Ambiguity in human favored class rule

Alpha Release 3 General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If you start out as a multi-classed (character level higher than 1st), it is not clear if a human's favored class is from first class level taken or if it can be any class (one of the class levels taken after the first class).

For example, I started a character as a Rogue 1/Sorcerer 3 and I assumed the level of Rogue was the first one taken. However I wanted the character's favored class to be Sorcerer. Can I do this? The rules as written aren't clear.

Rimrock wrote:
I started a character as a Rogue 1/Sorcerer 3 and I assumed the level of Rogue was the first one taken. However I wanted the character's favored class to be Sorcerer. Can I do this? The rules as written aren't clear.

Assume that sorcerer was your 1st class. Then you get -2 starting hp, but +2 favored class hp, and everything breaks even. In Pathfinder, you don't have to worry about taking rogue first to get the 4x skill points anymore.

The Exchange

Rimrock wrote:
If you start out as a multi-classed (character level higher than 1st), it is not clear if a human's favored class is from first class level taken or if it can be any class (one of the class levels taken after the first class).

From the way I read it, it is the class you choose to be your favored class. You make the choice at first level but once you choose that is your choice for good.

So you can be a first level rouge but choose to take Sorcerer as your favored class. of course that also means you get an experience point hit at first level but once again, thats your choice.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Rimrock wrote:
If you start out as a multi-classed (character level higher than 1st), it is not clear if a human's favored class is from first class level taken or if it can be any class (one of the class levels taken after the first class).

From the way I read it, it is the class you choose to be your favored class. You make the choice at first level but once you choose that is your choice for good.

So you can be a first level rouge but choose to take Sorcerer as your favored class. of course that also means you get an experience point hit at first level but once again, thats your choice.

No, you don't get an XP hit. You do lose an HP from first level, but no big deal there.

Favored classes in PRPG don't impose XP penalties, and you wouldn't lose XP at first level, no matter what your favored class was, even in 3.5.

Consider the races that have to choose between 2 specific classes: they are not obliged to take their first level in the class of their choice either, so why would humans be?

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