Black Tom's Barakus / Necromancer Games campaign

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Post your characters here, along with any questions and comments.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

Posting so I can find it again later.

Any particular rules we should use in character generation for attributes?

WorsT wrote:
Any particular rules we should use in character generation for attributes?

From the original post by Black Tom:

Black Tom wrote:
We'll be using Pathfinder rules, switching to beta as it becomes available. 20 point buy, preferably core races/classes.

Now I need to go look up the point buy rules for Pathfinder!

Regarding the need for a rogue, I'm planning to make rogue my character's favored class. I expect a level or two of rogue at some point (assuming survival, of course) -- if y'all think it would be better, I can start with rogue and move to sorcerer (spontaneously discovered arcane talents, you know).

I'll rough in both options until I've got a feel for the party's prevailing opinion.

OK, I'm not sure what "average starting gold" will amount to.

And what sources are valid for spells? The PHB, as modified by the PRPG Alpha document? Spell Compendium, as modified by the PRPG Alpha? Just the spells listed in the PRPG Alpha?

I'm assuming the first, hoping for the second, dreading the third.

As you can see, I will probably post in flurries, but I'm done for now. I have most of a 1st level Sorcerer and most of a 1st level Rogue ready to finalize when I hear back from the assembled worthies.


Thanks AinvarG, I reread through the post and must have missed that.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
AinvarG wrote:

And what sources are valid for spells? The PHB, as modified by the PRPG Alpha document? Spell Compendium, as modified by the PRPG Alpha? Just the spells listed in the PRPG Alpha?

I don't have the Spell Compendium, so we'll use the PHB, as modified by the PRFG Alpha document. Certain exotic spells might be found on scrolls or researched later on.

I suspect that lacking an arcanist will hurt you more than lacking a rogue at level 1. But I leave the decision to you all.

Black Tom wrote:
I don't have the Spell Compendium, so we'll use the PHB, as modified by the PRFG Alpha document. Certain exotic spells might be found on scrolls or researched later on.

Fair enough. I can always propose new spells if I find a beauty here and you can decide what you think from there. They would probably need PRPG tweaking, anyway.

Black Tom wrote:
I suspect that lacking an arcanist will hurt you more than lacking a rogue at level 1. But I leave the decision to you all.

Hmm... The pressure... Makes me wonder what kind of arcanist I need to be. ;-)

Of course, one of the great things about PRPG rules is that you don't pay a skill point tax when rogue is your second class, so I should be fine either way from a skills standpoint. I'm not anticipating many rogue levels - maybe I'll go one-and-one for a few levels. Unless someone else wants to step into the breech - then I can concentrate on making things go boom.

OK, leaning toward sorcerer, need to pick out spells. And to figure out how to format a character sheet into the profile. And get a name. And a background -- anything I need to know to make the background fit the world the characters are from?

Oh, and I'm leaning toward the celestial bloodline. For some reason, that one's caught my eye and I have not had a change to try it out. Good, bad, indifferent?

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
AinvarG wrote:
Of course, one of the great things about PRPG rules is that you don't pay a skill point tax when rogue is your second class, so I should be fine either way from a skills standpoint. I'm not anticipating many rogue levels - maybe I'll go one-and-one for a few levels. Unless someone else wants to step into the breech - then I can concentrate on making things go boom.

The question would be, will you have the skill points as a sorcerer to do what you need to as a sorcerer and still be able to find and disable traps (that being all we really need a rogue specifically for)? I'm still willing to cover that angle if it would work better - or we can just say "screw it" and take our lumps!

AinvarG wrote:
Oh, and I'm leaning toward the celestial bloodline. For some reason, that one's caught my eye and I have not had a change to try it out. Good, bad, indifferent?

A little extra free healing never hurt nobody!

Okay, here's a first draft of my character. I still need to tweak a few things - I don't have my copy of the Pathfinder stuff with me at the moment, so I can't verify his racial traits, for instance, and I've not spent all his money I think either, but this is more or less where he's beginning from...

Sandros Highmount wrote:
Okay, here's a first draft of my character. I still need to tweak a few things - I don't have my copy of the Pathfinder stuff with me at the moment, so I can't verify his racial traits, for instance, and I've not spent all his money I think either, but this is more or less where he's beginning from...

Where did you get the starting cash? From the PHB? Or am I missing it in the PRPG?

I used the money listings on pg 111 of the PHB. I don't think they've printed anything official for Pathfinder yet.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Yes, starting gold is as per the PHB.

Sandros looks good to me. An interesting build, and it looks like a level or two of rogue isn't going to hurt him.

We will be using the medium xp progression, possibly to be adjusted later. Barakus was written for 50% of 3.5 progression.

The Wilderness is a fairly generic setting, so you don't need a lot of background. Most of the world is uninhabited and hostile, so communications is limited. Your part of the world is dominated (at least in theory) by the Invincible Overlord, a tyrant that demands tribute from the surrounding lands. Warwik (or Warwick, there is no orthography) is strong enough to resist, though, and is only nominally under the Overlord's control.

The human subraces other than Alryan that are common are Tharbrian, a barbarian race that invaded the continent many centuries back, and Skandiks, a sea-faring people of the north.

Some people would compare Tharbrians with Mongolians, Skandiks with Vikings and Alryans with Romans. Apart from the anachronism, that works for me.

I'm not familiar with the skill point rule for favored classes and I'm not finding it. It's moot for me at this point, but I'm curious. Can someone point me in the right direction to check it out?

OK, shopping's done. Hope to have the character and profile in place tomorrow. Need to pick some spells -- suggestions welcome, I only get two first level at this time.

Black Tom, how do you interpret the cantrips rules for sorcerers? I'm guessing that they only know a limited number and can cast them at will, but something in the text makes me doubt that reading. Or do they handle it like a Wizard -- all cantrips available, only select the ones you want for a given day?

You know, I sort of seem to have glossed over noticing this was a Pathfinder game. ((embarrassed)) I'm not sure I'm prepared to play in one!

I have downloaded it, and read it of course and love it and all that but between my home game which uses 3.0 rules (long story) and the rest of my world that uses 3.5, and trying to learn 4.0 (lol) I don't know that I'm prepared to tackle this.

Another game I'm in used the buy system for char gen so I understand that and all, but how many big differences are there?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
AinvarG wrote:
I'm not familiar with the skill point rule for favored classes and I'm not finding it. It's moot for me at this point, but I'm curious. Can someone point me in the right direction to check it out?

It was mentioned in the Beta blog post. It's not an official rule yet but I like it and it will be in the Beta, so we'll just run with it.

AinvarG wrote:
Black Tom, how do you interpret the cantrips rules for sorcerers? I'm guessing that they only know a limited number and can cast them at will, but something in the text makes me doubt that reading. Or do they handle it like a Wizard -- all cantrips available, only select the ones you want for a given day?

I interpret it as you do, a limited number known and casting at will. That seems like the right flavor for a sorcerer. So choose wisely.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Otto R. Ringus wrote:
Another game I'm in used the buy system for char gen so I understand that and all, but how many big differences are there?

I can't really tell how much difference there is going to be in play (especially with the Beta), since this is my first playtest, but I think much of it is meant to simplify 3.5. Characters have a lot more options though.

Just let me know what you decide to do, so I can recruit another player if needed.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
Black Tom wrote:
Sandros looks good to me. An interesting build, and it looks like a level or two of rogue isn't going to hurt him.

How much it would "hurt" him depends mostly on how high/far the game is going to go. The idea behind this build it to try to pull off some traditionally rogue-type stuff with a fighter, using Pathfinder's skill consolidation and new class abilities to make it more effective, and using the fighter's damage-dealing tricks to keep up with or surpass the rogue's sneak attack damage boosts. (So far, it seems to be working.) But I'd like stuff like Weapon Specialization and Weapon Training as soon as possible, so every level of rogue I take pushes them back further. On the other hand, the extra skill points - and, more importantly, the extra class skills - would be a great help to him, and I do imagine him in flanking situations pretty regularly. Also, of course, there's the fact that if we're never going to reach 5th level, getting weapon training isn't so much a priority at that point...

Black Tom wrote:
The Wilderness is a fairly generic setting, so you don't need a lot of background. Most of the world is uninhabited and hostile, so communications is limited. Your part of the world is dominated (at least in theory) by the Invincible Overlord, a tyrant that demands tribute from the surrounding lands. Warwik (or Warwick, there is no orthography) is strong enough to resist, though, and is only nominally under the Overlord's control.

The background I'm thinking about for Sandros is that of a noble's acknowledged bastard, raised in the noble world without entirely being a part of it. So he's got some experience with that kind of world, but also has spent some time on the seemier side of things (how much I play that up depends on whether I do wind up with that level of rogue or not). Also...

For Tom only:

I'm going for a somewhat D'Artagnan-like feel here, and one piece of that is the idea of him following in his father's footsteps. I have no idea what the starting hook for the adventure is, but is it at all possible that Sandros might already be trying to find the lost city, because that's where his father disappeared to?

Otto R. Ringus wrote:

You know, I sort of seem to have glossed over noticing this was a Pathfinder game. ((embarrassed)) I'm not sure I'm prepared to play in one!

I have downloaded it, and read it of course and love it and all that but between my home game which uses 3.0 rules (long story) and the rest of my world that uses 3.5, and trying to learn 4.0 (lol) I don't know that I'm prepared to tackle this.

Another game I'm in used the buy system for char gen so I understand that and all, but how many big differences are there?

Obviously there are differences in the character creation process, but in play, the biggest difference we've seen in our small playtest has been the channel energy ability of the cleric as opposed to the old turn undead. That and at-will 0-level spells, of course.

I doubt it will be a big problem for you, but it's your call.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I'd back up Ainvar on that assessment, particularly if you stick with the barbarian concept. Race and class differences are definitely noticable, but those are kind of one-time deals. You figure them out at chargen, and that's pretty much that. The only issues you're likely to run into in play would be the combat maneuver rules, which are incredibly straightforward and take roughly 3 seconds to comprehend.

Well that's encouraging. I will try and get my caracter up here this afternoon then.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Excellent. As soon as your characters are done, we are good to go. We'll see if anyone picks up a level of rogue, but I don't think it is going to be any trouble right now.

You can decide among yourselves whether or not you know each other and if you are from Warwik originally or just going there. I'll probably put a thread up tomorrow where you can introduce yourselves.

For Shisumo

Your background idea works just fine, presuming your father is an elf. I take it you were raised with your mother's family. I'll work them in as minor nobles.

Would anyone be disappointed if I changed my class to rogue? I totally could get into the idea of rogue over barb. I think I will do that if no one minds! Working on it now!

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
AinvarG wrote:
OK, shopping's done. Hope to have the character and profile in place tomorrow. Need to pick some spells -- suggestions welcome, I only get two first level at this time.

What kind of sorcerer are you planning? Utlity, blaster, buffer, debuffer, something else...? You're going celestial bloodline, which gives you some buff spells eventually - do you want to reinforce that angle, or leave it to the bloodline itself to do the heavy lifting?

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
Black Tom wrote:

For Shisumo

** spoiler omitted **

What I had been picturing was an elf noble father and a human servant mother, with at least one and possibly more legitimate heirs around as well. The father disappears, looking for Barakus, and Sandros decides to go looking for him, because his half-brother can't - he has to stick around and run the family's holdings. Plus, it keep him far enough away from his father's wife to avoid any... misunderstandings about Sandros' ambitions.

If your way would work better, though, that's fine too. Just tell me what I need to know and I'll work it in.

Now that I have re-read the board it seems more than one person intended to have at least 'some' levels in rogue. So maybe I shouls not be a rogue... Do we have a cleric? With only 4 characters and a Necromancer game (They roll 1E style) we NEED to have the core classes. Not to mention Necro games are normally designed for 4-6, so I really think it is imperative we have a balanced group. DM, could you consolidate the character list so far, and I will take whatever class we're missing. It appears so far we have fighter and mage, so we need cleric and rogue.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Otto R. Ringus wrote:
Now that I have re-read the board it seems more than one person intended to have at least 'some' levels in rogue. So maybe I shouls not be a rogue... Do we have a cleric? With only 4 characters and a Necromancer game (They roll 1E style) we NEED to have the core classes. Not to mention Necro games are normally designed for 4-6, so I really think it is imperative we have a balanced group. DM, could you consolidate the character list so far, and I will take whatever class we're missing. It appears so far we have fighter and mage, so we need cleric and rogue.

The discussion about multi-classing was at least partly based on the assumption that you were going to play a barbarian, so rogue is definitely up for grabs. And you are absolutely right about the core classes.

Worst was talking about making a cleric, so as far as I know we will be:

Ainvar: halfling sorcerer (celestial)
Shisumo: half-elf fighter (swashbuckler-style)
Worst: human (?) cleric
Otto: rogue of some kind

I was thinking that Pathfinder characters are slightly superior to normal characters, but I could always recruit a fifth player. There were some casualties last time around... ah, good times...

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Again, for Shisumo:

Shisumo wrote:
[** spoiler omitted **

We could actually do it either way, but there are no elven nobles in Warwik, so then you would have no connection to the city (which is not a problem, but the other way has more possibilities). Or, as I suggested, you could be raised with your noble human mother. Since your father disappeared some years ago you were sent to your elven relatives to study the noble art of fighting.

You are free to detail your family as you wish either way (siblings, relations etc.) Just let me know.

In either case your father went with an adventuring party led by the human lightbringer [Pelorite] cleric Kabbal Sharn to fight some kind of undead abomination, and was never seen again.

Thanks Black Tom, I have the rules open in another window and am coming up with a rogue now then. Might still be half-orc, leme think about that for a few.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
Black Tom wrote:

Again, for Shisumo:

** spoiler omitted **


No, your way works too. I may be assuming a gender politics that's more repressive than Warwick is, which is why I went the other way first, but this can work just fine. I'll put some public background stuff in Sandros' profile tonight and spoiler the stuff that's not pulic knowledge... yet.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)

Introducing Roylenna "Royl" Brenoien. She stands 2' 10", with silvery-blonde hair and pale green eyes. With her hair piled on her head, though, she can make 3' 6".

She's fairly quiet, watching the world around her with a bemused expression.

More to come.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:
Introducing Roylenna "Royl" Brenoien.

Looks good to me, but please note that Heavenly fire is only d6 at level 1.

Black Tom wrote:
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:
Introducing Roylenna "Royl" Brenoien.
Looks good to me, but please note that Heavenly fire is only d6 at level 1.

Ah, my bad. At our table, we usually treat abilities like this with a minimum bonus of 1. Of course, that means it takes that much longer for the bonus to get any better...

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Well here is a go at it, as far as I got anyhow.

Just to keep everyone up to date, I have decided on a Human Cleric. Still working out some of the details but should be complete soon.

For Black Tom


This may be a bit strange, but I want to go along the lines of a cleric that is focused as a healer. For this reason, I am going to use weapons that do nonlethal damage and focus spells on buffing and healing. If you think that is too far out there, then let me know and I can rethink this cleric.

As far as diety goes I was thinking something along the lines of Asclepius from greek mythology. Here is a link to the info at Wikipedia.

This character is probably not going to be extremely useful in combat as a damage dealer. If this isn't going to work and I need something beefier, let me know.

Here is the current version of Proteus.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
WorsT wrote:

For Black Tom
** spoiler omitted **

For WorsT:

I appreciate your character concept and am willing to give it a try, provided we get another tank. Right now I'm just wondering how you and Otto's rogue are going to get along. It might be an interesting contrast but I don't want the game bogged down in internecine strife. Let's see how you work it out.

Mechanically, you will be a cleric of Pelor, but you are free to introduce Asclepius as an aspect of Pelor. It's just a question of domains and favored weapon (although you can choose the quarterstaff if you like).

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Grond the Backstabber wrote:
Well here is a go at it, as far as I got anyhow.

Looks good to me, but Use Magic Device is based on charisma, so you will only get a +2 if my math serves me right.

I haven't seen your background, but I am a little curious as to how you will interact with the other characters.

Grond the Backstabber wrote:
Well here is a go at it, as far as I got anyhow.

Would the damage bonus for the two-handed falchion not be 1.5 times Grond's strength bonus? By that reasoning, I show a +3 to hit, +4 to damage.

Black Tom wrote:
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:
Introducing Roylenna "Royl" Brenoien.
Looks good to me, but please note that Heavenly fire is only d6 at level 1.

That's been fixed and her background, such as it is, is posted. I think she's done unless someone has significant concerns.

I'm open to suggestions on the spells yet, too -- not sure that I ever actually managed to post that earlier.

For Black Tom


I thought we had a barbarian, I didn't realize he was going with rogue instead. I'll rework for Kord and try to have that done tonight. One question, though. If I use Kord's preferred weapon (greatsword) do I need to worry about having an off hand for casting? If so, can I use the Monkey Grip feat from Complete Warrior so I can have the off hand avaialable for casting. I would just need the feat for casting so I can still hold the weapon.

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Falchion is two handed? Use M.D. uses charisma? Will update changes.

I havent made any background, is that what the other players 'spoilers' are? If so, I will go right ahead. WOuld anyone like to hire me as a mercenary? It seems odd I wouold be thrown in with such a group, but I'm not evil so I could see being hired as a good enough reason.

My character's personality is one of greed, and he is urban-oriented. He grew up in the rat infested back alleys of wherever we start. He is also the 'thug' type rogue, hence the high strength. He keeps himself covered and in the shadows most times, to keep his heriatge a mystery. He goes to trouble to look like a very ugly, diseased human.

Grond the Backstabber wrote:

Falchion is two handed? Use M.D. uses charisma? Will update changes.

I havent made any background, is that what the other players 'spoilers' are? If so, I will go right ahead. WOuld anyone like to hire me as a mercenary? It seems odd I wouold be thrown in with such a group, but I'm not evil so I could see being hired as a good enough reason.

My character's personality is one of greed, and he is urban-oriented. He grew up in the rat infested back alleys of wherever we start. He is also the 'thug' type rogue, hence the high strength. He keeps himself covered and in the shadows most times, to keep his heriatge a mystery. He goes to trouble to look like a very ugly, diseased human.

We have a specialist fighter who prefers the falchion at our table. It's definitely two-handed or he's been cheating me on extra damage for a long time now.

My background is fairly generic so far, assuming more details may be forthcoming when we know more about the setting. There must be some halfling in me -- the curiosity of what's in the spoilers is killing me -- I'm used to being a lurker and able to read all of the spoilers guilt-free. *sigh* I'm sure I'll grow as a person by exercising a little self-control, right?

For Grond and Black Tom:

All in fun, this is mostly because I'm feeling left out. And I've never tried to make a spoiler before, so it's practice.

And on a more serious note, my good-hearted lil' halfling girl may well have tried to befriend someone that looked like they didn't fit in - or want to - if that's a hook that Grond's interested in. She's not exactly sure where she stands in this community yet, either, I'd wager.

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

For Roylenna and Black Tom:

Did you ever see the move The Professional? We could have a little of that action going on, sounds good. Perhaps I saw you and took pity on your small size and apparent weakness so I invited you to share a meal or something who knows, but we got into trouble and I saw the power you were capable of wielding, and I was sold. I like it. My half orc is pretty smart (for an orc lol) that 12 cost me a lot, so he is not your traditional hack-n-slasher, but the charisma is abysmally low. Having a companion, one to 'go up to the counter' so to speak would fit well with Grond's personality. His personal greed might get in the way, dividing the spoils is always a difficult task!

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
WorsT wrote:

For Black Tom

** spoiler omitted **

For WorsT:

I just recruited another barbarian, so feel free to run with your original concept. But if you prefer a cleric of Kord, I will definitely allow you to hold your sword in one hand while casting.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

After due consideration I decided to add a fifth player to make things a little easier for you. Thalyn will be playing a dwarven barbarian.

The starting hook is that you have all (separately or together) decided to hire on as bodyguards to a certain stubborn little lady who is trying to drive her cart to Warwik through the dreaded Fool's pass (which is a considerable shortcut, but also a good place for an ambush and located in orc-infested territory).

The lady in question is a herbalist and has promised each of you a potion of Cure Light Wounds if you, she and her cart (with contents) all make the trip safe and sound.

So as soon as you've finalized your characters, feel free to make your introductions in the new play thread.

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Sounds Awesome!

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:

Introducing Roylenna "Royl" Brenoien.

I'm open to suggestions on the spells yet, too -- not sure that I ever actually managed to post that earlier.

I'd look for ways to leverage that Point Blank Shot feat - you might want to consider swapping one of your spells for Ray of Enfeeblement, since you've gone to all the trouble of having a bonus to your ranged touch attacks anyway. (Annoyingly, there really aren't any great ray-based sorcerer spells at 1st level - you really have to wait until scorching ray at level 2...)

Along the same lines, I don't know if it would make it easier on you or more difficult, but you might consider just adding your PBS bonuses into your heavenly fire calculation, because you'll never be able to use it outside PBS' bonus range anyway.

Black Tom


Either way is fine with me, I'm pretty happy just to play. I'll give it a whirl and worst case scenario he goes on his merry way because he doesn't fit in (although I don't think that'll be a problem). FYI, I plan on taking a level of monk to fully flesh out the character as it seems to fit that he will participate in unarmed combat as opposed to melee. I'll use the sap for now and move to unarmed once 2nd level hits. From that point forward I'll progress in clerical classes if it's all the same to you

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