Spell Like Abilities while grappled or pinned

Combat & Magic

Does a grappled or pinned creature that uses a Spell Like Ability need to roll a spellcraft check? What about the supernatural abilities some wizard schools get like Acid Dart?

darth_borehd wrote:
Does a grappled or pinned creature that uses a Spell Like Ability need to roll a spellcraft check? What about the supernatural abilities some wizard schools get like Acid Dart?

I still need some help with this.

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to know as well. Situation we ran into was the Fey bloodline sorcerer was grappled. Wanted to use the Laughing touch ability to be able to get out of the grapple. The questions that arose were two-fold.

1) What sort of checks are required to make the roll? Spellcraft? Grapple attempt to make a touch attack?

2) In order to retain a grapple, the grappler must make a check every round. Is that check a free action? A non action? A standard action? With Laughing touch forcing subject to only be able to take a move action on their turn, it'd be good to know if LT is a viable means to escape a grapple.

I guess maintaining a grapple is a standard action and when using a spell-like ability you have to make a concentration check, just as with using spells.

I do not know about supernatural abilities, though.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Luna eladrin wrote:
I do not know about supernatural abilities, though.

Supernatural abilities never take concentration to use, unless stated otherwise in the ability.

So the Su abilities don't need a check by the SLA abilities do? Hardly seems fair since many of those Su abilities are only Su because there wasn't a spell that matched them.

Also, would using a SLA provoke an AoO from the creature you are grappling with?

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

darth_borehd wrote:

So the Su abilities don't need a check by the SLA abilities do? Hardly seems fair since many of those Su abilities are only Su because there wasn't a spell that matched them.

Also, would using a SLA provoke an AoO from the creature you are grappling with?

Right, Su abilities don't take anything special to trigger, so you can do them while grappled, on horseback, etc. without Spellcraft checks.

Using a Sp provokes, but someone grappling you does not threaten, so no AoOs from them.

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