A vague wish with regards to Campaign Settings

Alpha Release 3 General Discussion

Let me start by saying i know that it is unlikely that any of what i am saying could ever come to pass, but it doesn't change the fact that i would love to see it.

I would like to see paizo aquire and support the 'grown up' campaign settings. Dark sun, Ravenloft and Planescape. These three setting would really flurrish under that attention of the paizo crew.

I mean really, all the evidence one needs of how awesome this would be is to imagain the Skinsaw murder with more mist.

Zombieneighbours wrote:
I would like to see paizo aquire and support the 'grown up' campaign settings. Dark sun, Ravenloft and Planescape. These three setting would really flurrish under that attention of the paizo crew.

They can't legally do anything with them. Those campaign settings belong to WotC, and are theirs to do with as they wish. I would dearly love to see a Paizo treatment of Dark Sun myself, but there is some hope that Paizo will give a Dark Sun-like treatment to Akiton, the Red Planet, which is in the Pathfinder setting.

A true pity, that.

I'd *love* to see them give some lovin to the Half-Giant. What it was in 2nd edition, not the watered down feeb they came up with for 3rd. bleh.

My kingdom for a Half-Giant that wasn't just a retooled half-orc.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I want Paizo to save the Realms.. but it just isn't going to happen. :)

Just in case any of the Paizo crew are listening....

!DO THIS!-->

Lilith wrote:
but there is some hope that Paizo will give a Dark Sun-like treatment to Akiton, the Red Planet, which is in the Pathfinder setting.

That'd be so cool....


Selgard wrote:
My kingdom for a Half-Giant that wasn't just a retooled half-orc.

Check out some of the half-giant templates in Advanced Bestiary. Here are some of them:

half-giant, cloud
half-giant, ettin
half-giant, fire
half-giant, frost
half-giant, hill
half-giant, merrow
half-giant, ogre
half-giant, ogre mage
half-giant, stone
half-giant, storm
half-giant, troll

Also, the jotunblood giant template is pretty kickin'.

Sovereign Court

Man, I just want Greyhawk back. WotC don't seem to care about it, the Paizo Greyhawk stuff (Adventure Paths, Dragon & Dungeon GH stuff, and general GH goodness) utterly ruled and I'm pretty excited about the Pathfinder rpg.

Of course, it's not going to happen. Boo.

Grand Lodge

For me my beloved setting was Mystara. Which is a reason I LOVE Golarion. There are definite Mystara influences there, from the realms based on real cultures to an asteroid slamming into the world.

So, for me, Paizo took Mystara and made it their own with Golarion.

I see no reason why they could not expand to other planets in the system and do that with other settings someday.

Then you get a cool kind of Planescape thing going with travels between worlds and planes... yeah awesome!

My advice if you really like a setting (whatever edition) :
1 : Assemble whatever books, supplements and articles you can about it. it doesn't matter if it's old and from a previous edition.
2 : Run it as your own, with whatever rules you are using.

From the moment you run a campaign world as a DM it becomes yours, like a parallel version of the "official", as obviously you will change some things, add some other and remove some other.
It won't be the one from the books.
I never saw a campaign based on Athas, Eberron, Krynn, Mystara, Oerth, Planescape or Toril being hardcore to the point that nothing was altered.

So even if your favorite game world is in the closet and was never officially converted to 3rd or 4th edition, why should it matter ?
That's actually an incredible chance for you to make it really your own.

Great settings are not made from rules and crunch, but from ambiance and flair...

Grand Lodge

Very true, but when you have little time to prepare a game, it is even harder to update a setting... nice to have other people working on that too.

Sovereign Court

Seldriss wrote:

My advice if you really like a setting (whatever edition) :

1 : Assemble whatever books, supplements and articles you can about it. it doesn't matter if it's old and from a previous edition.
2 : Run it as your own, with whatever rules you are using.

From the moment you run a campaign world as a DM it becomes yours, like a parallel version of the "official", as obviously you will change some things, add some other and remove some other.
It won't be the one from the books.
I never saw a campaign based on Athas, Eberron, Krynn, Mystara, Oerth, Planescape or Toril being hardcore to the point that nothing was altered.

So even if your favorite game world is in the closet and was never officially converted to 3rd or 4th edition, why should it matter ?
That's actually an incredible chance for you to make it really your own.

Great settings are not made from rules and crunch, but from ambiance and flair...

It's great, though, when a setting has a lot of other players around the place; you can pick up games when you move around, etc. For a long time, it didn't matter much in GH -- it wasn't enormously dynamic as a setting -- but the addition of timelines and unfolding events, etc, was actually pretty good. Of course, that's a double-edged sword -- what happened to FR at the 1--> 2 ed transition blew and the transition to 4ed looks suckier than a million starving mosquitoes -- but I trust Paizo.

Oh, well, yes of course, Krome and Bagpuss, i agree completely.

Having a campaign world accessible for all is a major advantage, for the multiplicity of game masters as you said, and many other reasons, such as interactions between players of the same world, which makes it more alive. If this is possible with an old world, out of publication, it is certainly easier if the world is still "alive", and promoted by new supplements...
My main point was that even if WotC stopped the production of some settings, it is not a reason for us to stop playing in these wonderful places.

Planescape Lives !

Krome wrote:

For me my beloved setting was Mystara. Which is a reason I LOVE Golarion. There are definite Mystara influences there, from the realms based on real cultures to an asteroid slamming into the world.

With ya on that one Krome - there's a total Mystara feel to Golarion, with its "real world" culture seeds throughout, while also being very unique too...

The Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to... really take me back to the excellent Mystara Gazetteers and "my days of high adventure"

Lilith wrote:
Check out some of the half-giant templates in Advanced Bestiary. Here are some of them (.../...)

Lilith, is there any insight in the book about how a half-giant can be conceived ?

I mean... You know...

Seldriss wrote:

Lilith, is there any insight in the book about how a half-giant can be conceived ?

I mean... You know...

Ask Mammy Graul or the Kreegs. I'm sure they would know. :P

Lilith wrote:
Seldriss wrote:

Lilith, is there any insight in the book about how a half-giant can be conceived ?

I mean... You know...
Ask Mammy Graul or the Kreegs. I'm sure they would know. :P

Or Pappy Logue... he knows way too much :S

Grand Lodge

Black Dow wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Seldriss wrote:

Lilith, is there any insight in the book about how a half-giant can be conceived ?

I mean... You know...
Ask Mammy Graul or the Kreegs. I'm sure they would know. :P
Or Pappy Logue... he knows way too much :S

Mammy Graul and Pappy Logue produce the Kreegs.... ewwwwwwwwwwwww

course those "dead" settings are often alive on the Net. Mystara has a dedicated and devoted fan base. I am sure the others do as well...

except maybe Forgotten Realms NOBODY likes that setting at all *dripping sarcasm*

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

*sniff, tear* The Realms are dead, murdered by wizards who based on the coast... *moves to closet and breaks out the old box sets and various 3rd ed material* well screw 'em, long live the Realms!

Bagpuss wrote:

Man, I just want Greyhawk back. WotC don't seem to care about it, the Paizo Greyhawk stuff (Adventure Paths, Dragon & Dungeon GH stuff, and general GH goodness) utterly ruled and I'm pretty excited about the Pathfinder rpg.

Of course, it's not going to happen. Boo.

Hey, if it isn't the Iconic Arcane Bond (Familiar Option)! Good to have you here.

You might do what many of us mourners do: keep a special place in your heart for the old setting (in my case the Realms), and embrace the Pathfinder Chronicles and its main planet Golarion as the New Campaign Setting Overlord.

Golarion, where Hell on Earth (or, the Abyss on Earth) is just another country around the corner (and, before long, nearer then you'd like if something's not done soon); where fallen starships are pillaged for rare metals; where even drunkards (well, one dunkard) can become demigods; where some giants are really worthy of the name (being 40 feet tall, not just those 8-foot-wannabes); where the Mammoths roam free (unless hunted or domesticated); where 10.000 years is not enough to keep old archwizards dead; where you have true adventure, with death often being one of the more comfortable fates.

Seldriss wrote:

Lilith, is there any insight in the book about how a half-giant can be conceived ?
I mean... You know...

Love finds a way? There's always magic.

Athasian half-giants were the product of defiler magic weren't they?
They breed true now, but their origins was with the baddies.

(worked, too. big tough strong, relatively stupid and easy to lead.. made 'em good workers).

Lilith, where would I go about finding that? :)

and is it an athasian half-giant? or just a half-giant?
(the ones in Athas had that peculiar Alignment shift thing goin on that always made 'em interesting to me..)

Check out Athas.org for Athasian half-giants.

Sovereign Court

Devil of Roses wrote:
*sniff, tear* The Realms are dead, murdered by wizards who based on the coast... *moves to closet and breaks out the old box sets and various 3rd ed material* well screw 'em, long live the Realms!

You know you could always have a campaign about an enclave of evil wizards that have taken over the sword coast and who are attempting to kill Mystara in order to take control of all magic in the realms

And that's what was the basis on which my huge homebrew setting began to expand: :D
Early Netheril and a strong Realm of Earlann.
Hardly recognizeable anymore, but I agree that it's one of the best campaign backgrounds out there. :D

Scarab Sages

I'm hoping that there will be travel between the Pathfinder worlds on magical ships that look like fantastical sailing ships. Pathjammer! Adventures in the Monaverse!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Boerngrim wrote:
I'm hoping that there will be travel between the Pathfinder worlds on magical ships that look like fantastical sailing ships. Pathjammer! Adventures in the Monaverse!

Wow, I just totally scared my co-workers with the laugh I had after reading this... gods I wish I had played D&D earlier so I could get that delightful swashbuckling amidst the stars campaign. *crosses fingers* here's hoping it turns up at my friendly local gaming store.

Devil of Roses wrote:
Boerngrim wrote:
I'm hoping that there will be travel between the Pathfinder worlds on magical ships that look like fantastical sailing ships. Pathjammer! Adventures in the Monaverse!
Wow, I just totally scared my co-workers with the laugh I had after reading this... gods I wish I had played D&D earlier so I could get that delightful swashbuckling amidst the stars campaign. *crosses fingers* here's hoping it turns up at my friendly local gaming store.

For me, that flavor just wasn't right. Spelljammer was nowhere near my cup of tea.

As for Pathfinder, I was totally thinking of something more Barsoomian than Athas for the red planet.

EGAD, how I wish WotC could be convinced to pony up GH to Lisa, Erik, and the Boys. I can't think of a better custodian for the place than Paizo.

That said, Golarian is shaping up nicely. I'm still working my way slowly through the Gazetteer. Darn you, work, and the need to put food on the table.

Lilith wrote:
Check out Athas.org for Athasian half-giants.

IIRC t hey were a breeding experiment by one of the Sorcerer Kings.

I would like to see a nice "logical" rework of the Multiverse of Planescape.

Something like:

- Sigil more prominent as THE Gateway to the material plane and the "Outlands" surounding it

- One Outer Plane for each Alignement, with different "regions" for the different gods/concepts/interpretations all connected as on the alignement chart and to the "new" Outlands/Sigil (as the True Neutral Plane).

- The Astral Meta-Plane connecting the Material and the Outer Planes
(To reach the Outer Planes, I always imagined that like moving out of the world, solar system, galaxy, universe... But sideways ;D)

- The Etheral Plane connecting the Material and the Inner Planes
(... like moving into an object, its atomic structure, a single atom, to quarks,... But upside down ;D)

- No weird/stupid Plane of Shadows!
(Do we REALLY need it? Can't those few shadow spells work (a bit) different?)

- Some Barrier or super-strange "Plane of the Unknown" surrounding the Outer Planes limiting the Multiverse.
(Might be more fun than the "old" Outlands and more interesting to explore/use)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Lilith wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:
I would like to see paizo aquire and support the 'grown up' campaign settings. Dark sun, Ravenloft and Planescape. These three setting would really flurrish under that attention of the paizo crew.
They can't legally do anything with them. Those campaign settings belong to WotC, and are theirs to do with as they wish. I would dearly love to see a Paizo treatment of Dark Sun myself, but there is some hope that Paizo will give a Dark Sun-like treatment to Akiton, the Red Planet, which is in the Pathfinder setting.

They could if they acquired them. Trouble is that WotC won't sell.

As for the red planet, I thought the Green one was supposed to be the psionic world.

Well those great settings are in Wizards hands now, sad to say. Once, about a year ago I would have said that even if the setting is in 4th,

A. It might be backwards compatable.


B. Even if its not I could still use the setting and history of the setting for my rules/game.


A. 4th isn't.


B. After what happaned to the Realms, I cannot image the what they will do to other settings. That's why I'm getting as much Dragonlance as I can. Once I'm done with 3rd. Dragonlance stuff I'm done, except maybe for Telsa (and then I'll get 2nd stuff).

But don't be sad. When Pathfinder takes off, and much of Paizo settings has been explored for a few years I can see them putting out a new mag titled "New Paths" or something which will explore one shot new settings. If enough people like one of the one shots it might get an Advanture Path, then maybe a setting core book. Its a good way to expermint with out too much cost, and get a feel of what people really want/like. This is all at lest three to four years mind you, but I can Paizo doing something along these lines.

Boerngrim wrote:
I'm hoping that there will be travel between the Pathfinder worlds on magical ships that look like fantastical sailing ships. Pathjammer! Adventures in the Monaverse!

Sign me up! :D

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DracoDruid wrote:

- No weird/stupid Plane of Shadows!
(Do we REALLY need it? Can't those few shadow spells work (a bit) different?)

I loved the Shadow Plane, especially after it was used for extra servings of frighteningly creepy in more than a few Living Greyhawk modules. Think of the material, once you stray out of the narrow safe margin that's used by the Shadowalk spells, you've got shadow mastiffs, shadows, and other shadow creatures and a nasty Twilight Zone version of your home plane that's great fodder for the truly macabre DM. It really is the plane that puts out the most if used right.

Sounds like ZELDA on SuperNES for me.

Ross Byers wrote:
As for the red planet, I thought the Green one was supposed to be the psionic world.

Either one works for me. :)

Silver Crusade

Seldriss wrote:

My main point was that even if WotC stopped the production of some settings, it is not a reason for us to stop playing in these wonderful places.

Well said!

Silver Crusade

Krome wrote:

For me my beloved setting was Mystara. Which is a reason I LOVE Golarion. There are definite Mystara influences there, from the realms based on real cultures to an asteroid slamming into the world.

So, for me, Paizo took Mystara and made it their own with Golarion.

I had some great times playing with and learning about the Mystara setting. To see that live on in some way, with the Golarion setting, is an awesome thing.

DracoDruid wrote:
Sounds like ZELDA on SuperNES for me.

Or on the NES. Or on the Wii (except that you don't turn into a wolf in the Shadow).

Plus, Zelda games usually rock.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Iron Sentinel wrote:
Seldriss wrote:

My main point was that even if WotC stopped the production of some settings, it is not a reason for us to stop playing in these wonderful places.
Well said!

The problem is the changes to the setting extended further then just the supplements. As a Realms fan, the setting damage carries over to the novels. If you can't stand what they've done to the setting, then you're also out the novel line.

Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
Golarion, where Hell on Earth (or, the Abyss on Earth) is just another country around the corner (and, before long, nearer then you'd like if something's not done soon); where fallen starships are pillaged for rare metals; where even drunkards (well, one dunkard) can become demigods; where some giants are really worthy of the name (being 40 feet tall, not just those 8-foot-wannabes); where the Mammoths roam free (unless hunted or domesticated); where 10.000 years is not enough to keep old archwizards dead; where you have true adventure, with death often being one of the more comfortable fates.

How are you not writing Paizo's promo material?

Nevynxxx wrote:

How are you not writing Paizo's promo material?

I thought I was. ;-)

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