Terra's CotCT OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I'll finish edge of anarchy first before making a decision on that

By the way.. post's up ;)

I am really really really really really sorry for the delay everyone. RL kidnapped me for a while. I'm catching up on all the games as fast as I can today.

I got my book finally too. :)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Postmonster ate my reply... twice. And this time I didn't realize it, and... no more time.


I'm sorry again for the long delay. I'm back for good this time. I just have a lot of catching up to do with the other games.

One of my cousins passed away Monday. I should have posted that I might be away for a while. I'm sorry about that.

The Exchange

Valkyrie Paine wrote:

I'm sorry again for the long delay. I'm back for good this time. I just have a lot of catching up to do with the other games.

One of my cousins passed away Monday. I should have posted that I might be away for a while. I'm sorry about that.

Hey Val, there's never a need to appologise when stuff like that pops up. My condolences on your families loss. Speaking for myself, take your time to get sorted, I'm sure we can manage to wait and cover for Ayedah till you can get back to us.


M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

So sorry for your family's loss Val. It seems like it's been quite a year for it...

Our thoughts are with you.

Welcome back.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Som, just to clarify Terra, are we heading somewhere first so Trinia can tell her side of the story? or are we heading straight back to Kroft? Either one is fine with me.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

My condolences as well. Take as much time as you need, this is not something you should even remotely neglect because of some stupid online game.

As for your question - that is entirely your choice.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Well, I had been waiting for the results of some of those K Local rolls I had made, or Trinia's response to his offer to let her tell her side of the story to them in private first... or to hear opinions from anyone else...

If there's nothing else, then I guess we're just heading back to Kroft.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Sorry for the delays. Real life encroaching again. I'll try and keep up, though.

The Exchange


I'm having similar issues TN. It's marking time here at the high school I work in. Plenty of my spare time spent wading through the morass of student reponses I'm suddenly inundated with.

I'm certainly not concerned about any delays at teh moment, makes it easier for to keep up at this stage.


M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

I've rolled and indicated a few times now for Zalen's K Local check Terra to find the best route out of here. I'll roll again if you want though, no problem, just let me know

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I've seen these rolls, but frankly... I don't know how much difference they make. If you want to take a dramatic detour through the sewers, that's certainly possible, but in no way necessary. Your results were more than sufficient not to make any stupid mistakes, and beyond that (barring dramatic detours, a'la sewers) there is not much to gain or lose here.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Ok coolio, just wanted to make sure we are indeed taking the best/fastest/safest route we know of.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Just so you know, I'll close the scene tomorrow unless you post first. This one bombed a little bit, but I'm confidant the finale of Edge of Anarchy will work better. :)

The Exchange




I reckon it was always set to be a bit of a hard thing to pull off in a PbP Terra. I certainly wasn't looking forward to running it as a GM. I think you managed to do quite well. And I agree, the next bit should be pretty fantastic.

I don't think it helped that one of our more regular posters has a fairly major persoanl crisis at the moment and had to take time off.

I enjoyed the chase. Well done

To all, I'll be off for the next few days. Have to wrap up a heap of work before school holidays start and I'm off to gen con here in Brisbane for the weekend. Be back after that.


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Just to warn you: I'll be gone for about two weeks on vacation, with sporadic and rather unpredictable net access. So get your posts in before sunday night, will you?

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Where ya going?

Wherever it is, have fun! ;-)

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Haha Great cliff-hanger!

Quite apropos considering the nature of your trip ;-)

PS and boy I hope Val/Ayedah's all right. Whereever you are darlin' I'm sending out good vibes and healing energy to ya. Be well, good luck with whatever's going on and come back soon! We miss ya!

and does anyone have any idea what happened to Nayr again?

The Exchange


No idea on Nayr. My guess he's gone again. I don't think his own game thread is active anymore, but I'll have to check on that.

I'm also missing Val, hopefully she's well. Both her characters I interact with on these threads were fantastic. It would be great to get her back, but more imprtatly it would be good to know if she was ok.

Just got back from GenCon Oz myself. Met Jason Bulmahn a few times and got to shoot the breeze with him. He even signed my copy of the rules. I was geeking out hehehe. I had a chance to talk to him one morning all to myself, and of course I couldn't think of anything important to ask about. To me it was like meeting a movie star. I'm such a nerd :)


The Exchange


Hey all, Im off on a last minute camping trip today. Will be gone till Sunday morning Brisbane time (GMT +10). Don't pick any fights without me hehe.


M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

What's happening gang? Everyone ok?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I've put the game on hold until at least two players reply to this OOC thread (Kaledon counts, so one more). We're very close to finishing the first adventure, don't crash on the last few yards ;)

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Well, Wrath should be back from camping soon, and I know that Rimrock/Alandra is still around. I'm buzz him on another post.

The Exchange


I'm back from camping. Would have posted yesterday but been exhausted and pretty much slept all day. Started back at work today.

Will read thread and post a reply later tonight.


M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Alright gang, so we ready to do this?

Basic plan: We mingle in with the crowd, wait till Trinia is brought up, cast a few spells perhaps and try and fight our way free without causing any other deaths??

Hmmm, Terra, will we be having the advantage of Ayedah and Krek with us on this, as NPC's perhaps? Without two of our heaviest hitters (which leaves basically just three of us) this will be challenging indeed...

PS I know Alandra/Rimrock is around somewhere, he posted in another game I'm in just a couple days ago, so I'm sure out little cleric will pop up soon.

The Exchange


The trick, I think, is to pull this off without being identified. Disguises are definately called for. For Gern i'm thinking a heavy cloak and a hooded mask will suffice, to be put on when the moment to strike is there.

I wont be taking my masterwork gear along for this one I think, as it too easily leads back to my character. Unmarked shield and simple dwarven waraxe it is, same I used when we took out Lamm.

Then we scarper. Though where to I don't know.

I would strongly advise gainst letting Halvarra know at all. Gern doesn't trust her at all, and he is very certain she would sell us down the river if she had any info on us. It would conveniently remove our involvement in her little enterprise and might set her up in the good books for what looks set to be a nasty ruler.

Posting in game after dinner


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Ok, folks. First off, I'll assume any spoilers addressing Tarren Dei are really intended to be read by me (since Tarren is not a participant in this game ;) ).

Second off, as you can maybe guess, we are closing to the end of Edge rapidly. Despite some sad losses (particular Ayedah, and Nayr), we made it all the way through. That is pretty impressive for a forum game, and while the champagne will remain in the cooler a little while longer, it raises the question of what to do after we finish. I would like a little show of hands who intends to go on to "7 days to the grave", and who wants to keep their characters as they are.

The Exchange


Count me in if you decide to carry on into 7 days Terra. I like Gern, assuming he survives this last part I'll take him into the next part too.

If he dies, I'll make something else up. I like your GM style and I like the campaign so would prefer not to have it die.


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Geek Level 10

I would love to continue with Seven Days to the Grave

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Me too! Most definitely in to continue with you and this group Terra. Hopefully with Zalen, as I really like the kid, but if not then with whoever knocks on my creative door next, asking for their story to be told : )

Ah, and that Was me who made the extra consonant slip. Sorry about that!
: P

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Forgive my absence; my computer had a fatal error, and it took me a few weeks to replace it. I wish I could have posted from elsewhere, but I am a teacher, and we are forbidden to use the computers for non-work use.

I will make a post later tonight or tomorrow once I've gotten my email accounts back in order and have had some time to read the thread.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Welcome back big-guy. Just in time too ;-)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Yep, as you can see on the re-recruitment thread, I'm just asking for new players. You should drop a line there to go on record (again). Just so other players get an idea who is already in the game.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

do you mean all of us?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Yep, give a little intro to who you are and what you did.

Grrr... Obscuring Mist, bane of game flow and tactical opportunities alike. Well, this will become a long march instead of a swift dance, then.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Ok, will do.

And, just wondering regarding the O Mist, as Alandra indicated it was to "cover our escape", couldn't she have placed it so it covered the guards and maybe just up to us, but then left the rest of the courtyard clear?

Either way is fine with me, in fact I rather like the visual image and excitement of trying to find our way in the murk. I'm just saying is all.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Geek Level 10

It is stationary, a 20 ft. radius spread centered around Alandra's position when she cast it. One round of movement and everyone is clear of it.

Alandra would hope its the bane of her enemies' tactical opportunities .

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Get one round of movement in a stumbling, shifting and altogether panicking mass of people. That is the problem. :(

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Good ta have ya back Krek : )

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

By the way, Blackjack not giving you a contact phone number was not an oversight, but intentional :)

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Ha! :P

No wonder you didn't let us have the little dragon telepath yet ;-)

Anyway, it'll be fun to try and figure it out =D

The Exchange


Haven't posted inthis one for a while obviously. My little dot had dissapeared :(

Welcome back Krek, glad to have your sturdy and reliable blade back with us.

To the new folk about to join, welcome aboard. Looking forward to seeing how everyone melds together. Particularly loking forward to having a Dwarven Bard in the group. Gern cetainly feels most comforatable around other dwarves.

Some questions for TN.

I'm guessing we levl to 4 before the next chapter starts?

You mention we should be at wealth per level. Are our characters going to need to readjust for that or should we just run with the gear we've accrued over the course of teh game? (I think 1000gp was handed out not long ago that we haven't divvied up yet btw).

If we are going wealth per level, are we doing a full rekit, or just buying gear to bring the total up to spec?

Sorry boss, lots of questions but wanted to get an understanding early on so I could think about how to advance my little grumpy fighter.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

As a returning player, you can keep your current equipment, and fill up to recommended wealth + 2000. Its not a complete repurchase, just add until you hit the limit - or keep what you have, if you have more.

You level up to 4, and rebuild for pathfinder final. We had a few tough spots in this adventure, and adding a level above and beyond the recommended might even things out.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

OOps! Forgot about the recruitment thread! sorry to any players who may be joining us for my absence there.

But Welcome!

Wrath. I think I divided up all the most recently treasure. But it's certainly possible I missed it somehow. What 1,000 are you referring to?

(which also reminds me, I asked a while ago Terra how much we've got from Helvera in the last week (or two?) but you may have missed the question.)

Oh, and are we to level up Now, Terra?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

As I said, the rather high wealth limit includes your cuts from Halvarra, and a few perks from Kroft as well.

Once the current scene winds down, you can level up - or you can do it even now. Your choice.

Male Human (Varisan) Ranger 4


Just posting for the little dot, for the moment.

This is a suggestion about how I see Elian contact and join the group. Tell me if it is fine for you.
Just as a quick presentation, Elian is a sergeant in the Korsovan Guard and his little sister was rescued by the PCs when they stormed Gearden lair.
I was planning to have Elian contact the group to thank them for rescuing his small sister amongst the other kids. As they haven't done this with a concealed identity, he should be able to find them easily. That would sort out the initial meeting.

I don't know how the next act will start, but it could be possible of Field Marshall Kroft to order Elian to work with them. Even if not, he still feels he has a debt to pay and will help them anyways.

On a more prosaic way and for TerraNova, the character is finished with the main equipment and all. I'll add a few bits for flavoring later. I've used two traits as standard from Pathfinder but I can remove them.

male Halfling Sorcerer 4

Narsel Fachey, an artist and monk is finished.

I will start reading the IC thread and come up with some way to introduce him to the rest of the party.

male Halfling Sorcerer 4
Narsel Fachey wrote:

Narsel Fachey, an artist and monk is finished.

I will start reading the IC thread and come up with some way to introduce him to the rest of the party.

I didn't really feel the monk character so i decided to go with a halfling sorcerer instead. Hope that is okay.

He's a con artist living mainly from selling fake potions through a combination of prestidigitation, charm person and his bluff skills.

I will post a background tomorrow.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Hmmm, well you can play whatever you're most happy with of course Narsel. But just to let you know if case you didn't, the character you last described, a sorcerer with bluff and charm skills, will be echoing to a large degree what Zalen already has going on....

But I think we have most of the bases covered anyway so there bound to be some duplication.

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