Combat maneuver feat

Alpha Release 3 General Discussion

I read in the release 3, that Rogues win a combat maneuver feat at the level 2. Can you explain me or describe to me the list of these maneuver he can choose?

sempai33 wrote:


I read in the release 3, that Rogues win a combat maneuver feat at the level 2. Can you explain me or describe to me the list of these maneuver he can choose?

I believe this refers to the feats that affect the specific combat maneuvers; i.e., Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple. This could be clearer though, I'm a bit uncertain myself.

Khalarak wrote:
sempai33 wrote:


I read in the release 3, that Rogues win a combat maneuver feat at the level 2. Can you explain me or describe to me the list of these maneuver he can choose?
I believe this refers to the feats that affect the specific combat maneuvers; i.e., Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple. This could be clearer though, I'm a bit uncertain myself.

thats how i read it too

If it is really that, does it means that all the feat related to combat (in the player) are now available? And Do I take care about the prerequisite?
PAizo help US :-)

My rogue player has been asking the same question himself.

Looking at the way bonus feats work for other classes I think it is safe to assume that you can ignore any prerequisites that apply to any of the combat manoeuvre feats.

I also agree that this needs a little bit of blurb, even if it is just a list of feats and and a note to state that you can ignore the pre-requisites.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
All DMs are evil wrote:

My rogue player has been asking the same question himself.

Looking at the way bonus feats work for other classes I think it is safe to assume that you can ignore any prerequisites that apply to any of the combat manoeuvre feats.

I also agree that this needs a little bit of blurb, even if it is just a list of feats and and a note to state that you can ignore the pre-requisites.

I would go in exactly the opposite direction and treat it like a Fighter's bonus feats: In the absence of an explicit exception (as with Ranger and Monk), the normal rules and pre-requisites apply.

Paul Watson wrote:
All DMs are evil wrote:

My rogue player has been asking the same question himself.

Looking at the way bonus feats work for other classes I think it is safe to assume that you can ignore any prerequisites that apply to any of the combat manoeuvre feats.

I also agree that this needs a little bit of blurb, even if it is just a list of feats and and a note to state that you can ignore the pre-requisites.

I would go in exactly the opposite direction and treat it like a Fighter's bonus feats: In the absence of an explicit exception (as with Ranger and Monk), the normal rules and pre-requisites apply.

A very good point.

Making them have the pre-requisite is probably the safer option until a rules clarification. So I retract my earlier stance, in favour of Paul Watson's interpretation. You Sir are a Gentleman and a Scholar.

Liberty's Edge

Since no definition exists at the moment, I have decided to allow Defensive Combat Training and Agile Maneuvers to the list of available feats, as well as the various Improved [Maneuver] feats.

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