Evil Genius |

So, we have:
Arianwyn (Fabes) - Eladrin Warlock
Drogan Bridgewater (Scribe) - Human Warlord
Fawks (Tieren) - Halfling Rogue
Kyleria (Amelia) - Half-Elf Paladin
Vel (Pat) - Human Wizard
TBN (Twiceborn) - Shifter Ranger
TBN (Jonventus) - Dragonborn Fighter3 strikers, 1 leader, 1 controller, 2 defenders
Got the bases covered, with 7 of the 8 classes, and some heavy damage capacity.
Did I miss anything?
Looking very good so far!
And, yes, you must announce what power you're using before you roll the attack roll.

Evil Genius |

Was wondering still about whether or not I could tie Fawks in to Taps Goldenfoot by relation or friendship? I'm kind of working on fleshing out his back story a little bit, just adding some new details
Yep! The Goldenfoot family's a large halfling family that has strong ties to the town of Hawk Hill--Taps Goldenfoot owns the Spinning Coin while his cousin Maril Goldenfoot owns the shop called Goldenfoot's (which is a typical general store--mostly food and other household goods, though some stuff an adventurer would want, including rations). The Goldenfoots have been here as long as anyone can remember. You could definitely be a member of the family.
That reminds me: Here's a list of the different shops and stores in Hawk Hill:
Goldenfoot’s (food and household supplies) -- Run by Maril Goldenfoot (kindly female halfling)
Forest Walker Supplies (mostly adventuring supplies and clothing) -- Run by Rathar Severac (a gruff shifter)
Klondurain Metal Goods (smithy) -- Owned by the Klondurain dwarf clan (through their merchant company, The Steel Horizon Co.), run by Thradnir Bornath (male dwarf)
Baubles & Bits (minor magical items--including scrolls & potions) -- run by Ornil Heward (brother of Lady Mayor Taurana Heward)
The Spinning Coin (tavern) -- run by Taps Goldenfoot (long-winded halfling fond of telling tales)
Dryad’s Song Pub & Lodging (tavern & inn) -- run by Caeliss Winterwood (elf woman, skilled musician)
Lyrie’s Loft (high quality inn) -- Run by Lyrie Methrano (foreign human woman and owner of the Black Pearl Trading Co., on the town council)

Baldrech the Unkind |

Hey Evil,
My stats are finally up... thanks for your patience!
Although I have some background/personality ideas, I haven't written any of them down yet. How are shifters perceived by the other races in the area? I initially would have liked for them to be rare and feared/mistrusted, but Karin's shifter-human population mix suggests that shifters are quite common and generally accepted by humans (if not other races)...
Anyway, I'll make adjustments once I get a bit more direction from you...

Evil Genius |

The Silvermist Forest, a huge forest that fills much of the Duchy of Niebold, is filled with all sorts of creatures--lycanthropes being one of them. Naturally, where humans and the werebeasts meet, shifters will eventually show up. The population of shifters isn't really large; there's more elves--who dwell in the forest in roving tribes, with a few settlements such as Barrale--than shifters, but the shifters have a slightly bigger visibility in the various human settlements, such as Hawk Hill and Karin, as they tend to survive off of selling the fruits of their hunts to the other races. The elves, on the other hand, dislike staying around the humans very much, preferring to remain in the Forest. The elves and the shifters rarely, if ever, get along. This is mainly due to their various ethical beliefs regarding the forest... Elves, for the most part, follow the traditions of the Unbroken Circle, trying to coexist alongside nature without harming it. They're typically vegetarians, and only kill animals when their lives are threatened. Shifters, on the other hand, harken back to their bestial roots, and take great pride in their hunting skills. While shifters never hunt animals to the point of extinction--they too follow many of the Unbroken Circle's tenants, but not all of them--they enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the taste of their prey's flesh (cooked, of course). Elves see the shifters' love of killing animals as abhorrent, and take every opportunity to denigrate the weretouched people. Shifters often speak ill of elves, calling them weak and soft. Rarely do members of the two races get along, though it isn't unheard of, especially in Hawk Hill where they are in close proximity with one another.

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

The first piece of the DDI is up: Compendium .
The interface isn't great, but it's a searchable database of the character creation rules.

Jonventus |

Hey, sorry everyone. I have all my stats done on paper but have been really busy this past week and haven't had a chance to create my profile. I'm reading through the various background posts and will have a full character concept done tomorrow. I should be able to have everything posted tomorrow night, but if I'm holding everything up, please go ahead and start and I'll jump in within a day or two.
I won't be near a computer during the day tomorrow, but will have lots of time to think about my background. If you need something workable to get started with, my Dragonborn Fighter could either replace Grug as the "other" bouncer at the Spinning Coin (along with Vel), or be hired on as a caravan guard with the Klondurain clan. I think he would respect the dwarves for their resolve and dedication to craftsmanship.

Jonventus |

Character details are up and I'm ready to go. I have a few minor details to flesh out like my Avatar pic and alignment, but I'll get everything done before we start.
My Dragonborn Fighter's name is Anarak and his proposed background is to be hired as an off-and-on caravan guard for the Steel Horizon Company (dwarven merchants).
Does that work for you, Evil? Let me know if there's any info on the company that I should be aware of. When the adventure starts, I'll probably have just returned from a job, and will be spending most of my time at the Spinning Coin, with no plans for the immediate future.
Do you want to set a kick-off date for the adventure? Maybe after Origins and when TwiceBorn gets back would be a good time...

Evil Genius |

Hey, all. Sorry I have been quiet over the past few days. My trip to Texas has placed me in a number of locations with very limited internet access. In fact, I'm in a Starbucks right now; it was the only place with a reliable connection. Unfortunately, this place is almost a half-hour away from my family's lake house where I am staying. I will most likely be returning next tuesday (the 1st of July, IIRC), though that depends on weather, as I will be flying back to Chicago in a private airplane and not a jetliner.
Let's plan on starting up the campaign sometime in the first week of July. I'm not sure when Origins is over, but lets shoot for a time when everyone's ready.
EDIT: Jonventus, that is a great connection to the town. Should be perfect.

Jonventus |

Evil DM, I think you asked awhile ago what kind of game people wanted. I have two requests, though I'm perfectly fine with you ignoring either or both of them.
1. PbP tends to have long periods of role-playing with minimal combat. Since we're trying to learn the mechanics, though, it would be cool to have a combat encounter relatively early on.
2. It doesn't have to be right away, but I'd like to try a skill challenge at some point. I'm curious to see how those play out.
Can't way to start!

Evil Genius |

Well, I'm back from the land of Texas!
Evil DM, I think you asked awhile ago what kind of game people wanted. I have two requests, though I'm perfectly fine with you ignoring either or both of them.
1. PbP tends to have long periods of role-playing with minimal combat. Since we're trying to learn the mechanics, though, it would be cool to have a combat encounter relatively early on.
2. It doesn't have to be right away, but I'd like to try a skill challenge at some point. I'm curious to see how those play out.
Can't way to start!
Actually, Skill challenges are extremely fun... I had my players go through one during a playtest of 4e (they were to negotiate with a hobgoblin paladin of bane and try to get him to transport them across the Burning Sea on his magma striders).. It started out with a bang, with the party's cleric (an Evil... and strangely male... drow cleric of Lolth) offering to perform a "necessary" surgery on the paladin in exchange for the ride. Things got a little out of hand from there.. the party's fighter challenged the hobgoblin to a armwrestling contest and won respect (a success in the skill challenge), and the drow and the warlock kept up their bluff, tricking the hobgoblin into believing he really needed the surgery. The party wizard used diplomacy to smooth over any rough spots that resulted from obviously outrageous lies by the drow.
In the end, the party convinced (after achieving the correct number of successes before too many failures) the hobgoblin and they made it across the Burning Sea to the Golden Temple of Pelor... after the dwarf fighter (8 Int) got drunk and made out with a troll woman.
And, we shall begin with a combat, yep. I'm gonna try to involve you guys in many different types of encounters. Besides monsters, there's traps (mechanical/magical devices) AND hazards (usually natural in origin)... not to mention multiple types of terrain features that might play a part in battle.

Evil Genius |

Ah, one more thing... While many of the monsters you will encounter will be found the the Monster Manual, I'll also be testing out the monster creation rules found in the DMG. So expect to fight some monsters of my own design and some classic monsters that didn't make the cut for the 4E MM.

Evil Genius |

Sure, I'll do that. Well, I think we should plan on starting on Sunday the 6th if that is good for everyone. I'll post the game thread in the morning that day, or late on Saturday. This should get everyone time to enjoy the 4th of July festivities (be they residents of the US, of course).