Ashiel |

Over at Wizards, the off-hand issue of the monk was cleared up a while back. Essentially, a monk doesn't suffer a penalty to off-hand attacks with unarmed strikes. There's nothing to stop you from making unarmed two weapon fighting attacks, or in using an unarmed strike with a two handed weapon via TwF for example.
Just wanted to throw that in there.

Sulagar |

I thought I had come across some errata that allowed magical spells that normally specified the target as a weapon (weapon buff spells, generally divine) could be cast on a monk's fists to give them the buff effect even with unarmed attacks. That was interlaced into unarmed attacks counting as 'weapons' for these purposes, and thus feats as well.
The 'no off-hand' ruling with monks has more to do with flurry of blows and making that work, since monks can use fists, knees, etc. and weapons in-hand interchangably. This mechanic lifted the problem of attacking with both hands occupied. Two weapon pounce simply states that you can attack with a second weapon by sacrificing the +2 attack bonus if you have a weapon in each hand. If we treat unarmed strikes as spell-targetable weapons, then they should suffice for the feat.

hogarth |

Over at Wizards, the off-hand issue of the monk was cleared up a while back. Essentially, a monk doesn't suffer a penalty to off-hand attacks with unarmed strikes. There's nothing to stop you from making unarmed two weapon fighting attacks, or in using an unarmed strike with a two handed weapon via TwF for example.
Just wanted to throw that in there.
I was disappointed that Jason didn't clear up the wording in the Monk description. But what can you do?

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Over at Wizards, the off-hand issue of the monk was cleared up a while back. Essentially, a monk doesn't suffer a penalty to off-hand attacks with unarmed strikes. There's nothing to stop you from making unarmed two weapon fighting attacks, or in using an unarmed strike with a two handed weapon via TwF for example.
Just wanted to throw that in there.
Wanted to make sure folks are clear what that means: it means that you can throw right and left punches with no penalties (and no reduction in damage). It doesn't mean you get an EXTRA off-hand attack for free.

-Anvil- |

Jumping is not very powerful, especially at 12th level (remember, the Warlock's been flying 25 hours a day for ~ 7 levels by this point). This isn't an issue.
Well if you read some of my posts it's not necessarily about the jumping being broken. I've come to grips with it. It's the fact that there is a shift in the game mechanics which allow for +50 jumping(and massive damage based off that)without it being broken.
As a DM I was trained in 2nd ed. and early 3.5 where +50 bonuses of any kind were cause for the little red DM alarm to go off because they were much rarer and usually unbalancing.
That is no longer the case with the power creep inherent in the game. Which I'm fine with, it just took some mental adjusting.

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Nameless wrote:Does anyone else think it's kinda weird that speed doesn't affect jumping distance anymore?As a former track guy (long jump & triple jump), I can attest that speed matters FAR more than Dex, Str, or even skill. Really, an 18-Dex guy with 16 ranks in Jump and a speed of 20 ft. shouldn't be able to jump anywhere near as far as a 10-Dex guy with 6 ranks and a speed of 40 ft.
But Speed does affect Jumping distance. As far as I know, you can still only jump a maximum of your base speed as the result of one Jump check (because you can't make a second Jump check when already airborne). Nothing in the Acrobatics skill says that Jump bypasses the normal limits on movement in a round.
To use Kirth's example, the 20ft speed guy can go no further than 20 feet with his check (even on a natural 20, giving him a total of 40 on his check), while the 40ft speed guy goes 26 feet with a roll of 20.

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Ashiel wrote:Wanted to make sure folks are clear what that means: it means that you can throw right and left punches with no penalties (and no reduction in damage). It doesn't mean you get an EXTRA off-hand attack for free.Over at Wizards, the off-hand issue of the monk was cleared up a while back. Essentially, a monk doesn't suffer a penalty to off-hand attacks with unarmed strikes. There's nothing to stop you from making unarmed two weapon fighting attacks, or in using an unarmed strike with a two handed weapon via TwF for example.
Just wanted to throw that in there.
And would also mean you can wield a Two-Handed weapon and make an unarmed strike as an off-hand attack (say with a knee or headbutt). Of course, said Monk still takes huge penalties for TWF. And to tag along with Russ, the you can make an extra off-hand attack with TWF, taking all the normal penalties, in addition to flurry of blows (again, you still take penalties for all this).

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Russ Taylor wrote:And would also mean you can wield a Two-Handed weapon and make an unarmed strike as an off-hand attack (say with a knee or headbutt). Of course, said Monk still takes huge penalties for TWF. And to tag along with Russ, the you can make an extra off-hand attack with TWF, taking all the normal penalties, in addition to flurry of blows (again, you still take penalties for all this).Ashiel wrote:Wanted to make sure folks are clear what that means: it means that you can throw right and left punches with no penalties (and no reduction in damage). It doesn't mean you get an EXTRA off-hand attack for free.Over at Wizards, the off-hand issue of the monk was cleared up a while back. Essentially, a monk doesn't suffer a penalty to off-hand attacks with unarmed strikes. There's nothing to stop you from making unarmed two weapon fighting attacks, or in using an unarmed strike with a two handed weapon via TwF for example.
Just wanted to throw that in there.
I must admit, this seems like it might be a nice perk for the Monk, and allow them to be even more distinct in their combat abilities if they could pull off nifty tricks like that.
In our game I think we figured that, since the monk can have his fists treated as weapons, weapon-type feats should be able to apply.

Sulagar |

Though you are normally limited by your max movement as the maximum distance you can jump in a round, this really only applies to a long jump where the DC is the distance in feet. For example, the monk in question at level 12 with Dex 16 and max ranks in Acrobatics has a base bonus of +30 to jump (12 ranks +3 Dex +3 class skill bonus +level from the High Jump class ability). On average, the check would be a 40 (taking 10), giving a 40 foot long jump. However, the monk has 70' movement by this time, thanks to +40' fast movement. Even spending a Ki point for +20 to the check, the average is still only 60, giving a jump still 10' short of the character's maximum (noting that monks are always considered to have a running start).
And even where the jump check may seem limited by the character's movement, don't forget that a high jump has a DC of 4x the height in feet. That same average jump check of 40 only lets a character jump 10 vertical feet.
As mentioned previously, WotC did sort out that 2 Weapon Fighting does indeed stack with Flurry of Blows. 2WF just allows for an extra off-hand attack on a full attack action. Flurry IS a full attack action and can benefit from 2WF with all appropriate penalties. If you can take 2WF, which is a pre-requisite for 2 Weapon Pounce, I can't see how 2WP wouldn't work.

Selgard |

Also remember that the monk can make a double move, or Run. they don't have to just take a "normal movement" jump.
You can also "run" which I think is x3 (x4 with endurance.. i think? Oi).
Not really a good option for combat, but if you aren't and are just trying to jump a distance, go all out. Get a running start, and take the "run action". Get a nice x3-x4 to your movement on that. (applied before or after the extra monk bonus, i have no clue).

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Also remember that the monk can make a double move, or Run. they don't have to just take a "normal movement" jump.
You can also "run" which I think is x3 (x4 with endurance.. i think? Oi).
Run is 3x only if you are wearing heavy armor, 4x normally, and 5x with the run speed. Monks can cover distance crazy fast if its a straight line.

-Anvil- |

selgard wrote:Also remember that the monk can make a double move, or Run. they don't have to just take a "normal movement" jump.
You can also "run" which I think is x3 (x4 with endurance.. i think? Oi).
Run is 3x only if you are wearing heavy armor, 4x normally, and 5x with the run speed. Monks can cover distance crazy fast if its a straight line.
I should note that my crazy jumping Monk player also has the skill trick which lets him charge while making one turn up to 90 degrees and the skill trick that lets him run up a wall. There is almost no place he can't deliver a charging jump attack. Genius. And by genius I mean as his DM I will have to saw his legs off...

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Tarlane wrote:I should note that my crazy jumping Monk player also has the skill trick which lets him charge while making one turn up to 90 degrees and the skill trick that lets him run up a wall. There is almost no place he can't deliver a charging jump attack. Genius. And by genius I mean as his DM I will have to saw his legs off...selgard wrote:Also remember that the monk can make a double move, or Run. they don't have to just take a "normal movement" jump.
You can also "run" which I think is x3 (x4 with endurance.. i think? Oi).
Run is 3x only if you are wearing heavy armor, 4x normally, and 5x with the run speed. Monks can cover distance crazy fast if its a straight line.
Woo Hoo Stump weapons that can be enchanted yay

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Tarlane wrote:I should note that my crazy jumping Monk player also has the skill trick which lets him charge while making one turn up to 90 degrees and the skill trick that lets him run up a wall. There is almost no place he can't deliver a charging jump attack. Genius. And by genius I mean as his DM I will have to saw his legs off...selgard wrote:Also remember that the monk can make a double move, or Run. they don't have to just take a "normal movement" jump.
You can also "run" which I think is x3 (x4 with endurance.. i think? Oi).
Run is 3x only if you are wearing heavy armor, 4x normally, and 5x with the run speed. Monks can cover distance crazy fast if its a straight line.
Just remember you can only use a skill trick once per encounter and I think only one per round... some may specifically allow more uses and the Uncanny Trickster PrC allows more uses of tricks per encounter.
Twisted Charge and Extreme Leap (+10 feet free to jump) are also a combo the Goliath Barbarian in my group has tried to use...

Baramay |

Anvil many of the complete books etc, have added feats that when chained can get pretty crazy. On thing I saw from Paizo was their feat to allow a sorcerer to cast spells more quickly had a drawback of fatiguing him. (This is in the current Pathfinder AP for the mage's guild in Korvosa,2nd or 3rd book, I think, I loaned my books out) In the coplete books there was no such hindrance. I prefer the Pathfinder feat. After the RPG comes out I expect to have more feats that are like this one. I am not saying the Paizo staff will not let any accidentally fall through but I think they are more conscientious than the WotC staff was when putting out accessory books.

BlaineTog |

Well if you read some of my posts it's not necessarily about the jumping being broken. I've come to grips with it. It's the fact that there is a shift in the game mechanics which allow for +50 jumping(and massive damage based off that)without it being broken.
No no, my point is that in the case of jumping, that high a bonus was never broken (at least not since 3.0 came out, but if flight was readily available in previous editions by 12th level, it wouldn't have been broken then either).

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Ashiel wrote:I was disappointed that Jason didn't clear up the wording in the Monk description. But what can you do?Over at Wizards, the off-hand issue of the monk was cleared up a while back. Essentially, a monk doesn't suffer a penalty to off-hand attacks with unarmed strikes. There's nothing to stop you from making unarmed two weapon fighting attacks, or in using an unarmed strike with a two handed weapon via TwF for example.
Just wanted to throw that in there.
Ask for clarifications in the Beta, and then if it's not cleared up in Beta, make suggestions to clear them up for final Pathfinder release...

Donovan Vig |

I'm at work, so forgive my asking and/or ignorance, but doesn't the monk still need to be within 5' of a vertical surface to slow his fall? If so, he either needs to leap THROUGH threatened squares (provoking numerous AoO's) or OVER the squares taking falling damage?
The example build is a great offensive build...but appears to be missing ANYTHING in relation to defense. This is a bad move for a monk...one that as a DM I have exploited many times to splatter them all over the battlefield.