tallforadwarf |
I've started work on a PDF update of the core psionic classes, based on the results of our playtests. It was just going to be for personal use, but I'm happy to share.
If anyone has any suggestions about what they want from a Pathfinder-update, I'd be happy to consider them and include anything that works. Thoughts? ;)
Also, I'm not going to use any graphics (bad for printing), but as long as I stamp "unofficial" on it, would the Paizo guys mind if I titled it with the Pathfinder logo?
Kirth Gersen |
Because Paizo can't get Bruce Cordell to do their psionics, I'm less than optimistic about seeing official Pathfinder conversions. This thread may be our best hope. Can't wait to see what people come up with! (I'm also anxious to see the silly psicrystals become optional, like familiars vs. bonded items!)
niel |
I'm very interested to see what yall come up with. What basic mechanic are you thinking vs. the domain/school concept? My first thought was to bring back the attacks and defenses as level abilities- but my group hasn't done enough with 3.5 Psi to know if thats a good idea or necessary. The question of psi-crystal/psionic bond is interesting, and fiction has had a number of psionics with animal companions, some of which aid their master's powers.
Areas to focus on, you ask? For me, the classes and powers were less of a draw then the psionic feats. The feats which had psi points as a prereq. were what sold me. Psionic focus stuff, I haven't had a chance to play with- Is it something yall liked and plan to keep?
Fell free to post what you've got even if unfinished.
hogarth |
Ok kinda simple should psions use school/domain type set up. I was using the ideal of just like wizard schools but not sure...thoughts anyone?
The wizard schools are a good place to start for psion disciplines.
The wilder would really need an overhaul, though. And the soulknife I would give full BAB (at a bare minimum!).
Kirth, psicrystals are already optional in 3.5 -- you need to spend a feat in order to get one.
psionichamster |
very interested in seeing this.
Wilder w/ d8 and 2 good saves, with some bloodline-like special powers?
Psion with d6 and discipline powers like a wizard? yes.
Soulknife w/ full bab (goes w/ his d10 now quite nicely)...heck yes.
psychic warrior could probably stay just where he is...with the increased feat #, he's probably still solid in the middle.
if you have that .pdf kicking around, i'd be very happy to see it
swordsmantodd (at) yahoo (dot) com, thank you very much!
-the hamster
Keldarth |
For psions, I also would do something similar to what it's been done for specialist wizards, but with the psionic disciplines instead. Keep the list of exclusive powers of each discipline, and add a list of benefits, psi-like abilities and powers for each one, taking the wizard specializations as a kind of "template".
Wilders still don't know, they are not that bad as they are, but they would need some upgrade to be on pair with the rest of the PF classes. And I agree, soulknives need full BAB!
seekerofshadowlight |
I wasn't thinking complete over haul but more of bringing them inline with alpha changes.He is my rough thoughts.
1st psicraft cover concentration
ok Psion
HD changes to a d6
Disciplines become school like. its kinda easy so far as each discipline has a set number of powers it brakes down like so
2nd 1st level power 1/day per 2 levels
4th-2nd level power 1/day
6th-3rd level power 1/day
8th-4th level power like ability
10th-5th level power 1/day
12th-6th level power 1/day
14th 7th level power 1/day
16th-8th level power 1/day
18th-9th level power 1/day
20th- capstone power
all powers are also added to the list of known powers kinda like bounes
1st try at telepath
1st-Daze 30ft range,it only works on a subject 1 time that day
2nd-Mindlink 1/day per 2 levels
4th-read thoughts 1/day
6th-false sensory input 1/day
8th-memory mastery:modify memory at will as power up to 5 min per level per day
10th-mind prob 1/day
12th-mind switch lesser 1/day
14th-crises of life 1/day
16th-mind seed 1/day
18th-psychic chirurgery 1/day
20th-true mind switch at will
psychic warrior is fine as is
Mind blade up the BAB or drop the HD
wilder HD goes to d8 beyond that I am not sure
tallforadwarf |
I'd be interested in seeing what your group has done. (Have you considered a MediaFire account? I have one of those and it provides a great place to store .pdfs that you can link to.)
Thanks for the hint - I may have to sign up for this!
Wow - loads of responses! I'll certainly share as it seems people are really interested. Here's my thinking and a rough idea about how I think it'll turn out. The changes are not going to be drastic as I want to keep using my XPH, I just want to update the classes. HD/Skill changes etc. are obviously in.
1) Psion will get the disciplines broken down like the Wizard schools/Sorcerer's bloodlines. Pick one and power-up.
2) Psychic Warrior has been thoroughly playtested in our games and already done - just needs to be typed up. Basically, they get a new progression similar to the Alpha 3 Fighter.
3) Soul Knife I'm not too sure about, full BAB is in. Other than that it's just tweaking what's already there - I'm seeing a change similar in magnitude to what Alpha 3 did to the Ranger.
4) Wilder is a real favorite of mine. There's going to be a fair amount of love for the Wilder, although I'm going to try to fix the broken bits and bring it up to spec. I don't want to add a massive list of 'bloodlines' or whatever. Then it'll be too similar to the Wizard/Sorcerer/Psion, what I want to do is make it a unique 'full caster'. The Wilder is long over due some serious lovin', have no fear! ;D
Please - feel free to disagree with me, post your own ideas etc. I'm doing this for myself, but it would be *awesome* to include some other ideas that would make it work different groups too. Like I said though, I'm going for compatible update, not complete overhaul. There were a lot of things I'd do differently if I was working from the ground up, but that's not the goal here.
You guys are awesome!
hogarth |
That looks fine for a psion discipline (although unlimited True Mind Switch and Psychic Chirurgery without the XP component are quite powerful).
The only thing is you should be clear how much each of those psi-like abilities gets augmented "for free". For instance, let's say you gave someone the psi-like ability to use Crystal Shard once per day per 2 levels. If that's automatically augmented to the maximum amount, then a 20th level psion could use 20d6 Crystal Shards 10 times per day (which makes the Conjuration school's Summon Monster I ability look pretty crappy!).
seekerofshadowlight |
well I am still fooling with the ideal and alot of ones floating about. I had concerns over the 2 last powers however...wizards can get wish with no xp so not sure its an issue..true mind switch does run the risk of coasting you a level as well.
As for augmenting to powers I was thinking there basic and augmenting would cost ya points..needs some work but auto maxing is not a good ideal I don't think.
tallforadwarf |
I figured y'all want to know how it's coming. ;D The Psychic Warrior is finished, as that was the easiest to do - requires the fewest changes and has been the psionic class most playtested in our group. The Wilder is about 85% done - I have a lot of notes on what needed to be changed and plenty of ideas.
I'm hoping that it'll all be done by the end of next week, but we'll have to see how things go. I'll certainly keep posting on this thread and will post a link to the file when it's done.
Zynete RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |
I had my own idea on modifying at least the wilder.
The cost: Most classes lose something to gain their new abilities. Also I somewhat dislike the ability to just manifest the highest-level power over and over until all the power points are gone. My suggestion is that when a manifester uses the highest-level power available to a class, that the manifester level for that class drops by one (minimum 1) until they rest. For example a 4th level wilder manifests ego whip and her manifester level drops to 3. Her manifester level is still high enough to manifest her 2nd level power (requires 3 power points) though so she manifests ego whip again and her manifester level drops to 2. She can no longer normally manifest her 2nd level powers as she can not spend the 3 power points required (one higher than her manifester level of 2) so she uses wild surge +1 (to increase her manifester level) and manifests ego whip again, dropping her manifester level to 1. She could still manifest her 1st level powers at any point during this because they are never her highest-level power even if they are the highest-level power they can normally manifest.
Psychic Enervation: Change the number of power points lost during a psychic enervation to be the number of power points spent on the power that caused the enervation (not including points from wild surge).
This is to give the wilder incentive to not to fully augment a power while wild surging. It reduces the damage they take from it by a bit.
Surge Talent: This is the biggest benefit I would suggest for the wilder and would say this attempts to take care of at will abilities and give wilders some abilities to make them slightly more versatile. At every odd wilder level you would get a surge talent. It would replace the benefits of a wild surge with a different benefit. When you wild surge +1, instead of getting a manifester level increase and an extra power point on the power, you can choose to get the benefit of a surge talent with a cost of 1. Same with a wild surge +2 and on. You cannot mix and match your bonuses; you can’t use a wild surge +2 and get a +1 manifester level and a surge talent with a cost of 1 or even two surge talents that cost 1 each. Also, it is intended to allow you to wild surge with no power as a standard action just to get the benefits of these talents for at will abilities. Unless otherwise noted the benefit of the talent occurs when you manifest the power and when it mentions power resistance you use the manifester level of your wilder powers.
Energy Bullet (Cost 1): When you use this talent you, you choose cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You create a sling bullet of energy of the chosen type that orbits you for as much as 1 hour per wilder level. You can make a ranged touch attack to launch it at a target within 30 feet with a swift action. This expends the bullet. If it hits it deals 1d4 plus 1/level of the manifested power. If the energy chosen was sonic then you take a –1 penalty on the attack and damage roll. Power resistance applies.
Ectoplasmic Whip (Cost 1): You use ectoplasm to wield your weapon or extend the reach of your unarmed attack. For your next melee attack after the power has been manifested you can make an attack that is 5 feet beyond your reach plus another 5 feet per level of the manifested power. This lasts for 1 hour per wilder level or until used.
Psychic Reading (Cost 1): For the next hour per wilder level you know if there are magic or psionic auras within 30 feet of you and how many there are. You can spend a full round action to locate the origin of each of the auras and can use the Appraise skill to identify one of them with a +1 bonus per level of the manifested power.
Quick Jump (Cost 2): You teleport 5 feet plus 5 additional feet per level of the manifested power.
And that is the basic idea.
tallforadwarf |
Most classes lose something to gain their new abilities.
I don't quite understand what you're saying here, could you explain? :D
Also I somewhat dislike the ability to just manifest the highest-level power over and over until all the power points are gone.
This is only one option a psionic character has. Remember that 'highest level' means something quite different between psionics and magic. Also, psionic powers don't scale, so pp have to spent to boost lower level powers where as the magic user gets free scaling (e.g. 1d6 damage per level etc.).
I mention this because often, with augmentation, the lower level powers can kick more ass than the higher level ones.My suggestion is that when a manifester uses the highest-level power available to a class, that the manifester level for that class drops by one (minimum 1) until they rest.
This doesn't really work - the Wilder would be left with even less incentive to use their Wild Surge, beyond the risk of enervation. Also, at higher levels this breaks down very bad - 3 Wild Surges later you can have a 20th level manifester with a manifester level of 17. 3 Wild Surges after that, they're at manifester level 14. At that point the Wilder is not going to be able to contribute to a 20th level encounter.
As a parallel example, would you put a depleted 14th level Wizard into a 20th level encounter? Remember also the fact that there is no scaling for the powers. It just doesn't seem fair on the Wilder. I'll try another example that highlights this in a ludicrous way.
Every time the fighter uses a full attack action, they lose one of their iterative attacks.
Not good, eh? :D
I'm still working on my notes, I'll post more later.
LazarX |
very interested in seeing this.
Wilder w/ d8 and 2 good saves, with some bloodline-like special powers?
Psion with d6 and discipline powers like a wizard? yes.
Soulknife w/ full bab (goes w/ his d10 now quite nicely)...heck yes.
psychic warrior could probably stay just where he is...with the increased feat #, he's probably still solid in the middle.
if you have that .pdf kicking around, i'd be very happy to see it
swordsmantodd (at) yahoo (dot) com, thank you very much!
-the hamster
This is one instance with the linking of BAB to hit dice upsets a balance applecart. I see two ways to a solution here.
1. make an exception and leave the soulknife BAB and Hitdice where they are.
2. Scrap at least both psi classes from scratch and either rebuild or combine.
3. Or simply just admit that psionics is simply a bad fit from anything save an extremely variant D20 world like Eberron or Arcanis.
hogarth |
This is one instance with the linking of BAB to hit dice upsets a balance applecart. I see two ways to a solution here.
1. make an exception and leave the soulknife BAB and Hitdice where they are.
2. Scrap at least both psi classes from scratch and either rebuild or combine.
3. Or simply just admit that psionics is simply a bad fit from anything save an extremely variant D20 world like Eberron or Arcanis.
4. Have pity on the poor Soulknife and give him full BAB (because that's what they should have given him in the first place). :-)
psionichamster |
psionichamster wrote:very interested in seeing this.
Wilder w/ d8 and 2 good saves, with some bloodline-like special powers?
Psion with d6 and discipline powers like a wizard? yes.
Soulknife w/ full bab (goes w/ his d10 now quite nicely)...heck yes.
psychic warrior could probably stay just where he is...with the increased feat #, he's probably still solid in the middle.
if you have that .pdf kicking around, i'd be very happy to see it
swordsmantodd (at) yahoo (dot) com, thank you very much!
-the hamster
This is one instance with the linking of BAB to hit dice upsets a balance applecart. I see two ways to a solution here.
1. make an exception and leave the soulknife BAB and Hitdice where they are.
2. Scrap at least both psi classes from scratch and either rebuild or combine.
3. Or simply just admit that psionics is simply a bad fit from anything save an extremely variant D20 world like Eberron or Arcanis.
don't see why soulknife SHOULDN'T get full-bab...the only other class feature they get is really a free weapon.
psychic strike and the like are not comparable to sneak attack, and at level 13 he becomes as good at dropping animals as a Ray of Stupidity (Lvl 2 sorc/wiz spell)
so, either he is worse than a 3.5ed fighter (as far as power level), or gets bumped up to about on par with him. Although, he would occupy a similar role as the monk, hitting a little harder and not having quite so many movement/status affecting special tricks.
wilder should serve as a basis for a "gish" character...decent attack ability, decent ability to throw a small amount of powers, decent armor class and save-ability.
bump them up to d8 hd, to go with their 3/4 bab, leave everything else as is, maybe some kind of save increase, and you're set.
psychic warriors, i would say, are right about where it should be, and with a greater pool of feats to pull from, their place is ok.
psions need an overhaul, to match wizards, i would assume. Psi-Like abilities some times/day, and some at-will minor abilities, like the specialist wizard, and you're set.
fine tuning them will come, once a base can be agreed upon.
LazarX |
I wasn't thinking complete over haul but more of bringing them inline with alpha changes.He is my rough thoughts.
1st psicraft cover concentration
ok Psion
HD changes to a d6
Disciplines become school like. its kinda easy so far as each discipline has a set number of powers it brakes down like so
2nd 1st level power 1/day per 2 levels
4th-2nd level power 1/day
6th-3rd level power 1/day
8th-4th level power like ability
10th-5th level power 1/day
12th-6th level power 1/day
14th 7th level power 1/day
16th-8th level power 1/day
18th-9th level power 1/day
20th- capstone powerall powers are also added to the list of known powers kinda like bounes
1st try at telepath
1st-Daze 30ft range,it only works on a subject 1 time that day
2nd-Mindlink 1/day per 2 levels
4th-read thoughts 1/day
6th-false sensory input 1/day
8th-memory mastery:modify memory at will as power up to 5 min per level per day
10th-mind prob 1/day
12th-mind switch lesser 1/day
14th-crises of life 1/day
16th-mind seed 1/day
18th-psychic chirurgery 1/day
20th-true mind switch at willpsychic warrior is fine as is
Mind blade up the BAB or drop the HD
wilder HD goes to d8 beyond that I am not surethoughts?
Way too much freely given, unless these are all the abilities the psion is getting and you're just dropping the power point system altogether. I also find the suggested 16th and 20th level at will powers extremely questionable, they're just too good. Take this excercise add the power cost of those powers cast at level and compare them to the psions total power pt total. you'll find that in comparison to what the arcanists get, the psis are gettinga daily package that would cost a far greater slice of thier daily quota.
Crimson-Hawk |
I'm hoping that it'll all be done by the end of next week, but we'll have to see how things go. I'll certainly keep posting on this thread and will post a link to the file when it's done.
I wanted to thank you for the support you gave me on my "Psychic Bloodline" thread. Since your efforts here far more completely handles the "problem" I was trying to solve in my thread, I am most definately interested and supportive of what you're doing here.
I look forward to what you have in store for us. Thank you so much for your hard work!
--Dale W. Robbins
seekerofshadowlight |
seekerofshadowlight wrote:Way too much freely given, unless these are all the abilities the psion is getting and you're just dropping the power point system altogether. I also find the suggested 16th and 20th level at will powers extremely questionable, they're just too good. Take this excercise add the power cost of those powers cast at level and compare them to the psions total power pt total. you'll find that in comparison to what the arcanists get, the psis are gettinga daily package that would cost a far greater slice of thier daily quota.I wasn't thinking complete over haul but more of bringing them inline with alpha changes.He is my rough thoughts.
1st psicraft cover concentration
ok Psion
HD changes to a d6
Disciplines become school like. its kinda easy so far as each discipline has a set number of powers it brakes down like so
2nd 1st level power 1/day per 2 levels
4th-2nd level power 1/day
6th-3rd level power 1/day
8th-4th level power like ability
10th-5th level power 1/day
12th-6th level power 1/day
14th 7th level power 1/day
16th-8th level power 1/day
18th-9th level power 1/day
20th- capstone powerall powers are also added to the list of known powers kinda like bounes
1st try at telepath
1st-Daze 30ft range,it only works on a subject 1 time that day
2nd-Mindlink 1/day per 2 levels
4th-read thoughts 1/day
6th-false sensory input 1/day
8th-memory mastery:modify memory at will as power up to 5 min per level per day
10th-mind prob 1/day
12th-mind switch lesser 1/day
14th-crises of life 1/day
16th-mind seed 1/day
18th-psychic chirurgery 1/day
20th-true mind switch at willpsychic warrior is fine as is
Mind blade up the BAB or drop the HD
wilder HD goes to d8 beyond that I am not surethoughts?
yes thats why i said work in progress but they are the ones they get from there discipline at them levels.More a formula then a finished work
Zynete RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |
Zynete wrote:Most classes lose something to gain their new abilities.I don't quite understand what you're saying here, could you explain? :D
Clerics got spell-like abilities, but lost their domain spell slot. Other classes also gained some things, but more often than not those abilities were relatively minor in my opinion. Basically I was trying to say that giving them psi-like abilities for free might be a tad too much.
Zynete wrote:Also I somewhat dislike the ability to just manifest the highest-level power over and over until all the power points are gone.This is only one option a psionic character has. Remember that 'highest level' means something quite different between psionics and magic. Also, psionic powers don't scale, so pp have to spent to boost lower level powers where as the magic user gets free scaling (e.g. 1d6 damage per level etc.).
I mention this because often, with augmentation, the lower level powers can kick more ass than the higher level ones.
I agree that lower level powers can sometimes be better in a situation that higher level ones, higher level powers are higher level for a reason. The augmentation usually just combines the scaling damage that casters get for free combine with the equivalent of a heighten spell (or sometimes a quicken spell).
The power up makes them good, but a heightened burning hands is still no match for a fireball (even without the damage cap). Even though there some situations where you might prefer the smaller cone, the large burst is more powerful.
There is the same situation with powers, heavily augmented powers are still less powerful that un-augmented powers of the same cost, although there are situations where the lower level would be have a specific advantage in a certain case.
Zynete wrote:My suggestion is that when a manifester uses the highest-level power available to a class, that the manifester level for that class drops by one (minimum 1) until they rest.This doesn't really work - the Wilder would be left with even less incentive to use their Wild Surge, beyond the risk of enervation. Also, at higher levels this breaks down very bad - 3 Wild Surges later you can have a 20th level manifester with a manifester level of 17. 3 Wild Surges after that, they're at manifester level 14. At that point the Wilder is not going to be able to contribute to a 20th level encounter.
As a parallel example, would you put a depleted 14th level Wizard into a 20th level encounter? Remember also the fact that there is no scaling for the powers. It just doesn't seem fair on the Wilder. I'll try another example that highlights this in a ludicrous way.
Every time the fighter uses a full attack action, they lose one of their iterative attacks.
Not good, eh? :D
I'm still working on my notes, I'll post more later.
Their Wild Surge is not the reason for the drop. It is the fact they chose to manifest microcosm six times (or some other combination of 9th level powers). She could have easily manifested microcosm three times without surging and still be at manifester level 17. She could have just as easily manifested a fully augmented insanity with her most powerful wild surge six times and still have a manifester level of 20.
Also I find it kinda odd that you said before that it was just only one option a psionic character had and now this psionic character is treating it like it is the only option they have. ;)
If a wizard cast five 9th level spells, then follows that up by casting five 8th level spells, then they would probably be back to having the best spells they could cast at be the same as when they were 14th level.
I believe the more appropriate example would be, every time a fighter uses a full attack action he takes a full attack action his BAB drops by one (until he rests), if it drops low enough that he loses one of his iterative attacks he stops losing BAB.
I think that there should be something to stop the near unlimited (compared to the wizard, manifesting 20+ 9th level powers is pretty much unlimited) manifestation of high-level powers. I considered other options (powers/day for highest-level powers or power points/encounter limit that caused pain when exceeded) but thought they were too complicated.
I'm not sure that my way is the best option, but I believe that it should be answered in a way other than saying, "Psionic characters don't have to expend their most powerful abilities as fast as they can," while I am forced to think, "but there is nothing stopping them from doing so."
hogarth |
Clerics got spell-like abilities, but lost their domain spell slot. Other classes also gained some things, but more often than not those abilities were relatively minor in my opinion. Basically I was trying to say that giving them psi-like abilities for free might be a tad too much.
Yes...but generalist wizards also got some stuff for free, presumably to give players a reason to stay as a single-classed wizard rather than taking a prestige class instead. I'm not sure it's a great idea, but it seems to be the "Pathfinder philosophy" at any rate.
If a wizard cast five 9th level spells, then follows that up by casting five 8th level spells, then they would probably be back to having the best spells they could cast at be the same as when they were 14th level.
Wilders (and to a lesser extent, psions) are more like sorcerers (IMO). Would you punish a 10th level sorcerer for casting the same 5th level spell three times? That seems unnecessarily punitive.
Zynete RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |
Zynete wrote:Clerics got spell-like abilities, but lost their domain spell slot. Other classes also gained some things, but more often than not those abilities were relatively minor in my opinion. Basically I was trying to say that giving them psi-like abilities for free might be a tad too much.Yes...but generalist wizards also got some stuff for free, presumably to give players a reason to stay as a single-classed wizard rather than taking a prestige class instead. I'm not sure it's a great idea, but it seems to be the "Pathfinder philosophy" at any rate.
It wasn't a very good reason, just a quick comment.
Zynete wrote:If a wizard cast five 9th level spells, then follows that up by casting five 8th level spells, then they would probably be back to having the best spells they could cast at be the same as when they were 14th level.Wilders (and to a lesser extent, psions) are more like sorcerers (IMO). Would you punish a 10th level sorcerer for casting the same 5th level spell three times? That seems unnecessarily punitive.
If the other option is to see the 10th level sorcerer cast the same 5th level spell ten or more times, yes.
0gre |
Yes...but generalist wizards also got some stuff for free, presumably to give players a reason to stay as a single-classed wizard rather than taking a prestige class instead. I'm not sure it's a great idea, but it seems to be the "Pathfinder philosophy" at any rate.
Sure, but very few people played generalist wizards because specialists were arguably much more powerful. One spell per level at the cost of giving up enchantment and some other school?... it was irresistible for most people. Heck diviners just had to give up enchantment.
-- dennis
tallforadwarf |
@Crimson-Hawk - Thanks bud, your Psychic bloodline rocks. If you want to share some of your ideas here, feel free to do so. :D
@Zynete - Thanks for explaining what you meant. I didn't realize that you were referring to the changes from 3.X to Pathfinder. I thought you meant as each class leveled up!
Re: the other stuff. I get your point although this has never really been a big problem in any of our games which regularly feature Psionics. See, the strengths of the two systems are different and the psychic 'caster' has the option of blowing their wad right off the bat. There are some serious disadvantages to doing so, but if this is a regular problem, I can only think that the manifesting PC is not worried about where their ppp are coming from.
Our play styles mean that the PCs never know what's going to happen and would be worried about just blasting off level 9 power after level 9 power. Also the biggest stuff with psionics is often the mid to upper range stuff, not the top levels as they can't be fully augmented.
Lets not forget that overall, magic is quite a bit more powerful than Psionics. What Psionics offers is versatility. Years of playing a Sorcerer , a Wizard and Psion side by side has 'proved' this, at least to our group.
I've finished the Wilder and started work on both the Soul Knife and the Psion. The Soul Knife needs a heck of boost, it's quite a bit further behind than it looks on paper. I've put the BAB to full and have started working through my playtest notes.
The real problem with the Soul Knife is that it doesn't have a concrete role, tugged in the direction of Fighter, Ranger and Rogue. Any and all suggestions are welcome!
theporkchopxpress |
I just wanted to toss a question out on this. Before I do, I did want to add that I really like some of the things I am hearing about adding some Psionic conversion so the Pathfinder rules. Quite Cool! :-)
Now, I was wondering if there were plans in the works for adding weapon or armor training to the Psychic Warrior, to bring them more in line with what the fighter has been enhanced with? I do not think they would have Weapon or Armor Mastery, but the training seems like a logical way to go.
tallforadwarf |
I just wanted to toss a question out on this. Before I do, I did want to add that I really like some of the things I am hearing about adding some Psionic conversion so the Pathfinder rules. Quite Cool! :-)
Awesome! Glad you like what's going on - great to have you aboard!
Now, I was wondering if there were plans in the works for adding weapon or armor training to the Psychic Warrior, to bring them more in line with what the fighter has been enhanced with? I do not think they would have Weapon or Armor Mastery, but the training seems like a logical way to go.
Yes, the Psychic Warrior has both weapon and armor training. They also have armor mastery and a toned down version of weapon mastery. The Psychic Warrior is the class we've playtested the most (out of the XPH) in our group, so we're confident this'll be bang on.
Stay tuned!
LazarX |
Is there really a reason to not just use the SRD psi classes as they are? They were later generation character types and they didn't suffer from the problems that made most of the core classes small level dip startups to other things.
tallforadwarf |
Is there really a reason to not just use the SRD psi classes as they are? They were later generation character types and they didn't suffer from the problems that made most of the core classes small level dip startups to other things.
I think so. The Soul Knife and Wilder are so far behind the core classes, it's not funny. The Psion is okay, but a small distance behind the Wizard and Sorcerer. The Psychic Warrior is almost spot on.
However, this was before 3P came along and revamped the core classes.
Now they are all considerably under-powered. It's not about 'dipping', as the psionic classes didn't really offer much incentive to 'dip' (a good thing as dipping, IMHO, should be discouraged). For me, this is about my Psychic Warrior and Psion players enjoying themselves when I DM. Difficult to do when everyone else has much more stuff and is considerably stronger than you. :D
tallforadwarf |
It's looking good, about 95% finished. I'm just looking over things, making some last minute changes and taking care of the formatting. Which will no doubt get screwed up by the conversion to PDF and require more formatting.... ;p
I should get it up either Friday or Saturday, Sunday at the very latest.
Monkeygod |
Hopefully Dreamscarred Press will be doing the official Pathfinder Psionics book. They already have a lot of kickass material, all of which is available as PDFs on their site. Also, they have created a solid revision of the Soulknife and Wilder, along with several new base classes. There has been some communication tween them and Paizo, but i don't think anything will be decided until after Beta is released at least.