Gaming using the PfRPG AR rules

Alpha Playtest Feedback General Discussion

Dark Archive

Who here is currently in a campaign using the Pathfinder RPG rules? Are you the GM or a player? Which rules are you using?

For me, I'm currently a player. We're using all the rules: races, classes, feats, etc. GM's currently running us through the CotCT AP.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

GMing, all of the rules.. this is a playtest, there'd be no point to only playing with the rules we like.

I will be running a game with the PF Alpha rules (supplemented by the 3.5 SRD) starting in July. We have a Human Rogue, Human Ranger, Dwarf Fighter, Halfling Sorcerer, and Half-Elf Cleric. I have nearly completed a PF conversion of the Sunless Citadel for them to go through. I'm DMing, and there seems to be some general excitement about the new rules.

Sovereign Court

joela wrote:

Who here is currently in a campaign using the Pathfinder RPG rules? Are you the GM or a player? Which rules are you using?

For me, I'm currently a player. We're using all the rules: races, classes, feats, etc. GM's currently running us through the CotCT AP.

I'm GMing a group through CotCT, using all rules. Just heading into the dead warrens, after 6 sessions or so (We're really slow).

All Half Orcs, their choice not mine.
There's three steady guys:
Cleric of Gorum
And then a few others who can't make it every week (and swap out):
and Sorceror (White Draconic)

Liberty's Edge

I'm GMing and running our second adventure, Crown of the Kobold King, Friday. So far the only thing we've had a problem with was the damage for Channel Energy, and that was only because it's in a different section of the book instead of being under the Cleric entry.

Dark Archive


Liberty's Edge

Currently running Rise of the Runelords using the Alpha 3 rules. Having a great time.

Jeremy Puckett

Liberty's Edge

I'm currently playing in a game here. We are going through RotRL and I'm checking out the Alpha Paladin class. So far so good. I haven't had any trouble.

I'm also playing a dwarf fighter in another game using the Alpha. Again, so far so good. No problems.

I'm just starting to DM CotCT for some friends using the Alpha rules. No problems there yet. They are testing four different classes, Barbarian, Cleric, and two other that I can't remember off the top of my head.

Dark Archive


GMing a Pathfinder game. We're using all of the rules, but we are also using the Critical Hit and Critical Fumble decks, as well as allowing the WOTC stuff that comes up from time to time, to see how well it meshes with the PFRPG material.

I've playtested and helped run a 15 player game a few weeks back. No storytelling just a lot of killing, and seeing how the rules worked. The fact that we kept updating everytime a new Alpha came out made for a lot of testing, and mixing of classes from 3PP that all ended up lots of fun. A fellow GM was supposed to submit a report on our collective findings but never did. I think its too late for me to do so, as I don't have the notes and thoughts of others.

I'm thinking of starting a new game using Alpha, but have tweeked it with some houserules, so it cannnot be called pure Pathfinder, though it is based on Alpha 3.


GM, using a mix of Pathfinder, 3.5, a little bit Unearthed Arcana and Book of Experimental Might, and houserules.

In the next campaign (CotCT), I'm probably going to use Beta wholesale, or otherwise cut down on houserules. The campaign start (which will be right after my RotRL campaign) should coincide with the Beta release nicely.

I'm GMing Rise of the Runelords currently (my PCs are about to hit Thistletop in Burnt Offerings).

I'm running my party as a mix of 3.5 and Alpha 3 versions of several core classes (each running under their own ruleset) to see how they measure up to each other. So far, neither side has seriously overpowered the other, and this speaks well (in my mind anyway) to backwards compatibility.

I'm running the campaign as a Gestalt, so the power level is increased across the board - but no more than is normal for this option.

The players are enjoying the process, and like the new rules tested so far. Rage points are a big hit, the divine aspects of the Alpha 3 rules will be tested soon (Druids, Channel Energy, etc.), and I'm about to introduce an Alpha 3 Sorcerer into the party to test against the 3.5 Wizard PC.

All in all - nothing has broken yet, the players are enjoying the process, and we can't wait to see the Beta!!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

We're currently playing about twice a week. It's okay and the others want it, though the gm insist on using pathfinder grapple.

Liberty's Edge

Neithan wrote:
though the gm insist on using pathfinder grapple.

Can I assume you feel that is a bad thing?

Liberty's Edge

I'm currently running DCC #51: Castle Whiterock with the Alpha rules. I'm using all of them. Having great fun.

I'm about to start playing in another campaign set in Eberron that will use the Beta rules, we're just waiting for them to come out.

Liberty's Edge

Two campaigns: RotRL (converted at the beginning of Hook Mountain Massacre, now almost to the end of the module) and solo campaign through various GameMastery mods (at the beginning of Crown of the Kobold King and terrifyingly close to wiping out the PC already).

Almost entirely SRD/Pathfinder in both cases, though there are a few non-OGL feats and spells here and there. For RotRL, I'm doing a full conversion of the monsters; for the solo campaign, I'm trying to run them while doing as little conversion as possible - trying to read the 3.5 statblocks as though they were Pathfinder ones. Both campaigns seem to be running smooth as can be.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Currently GMing an Alpha 3 release game at, Pathfinder: Epoch Rising. The idea is to run an ongoing campaign that is also a playtest, so I'm sticking with pure Alpha 3 plus SRD rules. We'll shift to the Beta rules when they come out.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I'm running TC1: Into the Haunted Forest as the introductory adventure to the campaign.

When Alpha 3 was released I had all my players convert their charaters to Pathfinder. We are playing the last two parts of our Age of Worms AP with the Pathfinder rules.

I am busy converting the NPC's and monsters over trying to stay ahead, so far I believe that it has gone well and my players are having a good time as well. I think that the player that has been the happiest is the one with the groups rogue. She really liked the changes in the sneak attack rules, and the other changes that were made. It really made a difference in the effectiveness of her character in an AP that has a lot of undead.

I recently (this last Saturday the 5th) a PFRPG Alpha 3 game using J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs.

So far things are running extremely well. Skills use seems perfectly balanced without any real issues coming up at all. No heavy combat yet, I might have some more feedback after next session.

All in all, I've been very happy with the new rules. Sure there is still some streamlining to do, but its a definite couple of steps in the right direction.

Oh, I'm the GM.

Liberty's Edge

Just starting an Alpha 3 Ravenloft game here on Paizo. Looks really good so far.

Also, still no issues in the other games that I run or play in which use the system. Just some good solid fun.

I'm waiting for the beta to come out next month. In fact, I plan to buy two copies of the book so that there is one copy per two people at the table. I'll encourage my players to buy-in, but since they've been doing a lot of buying in with other systems lately, I'm not going to push it. The plan is to run the Rise of the Runelords adventure path and sub in DCCs or old Dungeon adventures to cover any level gaps between the adventures.

Scarab Sages

Currently running CotCT using the Alpha rules... and will update to the Beta when I have it.
Things are going great so far.

Grand Lodge

Running a RoTRL using the Alpha3 rules. Will switch to Beta when they come out if any updates need to be made. I have a Varisian Wizard(Divination), Elf (Rogue/Monk), Ulfen Fighter, and a Chelaxian priest of Cayden Cailean (domains Good/Travel). They are bout halfway through Burnt Offerings and are 2nd Level. So far so good.

Alpha 3 RotRL. Just finished Skinsaw Murders last week. The party is 6th level now: Varisian Cleric (Desna), Half-Elf Monk, Dwarf Rogue, Chelaxian Bard/Wizard, Shoanti Fighter, Varisian-Chelish Ranger. Cannot wait for the beta in its full glory.

The Exchange

I GM an AoW game. We converted over to Pathfinder when Alpha 2 came out and have been udating since. Great system. Tidied up a few issues we had with the game. I've still had to house rule some things for myself as DM to make it easier to play (mostly because we're up to level 13 and combats are getting intense).

Things we all liked
- New classes and the core race changes. Made characters more robust and made it like a new game for most of us.
- CMB rules (now we grapple and trip and everything.)
- Channel energy
- Combat feats (my fighter types like the feel of one feat per action, makes them think more about what to do)

Things we didn't like
- Changing Save or Die. I don't like em but my players do. Go figure.I've tried houseruling but they just want the old rules in.

I'm DMing the Crimson Throne AP, using the Pathfinder Alpha RAW. So far, so good. I've got a ranger, sorcerer, rogue, cleric of Desna, and a bard fast approaching 6th level.

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