[CotCT by TerraNova Pt 1] Korvosa on the Edge of Anarchy


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Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Too tired and wooly headed to argue, Zalen merely goggles his eyes slightly and raises his eyebrow's at Halvera's new appearance but says nothing.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah stared at the dwarf incredulously. She looked back to her companions, to see if any of them had any idea what to make of this turn of events.

Still she followed as "Halvarra" asked, carrying one girl and leading two others along. Once they were inside, she hesitantly asked by way of admission to the dwarf and her companions, as politely as she could, "I...I am confused. Halvarra is a human woman...is she not?"

Life in the city was even more complicated than I thought!

Female Human Cleric 4

Alandra stares with wide eyes, dying to know what Halvara's story is, but for now remains silent.

Male Dwarf Cleric 6 (Earth and Protection Domain)

Erkholt snorts at the womans audacity, then places the chest heavily at her feet.

As he stands, he looks at the woman "Next ye decide ter go in desguise lass, try'n choose another race ter be. Yer embarrassin' me in front of me friends dressed as ye are. Nae respectin' dwarf would be caught in public in yer own state". He winks at the woman, following Zalen's usual method for disarming what could otherwise be seen as an insult before he steps back to let the woman check her new found loot.

I'll suppose Erkhold is actually Gern ;)

Halvarra shrugged, and displayed a crooked grin which really didn't fit too well on a dwarven face. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind for future dealings" before putting her attention towards the chest. She produced a small set of silvery keys, and lowered herself towards the chest. "Cost me an arm and leg to get my hand on these. Its not just the key, but the sequence of turns." She mumbled, and proceeded to turn the first key a certain way, then changed to a second key, and so on. It seemed the puzzle lock had quite a bit of resistance to it.

When finally, it snapped open, there were a number of pouches inside. Some of them jingled in a telltale manner once moved, and Halvara put them to the side immediately. "Distribute them as you see fit". However, a small scroll with the Academae's sigil, vial of sickeningly purple liquid, and two small pouches she kept for herself, along with a thick oil-paper wrapped stack of documents.

Just as she finished sorting through the various items, her identity became all too obvious, when a shimmering started to spread out from her fingertips, changing her shape back into the human form she normally posessed. "Well, that was shorter than I'd have liked. On the other hand, it did its job just fine."

Each of the six bags contains 100 GP in single coins

Male Human Cleric 3 (Shelyn)

Nayr's eyes widened at the revelation that the dwarf was actually a woman. A woman that his friends apparently knew quite well. He could only weakly watch as the dwarf performed a series of intricate twists and turns that resulted in the chest popping open. The cleric's head hurt just thinking about what the combination must've been.

Nayr watched as she placed what seemed to be six pouches out in front of him and the others. He guessed there were coins in the small sacks due to the sound they made when Halvarra tossed them onto the table. Not really knowing the 'woman' and still feeling quite woozy, Nayr chose to stay silent until the rest of the party divied up the gold.

At the sparkling transformation, the cleric of Shelyn's mouth dropped open in surprise. Who knew such a beautiful woman was concealed underneath the gruff exterior of the dwarf. I need to look into the specifics of that spell...

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Taken aback by the deceitful appearance, it wasn't so much the duplicity as the revelation which occurred to Krek: I'm through with these whorehouses. Dwarves in disguise!

The momentary revolt fading, Krek was more than content at the money thrown their way, though he could only wonder at the value of what Halvarra kept. Though he kept his hand on his hilt, he made no action to oppose Halvarra's claim.

He was, however, increasingly worried about the guards' discovery of them at this scene. Even with the tacit blessing from the marshal, they had made a deal with this mistress, and he doubted they would talk their way out of it lightly.

Backing up to the door, he kept an eye on the intoxicated members of their group as the poison ran its course.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Though weary and wooly and barely able to keep his eyes open now that his adrenaline was wearing off, Zalen still tried his hand at lightening the situation "Oh, I don't Gern, I think Halvera looked rather cute as a Dwarf, don't you?"

Stumbling suddenly, the cagey rogue tries to cover it up by turning it into a bow before the new Mistress of Eel's end saying "My dearest Queen of Eels, while your company is always a pleasure, regardless of what form you may take; I think we have other pressing matters at the moment, namely a house of healing and a bed. For me at least. If you would be so kind, perhaps you could suggest when next would be best for us to meet to sort out any final details of our business arrangement. Weekly stipend and so forth." waving his hand in a flourish, which also somehow conveys his request to one of his comrades to pick up the bags of gold if they would.

Once Halvera has indicated the time and place of their next rendezvous, (and if no one else has anything further to add?) Zalen tips his non-existent cap to her saying "I bid you a fond farewell Halvera. May your new throne fit comfortably and may you rule from it wisely." And with that he makes his way out of the shed, still supporting Nayr but in truth being equally supported by him as the two of them weave about like drunken sailors. Turning to his friends, his resources almost spent he slurs
"If one of you fine folk would be so kind as to lead us somewhere we can get this damnable poison out of our systems before it's too late?"
And he follows them as best as he can.

Female Human Cleric 4
Zalen wrote:
"If one of you fine folk would be so kind as to lead us somewhere we can get this damnable poison out of our systems before it's too late?"

"Come with me to Gray, Zalen, and I'll try to get you taken care of. Oh, and any of the rest of you who are poisoned."

Alandra will try to use her growing influence at Pharasma's temple to get cheap healing for the poison and drugs.

Diplomacy: 1d20+5=18

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah scratched her head in further confusion as Halvarra changed back into her more familiar form. Is this some kind of magic or is it the poison from those spiders? She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts, and tried not to dwell on the matter. There would be time to ask about this peculiar aspect of city life later.

She looked at the bags of gold they were given, and then at the girls they had in tow. She could ensure they were taken care of for a time at least. But Zalen's talk of their business arrangement reminded her of what had been agreed upon earlier.

"Do not worry about paying me any share of the business here." She held up one of the bags of coin they were given. "I will take this, but I want none of the money being earned by flesh or...that... She tilted her head in the direction of the Dragon's Breath. She showed no judgment towards the prostitutes or their trade, she bore them no ill will, but the drug trade was something she could never accept. She could not take any money made from selling such poison to the desperate. She tried to keep an even tone, and not sound judgmental, but it she simply could not accept being a part of such business.

She nodded to Alandra, and Nayr. They needed to seek healing soon.

Halvarra grinned sideways, and replied they'd be welcome any time - or to receive their stipend in "other means instead of coins."

After their discussion concluded, the slid a slender birchwood wand from her clothes, which previously had been conceiled rather well... began to rub and handle it, until she finally produces the same shimmer again that had previously run over her body - yet this time it enveloped her from the hand going outward, changing her form into that of an elderly man, whose age-spotted skin almost seemed mosaic-like.

Breakaway thread opens as soon as that headache concludes... Until then

Korvosa had settled into its new routine over the days. Gone were the days of rioting and tense curtfews. A shadow still hung over the city, but it slowly began to fade. That was, until rumors started to rise. King Eodred had not died naturally, but was poisoned .

Kressinda Kroft summoned the party, for fear the fragile peace would be crushed just when it seemed to finally solidify. So once more they found themselves inside her crammed office, saw her overworked, slowly withering smile and increasingly soulless eyes. "I am glad you could arrive on such short notice."

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Since no one else seems to have done so, Gern picked up the sacks of gold and carried them for the group. "Nae wonder the damnable chest was so heavy" he grumbles as he moves out with his companions.

He suddenly remembers Zalens joke about Halverra looking good as a dwarf and his face darkens even more.

"Durned humans thinkin' they'se funny at me own people's expense" he grumbles just loudly enough to be heard. The adrenaline of the past hour has finally warn off the dwarf and he was dealing with the relief from stress in his own way.

Again he and his friends had survived a deadly encounter and walked away to tell the tale. What's more, they seemed ot have rescued a few folk in the deal, inlcuding an old companion. Once they had sorted out the issues with this poison, he inteded to find out as much from Nayr as he could about why he was locked in that hold. The dwarf had a strong feeling that the human cleric was very lucky they had arrived when they did.

The half orc was something else causing the dwarf some internal trouble. Back home in the mountains, it had been easy to hate the black blooded raiders that were always killing his own folk and stealing what wasn't theirs. But down here, things got muddled right quick. Krek had proven nothing but reliable and competent, and at least as good a scrapper as himself in this last encounter. Hammers and ashes, what was the world coming too when a dwarf was starting to admire a damnable orc blood!

"Durned city is startin' te mess with me head" he mutters very quietly to himself.

Edit: Ninja'd by the DM!

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Having fully rested and recovered from the whole Eel's End Affair, as he was referring to it, over the past several days, it was a hale and healthy Zalen who stood before the exhausted and worn out looking Kroft

'This is obviously becoming something of a serious matter. She looks terrible! I wonder if there is anyone we can speak to on her behalf? I shall have to speak to Krek and Alandra later about it. Perhaps they may have some insight on what is going on with her....could it be Drugs??'

Not entirely able to keep his concern over Kroft's condition off his face as he stared at her with serious and searching eyes, the rogue does manage however to keep it out of his voice and words as he says "Of course Commander. We are happy to do our part to help our city. How may we be of service? Does it have something to do with this ugly rumor concerning the late King which has been floating around the city?"

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern took in the state of the woman who addressed them but did nothing to hide the concern from his voice "Ye look terrible lass. Ye needs ter be gettin some shuteye soon methinks"

The gruff dwarf thought nothing of saying things out loud, not even realising it could be insulting. Dwarves were pretty straightforward with such things.

"So yer needin' us ter help some more. Well, I'm all for it. I'm startin ter get a taste for this city work I must say."



If no one else mentions it, Gern will use his 100 gold to get the jewellry valued from earlier. He'll then sell it or keep any magical stuff and split the profits with the rest of the party. Three days of rest will bring his strength back to normal so he'll not bother spending any gold on curing those effects.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Kroft's haggard appearance troubled Ayedah as well. She wondered what weight the guard commander must be carrying to wear her down so. Her concern showed clearly in her eyes as she nodded at Gern's blunt suggestion. "The tribe is done no good by their leaders working themselves to death." she gently suggested.

"And yes, is this about those rumors?" Such talk going around town seemed dangerous to her. The city seemed quick to try and gut itself when the king's death was first announced. If it were to start again...

"Tell that to the tribe" Kroft whispered, grasping her temples and pressing her palms against the,. "To business. The earlier this is done, the earlier I can finally wind down a little bit."

Sense Motive DC 15

There was no conviction in that voice anymore. She was almost fishing for someone to finally contradict her - something none of her subordinates would probably dare, and that old friends probably would know better than.

She pulled a small sketch from her papers, showing a quircky young woman who smiled to the sketch artist. She was thin, small-nosed and seemed at the cusp of her life. "This is Trinia Sabor, a young artist. She came to Korvosa about two years ago, and has established herself as a somewhat talented bard and painter." She pushed the picture over to the group so everyone could get a good look. "Two weeks before Eodred II became the late, she was retained to pain a portrait of him. We have testamony he attempted to seduce her, and she was seen serving him drinks. A cook gave testamony to the effect of her bringing him drinks without going through his tasters, and she had ample opportunity to poison it."

She sighed. "It looks likely she did not like his Majesties affections, and... well. This information leaked, and we have mobs out for her blood. I have my doubts, truth be told. I would rather like to see her under lock and key, have a fair trial."

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern looked closely at the picture of the girl, trying to get a feel for her through the artists impression.

"Ye cannot send yer own guards after her lass?" he asked, his eyebrows raised in question. "Not that I mind fetchin' the girl mind, tis just unusual ter be sendin' in the likes o' us fer a wanted subject. Last time we worked fer yer, people ended up dead. Are ye thinkin' shes dangerous?"

Kroft shook her head, even though she gave Gern a hint of an approving smile. "Very Perceptive, Sir Dwarf. Yes, normally I would send a squadron of guardsmen out, but the situation is volatile. A group of guards, at worst a chase through crowded city streets is just the kind of trigger a lynching needs. I have a feeling this case is not as open and shut as it sounds - and hence, I would really appreciate Miss Sabor to be in a condition that makes an interrogation and trial possible."

Female Human Cleric 4

"She always sends us on stuff that's too secret for even the guards to do Gern." Alandra smiles at Marshall Kroft.

Sense Motive: 1d20+7=9

Alandra respects Marshall Croft so much she would never suspect her of not telling them the truth or misleading them by holding something back.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

As Kroft rubbed her temples in pain and made her weak statement of wellness, Zalen´s insightful sense (1d20+5=19)of people enabled him to see the real truth behind her words.

The rogue stared at the Commander intently for a moment but, the young man having just recently begun to understand the importance of appearing strong and confidant while in a leadership position himself, he elects to remain quiet about his observations for the moment and stick to the business at hand.

Taking his time to study the picture of the young lady in question, attempting to acertain if he knows or knows of her (K Local (1d20+8=18))Zalen finally puts down the picture as he says "There obviouosly is more going on here than meets the eye Commander; perhaps it would help if you told us what it is you suspect is really going on or hope to find?"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Sense Motive: 6

GM TerraNova wrote:
Kroft shook her head, even though she gave Gern a hint of an approving smile. "Very Perceptive, Sir Dwarf. Yes, normally I would send a squadron of guardsmen out, but the situation is volatile. A group of guards, at worst a chase through crowded city streets is just the kind of trigger a lynching needs. I have a feeling this case is not as open and shut as it sounds - and hence, I would really appreciate Miss Sabor to be in a condition that makes an interrogation and trial possible."

Ayedah frowned as she carefully studied the picture. It was not what she would have expected an assassin of any sort to look like. She added to Zalen's question, "Do you believe she killed the king?" she asked out of an honest desire to know, not to prod her one way or the other.

The memory of what happened to Bren's son shadowed her thoughts. "And could you promise that she would recieve a fair trial?"

Knowledge: Local DC 18 (Zalen's roll applies):

Trinia Sabor is indeed a rather gifted young bard. She has made a few splashes in the nobility, and is known for an outgoing, carefree and friendly attitude. Her talents as a painter are even greater than her singing talent. When late King Eodred had retained her, the gossip-mill had taken that as a first step in rebuilding the harem he had released when he married Illeosa.

"I believe it should not matter what I think she did or did not do." Field Marshal Kroft replied, with a shrug. "I feel the Magistrate should decide on innocence and guilt of anyone accused of any crime, not an angry mob either for or against our young Queen, may the gods preserve her rule."

Her bloodshot eyes darted towards the figurines she had previously used to illustrate her point. "We know she has left her apartment, and suspect she has moved in with an old lover. We hope this information is both accurate and current, but in all honesty, we believe it is at best a matter of time until a rioting mob receives it as well."

She put a female-sculpted figure on her table-sized tactical map of the city. North point, posh and fancy neighborhoods usually reserved for nobility and old money. It was a family home of one of the smaller offshots of the Zanderholm family. "This is the place."

She looked at Ayedah, and her strangely innocent manner. "I feel there is something wrong about this. I can not peg it down any better than that, but I have been keeping the laws of this city for some time, and developed a bit of an intuition. I want to have the truth about this, make this not just a fair trial but a complete investigation. If after that, she's still a suspect, yes. Fair trial, fair judgement. You have my word about that."

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2



Any chance that Zalen knows her personally Wrath? Also, before you carry the scene on, Zalen will be taking a moment to say something to Kroft personally if he can.

Zalen doesn't say anything for a moment but by the look on his face, it seems clear he is troubled. Finally though he speaks "Well I certainly agree with you there Field Marshall, whatever else, this girl deserves a fair trial and she certainly won't get one from an angry mob. Should we bring her directly back to you then? And unless you have anything else for us, I'd like to get to finding her as soon as possible."

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

I think you have me confused for Terra Nova there Zalen :)

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

"Alright..." Ayedah nodded. There was still a hint of uneasiness in her about the matter, but her trust in Kroft was obvious.

She agreed with Zalen's call to hurry as well. "Yes, we should do this now. And once she is safe here, you should get some rest." she suggested. She was ready to get moving now, constantly shifting her balance from foot to foot due to the nervous energy welling up within her.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Kroft was not the only one with intuition.

Sense Motive = 22

Krek saw right through her bait, but he didn't take it. Instead, like Gern, he was quite interested with why she'd hired a group to go after her. Even with the desire to prevent the lynching, he couldn't imagine just throwing the money at a bunch of ragtag task-doers not in her guard. Looking at the young lady's appearance, Krek was beginning to think they would go after anyone; Kroft on a mere feeling was dispatching them to capture her for a trial.

After Kroft's response to Ayedah though, Krek didn't buy the woman's intentions entirely.

"She must be deadly. Why else would you send a handful of people to fetch her when an escort of two would do it?"

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern responds to Krek's question with an assumption of his own. "Ifn' I'm readin' this right big man, the Captain here isn't thinkin' the girl is gonna be so much trouble as the crowds are ifn' they find her."

He looked at Kroft again, hoping that her tiredness wasn't starting to affect her ability to judge a situation.

"We're a protection detail as much as anythin' else."

"When we gets to this neighbourhood, are they ter be acceptin of our type, or are we gona cause a stir with our appearence?. Twouldn't do ter give the girl or the crowdds any type o' advanced warnin' now would it."

"The proper title is Field Marshal" Kroft announced, suddenly seeming angered, or at the very least annoyed at Gern's comment. "Your reasoning is mine, though. We need her brought in swiftly and quietly, because frankly I doubt having her paraded through the streets would result in anything but her dying before my eyes and renewed riots. Neither of which we need."

She was not so much tired (as in fatigue of the limbs) as exhausted on a more spiritual level. Her office seemed meticulous on first glance, but those who visited it before noticed a distinct darkening of the surroundings. Lax care, the pushing aside of the more personal and maybe whimsical touches. The rapier-and-dirk she had displayed on her wall had been carelessly put to the side of a cabinet, raplaced by a city map of korvosa riddled with red pins - each showing a dead guardsmen. The expensive Sandpoint glass goblets moved from their place inside a shelf into a crate to make room for a mechanical widget of some kind.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Yes sorry Terra & Wrath, >.~.<, I made the mistakes in the OOC and IC at the same time. That spoiler was meant for you of course Terra.

Sensing the Field Marshall was reaching her limits, Zalen was inclined to end the audience and get his people going. "Unless anyone else has anything to add, I think we have enough to get going on, yes?" He opens the door and holds if for his comrades.

(Presuming everyone does exit?)
As the last of his companions files out the door, Zalen turns to them with a imploring look on his face quickly mouthing 'don't worry' as he says out loud "If you don't mind my friends, I'd like just a moment to speak with the Field Marshal alone." And barring any major objections, quietly closes the door before her turns to the field marshall.



(I'm fine with this not being spoilered Terra as I plan to share whatever happens with the rest of the gang anyway, but just in case you preferred it this way I am.)

Zalen takes a moment to simply look at the exhausted woman, and also to pointed look around at the state of her office. Summoning his most Diplomatic (1d20+6=20) tone he says "Cressida- I hope you don't mind if I call you that in private?- The reason I desired to speak to you alone is that I have a personal matter of some import that I wish to ask your advice upon." (assuming she indicates for him to continue)

"You see, the problem is this. There is a person whom I have come to care about and greatly respect. This person is in a position of significant authority in the city and her work and presence is of extreme importance to the safety and welfare of the city. Yet I am greatly troubled because I have become aware of the dangerous position this person has put herself in physically and perhaps emotionally and spiritually as well. I fear she bears the weight of responsibility too heavily upon her shoulders and may be borne under beneath if it if she does not change her was. As well I fear that she may have made some poor decisions as a result of her extreme sense of duty and obligation. And this thought frightens me because, perhaps more so than any other, she holds the safety of this city I love in her capable hands. Yet, because of her esteemed position, I am not sure how to approach her with my concerns and my offer of friendship and aid should she be willing to accept it."

Pausing for a moment to look deeply into her eyes so as to make sure this is no doubt of what he speaks, the rogue finally concludes with "What would suggest someone such as myself should do in such a situation my dear Field Marshall?"

PS there's some stuff in the OOC for you guys to check out

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Hey all, feeling pretty awful here at the moment. Got a flu starting up and work is draining me more than I'd like it to. Won't get a post done until The weekend sorry. Hopefully I'll be better by then. Cheers


First of all, lets keep the main thread open for others. So post you exiting the room... the exact results can be added over the course of a few spoilers.

She laughed bitterly, and rose. "Zalen, I took a night off to sleep about two weeks past. I couldn't. I could not sleep even after not taking a potion for a whole day. Just too much on my mind, so I might as well be functional." She cut right through his carefully hypothetical situation to the center.

"Just as the problems with the riots die down, other troubles arrise. I've had to deal with angry Shoanti who take the moment of weakness as an invitation, and... other issues that make... make me sick." She sighed, grasper her own shoulders and streched her neck as if to shake off a heavy burden.

"I can't tell you everything. That comes with the rank and office. I hope you understand that, and know I appreciate what you are trying to do." The harsh fascade began to crumble entirely.

Male Human Cleric 3 (Shelyn)

Nayr took in all the information Field Marshal gave him and the others on Trinia and the current situation. So they had to go and escort her back to Kroft and the guard, also under their protection from mobs and the like. It sounded like a dangerous task to Nayr. The mobs would be trouble enough, but the fact that she could be holed up with a lover when they tried to escort her away? Who knows what a person in that scenario would do.

Nayr nodded and smiled at Zalen as he open the door and the others filed out, stopping at a reasonable distance and turning around to face the group. Stroking his chin, Nayr looked around at the others and waited for someone to speak, to take control of the new mission thrust upon them. Apparently they had all done some adventuring while he had been at the temple, so Nayr just waited for someone to take the reigns.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

After some time, Zalen exits Kroft's office. His face is somewhat serious yet composed so that it is very difficult to read exactly what is on his mind. He takes in his friends, looking them all in the eyes one by one and finally nods and begins to make his way out of the castle. It is perhaps a sign of his distraction that he simply assumes that they will follow; unusual compared to his normally polite manor.

If anyone attempts to speak to him he shakes his head, his expression still serious and he says nothing.

When the group finally reaches outside, Zalen leads them to an area where they wouldn't be easily overheard and says "I'm sorry my friends, please forgive me but I find I am not quite my usual self. I think...I think I just have some things to sort out in my mind first." Looking down for a moment, the rogue seems to gather himself and with a sigh looks back up again "Right now though, we have a mission to accomplish."

"This girl, Trina, is known to me. We have never formed any kind of personal relationship and she may very well not even recognize me, but we have traveled in the same circles to a small extent and I have seen her perform several times. And she's even more talented an artist that she is a poet or singer." At this Zalen's glance passes for a moment to Ayedah.

He continues without pausing though "From what I know and everything I have heard about her she has always been known to be a friendly and carefree lass. Definitely not the sort one would expect to be a murderess. There is definitely more going on here than meets the eye with this case but until we know more, I feel strongly that miss Sabor would be best served by being in protective custody."

Pausing a moment to take in his friends reactions he concludes with "Does anyone have any need to procure anything first,or anything to add? Or can we begin to make our way to her now?"



The look Zalen the Field Marshal was not lacking in sympathy but his tone and manor were firm as he said "Cressida, I believe I have a good idea of what an amazingly capable woman you are; yet even you, my dear, are not made of stone. How long do you honestly think you can keep this up before you collapse? And what do you think will happen to city, with all these problems you mention, then! You Have to take care of yourself Cressida! Our city Demands it of you!"

Suddenly realizing that he is raising his voice to one of the most powerful people in the city, Zalen sighs and moderates his tone considerably "My dear Field Marshal, I am naught but a lowly servant to the crown and I do not even pretend to comprehend the burdens of responsibility that you must bear. But I Do know people Cressida, and I Do know my city. I know our city Needs you. And I know that, if you continue down your current path, you will fail her, despite all your dedication and desire not to."

Giving a moment to let his works sink in, Zalen ends his speech almost imploringly "Cressida, if you find your responsibilities too much, Delegate some of them! Surely you must have at least Some capable people beneath you that you know and trust? And if you cannot sleep, get help! I am sure that one of the temples can prepare something for you. Or, if you'd rather it be done discreetly, I can speak to Alandra and Krek on your behalf. I am sure they would be able to procure something to help you sleep Cressida. And this is something you Must do. Do Not let your city down! She...We, depend on you far too much for that to ever be allowed to happen."

His voice even quieter still, Zalen concludes "And finally, if you just need a friend Cressida, you need not look far, for here I am." As he finishes, the young rogue put all the charm (1d20+6=15)and earnestness he can into the simple, honest and open look he gives the Field Marshall.

(Hey Teraa, do you mind if the rest of the gang reads this? As long as they keep it separate from their character knowledge? I guess I feel kinda bad at leaving them out? But your call of course and I'll be fine with whatever you decide.)

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah gave the others a puzzled look as Zalen silently began to leave, and followed after him.

She caught Zalen's look as he began to explain himself, and noted his remark about this Trinia being a painter. The wild thought that Trinia Sabor might have known Danel at one time crossed her mind, and she was sure a hopeful glint flashed in her eyes before she reined it in.

All in all, Zalen seemed more troubled than she was accustomed to. She placed a firm hand on his shoulder and smiled faintly. "You are right. We will bring her back safely, do not worry."

She looked back at the others. "I do not need anything before we go, but how will we bring her back without anyone seeing her? Will a cloak be enough?"

Female Human Cleric 4

"Do you think she poisoned the King, Zalen?"

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Zalen smiled in appreciation at the solid Barbarian's gesture of friendship and comfort. When Alandra asked her question the young rogue turn serious eyes on her for a moment before sighing with a seeming release of tension "I am trying to reserve judgement on that until the facts are out Alandra...however, if you are asking my honest opinion as a friend?....No, I do not think she poisoned the King. I think she is but a pawn in a much larger game. A game I think we had better get to the heart of quickly if we don't want to see this city erupt in war and flame."

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Krek, while not convinced of Zalen's speculation the woman was simply being used, does not care ot her actions much one way or the other. He nods to the man's call to speed.

"Let us make haste."

The party swiftly covered the ground to the appartment complex. It was a well-appointed neighbourhood, without the filthy and misery that had been all too frequent in their last few missions. Indeed, it looked beautiful, the streets clean. The sunset painted the city in beautiful colors.

A halfling manservant stood by the door of the townhouse. There wasn't a lot going on. Obviously, they had managed to get in before the mob... but as they looked overhead, they saw a mounted marine of the sable company perching down, keeping watch. It seemed Field Marshal Kroft wasn't the only one who held that bit of knowledge.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah had kept a careful eye out as they made their way to their destination, but the scenery, especially in the light of the sunset, was distracting her. It was beautiful in its own way, so unlike the Cinderlands...

When she saw the marine and his flying mount, she snapped back to reality, as tempting as it was to take the time to admire the creature.

She was at a loss when it came to the manservant though. What could we possibly say to him that would not raise suspicion?

She settled for nudging the others and tilting her head towards the halfling, looking at the questioningly and whispering, "We need to hurry. Others are here." She wasn't sure what the relationship between the guard and the Sable Company really was. She had assumed they were all part of the same group, but she had learned how dangerous it was to take things for granted in the city.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Having given up the wearing of any kind of armor (once he learned it could interfere with his magical ability) Zalen, wearing his fine new red silk coat with gold embroidery and matching atire, moves right up to the halfing guard. Using all his charm (1d20+6=17) and deceptive (1d20+8=17) ability, Zalen speaks kindly yet tolerantly to the diminutive man, as say a noble might to a servant in good standing. He also speaks loud enough to be overheard without seeming to shout or purposefully attract attention. He is playing the part of a voluble but good-natured petty noble or successful merchant.

"Good day to you fellow. Do be a good man and direct us to the abode of the artist Trinia Sabor. My better half has sent me to hire the young lady to paint a portrait of my my wife and I for our anniversary. What with the city in the state it's been she insisted I bring these hirelings" he waves vaguely in the direction of his friends "for my protection. Not that I can't take care of myself mind you!" and he indignantly fumbles about for the hilt of his rapier.

Sighing he continues "My wife is a good woman, the Gods bless her, but she is Not one to be put off of something once she has her mind set to it. Nor to be kept waiting," giving the guard a significant look.

Taking out a gold piece her presses it into the small palm finishing with "Now, do be a good chap and direct us to miss Sabor's residence. My wife will be Most pleased if I return swiftly. And it Is our anniversary after all you know..." with this last giving the halfling a smile and a look of a man who is looking forward to enjoying something he has not had the privilege of for some time...

lol sorry about that folks! It just sorta all spilled out! ;-) But Zalen will ask soon as he gets a chance and I will too-How do you think we should go about getting Trinia to come with us? More deception or just straight out tell her why we're there?

"I am very sorry", the Halfling softly replied, very obviously well-versed in etiquette and manners. "However, I can not help but remind you that this home is private to my Lord, Verthus Berthek of the Zanderholm Family. Miss Sabor is a friend of the family, and I feel for your plea - but right now, she is unavailable for visitors. If you would leave your name and a way to contact you, I would gladly arrange a meeting at some later time?"

Sense Motive DC 22:

No way in hell would the halfling do any of this. He tensed up the moment Trinia's name was mentioned, and shut tighter than a Reefclaw clamps on its prey. It seemed he was perfectly aware just what Miss Sabor was accused of.

Perception DC 17:

Trinia Sabor could be seen behind the shuttered window of the second floor. She uneasily moved about, keeping a close eye on the conversation downstairs. While only glimpses could be seen, she seemed extremely ill at ease.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Ah! My mistake. I had been thinking town-houses in the modern North American sense where there were many homes all pressed together in a (sometimes) gated community. Of Course you meant this is all one residence. D'uh.

Zalen looks down his nose slightly at the small man, his normally perceptive (1d20+6=11) trying to see though any hidden meaning (1d20+5=23) to the guards words.

Understanding that the guard was merely doing his duty to his employers by protecting a dear friend to the Zanderholms (and perhaps to him personally) Zalen tries a slightly different tack saying "Ah, hrmmm, well, I can tell you my fine fellow that the Missus won't be pleased to hear that, no she won't. Perhaps...hmmm, yes! Perhaps if you could be so kind as to inform Lord Berthek that I wish a word with him in private then? It would only take but a moment and perhaps I could then implore him to speak to Miss Sabor on my behalf? My wife, the Gods bless her, does get oh so upset when she's disappointed. Surely that's not too much to ask my good man now is it?" As he puts on his best disarming smile and tucks his thumbs in his belt. Zalen is also affecting to have no idea whatsoever of any charges or problems with Miss Sabor.
Don't know if you need any more Diplomacy or Bluff roles Terra but you can roll 'em if so. +6 & +8 respectively. Any other ideas anyone? If so feel free to take Z aside and tell him : ) Oh, hey! What would Z need to do to try and cast a Charm spell on the halfling without his knowing? Would that be a bluff check? If it's possible, he will try it.

Female Human Cleric 4

Sense Motive: 1d20+7=10
Perception: 1d20+3=11

Not much help.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Perception 1d20+2=6, and I can't hit that sense motive DC so didn't bother rolling.

Gern stood with his arms crossed behind Zalen, looking a little frustrated that the halfling was so easily able to hold the group from their task. The last two missions they had completed together they had all just smashed their way in past any obstacles, somehting the fighter was very comfortable in doing. Now was the time for talk and it irked him no end.

He carefully slipped a look up at the sable company rider, hoping that this delay would not bring undue attention. Zalen was certainly good with his words, but too much delay here would either tip the girl off or bring the mob down on their heads. Neither was advisable. If things went bad, he prepared himself to rush the little man in through the door and try and smooth things over once they were in off the street.

But for now, he kept his mouth shut and his eyes open for trouble.

All Zalen needed was a momentary distraction. That came readily enough when the Sable company marine send his flying mount skywards again, leaving behind two long feathers that slowly sailed down towards the street. He whispered the befuddling words of power under his breath, and the halfling's eyes turned a new shade of helpful.

"Well, that can of course be arranged. My dear lord is sick with worry, truth be told. A friendly face like yours will most certainly lift his spirits." He announced, and moved towards the door. "He should be home right about now, probably discussing matters with dear Miss Sabor."

The group entered the garden of the well-appointed two-story buidling. It was a posh enough house, with all the amenities expected of one. While it featured a small garden, it was not ostentatious, only half a yard apart from the next building. Inside the building proper, that impression was only improved by tastefully selected furniture, wall hangings and framed paintings - more than one of which bore the signature of miss Sabor. "She is staying in the guest room currently. I will announce you" The halfling explained, and moved to climb the stairs.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Perception: 24
Sense Motive: 8

Ayedah caught a glipse of the woman in the window, and was at a loss at what to do as Zalen talked their way inside. She very nearly waved to put her at ease out of instinct, but she knew that would not go over well. She instead tried to look as non-agressive as she could, easing her shoulders and now trying to admire the scenery more than keeping an eye out for trouble.

She found herself wishing she had left her earthbreaker behind for the first time.

As they were invited inside, she tried not to be too distracted by all the paintings. It was too easy to get lost in idle thoughts about whether or not Danel could have found such success.

As the halfling servant excused himself, Ayedah whispered to the others, "She knows we are here. She was watching from the window. She is frightened..."

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

As the Halfling goes up the stairs Zalen calls out "Thank you my friend! But you haven't told me your name yet?"

As soon as he's out of site, Zalen looks around, checking thoroughly (1d20+6=10) to make sure no one is in ear shot. To Ayedah's information he simply nods his head, as if that makes perfect sense, then whispers quickly "Ok, here's my plan, once we get Tirina down here, you guys subtly block all the exists and we'll just lay the truth on her-namely that she's Much safer coming with us then waiting for the mob. Sound good? Any objections?"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah nodded in agreement. "It will make protecting her on the way back easier. I wonder if we should have brought a carraige or wagon though."

It was a bit late for that now though.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

"Bah, tis hard ter drive a carriage though some of them roads lass. Tis a good idea, but then a heavy cloak and bein' surrounded by the likes o' us will work just as well. I dinnae feel so confident unless me feet are firmly on the ground. Helps set me balance some." The dwarf had meant the words to be quiet but they rumbled around the room a little too loudly.

"Besides, with all o' these magic usin' types around, we could just se som o' that ter make our way surely." He accentuates his point with a raised eybrow and vague wiggling of his fingers in what he meant to be a magical gesture.

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