Black Tom's Barakus / Necromancer Games campaign

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Black Tom wrote:

Alas, already we have our first character death. Thalyn, you are welcome to create a new character if you wish. You will be joining them at Roadside Inn, when they get there. Any remaining hero points carry over. If not, maybe Dark Arioch is still interested in joining us.

I guess any character class would be useful, but I still think a frontline fighter wouldn't hurt.

I definitely want to try another character. Unfortunately I hadn't played any Necromantic Games before and didn't realize how dangerous they were. Even with the warning :). Thorak is a full throttle kind a guy, never give up, never surrender! hehe. I really wouldn't have played him if I'd known better. I'd still like to play a fighter type so be expecting reinforcments at the inn!

And thank you all for your kind words. I just hope my next character is just as memorable and slightly longer lived! I really don't mind dying, especially when such outstanding dramatic play ensues. Cheers to you guys as well!

Dark Archive

Thalyn wrote:
I definitely want to try another character.

but....but....what am I gonna do with the necromancer I rolled up......Mordros the Zombie Master, now?! ;-p But seriously, good luck! They may crush your body but never your spirit!

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Yeah, I've been playing Necromancer Games modules (and hanging around the messageboards) so long that I've forgotten how brutal they are. But it looks like our playing styles are at least compatible, so we'll just carry on. This is actually the most fun I've had in a long time. You make this adventure shine.

The roleplaying has been great so far, and each and every character is(or was) memorable. I would love to see Grond drifting towards good, and I haven't any problem with you adjusting his alignment. You just decide at which point it will happen. As WorsT said, there is a streak of good in him already, and I think that kind of anomaly is what makes a character interesting.

I'm excited to see Thalyn's new character, and hope you get to Roadside Inn real soon. Let's see how you get past that pesky giant.

WorsT wrote:
Real life calls and my fiance has requested that I go with her to NY state to visit her ailing grandfather who has kidney failure so he he can see our 8 month old.

Take care of you and yours, and we'll see you when you get back.

Scarab Sages

Black Tom wrote:
Let's see how you get past that pesky giant.

Oh sure! Take out the dwarf in the party and THEN throw in a giant! That's just mean :)

WorsT: safe travels and we'll see you when you get back!

Grond the Backstabber wrote:
I helped lead the charge towards the cave. Tried to 'smoke 'em out' heh. Not the best of ideas! It is this blasted alignment, CN! I have a hard time imagining a half-orc any closer to good than that alignment, but I feel I should bend towards good over time. Then the open door, I found too enticing, to sneak a look, he is a rogue after all, and greedy. Still, bad idea.

Dude, you were paralyzed. You couldn't lead the charge 'cause they were there before you got your mobility back. Now, smoking them out...

Seriously, I have no reason to think that you cannot drift toward good. Especially since, as WorsT pointed out, you've taken to protecting Roylenna (which I must say, I am very grateful for after that run from the crypt -- but "pick her up like a piglet"? Please!)

Grond the Backstabber wrote:
I would like to extend an apology to our dwarf player, and hope that he rolls up a new char.

Ditto. Thalyn, that was well played. Unfortunate that it did not work out better. Hoping to see you back soon.

AinvarG wrote:
"pick her up like a piglet"? Please!


M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Well I was going to say carry her like she is a football and I am a running back going for the touch-down, but thought that might be too anachronistic, so the piglet line came out, which I actually thought was quite hilarious. I will continue to carry her like a spring piglet as needed thankyouverymuch!

Great game, can u give us a hint should we give this giant everything we own or stand and fight?

And I meant lead the charge figuratively. I was all about going to the crypt. Paralyzed or not.

Grond the Backstabber wrote:
Well I was going to say carry her like she is a football and I am a running back going for the touch-down, but thought that might be too anachronistic, so the piglet line came out, which I actually thought was quite hilarious. I will continue to carry her like a spring piglet as needed thankyouverymuch!


Grond the Backstabber wrote:
Great game, can u give us a hint should we give this giant everything we own or stand and fight?

I vote that you give him your falchion. Pointy end first. Repeatedly.

Might want to make sure Proteus is close behind to patch you up if he tags you with that tree trunk, though.

Dark Archive

AinvarG wrote:
Might want to make sure Proteus is close behind to patch you up if he tags you with that tree trunk, though.

Are you sure there will be anything left to patch up? I see you guys have the 5th Element version of "negotiation" down pat. Could always try the, "What us poor meager travelers? Of course we will give your mightyness the few coppers we have to our names but if you let us pass quickly than the rich merchant caravan behind us will not be warned off before you've had a chance to get all the gold, riches, and ale from it." Of course there is much more glory in being able to say you killed a giant......

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

After last night? Sandros wants to kill something. Hard.

Scarab Sages


this game is going to be a lot of fun :)

Dark Arioch wrote:
Could always try the, "What us poor meager travelers?"

I seriously considered that, but I figured a wagon loaded with goods would be a hard sell. Especially since our goal is to ensure that Greta and her goods reach Warwick safely.

I am hoping (fingers crossed) that Black Tom used the term "giant" figuratively and not literally. :\

M Half Orc 1 Rogue
WorsT wrote:
Dark Arioch wrote:
Could always try the, "What us poor meager travelers?"

I seriously considered that, but I figured a wagon loaded with goods would be a hard sell. Especially since our goal is to ensure that Greta and her goods reach Warwick safely.

I am hoping (fingers crossed) that Black Tom used the term "giant" figuratively and not literally. :\

Ya I have the same take. No getting around this one. Not with a wagon full of goodies. I would like to add that Grond is now as tall as he is!

Dark Archive

WorsT wrote:
I am hoping (fingers crossed) that Black Tom used the term "giant" figuratively and not literally. :\

God, I hope so! but after that overwhelming zombie force I don't know.....

Dark Archive

Grond wrote:

"Wait!" Ow.

Staggering under the blow, Grond picks himself back up to his full 1hp sature. "Excuse me, did you say pay a toll? I thought you said throw a pole, sorry!" Grond will give his most ingratiating smile, and try to shrink and hunch himself back to puny sized.

"Our friend merely demands tribute! Let us give him a valuable treasure!"

You had me rolling with this..... I gonna go with at this point maybe it's a real giant as opposed to a reverse midget....

Shisumo wrote:
After last night? Sandros wants to kill something. Hard.

Aye, I'm afraid the wee one's got the same overriding desire to do something to honor the fallen.

And no, it's obviously not the intelligent thing to do...

Dark Arioch wrote:
I gonna go with at this point maybe it's a real giant as opposed to a reverse midget....

Uh, yeah. :(

Black Tom,

I did not see in your post after the giant jumped out at us that Greta told us to stop and spoke to the giant. As a result, originally, in my attempt at diplomatic relations with the giant I was going to use my 3 hero points to up my diplomacy check to 25.

Had I seen that Greta spoke to him, I would not have done so. I have edited it thus. But, I wanted to make you aware and see if that was okay as you have not acted yet, so it shouldn't have affected the outcome.

If it is a problem, could you let me know and take this into consideration in your subsequent actions. I have left Proteus at 0 hero points awaiting your response.

I will be more careful in reading posts in the future.


Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I'm not going to be around the computer again until tomorrow morning, so here's the rough plan: Sandros, his attempt at suicide-by-hill-giant having been stymied for the moment, will let the diplomatic efforts play out. He's not going to return to the path until someone specifically tells him to, though, in case things turn violent and he needs this angle of fire.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
WorsT wrote:

Black Tom,

I did not see in your post after the giant jumped out at us that Greta told us to stop and spoke to the giant. As a result, originally, in my attempt at diplomatic relations with the giant I was going to use my 3 hero points to up my diplomacy check to 25.

Yeah, keep your hero points (although that's a perfectly good way to use them, and it saved the party from a TPK last time I ran this module). Note that hero points are spent before the roll is made.

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)

Here's my new character as he stands so far. I have to work out the kinks of his background but I should have something down later today.

p.s. Holy crap! I thought I saw Grond's life pass before my eyes!

Bhanbhagta Rana wrote:
Here's my new character as he stands so far. I have to work out the kinks of his background but I should have something down later today.

Looks good so far. I like the mercenary vibe. And he'll be a step in the right direction for Proteus. That being the CN to N step. That dwarf was cah-razy. ;)

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Awesome, hopefully we make it to town!

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Grond the Backstabber wrote:
Awesome, hopefully we make it to town!

Yes, indeed. And I hope we don't get fired before we get to town, too.

Hey Black Tom

I found a small map of the area we are playing in, would you mind if I posted it for everyone's perusal?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
WorsT wrote:

Hey Black Tom

I found a small map of the area we are playing in, would you mind if I posted it for everyone's perusal?

If you are referring to the unmarked (without letters) Wilderness map, by all means go ahead. I have had to modify it somewhat to fit it into the campaign world, but it might still be useful.

And if you happen to find the map of Endhome, that would be great too.

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

I have no idea if javelins actually require leather throwing thongs, but I just went with it... ((shrugs))

Hey I would love to see a map, or even better have some one draw/reveal/whateve/ online, ya, would love it.

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Not that there's anything wrong with the co-ords system, I am an engineer after all, but lol, it's too close to work for me. But you know, a map would be cool, is all I'm sayin'


Black Tom wrote:
If you are referring to the unmarked (without letters) Wilderness map, by all means go ahead. I have had to modify it somewhat to fit it into the campaign world, but it might still be useful.

Ahh, what fun would it be if we didn't have the numbers? (j/k) The map I got this from had no extraneous markings on it at all.

In order to avoid any possible issues, I made this myself.
Area Map

Black Tom, if can describe to me what changes you need made, I can do that.

Black Tom wrote:

And if you happen to find the map of Endhome, that would be great too.

Uh, I'll see what I can do.

Black Tom wrote:
And if you happen to find the map of Endhome, that would be great too.

I believe I have found such a beast. Do you want it unnumbered?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Thanks for the map, WorsT. I was wondering if you had happened on the wilderness map from the module. That's the one with markings. But this is really nice to have, too.

WorsT wrote:
Black Tom wrote:
And if you happen to find the map of Endhome, that would be great too.
I believe I have found such a beast. Do you want it unnumbered?

Yes, I think that would be appropriate.

Black Tom wrote:
Thanks for the map, WorsT. I was wondering if you had happened on the wilderness map from the module. That's the one with markings. But this is really nice to have, too.

I have purposely kept my eyes off anything out of the module. This map I found as a generic map of the City State of the Overlord.

WorsT wrote:
Black Tom wrote:
And if you happen to find the map of Endhome, that would be great too.
I believe I have found such a beast. Do you want it unnumbered?
Yes, I think that would be appropriate.

This I will have to work on if you'd like me to.

However, I would like you to check the one I've found for accuracy to work off of. I will place my email addy in my profile for the next couple of hours and then remove it.

Email me if you can.

I'm taking off for NY. Hopefully, I'll be seeing you between now and Tuesday, but if not. Good luck.

Shisumo, you got Proteus. He currently has two more attempts to channel positive energy at his disposal.

Spells are on his profile. He hasn't used any.

Take care everyone.

Scarab Sages

Take care WorsT :)

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

ya cyas and take care...

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Hey y'all,

Just wanted to pipe in and say that, like Dark Arioch, I have been following your pbp and loving every min of it. I follow a few of them but you guys, as a group, have one of the best posting rates I've ever seen. Really keeps the action fast and furious, almost feels like a Table Top! lol (And honestly you guys have made me lol on several occasions.)Grond wins best line so far though with his "Toll/Pole" quip. -still chuckling-

Plus you all obviously get along and the RPing has been spot on. And Black Tom, not to blow smoke up your nether regions but I think your DMing style is great-love the no holds bared attitude ("you guys Sure you want to go into the crypt? Ok, just remember, I Did warn you...POW!!" lmao) and I would never have guessed in a million years that English was not your first language (what is it btw, just out of curiosity?)

I know you guys are full up and DA is next in line on the waiting list, but Just In Case any of that should change I have a Brand New Druid Class (really!) I'm presently calling Wild Druid I'd love to try out and play with you all. Feel free to check him out Gal

He's not 100% finished online yet, the background, personality and appearance are written but still have to be typed in. Jason Bulmahn, Lead Designer for the PF Alpha RPG has even checked the class out and made a comment! You all seem like experienced gamers so I'd love any feedback you may care to share on the class too. You can do so Here if you like.

Anyway, once again, just wanted to give my thanks for making a great pbp for me to enjoy ;-) Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more of it!

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Gal wrote:
Hey y'all,

Hi Gal,

Thanks for the compliments. I count myself lucky to have struck gold in my first PbP. This is one of the best games I've run. We'll see about the waiting list. Currently I think five players is just right (or "lagom" [untranslateable] as we say in my native language Swedish), but do stick around. It's fun to hear how the game looks from "outside".

It would be interesting to try out your new druid, but I'd prefer to do that in my tabletop game. I have a player who'd like to play a druid but who is always grumbling about them. This concept might actually be something he's looking for.

We'll try to keep up the speed. I've been very busy this week and can't post as much as I would like, but I think that so far, so good.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

This last battle was the first opportunity to really test the new Pathfinder rules, and I must say I like them. Grappling is easier to handle (while Proteus hurling the monkey to the ground wasn't really covered in the rules, I decided that it made sense. Technically he just broke the grapple. And pulling the other monkey down was just flavor text - it simply failed its fly check.

The flying rules were also easy to use and a lot of fun, especially with monsters that were really bad at flying. Hilarious!

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Thanks BT,

And please, let your player know that he can feel free to use the Wild Druid, that's what it's for! Also, I'd be real curious to hear how it works out in a table top setting. (especially as it looks like it will be a while before I get to play a 'live' one myself...unless anyone knows of any games going on in English?? ;-)

I will stay posted, out of enjoyment for your guys game if nothing else. But if any openings do pop up...count me in! =D

Black Tom wrote:

This last battle was the first opportunity to really test the new Pathfinder rules, and I must say I like them. Grappling is easier to handle (while Proteus hurling the monkey to the ground wasn't really covered in the rules, I decided that it made sense. Technically he just broke the grapple. And pulling the other monkey down was just flavor text - it simply failed its fly check.

The flying rules were also easy to use and a lot of fun, especially with monsters that were really bad at flying. Hilarious!

And Atlas, don't forget Atlas' devastating blow! Really, you've been waiting for a chance to have him shrug, haven't you?

I need to prep a tabletop game - and then play it - today, just wanted to let you know that I can't hover on the forums much. Great encounter, having a ball.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I dearly love CMB, but we need more information on what can and cannot be done in grappling...

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Thalyn, you seem to be missing either a skill point or a hit point from favored class. Also note that the +3 to class skills only apply to skills where you have at least one rank. If you like to add any background, feel free to do so.

AinvarG wrote:

And Atlas, don't forget Atlas' devastating blow! Really, you've been waiting for a chance to have him shrug, haven't you?

No, honestly it was a spur of the moment thing. I think it was pretty funny though (the kick, not the pun).

Shisumo wrote:
I dearly love CMB, but we need more information on what can and cannot be done in grappling...


Curious what everyone is thinking about the Roadside Inn. Do we stay with the wagon? Do we get rooms? Do we hang out in the common room and get completely sloshed talking about giant flying monkey zombies? Or something like that...

Roylenna would like a hot meal and time visiting in the common room, but getting a room she can pass on if the others don't want to spend the cash or leave the wagon for the night. (Obviously, Greta should have some say in that, but Roylenna's not going to be the one to ask unless someone puts her up to it.)

Regarding getting out of the contract, she'd really like to go back to the ruins and the crypt, but she's not sure she's powerful enough yet to be much help. Some more practice is probably best, and completing the contract should provide some...

Still up in the air on lots of things, obviously.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

My two cents:

How can Roylenna miss with her 'healing ray' on a willing target??

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)
Black Tom wrote:

Thalyn, you seem to be missing either a skill point or a hit point from favored class. Also note that the +3 to class skills only apply to skills where you have at least one rank. If you like to add any background, feel free to do so.

AinvarG wrote:

And Atlas, don't forget Atlas' devastating blow! Really, you've been waiting for a chance to have him shrug, haven't you?

No, honestly it was a spur of the moment thing. I think it was pretty funny though (the kick, not the pun).

Shisumo wrote:
I dearly love CMB, but we need more information on what can and cannot be done in grappling...

Your right I'll make the correction. I think I'll add another rank instead of the hit point. On skills I didn't put ranks in I just put down there stat bonus' to make it easier for me to look up. Also I finished his background so check it out tell me what you think.

Gal wrote:

My two cents:

How can Roylenna miss with her 'healing ray' on a willing target??

Well, a critical failure is a critical failure. I rolled a 1, so it missed. No question there. The second attempt, I rolled a 2, for a total "attack" of 7. That's not good enough to hit a medium creature (Base touch AC 10), even if they are not trying to avoid the "attack". So I considered it to be a failure, also.

Now, Black Tom has ruled that Roylenna can take advantage of Point Blank Shot and Critical Hits with Heavenly Fire when trying to heal with it, but only if she's making an attack roll to deliver the goodness. She can opt to make a "free" touch attack on a willing target, but then she's limited to the 1d6 base healing. Or that's how I'm playing it.

And yes, she could have shrugged my shoulders, walked up to the cleric and delivered the Heavenly Fire via touch attack, but she was shaken by two bad misses and forgot all about that option.

Bhanbhagta Rana wrote:
Your right I'll make the correction. I think I'll add another rank instead of the hit point. On skills I didn't put ranks in I just put down there stat bonus' to make it easier for me to look up. Also I finished his background so check it out tell me what you think.

I like the background and the build. Curious - I haven't looked at TWF for Pathfinder. Have the rules changes regarding the penalty for fighting with two weapons and for the strength bonus damge for the off-hand weapon? I would expect +4 to hit, +3 damage for fighting with a single short sword, but +2 to hit, +3 damage (primary hand) and +2 to hit, +1 damage (off-hand) if fighting with a short sword in each hand.

Or am I just missing another feat or ability that negates the penalty?

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000
AinvarG wrote:
Gal wrote:

My two cents:

How can Roylenna miss with her 'healing ray' on a willing target??

Well, a critical failure is a critical failure. I rolled a 1, so it missed. No question there. The second attempt, I rolled a 2, for a total "attack" of 7. That's not good enough to hit a medium creature (Base touch AC 10), even if they are not trying to avoid the "attack". So I considered it to be a failure, also.

Now, Black Tom has ruled that Roylenna can take advantage of Point Blank Shot and Critical Hits with Heavenly Fire when trying to heal with it, but only if she's making an attack roll to deliver the goodness. She can opt to make a "free" touch attack on a willing target, but then she's limited to the 1d6 base healing. Or that's how I'm playing it.

And yes, she could have shrugged my shoulders, walked up to the cleric and delivered the Heavenly Fire via touch attack, but she was shaken by two bad misses and forgot all about that option.

Fair enough, guess I'll just collect my 1.98 cents change ;)

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Rana, by your background (nice touch, by the way), you are obviously Tharbrian. In game terms that means that you speak Tharbrian as your native language and will have to spend a bonus language to learn Common. On the flip side, Ride and Survival are class skills for you.

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