About Khaladon's GalWILD DRUID (New Class)3.5 Pathfinder Rules Spoiler:
The fury of the storm, the gentle strength of the morning sun the cunning of the fox and the power of the bear-all these and more are at the druid's command. Much more so than regular druids, Wild Druids truly become one with nature. Wild Druids are wilder, more natural cousins to regular Druids. . Adventures: As all of the outdoors is theirs to roam, Wild Druids have no home base as such (although sometimes they will instinctively remain near where they were originally from) As with regular Druids, Wild Druids can easily accept that which is horrific or cruel in nature yet they hate all that which is unnatural including aberrations and undead. Sometimes they may team up with other adventurers to help eliminate a specific threat to the natural world. Other times their curiosity may just get the better of them for a while. Characteristics:
Alignment: Because of their nature, Wild Druids have a strong tendency towards Chaotic Neutral as alignment. They cannot be of Lawful alignment. Religion: Wild Druids have no religion, instead deriving their powers and abilities through direct communion with Nature itself. Most Wild Druids have no knowledge of 'Nature Gods' in any typically recognizable form although some may have experienced 'special visitations'. Background:
Wild Druids of all sorts have a strong reaction to fire. These reactions may range anywhere from extreme respect and caution to complete hatred and terror. Other Classes: Wild Druids are generally uncomfortable around most people and classes yet they can accept barbarians and rangers recognizing their reverence and familiarity with natural lands. With regular druids they can become friendly and even close (but they will not easily put up with any attempts to control or 'tame' them from these Druids). It is rare for Wild Druids to run into each other. When they do, there will usually have to be some sort of contest or fight for 'pack leader'. They do, however, occasionally join with another of the opposite sex to mate. Wild Druids can respect the rogues stealthiness as being valuable qualities for the wild lands but has little to no understanding of their urban mannerisms and ways. Clerics and other divine spell casters they can respect, recognizing a connection in them to something greater than themselves. They will usually view arcane spell casters and fighters as potentially dangerous to animals and the wild lands and so will treat them with distrust and dislike. Having no understanding of or adherence to any laws other than the natural ones, they will chafe and rebel against the paladins strict ways. Role: The Wild Druid enjoys even more versatility than the typical druid. With their shapeshift ability they can make excellent scouts and as they gain in levels and power be decent back-up front line fighters. While their spell per day selection is extremely limited they can still make passable back-up healers and divine casters. Her summoned animal friends also give the Wild Druid extended services to offer the party. GAME RULE INFO:
Spells: A Wild Druid casts the same spells as regular druids yet they receive no formal training whatsoever. Instead, Wild Druids receive their spells by direct communion with nature and can cast them spontaneously as sorcerers do. Wild Druids have an even more limited spell known selection that sorcerers do yet each day they can change any of the spells they know and they have a slightly faster spell progression. (Wild Druids share the same spell progression as Spirit Shamans from Complete Divine) A Wild Druid must 'commune with nature' (undisturbed contact with any natural plant or creature) for at least one hour each day to gain her known spells for the day.
Bonus Languages:
Summon Animals: In addition, because of their intimate connection with animals, almost everywhere she goes the wild druid has local animal friends she knows. The wild druid has spent her whole life around animals and can train and call them easily. (with increasing ability as her level increases) *Note:This ability allows the summoning of Normal or Mundane Animals ONLY*
The total HD of the animals summoned must be equal to or less then the HD +1 per level of the summoning Druid (for example at 12th level a Wild Druid can summon 2 12+hpHD animals or 4 6+hpHD animals). As well, the type of animals summoned must be realistic to the current terrain the Wild Druid is in; for example, Polar Bears would not likely be available in the desert nor Camels in the Arctic. (*Note to avoid abuse: while the Wild Druid does have a strong influence over these animals and they are ‘friends’, they are still wild animals. For example while a low level Wild Druid could attempt to carry around 4 poisonous reptiles for an extended period of time they would also be at potential risk of getting bitten; up to the DM’s discretion. Additionally, any harm done to the animals by the Wild Druid or her allies will give a 75% chance for the summoned animals to either attack or flee unable to be recalled) The Wild Druid must spend at least one minute or more, depending on the abundance or lack or animals in the area, calling out to the chosen type of creature. With a successful Handle Animal DC the animals summoned can be asked to perform simple tasks for 1d4 hours. After which time the animals will wander off to where they came from or the Wild Druid can perform another DC. However no wild animal will remain in the Wild Druid’s service for longer than 24hrs except as seen below.
Nature Sense: Same as normal druid, +2 bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. Track:A Wild Druid gains Track as a bonus feat.
Smell Evil:At second level a Wild Druid has developed their animal affinity to the point that they can, like most animals 'sniff out' Evil. As a standard action and only when concentrating Wild Druids can 'smell' Evil within 10'. This ability can be used to tell if someone is of evil alignment or if particularly evil deeds occurred in a particular place and get a general idea of how long ago it happened (eg, within hours, days, recently, a while ago or very long ago.) 2nd lvl:Woodland Stride-Same as normal Druid
Playing In:Davids Scarred Lands Campaign Medium Humanoid
Gal is a striking and imposing figure. Being very tall and heavily muscled along with being naturally confident in his abilities, he seems almost a force of nature. A force to be reckoned with, surely. His long blond hair has formed and grown in natural dreads and his long blond beard he has separated into three cords he binds with hand carved bone rings. This seems to have been for more practicality than vanity on his part. His fierce green eyes gaze with a raptors ferocity and a wolves intensity, and take in everything in his surroundings. Although his fine elven features are largely hidden by his long hair and beard, it is still clear to see that he is an attractive man. He usually has a serious look on his face except when he is playing with animals; although a tenderness tempered by an unknown sadness will sometimes emerge in the presence of children. Women find themselves attracted by his wildness and power, men by his strength and intensity. In Wolf Form he typically appears as a massive golden furred engine of destruction Height:6'4, Weight:245lbs
Gal has only recently began to re-learn to read so is not very good at it. If he spends too long trying to read or write something he gets a headache and gets frustrated. He didn't speak much either for a long time so is very sparing with his words or speaks in more of a growl than anything. As he has spent his whole life with Animals he has learned to speak as one of them Animal Tongue: Spoiler:
(similar to Wild Empathy) Gal speaks the subtle language Animals-the expressions, movements and sounds of natural animals- and so can communicate with them directly. Because of this, he gets an automatic +2 on all Handle Animal DC's Feats:(bonus)Track, Skill Focus(Stealth),Improved Initiative: +4 to Initiative rolls,
Offense Spoiler:
Base Attack Bonus:1=+1 (Base) Melee:Half Elf Greatclub:+5 (1d8+6, x2) Dagger:+5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) Sling:+3 (1d4+4, x2) 50'range Melee:Wolf Bite:+7 (1d6+6) (from +4 to Strength Bonus) Gear Spoiler:
Currently Gal has only: his meager weapons, a homemade belt-pouch He is wearing a unique but well, if crudely, made hide shirt and tight fitting leather pants of his own creation. 378gp Spells(note: Generally, Gal will not offer healing unless asked, or unless he smells death near someone.) Spoiler:
Gar casts Druid spells as a Sorcerer would (less spells per day known but can cast them spontaneously). He can cast any Druid spell and must 'Commune with Nature' each day for 1 hr to get his spell selection for the day. Every day, he may choose any of the druid spells available for his level as knowledge of them comes directly from Nature. Spontaneous Rejuvenation:(replaces Spontaneous Casting)Transfer energy of stored spell into Fast Healing for all Allies (& Me) in 30' for 3 rounds. HP/rnd = spell lvl sacrificed.(phbII pg39) Cantrips(0 level):3 [b]At Will Pathfinder Rules Create Water Light-20' radius, dur=10min/lvl Know Direction 1st Level:1 (3/Day) Entangle: Range-Long, Dur 1min/lvl, DC20 or Entangled recheck every round, All move at half speed, Bark Skin Special Abilities
Summon Animals Spoiler:
In addition, because of their intimate connection with animals, almost everywhere they goes the wild druid has local animal friends they know. The wild druid has spent their whole life around animals and can train and call them easily. (with increasing ability as their level increases) *Note:This ability allows the summoning of Normal or Mundane Animals ONLY* The total HD of the animals summoned must be equal to or less then the HD +1 per level of the summoning Druid (for example at 12th level a Wild Druid can summon 2 12HD animals or 4 6HD animals). As well, the type of animals summoned must be realistic to the current terrain the Wild Druid is in; for example, Polar Bears would not likely be available in the desert not Camels in the Arctic. With a successful Handle Animal DC you can use the animals to perform simple tasks.
Galen is not the typical type of Druid in many ways. One of them is the fact that he never felt a need to 'call' an Animal Companion. His whole life was spent surrounded by animals and they have been his only friends for half of his life thus far. Instead, he wanted to be more like them. Shapeshifting Alternative Class Feature The Shapeshifting ACF (from the PHB II:pg39) replaces the classic Animal Companion and Wild Shape class features of the traditional Druid. By making this change, the Druid now has the ability to Shapeshift at will as a Swift Action with no limit on the amount of times per day he can do so or how long he can remain in the form. The Wild Druid cannot cast spells when shapeshifted, even with the Natural Spell feat. All the held, worn, carried gear melds into the new form and becomes non-functional until return to the normal form. Everything else about the Wild Druid remains the same in the new form(s) including size in the first two forms. The only exceptions being an increase in strength and natural armor and reflex bonuses. As well, the natural weapons the Wild Druid gains in the new form receive a 1/4 per level increase in attack and bonus damage scores. At fourth level these natural weapons are considered magical for overcoming DR. There are five main types of forms the Shapeshifter Druid can achieve with level advancement. In order, beginning at 1st level they are: Predator, Aerial, Ferocious Slayer, Forest Avenger and Elemental Fury. After 4th level and on Natural Weapons are considered as Magic Weapons for overcoming DR. The Predator qualities are:Wolf, Panther etc. form, bite attack 1d6 and +4 to Str and AC (Natural Armor). Base land speed 50'. At 4th level gain Mobility Feat. Personality Spoiler:
As a man, grown in the company of animals with very little contact with other people, around other humans and humanoids he appears to be silent and guarded. He does not very much trust these 'civilized' folk. He has observed them much from afar and finds most of them to be strange and dangerous. If he saw an animal behaving in some of the crazy ways he would put it out of it's misery for contracting the 'mad white foam' disease. The only time he smiles is in the presence of animals and sometimes young children. Recently, with his tutelage under the Elves, finding a kinship in their natural ways, he has begun to 'soothe the savage beast within'....somewhat anyway His Story: Spoiler:
Galen remembers little to nothing about his childhood at present. He memory begins somewhere about his 12th year. Galen's first memory was waking up in agony. He found himself in some sort of natural enclosure in the woods, seemingly the victim of a bad fall. He knew nothing of who he was or where he was or how he had got there but these thoughts paled beside the ravenous force of his hunger. Barely making his way out of the boulder enclosure the first thing Galen saw was two massive brown bears fighting over a large fish. Soon, the fish forgotten in their rage, the bears moved their fight off further on. Galen's eyes locked on the fish like a laser beam. Weakly making his way towards it, he was not but 15 feet away when he sensed another presence. As he looked towards it he saw a pair of yellow eyes gazing back at him. Instinctively he dropped into a crouch at their level to meet them. The eyes growled at him, he growled back. They both moved closer. Gal saw a very big black wolf with a completely white right paw before him. Yet the wolf had obviously fallen on hard times as well for it was limping and emaciated, and almost as hungry looking as Galen himself was. They both growled again and moved closer. Eventually they met at the fish, their eyes locked onto each other and voicing the occasional growl of possession. Whitepaw was quite surprised by this as he had never known one of the strange two legs to behave in such a manner. He saw no fear whatsoever in the eyes looking into his, only fierce determination and no fear of death. 'He must be part wolf', Whitepaw began to think and he backed up a bit to let the strange no fur eat. Seeing this Galen relented his aggressive stance and both predators began to share, haltingly at first, the succulent and life saving fish. The two became fast friends and began to hunt, and hunt well, together. Eventually Whitepaw joined up with his pack again, bringing along his strange two foots brother. After some testing, the pack accepted Galen. He grew to fully understand their means of communication and became one of them in all ways but form. Little of Galen's previous life came back to him although he was able to recall enough of his name to growl it out...Gal...sometimes frustratingly incomplete flashes would come back to him but he could make little sense of them and as time went on began to care less and less about them. Eventually the pack leader died and, being the two most successful hunters of the pack, Gal and Whitepaw were set to be his replacement. The wolves formed a circle as the battle for pack leader was to begin. Gal and Whitepaw crouched into their fighting postures. Once again, their fierce eyes locked onto each other. Gal knew that any fight between them would have no quarter given and would be a fight to the death. Eventually, realizing he could never take the life of his beloved four legs brother, as Whitepaw had once long ago done for him, this time Gal was the one to back off and concede victory. By rules the pack, this meant Gal was cast away from the pack, to return on pain of death. After one last long look at each other, their loving bond clear, the two spirit brothers turned away. Gal walked away from the pack, his only family, never to return. Gal wandered for some time until strange dreams began to come to him. It seemed that the very spirit of the Land itself was trying to speak to him, urging him to try things strange and unknown to Gal. Eventually he agreed. The first of the new abilities granted him was the ability to truly become as one of his four leg brothers and assume their form! This was a wonder and a joy to Gal. He longed to rush pack to his old pack and share this with them but he knew he could not. So instead he befriended all the other animals of the wilds and became closer and closer with this new presence within him. Eventually the Spirit of Nature began to lead Galen towards lands populated by the strange two foots. For the first time in his memory, Gal saw other beings who looked as he did. This was a strange experience for him, for as he was repulsed by their general disdain for the Land and seemingly each other, he was at the same time strangely drawn to them as well. A part of him he had not before known existed longed to know them. Especially of interest to him were the small ones, the pups it seemed, as they reminded him of....something...gone..something missing...and his heart reached out to them. Yet their general disrespect of the natural world repulsed him and he found himself heading back towards wilder lands. It was soon after that the Elves found him. It was a fortuitous meeting. The elves were impressed by this rare type of Druid, a being obviously a chosen of Denev and even more, one who shared their blood. For Gal's part, encountering 'two-legs' who yet shared his love and respect of the land answered a yearning in himself he had not fully understood. Gal fell under the tutelage of the Great Druid of the Elvish clan, Da'oroak. The venerable sage began tutoring his wild prodigy in some of the finer aspects of Druidism, the history of Ghelspad and the Elvish folk and of the wider populated lands. After several months of this training, word reached the Elves of the problems facing Mithril and they approached Gal with the idea of going as their representative. At first opposed to the idea, gradually, with Da’oroak’s advice and guidance, Gal came to understand that this would be a valuable opportunity to dispel many of the myths and prejudices still held against the Elves by many of Ghelspad’s inhabitants. As well it would be a valuable chance for Gal to become more used to dwelling in ‘civilized’ lands. And so Gal made his way to Mithril, strong in his resolve to make his adopted Elvish family proud. XP Awards Spoiler:
385- Kobolds 90- Snake Men 240-Gnolls 300-highway men(?) 600-Hobgoglins |