Daily- move action, teleport yourself, and enemy, and ally within five squares of you 2 squares. On a critical hit deal +2d6 damage and teleport your enemy 2 squares)
P.H. Dungeon |
Shindirra (drow, female, cleric 6)
Ini +5 Perception +6 Speed 6
HP 64 Bloodied 32
Healing Surges 1 (16 points), Action Points 1, Saving Throws +2
AC 21 Fort 16 Ref 15 Will 18
Righteous Brand (standard, at will) +10 vs AC, 1d8+5/flail (an ally within 5 squares gets a +3 to hit until the end of her next turn).
Disarming Strike (standard, recharge 5&6) +10 vs AC, no damage but the opponent is disarmed.
Avenging flame (standard, daily) +10 vs AC, 2d8+5/flail (5 ongoing fire damage, save ends)
Miss: half damage, no fire damage)
Spiritual Weapon (standard, daily) +6 vs AC, 1d10+3 (sustain minor, as a move action move the weapon 10 squares to attack a new enemy, the weapon appears in the enemy’s square and gives allies combat advantage against their foe)
Command (standard, encounter) +6 vs Will, target can be slid 4 squares.
Shield of Faith (standard, daily) Each ally in a close burst 5 gets +2 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter.
Healing Word (minor, close burst 5, 2 per encounter) target regains 1d6+13 hp.
Darkfire (minor, encounter) range 10, +8 vs. Ref, until the end
of her next turn the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
Tactics: Use shield of faith, and darkfire early in the fire. Use command to get a PC in the water, Use spiritual weapon to grant combat advantage to her allies, sustain it to keep it attacking, use avenging flame in melee as soon as she enters melee.
Attributes: Str 16 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 12
Skills: Religion +11, Arcana +11.
Gear: +1 mithril chainmail (daily power- when an attack hits take half damage), +1 flail, light shield, unholy symbol of Nocticula (demon lady of darkness and lust). Ritual Prayer book- comprehend languages, gentle repose, magic mouths, silence, endure elements, water walk, magic circle and sending.
P.H. Dungeon |
Gaston Cromarcky (level 10, rogue/skirmisher)
Ini +10 Perception +12 Speed 6
HP 102 Bloodied 51
Action Points 1, Healing Surge 25, Saves +2
AC 24 Fort 21 Ref 24 Will 20
Str 14 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 12 Cha 13
At Will Attacks:
Piercing Strike (standard) +12 vs Ref, 1d8+5
Sly Flourish (standard) +12 vs AC, 1d8+6
Sneak Attack (standard)- requires weapon and combat advantage
+2d8 damage
Encounter Attacks:
Positioning Strike (standard) +12 vs. AC, 1d8+6 (slide target 2 squares)
Set up Strike (standard) +12 vs. AC, 2d8+6 (you get combat advantage against
the target until the end of your next turn.
Sand in the eyes (standard) +12 vs. Ref, 1d8+5 and the target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Daily Attacks
Trick Strike (standard) +12 vs. AC, 3d8+6 (slide target 1 square, and for
the rest of the encounter you slide the target 1 square every time you hit)
Walking Wounded (standard) +12 vs. Fort, 2d8+6 (target is knocked prone
and target can only move at half speed until the end of the encounter
or he falls prone).
Crimson Edge (standard) +12 vs. Fort, 2d8+5 and the target takes an ongoing 7 damage and grants combat advantage until the end of the encounter (save ends both).
Miss: half damage and no ongoing damage.
Utility Exploits
Master of Deceit (encounter, free action) reroll a bluff check.
Ignoble Escape (encounter, move action) if you are marked you can end the effect and shift up to your speed.
Skills: Bluff +11, Stealth +13, Perception +12, Thievery +13
Gear: leather armour +2, +2 duelist’s rapier (daily, minor action- you have combat advantage against the next creature you attack with this weapon on your turn, +2d8 damage on a crit when you have combat advantage), potion of healing, jewelry worth 800gp, coin purse with 50gp, 40 sp.
P.H. Dungeon |
Elias Tammerhawk(level 10, wizard)
Ini +10 Perception +7 Speed 6
HP 74 Bloodied 37
Action Points 1, Healing Surge 18, Saves +2
AC 23 Fort 21 Ref 24 Will 23
Str 12 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 20 Wis 14 Cha 13
At Will Attacks:
Magic Missile (Range 20, standard) +12 vs Ref, 2d4+7
Ray of Frost (Range 10, standard) +12 vs Fort, 1d6+7 and target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Encounter Attacks:
Spectral Ram (standard, range 10) +12 vs Fort, 2d10+7 force damage, and the target is pushed back 3 squares and knocked prone.
Fire Shroud (standard, enemies in a close burst 3) +12 vs Fort, 1d8+7 fire damage and an ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Ray of Enfeeblement (standard, range 10) +12 vs Fort, 1d10+7 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Daily Attacks:
Lightning Serpent (standard, range 10) +12 vs. Ref, 2d12+7 lightning damage, and the target takes an ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both). Miss: half damage and the target is slowed (save ends)
Choking Cloud (standard, burst 2 within 10) +12 vs. Fort, 1d10+7 poison damage, the cloud blocks line of sight and lasts until the end of next turn, sustain minor. You can move the zone up to six squares as move action. Anyone who enters the zone take damage.
Acid Arrow (standard, range 20) +12 vs. Ref, 2d8+7 acid damage and the target takes an ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends) Miss: half damage and 2 ongoing damage. Secondary Attack: against any adjacent foe, 1d8+7
Utility Exploits:
Shield (encounter, immediate interrupt when hit by an attack) +4 to AC and Ref until the end of your next turn.
Dimension Door (encounter, move action) Teleport 10 squares.
Arcane Gate (encounter, minor action) create dimensional gate between two target squares that are up to 20 squares apart. It lasts until the end of your next turn, sustain minor.
Skills: Arcana +15, Diplomacy +11, History +15, Insight +12.
Gear: +2 fire burst cloth (automatically make saves against ongoing fire damage), Magic Staff +2, potion of healing, Amulet of Protection +2 (looks like half of the cyphergate), jewelry worth 800gp, coin purse with 50gp, 40 sp.
Fra |
Awesome work !
Recently, one player of my group knowing my desire to run my next campain on a drow based story lend me the first tomes of this new adventure path.
At first I was decided to play my next campain using the 4e rules but the official published scenarii didn't satisfied me. Discovering the excellent work of paizo questioned my initial choice and let me in doubt.
Here it is just what I was desperatly looking for ! Thanks a lot to Agarret and P.H. Dungeon for this. Hope the next stats blocks for the next scenario "The Armaggedon echo" will come soon, I can't wait !
P.H. Dungeon |
I've finished running Children of the Void, but I'm taking a break and running Last Breaths of Ashenport between Children of the Void and Armageddon Echo, as my party is a little behind in the xp. Thus, I probably won't get started with AE until mid January, and I think I'm going to be making more alterations to my version of that adventure than I did with the first two. However, I'll continue to post any stat blocks I put together as I come up with them.
P.H. Dungeon |
Here's a stat block for Kardogas. I thought I'd try out a template with him, and make him an elite mofo. I'm not sure exactly how he'll play out, but he looks pretty nasty on paper.
Kardogas (drow, savage berserker, elite brute 8)
Initiative +8 Senses: Perception +9; darkvision
HP 192; Bloodied 96
AC 22; Fortitude 24, Reflex 20, Will 20
Speed 6, Action Dice: 1, Saving Throws +2
Regeneration 5
+1 Battlecrazed Greatsword (Melee Basic) (standard; at-will)
+11 vs AC/ 1d10+7 damage (+1d6 when bloodied, and +1d6 on a crit)
Crushing Surge (Melee, standard; at will) +11 vs AC/1d10+7 on a hit gain 4 temporary hp.
Reckless Strike (Melee, standard; recharge 6) +9 vs AC/3d10+7 damage
Dizzying Blow (Melee, standard; encounter) +11 vs AC/3d10+7 damage and the target is immobilized (save ends)
Sweeping Blow (Melee, close burst 1, standard, recharge 5,6) +13 vs AC/1d10+7 to all targets in burst.
Murderous Frenzy: The savage berserker gains 1 action point the first time it reduces an opponent to 0 hp.
Savage Rebuke (Immediate reaction when hit by a melee attack, at will) The savage berserker makes a melee basic attack.
Cloud of Darkness (Close burst 1, Minor, encounter) A cloud of darkness remains in place until the end of your next turn. It blocks line of sight for all creatures except you. Any creature except you entirely within the cloud is blinded.
Str 18 (+8) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 11 (+5) Con 18 (+8) Int 10 (+4) Cha 14 (+6)
Skills: Intimidate +11, Athletics +11.
Gear: Chainmail, +1 battle crazed greatsword (Adventurers Vault p. 64, level 4, property +1d6 damage when bloodied, Power (daily): Minor Action. Deal damage to yourself equal to half your level (4). You are considered bloodied for all purposes until the end of your next turn.
P.H. Dungeon |
My version of razorhorn doesn't quite fit with the monster manual green dragon. I've added in the horn and upgraded the damage of the breath weapon (I can't stand how little damage the 4E dragon breath weapons do).
Razorhorn Level 9 solo Soldier, Large, young adult, green dragon XP 2000
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +12; darkvision
HP 368; Bloodied 184
AC 25; Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 21
Resist 15 poison, Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), Saving Throws +5, Action Points 2.
Bite (standard; at will) Reach 2; +14 vs. AC/ 2d6 + 7 damage and ongoing 5 poison (save ends).
Horn Gore (standard; at will) Reach 2; +14 vs. AC/ 2d8+ 7 damage.
Claw (standard; at will) Reach 2; +14 vs. AC/1d8+7 damage
Double Attack (standard; at will) make two claw attacks.
Flyby Attack (standard, recharge 5,6) Razorhorn flies up to 10 squares and makes a bite or horn attack at any point during the move without provoking an attack off opportunity attack from the target.
Tail Sweep (immediate reaction, if an adjacent enemy doesn’t move on its turn; at will) +12 vs Ref/1d8+7, and the target is knocked prone.
Luring Gaze (minor 1/per round; at will) Charm, Gaze, Ranged 10; +12 vs Will; the target slides 2 squares.
Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5,6) Poison, Close blast 5; +12 vs Fort/3d8+7 and the target takes an ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both). Aftereffect: the target is slowed (save ends).
Bloodied Breath (free when first bloodied, encounter) Razorhorn’s breath weapon recharges and he uses it immediately.
Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) Fear, Close burst 5; targets enemies; +12 vs Will; the target is stunned until the end of the dragon’s next turn. Aftereffect; The target takes a –2 to attack rolls (save ends).
Alignment: Evil Languages: Elven, Draconic, Undercommon, Common.
Skills: Bluff +17, Diplomacy +12, Insight +17, Intimidate +12.
Str 18 (+8) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 16 (+7) Con 18 (+8) Int 15 (+6) Cha 18 (+8)
P.H. Dungeon |
Drow Warriors (drow, male or female level 6 soldier)
Ini +6 Senses: Perception +6, darkvision Speed 6
HP 66 Bloodied 33
AC 23 Fort 18 Ref 18 Will 17
Hand crossbow (standard, at will, range 10/20) +10/1d6+5+drow poison)
Rapier (standard, at will) +10/1d8+5
Darkfire (minor, encounter) range 10, +8 vs. Ref, until the end
of her next turn the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
Drow Poison: +13 vs. Fort, target takes –2 to attack rolls (save ends),
first failed save- target is weakened, second failed save- target falls
unconscious until the end of the encounter.
Combat Advantage: The drow deals an extra 1d8 to any target it has combat advantage against.
Attributes: Str 11 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 11
Skills: Intimidate +8, Stealth +8, Athletics +6.
Gear: Chainmail, Buckler, Rapier, Hand crossbow, 10 bolts, drow silk surcoat, drow craft boots, vial of drow poison.
P.H. Dungeon |
I'm not sure exactly what to do with this one. If you have any suggestions let me know.
Ilverae Perastric (drow, male, level 8 artillery)
Initiative +7 Perception +7 Speed 6
HP 67 Bloodied 33
Healing Surges 1 (15 points), Action Points 1, Saving Throws +2
AC 21 Fort 17 Ref 21 Will 21
Alchemical Expert: Ilverae is an expert with alchemical items and adds +1d8 damage to any attack she makes with such an item (except when the item doesn’t have a damage roll).
Darkfire (minor, encounter) range 10, +10 vs. Ref, until the end
of her next turn the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
Tactics: hurls most powerful alchemical items first.
Attributes: Str 10 Dex 16 Con 11 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 14
Skills: Arcana +12, Intimidate +6.
Gear: chain shirt, leather apron, dagger, alchemical items.
Alchemical Gear:
Dragonfire Tar (level 8): Range 5/10, +11 Reflex/ ongoing 5 fire damage.
Alchemists Acid (level 6): Area burst 1, Range 5/10, +9 vs Reflex 1d10 acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage.
Alchemist’ss Fire (level 6): Area burst 1, Range 5/10, +9 vs. Reflex/ 2d6 fire, half damage on a miss.
Alchemist’s Frost (level 11): Area burst 1, Range 5/10, +11 vs Reflex/ 2d10 cold and target slowed until the end of your next turn; half damage on a miss.
P.H. Dungeon |
I started converting Babau demons, but I'm not really fully satisfied with the result so far. They need something else. I was trying to figure out how to maybe convert the slime from 3E, but I haven't decided on how that might work yet. Suggestions on what to do with these demons are welcome.
Babau demon Level 9 Lurker, Medium elemental humanoid (demon), XP 400
Initiative +12 Senses: Perception +11; darkvision
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 23; Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 20
Immune poison, resist 10 variable x2, Speed 6
Claws (standard) +14 vs AC/ 2d6+5
Combat Advantage: +2d6 when the Babau has combat advantage.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Languages: Abyssal, Undercommon.
Skills: Perception +11, Stealth +15,
Str 20 (+9) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 14 (+6) Con 20 (+9) Int 14 (+6) Cha 16 (+7)
Zombieneighbours |
Ok, so I actually secretly rather enjoy 4e's combat system, thought i think other elements of the game are lacking and in an attempt to get some more oppertunity to do some 4E stuff I have decided I am going to give converting Second darkness a go also. I have to say that of all the APs get released, it seems the most appropreate to convert to me.
P.H. Dungeon |
Overall, I've found that for the most part the conversion has been pretty smooth. I like the storyline of second darkness quite a bit, but I'm not so big on the design of many of the combat encounters in the game, as I find them rather flat and uninteresting, so the changes that I'm making to the adventure in the conversion have been focused on spicing up some of the fights. The only issue that makes some of the conversion tough is that the 3E magic system is so much different than the 4E one that there are some places (especially later in the adventure) where the two systems kind of clash. For example, I have Noveliss with several demonic allies that have presumably been summoned and bound to him. However, as of yet there aren't any real rituals designed for the system that involve the binding of fiends, and I'm not sure exactly how they should translate to the new edition.
P.H. Dungeon |
These drow wear elaborate robes with arcane symbols woven into their fabric. Their heads are clean shaven, and additional arcane symbols of the vilest nature adorn their skulls’ in the form of carefully crafted scars.
Drow Arcanists (drow, male or female level 8 artillery)
Ini +5 Senses: Perception +4; darkvision, Speed 6
HP 66 Bloodied 33
AC 19 Fort 18 Ref 21 Will 19
Abyssal Orb (standard, at will) 1 creature, Range 20, +13 vs Ref/ 2d6+5
Acid Orb (standard, recharge 6) 1 creature, Range 10, +13 vs Ref/3d8+5 acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Chaos Hammer (standard, recharge 6) area burst 1 within 10, +11 vs Fort/3d8+5 and the target is dazed (save ends)
Spores of the Vrock (minor, encounter) close burst 2, +11 vs Fort/1d10+5 poison damage, and 5 ongoing poison damage and the target is weakened (save ends).
Demonic Transformation (immediate when first bloodied, encounter) the arcanist undergoes a demonic transformation. Her skin toughens granting a +2 bonus to AC; she gains 10 temporary hit points, and grows demonic claws that she can make melee attacks with. The transformation lasts until the end of the encounter, and once it occurs she can no longer use any other attacks.
Demonic Claws (melee basic, standard, at will- can only be used after demonic transformation) Reach 1, +15 vs AC/2d8+5 and the target is weakened (save ends).
Other Abilities:
Darkfire (minor, encounter) range 10, +13 vs. Ref, until the end
of her next turn the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
Attributes: Str 10 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 11 Cha 15
Skills: Arcana +12.
Gear: cloth armor (arcanist robes), signet ring (house Azrinae), unholy symbol, dagger.
P.H. Dungeon |
Drow Pain tasters (drow, male or female level 8 brute)
Ini +6 Senses: Perception +4; darkvision, Speed 6
HP 106 Bloodied 53
AC 19 Fort 20 Ref 19 Will 18
Longsword (standard, at will) Reach 1 +11/ 1d8+5
Brutal Slash (standard, recharge 5,6) Reach 1, +11/3d8+5
Pain taster (Immediate when bloodied, encounter) The pain taster’s brutal slash recharges, the pain taster gets +2 to hit, and deals an additional +1d8 damage on all attacks until the end of the encounter.
Other Abilities:
Darkfire (minor, encounter) range 10, +9 vs. Ref, until the end
of her next turn the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
Attributes: Str 17 (+4) Con 16 (+7) Dex 14 (+6) Int 11 (+4) Wis 11 (+4) Cha 12 (+5)
Skills: Intimidate +11
Gear: leather armor, longsword (used two handed)
P.H. Dungeon |
I decided to go with more a demon theme with Noveliss instead of the illusionist theme. I didn't really understand the point of him being an illusionist in the adventure. It should be noted this build is not by the book. He has quite a few more powers than is recommended, but I like my wizards to be nasty and have some options, especially when they're boss types.
Noveliss (drow, demon tainted, elite wizard 11)
Initiative +9 Senses: Perception +6; darkvision
HP 178; Bloodied 89
AC 24; Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 24
Speed 6, Action Dice: 1, Saving Throws +2
Staff (standard; at will) +12 vs AC/1d8+5
Magic Missile (standard; at will) Range 20, +16 vs Ref/2d4+8 force damage.
Ray of Frost (standard; at will) Range 10, +16 vs Fort/1d6+8 cold damage and the target is slowed until the end of Noveliss’s next turn.
Lightning Serpent (standard; encounter) Range, +16 vs Ref/2d12+8 lightning damage and ongoing 5 poison damage and the target is slowed (save ends both).
Acid Arrow (standard; encounter) Range, +16 vs Ref/2d8+8 acid damage and the target takes an ongoing 5 acid damage. Secondary Attack: +16 vs Ref (each target adjacent to the target) 1d8+8 acid damage and 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends). Miss Ends: Half damage, and ongoing 2 acid damage to primary target (save ends), and no secondary attack.
Aspect of Terror (standard; encounter) Range 5, Target 1 creature, +16 vs Will/ 1d6+8 psychic. Effect: The target slides 5 squares and is dazed (save ends).
Grasping Shadows- Noveliss summons a writhing cluster of insubstantial shadows that resemble clawed demons. The shadows claw at anyone within their space, feeding on their life force. (Standard; encounter) Burst 2 within 10 (zone), +16 vs Fort/1d6+8 cold and necrotic damage and the target loses 1 healing surge and is grabbed/restrained. Miss: the target does not lose a healing surge and is not restrained. Anyone who enters the zone or begins their turn in the zone suffers this effect. The zone is considered difficult terrain, and blocks line of sight. The zone lasts until the end of Noveliss’s next turn. Sustain: Minor.
Balor Nimbus (Immediate when bloodied, encounter) Close burst 2, +16 vs Ref/3d6+8 fire damage. Miss: half damage. The nimbus remains in place after the initial burst, and acts as an aura 1. Anyone who begins their turn in the aura takes 10 fire damage and Noveliss gains resist fire 10 while the nimbus is active. The nimbus remains until the end of the encounter.
Cloud of Darkness (Close burst 1, Minor, encounter) A cloud of darkness remains in place until the end of your next turn. It blocks line of sight for all creatures except you. Any creature except you entirely within the cloud is blinded.
Other Powers:
Feather Fall (free, encounter)
Demon Wings (standard, encounter) demonic wings burst from Noveliss’s back. This painful transformation inflicts 2d6 damage to him, but the wings grant him- fly 6 (hover), which lasts until the end of his next turn, at which point the wings melt away into goo and he floats to the gournd. Sustain: minor
Str 10 (+5) Dex 14 (+7) Wis 12 (+6) Con 18 (+9) Int 21 (+10) Cha 18 (+9)
Skills: Arcana +14, Bluff +13, Intimidate +11, Insight +12
Gear: Azrinae signet ring, drow robes (cloth armor +2), staff, shadow key, magical staff +3.
Final Encounter with Noveliss
Canoloth (500xp)
Noveliss (1200xp)
Rifkin (800 xp)
Babau (400 xp)
2 drow guards (250 xp x2= 500 xp)
Total= 3400 xp
P.H. Dungeon |
This is the bodyguard that I made up for Noveliss.
Rifkin (drow blademaster, bodyguard, elite soldier 9)
Initiative +8 Senses: Perception +9; darkvision
HP 172; Bloodied 86
AC 27; Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 18
Speed 6, Action Dice: 1, Saving Throws +2
Longsword basic Attack: +16 vs AC, 1d8+5.
Sure Strike (standard, at will, weapon): +18 vs AC, 1d8+5
Thicket of Blades (standard, encounter, weapon): Close burst 1, +16 vs AC, 3d8+5
Brute Strike (standard, recharge 5,6): +14 vs AC, 3d8+5
Indominable Presence: When the bodyguard attacks an enemy it marks the target. If the target shifts or attacks anyone other than him he can take an immediate basic attack against the target as a free action.
Shield Bearer: Allies adjacent to the bodyguard gain a +2 bonus to AC
Cloud of Darkness (Close burst 1, Minor, encounter) A cloud of darkness remains in place until the end of your next turn. It blocks line of sight for all creatures except you. Any creature except you entirely within the cloud is blinded.
Str 20 (+9) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 11 (+4) Con 14 (+6) Int 13 (+5) Cha 14 (+5)
Skills: Intimidate +11, Athletics +11.
Gear: Chainmail, Shield, long sword
P.H. Dungeon |
Tiryin (level 12, drow elf, rogue/skirmisher)
Ini +12 Perception +13 Speed 6
HP 108 Bloodied 54
Action Points 1, Healing Surge 28, Saves +2
AC 31 Fort 20 Ref 25 Will 20
Str 11 Dex 22 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 12 Cha 14
At Will Attacks:
Basic Attack (standard) +16 vs AC, 1d6+2
Piercing Strike (standard) +16 vs Ref, 1d6+8
Sly Flourish (standard) +16 vs AC, 1d6+10
Sneak Attack (standard)- requires weapon and combat advantage
+2d8 damage
Encounter Attacks:
Positioning Strike (standard) +16 vs. AC, 1d6+8 (slide target 2 squares)
Set up Strike (standard) +16 vs. AC, 2d6+8 (you get combat advantage against
the target until the end of your next turn.
Sand in the eyes (from glove of storing) (standard) +16 vs. Ref, 1d6+8 and the target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Daily Attacks
Trick Strike (standard) +16 vs. AC, 3d6+8 (slide target 1 square, and for
the rest of the encounter you slide the target 1 square every time you hit)
Walking Wounded (standard) +16 vs. Fort, 2d6+8 (target is knocked prone
and target can only move at half speed until the end of the encounter
or he falls prone).
Crimson Edge (standard) +16 vs. Fort, 2d6+8 and the target takes an ongoing 5 damage and grants combat advantage until the end of the encounter (save ends both, -2 to save).
Miss: half damage and no ongoing damage.
Utility Exploits
Skills: Bluff +13, Stealth +17, Perception +12, Insight +12
Gear: Summoned drow finemail +2 (+9 to AC), double short sword (+2 cunning and +2 death stalker- daily power- on a hit the target take ongoing 5 necrotic damage (Save ends –2 to save), gloves of storing.