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He has the Monster Manual and Monster Manual 2 in his resume as well as the Fiend Folio and all kinds of Forgotten Realms stuff including the Silver Marches (which was awesome).
He are legend. He are one of the best in the industry.
It really doesn't matter if he is gonna help flesh out Golarion or write some monster books for the Pathfinder game or both, he is gonna make it into a phenomenal piece of work.
I anxiously await details on what he will be working on.

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Forgive me, I had been up since 5am, it was after midnight, and sleep deprivation triggers my PDHRS (pseudo-dyslexian homonym replacement syndrome) . :)
You're totally forgiven. Thanks for giving me a new word for my lexicon. I think it makes a valid defense.
On the subject of Fire Giants falling through stars, I have to ask if there is both heat damage and 'generic light damage'. This has been a tough concept for my group. Like 'searing light'. It sounds hot, but it is light damage, not heat damage. The way I guess I think about it is it is more like deadly radiation (x-rays, gamma rays, UV) and the actual temperature doesn't really matter... Since a bunch of non-core spells (light of mercuria or something) use this generic light damage, I want to know more about it.

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Big Jake wrote:Assuming they have some sitting about, very high. Not that they'd look great by my brush, but it would be fun. :)Congrats on your new job, Sean!
What's the chance that we'll be able to see some of the Pathfinder minis painted up by Sean now?
I am going to try to get Sean to show me how to paint minis so I can get some color on the 1,000+ little pieces of metal sitting around my home. :)
On topic, I am ecstatic to have Sean working for Paizo! He was my favorite designer/employee on Team Greyhawk back in the late 90's. He really has a knack for taking a setting, figuring out what makes it tick, and then giving back that glorious goodness to the customer. Besides, he brings a certain good kind of crazy to the office, which can't be bad, can it? ;)

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:Big Jake wrote:Assuming they have some sitting about, very high. Not that they'd look great by my brush, but it would be fun. :)Congrats on your new job, Sean!
What's the chance that we'll be able to see some of the Pathfinder minis painted up by Sean now?I am going to try to get Sean to show me how to paint minis so I can get some color on the 1,000+ little pieces of metal sitting around my home. :)
On topic, I am ecstatic to have Sean working for Paizo! He was my favorite designer/employee on Team Greyhawk back in the late 90's. He really has a knack for taking a setting, figuring out what makes it tick, and then giving back that glorious goodness to the customer. Besides, he brings a certain good kind of crazy to the office, which can't be bad, can it? ;)
Just how many kinds crazy do you need around the office?
Steve Greer Contributor |

This is great news! Damn, I love being a part of Paizo's team. I've always loved Sean's work. I remember vehemently defending The Scarlet Brotherhood against some doo shbag on Greytalk a few years back. For people that enjoyed Tides of Dread, I'll let you in on a secret: I drew heavily from that source book for inspiration and reference on Zotzilaha and a few other bits and pieces in the design process of that module.
Welcome aboard, Sean! I hope it's a long and happy stay! :)

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Sean brings our editorial staff up to full, actually. And we've hired a customer service person to fill the gap left by Corey (although she doesn't start for a little while yet). The only job openings we have now are in software development and in the warehouse.
Still nothing for an archaeologist/curator?? Dammit man, you just aren't trying!!

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Lisa Stevens wrote:On topic, I am ecstatic to have Sean working for Paizo! He was my favorite designer/employee on Team Greyhawk back in the late 90's...Ouch - didn't Erik work for you on Team Greyhawk?
Actually, he didn't, at least not as an employee (though I did hire Erik, but more on that later). Erik and another fellow, Steve Wilson, were my two valued fan advisors for the Greyhawk setting. Every time we published a product, those two would read them and provide us with pages of feedback from the point of view of a Greyhawk fanatic. Which was invaluable! Erik actually gave feedback on Sean's work for me during the Greyhawk renaissance of the late 90's. So while Erik was on Team Greyhawk back in the late 90's, he wasn't a designer/employee, so I stand by my comment. :)
I actually hired Erik to work for the RPGA and specifically for the Living Greyhawk campaign, but then I left that department to work elsewhere inside WotC, so Erik never really had a chance to be an employee of mine until we started Paizo. And I have to say that that worked out pretty nicely. :)

Trey |

Vic Wertz wrote:Sean brings our editorial staff up to full, actually. And we've hired a customer service person to fill the gap left by Corey (although she doesn't start for a little while yet). The only job openings we have now are in software development and in the warehouse.Still nothing for an archaeologist/curator?? Dammit man, you just aren't trying!!
They probably will, though. Just keep checking their jobs page every couple hundred years.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

And Sean, I just read that blog entry about absolutes, and I hate to be nit-picky, but if a Fire Giant (even an absolutely immune to heat fire giant) fell through the sun, he'd still be crushed into something almost certainly no longer recognizable as a fire giant, let alone alive. Heat immunity isn't pressure immunity after all.
Plus, no air.
My (apparently sentient) bachelor's degree in chemistry acknowledges your points with a look that says "I knows!" ;) But it's not relevant to a discussion of fire damage, and there are magic items available to deal with pressure and air issues. :)
On the subject of Fire Giants falling through stars, I have to ask if there is both heat damage and 'generic light damage'. This has been a tough concept for my group. Like 'searing light'. It sounds hot, but it is light damage, not heat damage. The way I guess I think about it is it is more like deadly radiation (x-rays, gamma rays, UV) and the actual temperature doesn't really matter... Since a bunch of non-core spells (light of mercuria or something) use this generic light damage, I want to know more about it.
I suggest starting another thread about this, as it's sorta off topic. In any case "fire giant + star" is just a convenient shorthand example. I could have used "100 ancient red dragons arranged in a spherical shell, all pointing at the fire giant in the center and simultaneously using their breath weapons." Takes longer to say, but same absurd result ... fire giant takes no damage, while the ground around him is ash and nearby iron is melted or boiled away.
Ok, back to work again. :)

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... as a developer on the Pathfinder™ and Pathfinder Chronicles™ lines of Adventure Paths, modules, and support materials ...
What does that mean, exactly? What is a developer? Is that another word for author/writer? Or, is a developer a bunch of things, like idea person, editor, writer, proofer, etc...? What shall Mr. Reynolds' job be, exactly? What is the difference between Mr. Reyholds and Mr. Nicholas Logue or Mr. Greg Vaughn, for example?
Don (greyson)

Charles Evans 25 |
I have done some more checking since my last (brief) comment. Hurrah! I finally get the chance to joke at one of the writers of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0) who recorded 2,915 (adult?) population members in Beregost, a town with 'forty or so stone and wood buildings' (Page 226).:D (Which makes for some very crowded buildings, without starting to add in children!)
On a more serious note I am sad to report (having looked at his game design resume) that WotC did not credit Sean K. Reynolds in my 2002 printing of Silver Marches. :(
Cloak and Dagger was one of the more amazing 2nd edition AD&D Forgotten Realms products in my opinion. Looking forward to seeing more from one of the principle workers on that. :)
Can we expect to see a Golarion Cloak & Dagger equivalent to be forthcoming at some point? (Hopeful anticipation.)

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Erik and another fellow, Steve Wilson, were my two valued fan advisors for the Greyhawk setting. Every time we published a product, those two would read them and provide us with pages of feedback from the point of view of a Greyhawk fanatic. Which was invaluable!
If you're looking for something similar for Golarion, let me be the first to volunteer.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

I have done some more checking since my last (brief) comment. Hurrah! I finally get the chance to joke at one of the writers of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3.0) who recorded 2,915 (adult?) population members in Beregost, a town with 'forty or so stone and wood buildings' (Page 226).:D (Which makes for some very crowded buildings, without starting to add in children!)
We had to cut a lot of text in the book to make it all fit (Ed, Skip, Rob, and I all overwrote), and it looks like the reference to the mysterious fog that covered the town and afflicted all of them with Snilloc's smurf-curse was one of the things cut. Now every resident is about three apples high, and the place is hardly crowded. :)
On a more serious note I am sad to report (having looked at his game design resume) that WotC did not credit Sean K. Reynolds in my 2002 printing of Silver Marches. :(
Eh, no biggie ... they used a giant-killer prestige class that got cut from another book (FRCS, I think).
Can we expect to see a Golarion Cloak & Dagger equivalent to be forthcoming at some point? (Hopeful anticipation.)
Someone in Washington might be able to tell you that, I'm not in on all the secret info yet, as I'm still two states away. :)

KnightErrantJR |

We had to cut a lot of text in the book to make it all fit (Ed, Skip, Rob, and I all overwrote), and it looks like the reference to the mysterious fog that covered the town and afflicted all of them with Snilloc's smurf-curse was one of the things cut. Now every resident is about three apples high, and the place is hardly crowded. :)
I so have to write that spell up for my campaign now . . . ;)

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Just looked through the stuff he's worked on and other then the MM, it was nbothing I was to interested in getting (Not a FR fan at all). BUT he did help witht he Feind Folio, one of my faveorite books.
Just because a particular author may not have written anything that interested you isn't really a way to judge the caliber of their work. Anyone with as long and varied a resume as Sean should be recognized as a highly skilled designer. And since he's taking on an editorial position, much of his work will most likely be behind the scenes. Just something to keep in mind.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

For the record, before things get too silly (oops, too late), my parts of the Fiend Folio 3e were the blood golem of Hextor, crypt thing, necrophidius, and swordwraith, all taken from Living Greyhawk Journal articles directed by Mr. Erik Mona, Esq. I didn't have a role in deciding what was to go in the FF or in specifically writing for that book, so any awesomeness it holds in your mind is not really my doing. :)

BenS |

This is great news! Damn, I love being a part of Paizo's team. I've always loved Sean's work. I remember vehemently defending The Scarlet Brotherhood against some doo shbag on Greytalk a few years back. For people that enjoyed Tides of Dread, I'll let you in on a secret: I drew heavily from that source book for inspiration and reference on Zotzilaha and a few other bits and pieces in the design process of that module.
Welcome aboard, Sean! I hope it's a long and happy stay! :)
I too had much love for The Scarlet Brotherhood book. The fact that it also opened up Hepmonaland made me giddy :)
Heeyyyy..."Hep-MONA-land"! I never made that connection before to Erik. Assuming Gary Gygax came up w/ that name, I wonder if he was channeling into the future and gave credit to one of GH's biggest fans and proponents? Either that or some chronomancer come back from a wild trip through Tovag Baragu...ok, I've been sitting out in the sun for too long today...

lojakz |

I'm pleased, very pleased to see Mr Reynold's join Paizo. I think, still to this day, that The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting was one of the best books released for 3rd edition. Given how deeply impressed and excited I am about Paizo's own setting (ask my friends, I won't shut up about it) I'm only more enthusiastic to see what Mr. Reynold's can bring to the table.
Truly some serious kickass times are ahead for Paizo, and Paizo fans.

Sunderstone |

Sorry Im a tad late to this thread, but great to have ya here SKR!. You took the time to help me way back in the day with an email exchange on racial sub-level questions I had.
Lost Temple of Demogorgon (Dungeon #120) is still one of my favorite higher level adventures to date. Cant wait to see what you write for Paizo. '
Good News indeed.
Late Edit*** I need to quit WOW too, Sean. I just finished my 6th lvl 70. Oddly enough a Horde Warlock named Iggwilv. Sigh.

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He has the Monster Manual and Monster Manual 2 in his resume as well as the Fiend Folio and all kinds of Forgotten Realms stuff including the Silver Marches (which was awesome).
He are legend. He are one of the best in the industry.
It really doesn't matter if he is gonna help flesh out Golarion or write some monster books for the Pathfinder game or both, he is gonna make it into a phenomenal piece of work.
I anxiously await details on what he will be working on.
That "all kinds of FR stuff" includes, at least, 3E 'Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting', plus 'Lords of Darkness' and 'Magic of Faerun' -- all of which are great books and I still use them during every session! :)
Welcome aboard, Sean! I, too, am very excited to see you working for Paizo! I value your work very highly, and I consequently I have high expectations, as well! ;)
Ever since I joined on these boards, I have been amazed how much "at home" I feel here (and at Candlekeep, too :). It's great how much Paizo folks seem to care about their customers -- something I have never seen or felt at the WoTC forums. I mean, Paizo folks actually *listen* to their fans, and *respond* to them (Rich Baker and Keith Baker are, to my knowledge, the only designers who regularly do so on the WoTC forums).

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tribeof1 wrote:Lisa Stevens wrote:On topic, I am ecstatic to have Sean working for Paizo! He was my favorite designer/employee on Team Greyhawk back in the late 90's...Ouch - didn't Erik work for you on Team Greyhawk?Actually, he didn't, at least not as an employee (though I did hire Erik, but more on that later). Erik and another fellow, Steve Wilson, were my two valued fan advisors for the Greyhawk setting. Every time we published a product, those two would read them and provide us with pages of feedback from the point of view of a Greyhawk fanatic. Which was invaluable! Erik actually gave feedback on Sean's work for me during the Greyhawk renaissance of the late 90's. So while Erik was on Team Greyhawk back in the late 90's, he wasn't a designer/employee, so I stand by my comment. :)
I actually hired Erik to work for the RPGA and specifically for the Living Greyhawk campaign, but then I left that department to work elsewhere inside WotC, so Erik never really had a chance to be an employee of mine until we started Paizo. And I have to say that that worked out pretty nicely. :)
Lisa, now that you have Sean and Ed Greenwood working on the Pathfinder products, is there any chance that Paizo would hire Steven Schend and Eric Boyd as designers? Those two are great designers whose work on FR products was nothing short of stellar quality, rivaling that of Ed Greenwood himself. If you had them on board, I think Paizo would have the greatest RPG Design Team *ever*! :)

Viktor_Von_Doom |

Viktor_Von_Doom wrote:Just looked through the stuff he's worked on and other then the MM, it was nbothing I was to interested in getting (Not a FR fan at all). BUT he did help witht he Feind Folio, one of my faveorite books.Just because a particular author may not have written anything that interested you isn't really a way to judge the caliber of their work. Anyone with as long and varied a resume as Sean should be recognized as a highly skilled designer. And since he's taking on an editorial position, much of his work will most likely be behind the scenes. Just something to keep in mind.
Note self, really take lessons in how not to sound like a jerk. I wasn't trying to say the guys stuff was bad, just things that didn't hold my interest. Its kept in there now.

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I suggest starting another thread about this, as it's sorta off topic. In any case "fire giant + star" is just a convenient shorthand example. I could have used "100 ancient red dragons arranged in a spherical shell, all pointing at the fire giant in the center and simultaneously using their breath weapons." Takes longer to say, but same absurd result ... fire giant takes no damage, while the ground around him is ash and nearby iron is melted or boiled away.
New thread is up, Sean.

Michael Donovan |

On topic, I am ecstatic to have Sean working for Paizo! He was my favorite designer/employee on Team Greyhawk back in the late 90's. He really has a knack for taking a setting, figuring out what makes it tick, and then giving back that glorious goodness to the customer. Besides, he brings a certain good kind of crazy to the office, which can't be bad, can it? ;)-Lisa
With all of the talented folks joining the team, what are the odds that development could be stepped up on PFRPG for a release in time for, say, Christmas this year?
Also, have you considered producing a PathFinder Basic Set to compete with certain obvious others?

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With all the people they've added, they've still just got Jason working on the RPG AFAIK, with Monte Cook providing the occasional piece of advice or else just serving as a sounding board for Jason's ideas. Even if they could get the final version of the RPG out by Christmas, wouldn't it be better for it to have a long beta testing phase?
There's another company who just recently released a new edition of its core game, and a lot of people say it feels rushed or unfinished... you know, I can't quite remember their name, but do we want Paizo to follow their rather dubious example?

Michael Donovan |

With all the people they've added, they've still just got Jason working on the RPG AFAIK, with Monte Cook providing the occasional piece of advice or else just serving as a sounding board for Jason's ideas. Even if they could get the final version of the RPG out by Christmas, wouldn't it be better for it to have a long beta testing phase?
There's another company who just recently released a new edition of its core game, and a lot of people say it feels rushed or unfinished... you know, I can't quite remember their name, but do we want Paizo to follow their rather dubious example?
I do agree that it should not be rushed, and will happily wait, I'm just wondering if the man-hour boost will help the production timeframe. Still, I would rather have it right than right now :)

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Kvantum wrote:With all the people they've added, they've still just got Jason working on the RPG AFAIK, with Monte Cook providing the occasional piece of advice or else just serving as a sounding board for Jason's ideas. Even if they could get the final version of the RPG out by Christmas, wouldn't it be better for it to have a long beta testing phase?
There's another company who just recently released a new edition of its core game, and a lot of people say it feels rushed or unfinished... you know, I can't quite remember their name, but do we want Paizo to follow their rather dubious example?
I do agree that it should not be rushed, and will happily wait, I'm just wondering if the man-hour boost will help the production timeframe. Still, I would rather have it right than right now :)
Actually, Sean's presence isn't a manpower boost, since he is filling the shoes of Mike McArtor, who has left for new adventures. So really, all he is doing is bringing us back up to par, not giving us extra manpower.
And even if he was additional manpower, we want to spend the time playtesting the Beta properly so we get it as good as we possibly can!

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I do agree that it should not be rushed, and will happily wait, I'm just wondering if the man-hour boost will help the production timeframe. Still, I would rather have it right than right now :)
Well... Sean's not increasing the editorial headcount, remember. He's replacing Mike McArtor, who has moved on to a different career. So as awesome as Sean is, unless he's bringing his clone (which is possible), we aren't getting an actual man-hour boost here.
And even if we were... I wouldn't want to rush out the PFRPG. That thing has to be close to PERFECT before I let it go off to the printer. ;-)

Michael Donovan |

Actually, Sean's presence isn't a manpower boost, since he is filling the shoes of Mike McArtor, who has left for new adventures. So really, all he is doing is bringing us back up to par, not giving us extra manpower.And even if he was additional manpower, we want to spend the time playtesting the Beta properly so we get it as good as we possibly can!
Ah - I see: 1 - 1 + 1 = 1 ... dots connected now :)
By the way, thank you for the thorough attention to detail and quality so plainly evident in your products. :)

Michael Donovan |

Hey - it's enormously cool that the boss cares enough to field random customer questions and comments late on a Saturday night. Were all CEOs so dedicated and conscientious, the world would be a much nicer place :)
It's also enormously cool that the Editor-in-Chief is up late answering... uh - wait, shouldn't you be editing or chiefing something? ;)

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James Jacobs wrote:EDIT: DAMNATION! NINJA'D BY THE BOSS!Hey - it's enormously cool that the boss cares enough to field random customer questions and comments late on a Saturday night. Were all CEOs so dedicated and conscientious, the world would be a much nicer place :)
It's also enormously cool that the Editor-in-Chief is up late answering... uh - wait, shouldn't you be editing or chiefing something? ;)
I'm chiefing. Trust me.
Next up... some chiefing in AGE OF CONAN!!!!

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Thanks! I linked some stuff for Erik to forward to him, I think that was part of it. At this point, the "more" is awaiting me finishing GOG, quitting WOW, and moving to Seattle, in that order. :)
what?what? quitting WoW? What server?
if its Kilrogg, can I have all your stuff? ;)

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Vic Wertz wrote:Sean brings our editorial staff up to full, actually. And we've hired a customer service person to fill the gap left by Corey (although she doesn't start for a little while yet). The only job openings we have now are in software development and in the warehouse.Still nothing for an archaeologist/curator?? Dammit man, you just aren't trying!!
or a molecular biologist...sigh...