Wellards Wilderlands / Goodman Games Campaign

Play-by-Post Discussion

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This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Ditto that. I spent ages on Eltariel's skills and then Wellard explained it was changed and I freaked! Got them sorted in the end though ...

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

So Larcifer and Chris, want to already be friends?

That sounds so nice. Ya sure it would cut back on the interparty strife...I am cool with it.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Larcifer wrote:
That sounds so nice. Ya sure it would cut back on the interparty strife...I am cool with it.

OK, tell me how this sounds:

Avinar and Eltariel were friends (another source of friction between Eltariel and her parents); she found him interesting as the only peer in their village who could match her wits, and she didn't care about the regard of others (in fact she thought it rather shameful), while he found a friend who took him at face value as he was. While they had little else in common, they both had someone who would listen without judging them. When Eltariel was forced to leave she went to Avinar to say farewell, only to find him offering to join her ...

What do you think?

Sounds great, I am in!

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

So Chris, we now await your Duskblade ... who can of course join us - perhaps he was Avinar's sparing partner a the Starsteel school?

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

OK gutys just some more background while we await the final changes from Ray

Myths tell that the Valley of the Ancients is the ancestral
home of all dragons, the first creatures to walk the face of the
earth, and the site of the attack by the mysterious Markrabs
in the wars of prehistory. Often shrouded in fog, the Valley
seems to exude a feeling of foreboding to more sensitive
souls. Tales tell that around the steep walls of this valley are
numerous caverns which contain the ancient ruins of thousands
of dragon weirs and many dragon cities of connected
caverns. Only rangers and long hunters venture here as
much of the land is reputed to be poisoned. The vast Glow
Worm Steppes have gained their name from the rumors of
enormous worms that glow with a strange phosphorescence
and can be seen winding their way across the flat plain at

Many different races inhabit this region; the dominant
being mixed blood humans of no particular strain. The
strange men of Tarsh, the very rare and ancient humans
known as the Tenifell Lords and the Rangers of Tarsh,
seem to have a mysterious past and perhaps hold ancient
power. Many Common Avalonians and true Avalonians
can be found here. While they are not a warlike race
overall, they have led some incursions into this region

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Wellard wrote:

Now for the boring bit, map details...theres a river running from 1214 to 1014 where it joins a second watercourse which runs from 0913 thru 1013 to form the River of Grief..said river flows through 0915, 0916, loops through 1016 and 0917 then flows fairly straight to 0718

hexes 1117,1215 thru 1217 and 1315 thru 1317 are forest the source of the villages wood,

The rest of the terrain in the area within your patrol zone is fairly standard mixed temperate with farmland close to the village..assume the majority of hex 1115 is cleared land..fields and pasture with some small coppices for firewood etc.

Ummm ... there aren't any hexes on the map, Wellard. I'm using Acrobat Reader 8.0 to view it, and nope ... no hexes and no hidden stuff I can see ...

Scratch that, had the wrong map ... D'oh! Serves me right for choosing a blonde character ...

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

So the cast of characters is this

Dabbler: Eltariel Elessand, Elven Druid/wizard

Chris Mortika: Gashelle Smith, 1/2 elf Duskblade

Rusty Ironpants:Tristan of Redbough, Human Bard

Captain Cuddles: Ray Domma-Du-Domma-Da, Human rogue(to be restatted)

Larcifer : Avinar, Elven Swashbuckler

Black Tom: Alexander "Sasha" Svanteson, Human Sorcerer

Sorry for the delay people I will get started as soon as Cuddles refigures Ray.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

I have in fact made the first post of the game thread which is basically a compilation of the background info I have already posted here.

We'll start with you setting on your patrol.. the intent being to patrol for a day..spend the night outdoors and return the next day.

This will give you a chance to do your IC intros and some interaction before we get into hitting things with sharp objects and taking their stuff.

Have fun

the link is here

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

So guys, as bit of advance tactical planning, I see us dividing the labour as follows:

Gashelle: Heavy hitter, magic-enhanced 'Front Rank' fighter.

Avinar: Agile attacker, 'Front Rank' fighter, good physical skills.

Ray: Scout & stealth, support fighter (flanker).

Tristan: Healing & buffing, archer, party face.

Alexander: Blasting & battlefield control magic, party face.

Eltariel: General magic, healer, wilderness expert.

So we are good on fighting, good on magic, and have sufficient wilderness skills to get by, plus we have a good stash of scouting skills. We don't have much to hit at range with, yet, but once more of us can actually afford bows we should be fine. Interestingly both our fighters are relying more on agility than on armour than normal.

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1

Hey All,

Yay! I am excited to get started.

I just now posted Tristan's backstory. Sorry for the lateness.

Given his backstory I am not sure Tristan would hire on as an adventurer himself, but he would diffenately be interested in following them around for a good story. Not that he would be wanting to wander off on his own all the time. It would be just more of a mindset thing, he is not an adventurer, he is a storyteller. He just follows adventurers around (and helps out when things get dicey) in order to get good stories.

I guess this is good for the wizard since Tristan is not on the payroll to begin with.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

FYI Everyone.

I just noticed the Languages field does not appear on the profile page. So anything you put in the languages text box when editing your profile will not appear on the profile page. You need to put it in the main text body.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Dabbler wrote:

So guys, as bit of advance tactical planning, I see us dividing the labour as follows:

Tristan: Healing & buffing, archer, party face.

Tristan can provide a bit of healing but at only 2 first level spells per day, that is not much.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Rusty Ironpants wrote:
Dabbler wrote:

So guys, as bit of advance tactical planning, I see us dividing the labour as follows:

Tristan: Healing & buffing, archer, party face.

Tristan can provide a bit of healing but at only 2 first level spells per day, that is not much.

That's as many as I can churn out ...

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Dabbler wrote:
Rusty Ironpants wrote:
Dabbler wrote:

So guys, as bit of advance tactical planning, I see us dividing the labour as follows:

Tristan: Healing & buffing, archer, party face.

Tristan can provide a bit of healing but at only 2 first level spells per day, that is not much.

That's as many as I can churn out ...

Please note that Sasha can heal good characters 1d6/day, so I'd like to join the healing/buffing crowd.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Black Tom wrote:
Please note that Sasha can heal good characters 1d6/day, so I'd like to join the healing/buffing crowd.

Okay so it looks like we have a decent amount of healing which is good because I would rather not save every spell for healing.

Wellard, which of the Pathfinder experience charts are we going to use? Fast, medium or slow?

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Fast...otherwise the balance of the scenarios gets out of lline

Female Half-elf Duskblade 6
Dabbler wrote:
So Chris, we now await your Duskblade ... who can of course join us - perhaps he was Avinar's sparing partner a the Starsteel school?

Gashelle is female.

I've dropped her Charisma and raised her Wisdom a little bit, to reflect that she's got a moderate stutter, which gets worse under stress.

As the daughter of an elven mother, she was entitled to be trained as a Duskblade, and found, to her surprise, that she never stuttered when casting spells*. She progressed rapidly through the apprentice ranks until she had mastered all the basics of the Duskblade form. Her "graduation" gift would have been a masterwork Elven Courtblade, but the High Marshal in charge of the ocaission asked her a ceremonial test question, and her speech impediment caught her.

She couldn't reply. The High Marshal was affronted, and she was "dismissed in disgrace", expelled from the elven community to live among the engebi (A word for non-elf, it's conjugated in high elven like the terms for companion animals or trained pets).

She travelled for a full year, eventually making her way to Lepas fifteen years ago, and since then she has made a living as a brass- and silver-smith, making decorations for the furniture the town sells. She rarely speaks about her past, does good work, and earns a reasonable income.

Her human stock contributes a dark shading to her complexion, and exotic features as compared to the local Mannish folk. She wears a okepa, a headscarf-and-sash traditional among her father's people, but otherwise her day-to-day wear is simple workclothes. when on patrol with the party, and out of armor, she wears an embroidered tunic, rugged black (denim-like) pants, and her okepa.

She has had dealings with both Avinar and Eltariel, crossing blades with the Swashbuckler (ah, he wields an Elven blade, although not so well made as the ones she's known; perhaps it is a koirepudo, a training sword...) and corresponding with the Druid about the magical properties of metals such as silver, cold iron, and adamantine.

She hasn't revealed her background, or her disgrace, but they can tell that she's ashamed of something, and that she was initially uncomfortable around each of them.

*Much the same as how Mel Tillis' stutter doesn't affect his singing voice.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

How to handle a stutter in game terms? At a guess, speaking is a move-equivalent action for Gashelle, and requires a DC 12 Perform roll, which she makes untrained.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Or she could just RP it, as it is primarily an RP thing.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

I'd say it is mainly a flavour thing and shoulnt hamper you in combat...after all you have specified she doesn't stutter when casting. As long as it doesnt come to dominate your posts i have no problem with just letting it ride

Glad to see your finished her background Chris now lets get her into the action

And Clive if you are still reading I need a character from you. Cuddles has to be accounted a no show.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Wellard wrote:

I'd say it is mainly a flavour thing and shouldn't hamper you in combat...after all you have specified she doesn't stutter when casting. As long as it doesn't come to dominate your posts I have no problem with just letting it ride.

No problem. I just wanted to have a rule in place to turn to when things get tense.

Out of combat, Gashelle can just Take-20 and speak slowly and deliberately. In an emergency, though, if she had to let somebody know something, she'd have troubles.

(Anybody remember the scene in the Doctor Who episode "Forest of the Dead"? Lee spots Donna just as she's leaving, and he can't call out because of his stutter.)

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Ah gotcha..yes ok we'll go with the performance check and a move action for surprise rounds ok with you?. any thing else you can RP it.I'm not going to force you to handicap yourself.

we'll see how this works

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I just saw that the "Players Guide to the Wilderlands" PDF is available on DriveThruRPG. May I buy it and read through it? Would it be helpful to get a feel for the setting? Or would it Give Away Things?

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

I would reccomend the players guide as a good overview of the Wilderlands..it comes with a poster map of the setting(with more detail than the large scale map I pointed you to and a mass of information that would be considered commmon knowledge.

It doesn't give anything away as it deal in generalities rather than specifics.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Wellard, could I just add a bedroll to Sasha's equipment to keep things moving? I suppose he would get one by now. I figure that he's been sleeping in haystacks and such up to now (or simply cadging for lodgings), since he wouldn't stray outside of inhabited areas.

This would also be a good time to apologize for being new to PBP and not a native English speaker. I'll try to keep up.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Black Tom wrote:
This would also be a good time to apologize for being new to PBP and not a native English speaker. I'll try to keep up.

No need to apologize, Black Tom. We all started at some point (this is only my third Play-by-post, so I figure I'm still learning the ropes, too.)

Are there a lot of Swedish-language role-playing products? Is there a lot of over-the-table translating? Or do most Swedes just play in English?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Chris Mortika wrote:

Are there a lot of Swedish-language role-playing products? Is there a lot of over-the-table translating? Or do most Swedes just play in English?

Yes, actually there are a lot, but mainly other (Swedish) game systems. There is no official d20 translation.

And yes, there is a lot of over-the-table translating (and a fair amount of "Swenglish" and game jargon) - although there are actually people who insist in playing in Swedish, translating all key game terms). That was never an option for me, though.

I've played in English a few times, but only because not all player spoke Swedish. I don't think many Swedes play in English. As I recently noted, it's difficult to role-play in a foreign language (nuances and spontaneity suffer) if you're not exceptionally good at it.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Just out of curiosity, where is everybody else from?

--Chris (Iowa City, IA, middle of the American Midwest, four hours west of Chicago, four hours north of St. Louis)

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Inverness, Scotland..heart of the Highlands and home of the Loch Ness monster.

Dabblers from Gloucester in the West country...where they all speak like fantasy peasants OHH ARRR...sorry mate :-]

Hey Chris Iowa..like, James....T...Kirk....(yeh I know Shatners a Canuck)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Wellard wrote:
Hey Chris Iowa..like, James T. Kirk.(yeh I know Shatner's a Canuck)

As a matter of fact, the little town of Riverside, just 20 minutes south of here, has modelled their summer community celebration as "Trek-Fest", and insists they're the future birthplace of James Kirk.

(There's even a nice little "On this spot, James T. Kirk will be conceived..." brass plaque on the bottom of the pool table in the local bar.)

They've had this schtick for many years. The "Iowa" comment in Star Trek IV was something like official recognition.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I'm in Denver, CO. USA.

Edmonton Alberta Canada

Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father

Heard you were looking for a rogue?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Dreamweaver wrote:

Heard you were looking for a rogue?

Yes, I believe our rogue and our alternate are both MIA so there is an opening.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Or just about any skill monkey (excepting the Oriental-themed classes).

Part of the experiement is to see how Pathfinder rules interface with none-base classes. I'm running a Duskblade, for example.

Spell thief. Scout. Factotem! Or the Savant from the DRAGON Compendium. Hey, you could multiclass around them.

Excuse me now. Wellard is about to strike me in the head, and I must lie down unconscious for a while.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Critically hits Chris in the head...

Hi Dreamweaver...thats right we need a skill monkey to see that this party doesnt die through trap overkill...I'll accept any vaugly rougish class as long as you can find and disable traps. Please get your character put together ASAP and I'll shoehorn them into the plot

Male Human Pathfinder Bard 1, Rogue 1
Wellard wrote:

Critically hits Chris in the head...

Hi Dreamweaver...thats right we need a skill monkey to see that this party doesnt die through trap overkill...I'll accept any vaugly rougish class as long as you can find and disable traps. Please get your character put together ASAP and I'll shoehorn them into the plot

Hey man have you checked out Tristans skills? He's got mad skillz!

What he doesn't have is trapfinding or sneak attack.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Nor has he got Disable device(which now covers open locks as well)so he might be able to sopt the traps but in many cases the party would not be able to defeat them..and off course the lack of trapfinding in the party was what I was referring to in my earlier post

Tristan is a good back up to any rogue..but as always a bard is the jack of all trades.

dont worry I can waffle (and Dabbler will tell you I'm good at waffling) till Weaver has his character ready.

BTW I'm already in contact with Dabbler on YIM (and have been for nearly two years) anyone else want to hook up?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

(The party is packed with humans and elves. This would be a good time to be a dwarf.)

Hey, Wellard. One of the announced changes from Alpha # to Beta rules is taht Favored Class now allows either an extra hit point or skill point per level. It would have made more sense for Gashelle to take the skill point. Can I make that change?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Chris Mortika wrote:

(The party is packed with humans and elves. This would be a good time to be a dwarf.)

Hey, Wellard. One of the announced changes from Alpha # to Beta rules is taht Favored Class now allows either an extra hit point or skill point per level. It would have made more sense for Gashelle to take the skill point. Can I make that change?

Chris, is there a thread that contains the annouced changes in the Beta version that you are taking about?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Paizo Blog, today (Friday's) entry.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

ok we will be shifting to beta eventually so yes we'll institute the rule now.

Everyone else take note..especially Eltariel

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Wellard wrote:
ok we will be shifting to beta eventually so yes we'll institute the rule now.

Good. I'll take the skill point too. Would it be OK for Sasha to learn Goblin?

Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father

OK I wrote up a halfling rogue using the Pathfinder rules at home and will post it soon.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

no problem with sahsa learning goblin

Weaver welcome aboard

My MSN and e mail is Larcifer (at) Hotmail (dot) com
If anyone wants to MSN Avinar or me LOL

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

A bonus skill point when I hit Wizard next level? Woot!

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