The Strange Life and Times of Bill Quiverpike (Inactive)

Game Master Signore di Fortuna

A yearly festival for the great bard, Bill Quiverpike, doesn't go as expected this year. Map o' Fightin'

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"Alas, this heart of mine knows no good nor evil, but simply that it wants to love and be loved. I would climb mountains to sing of your beauty, I would also commit the foulest of deeds for your smile. Just remember that of me when I lay on my deathbed. Do not call the priests and pray for my forgiveness. If Hell I've courted and brought you into my arms, then Hell I deserve, its flames a reminder of my burning passion." -Bill Quiverpike

Bill Quiverpike was the greatest bard (halfling or otherwise) of the modern era. His plays are known throughout the civilized world. Since his death five years ago, every year on the auspicious day of his birth, a festival is held in the town of Strotfeld. Numerous folk come from all over the world to see his historic home and sit in on the many performances of his works. During the festival, people visit with matchmakers, renew their wedding vows and go sailing upon the romantic Avern river.
A select number of people are chosen to take a tour of Quiverpike's home and see his prized possession, the Stone of Verona. The Stone of Verona was rumored to grant the holder the words that would melt his or her beloved's heart.
Being seasoned adventurers with your share of heartbreak, you decide to take a trip to Strotfeld and try your hand at finding new romance. The boat fares are discounted for this occasion and, who knows, you might just find another adventure around the corner.

So, here's the weird experiment part: there is little combat in this game. This is a more investigative/heavy roleplay game. The "goal" would be to find that one romance that has always eluded you.

Here's the crunch: 3rd level characters, any races from the ARG, any classes from the CRB, APG, UC or UM, 20 pt. buy, 3000 starting gold, two traits (including ones from Ultimate Campaign), and you have to come up with one romantic tragedy (or lack of romance) from your past for your backstory.

I'm looking for 4-6 players.I know this will be a turn-off for some, but I hope some might be interested in a different "romantic" game. I'll close recruitment on Sunday and hope for the best.

I'm interested... Should be interesting, honestly. Building an elven bard, I should think.

Here's the alias! I will continue to build him when I have time!

- Winwaar

Good deal. I look forward to seeing the finished character.

Sounds interesting... I`ll figure something out, perhaps.

I think I might be interested in something like this. I will have to get back to you with a character sometime tomorrow. Sounds like it could be fun.

Sovereign Court

I would like to state the GM is quite reliable for posting and makes good use of visualization with his writing.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Color my interests piqued.

I should have a character concept in a day or so.

Thank you for the endorsement, Stratos :)

Are we permitted to take liberties with the setting world? That is, make stuff up for our backstories?

EDIT: Also, how do we determine HP? Should we roll it here?

This is Phaedra's Alias. Will have more details later, this is just what I have so far.

Well, I do have a setting that I use for my homebrew games. Here is a map. The area I've circled in red, Valania, is where the game takes place. The areas I've circled in blue are places you cannot be from: Zahvroma, The Frozen Wastes or the Orc Territory. The area I circled in green, Sirrion, requires you to be a refugee.

As far as making stuff up, you have a lot of leeway and I'll let you know if something doesn't mesh, but I'm pretty laid-back about it.

If you want to be from Valania, there is a local language. Valanian is like French.

As for hit points, I should have mentioned, take full hp for every level.

GM Henry Fortuna wrote:

Well, I do have a setting that I use for my homebrew games. Here is a map. The area I've circled in red, Valania, is where the game takes place. The areas I've circled in blue are places you cannot be from: Zahvroma, The Frozen Wastes or the Orc Territory. The area I circled in green, Sirrion, requires you to be a refugee.

As far as making stuff up, you have a lot of leeway and I'll let you know if something doesn't mesh, but I'm pretty laid-back about it.

If you want to be from Valania, there is a local language. Valanian is like French.

As for hit points, I should have mentioned, take full hp for every level.

Good to know, boss. Thanks. :)

Shadow Lodge

I should have something more for this soon, but I finished the stat block and felt like bumping the thread.

Stat Block:

Fiona Aoibhe Ó Cléirigh
Female half-elf urban druid 3
NG Medium humanoid (human, elf)
Init +2; Senses low light vision, Perception +8
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 24 (3d8)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7; +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects, fear and death effects
Spd 30 ft.
Melee mwk composite longbow +5 (1d8/x3)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (caster level 3rd, concentration +6)
6/day – inspiring word (+2 to attack, skill, ability, saving throws 1 round)
Spells Known (caster level 3rd, concentration +6)
2nd (7/day) – enthrall (DC 15), barkskin, wilderness soldiers
1st (7/day) – divine favor, faerie fire, produce flame, liberating command
0 – create water, detect magic, light, purify food and drink
Domain Nobility
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency (longbow), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Skills Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +8, Spellcraft +6, Survival +10, Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Swim +4 All skills listed are class skills.… Acrobatics +2, Climb +0
Traits Reincarnated, Worldly
Languages Common, Elven, Druidic, Sylvan
Combat Gear mwk composite longbow, +1 cloak of resistance, wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), mwk leather armor consumables under gear below
Special Abilities ancestral arms (longbow), keen senses, spontaneous domain spells, nature senses, wild empathy +5


Fiona is one of the Keepers of the City, a prestigious people that watch over the healthy growth of a city in the same way that a gardener watches his garden. In tune with cobblestone as much as any of her naturalistic druidic brethren, Fiona is connected to people and history with an invisible thread that guides her actions. Her closeness to the world, her natural breath of knowledge and her tendency to act much older than she is, however, is often confused for a personality quirk than an obvious symptom of the crux of her entire existence.

Ever since Fiona was a little girl, she has had dreams of another life and a long-lost love. In her dreams, she is always the same age as herself-- but in each memory is the presence of a man who has her heart enraptured. Everything she's ever wanted in a partner is embodied in this phantom hero who sweeps her off her feet whenever she sleeps. Every move he makes is perfect. In the real world, however, there is no such luck.

Fiona's relationships have suffered and failed all because of her recurring dreams. As a keeper of the city, Fiona comes in contact with all kinds of people-- and often she finds herself interacting with some of the most interesting men in the world. However, no one can actually live up to the literal man of her dreams, and these vague memories always cause their blossoming love to wither instead.

Long suffering because of her ethereal suitor, Fiona has set out to the village of Strotfeld to try to find a way to end her curse. But what Fiona doesn't know is that her dreams aren't dreams-- they're memories from a past life. Her soul reincarnated, Fiona unconsciously seeks out her lover from her last incarnation, unable to accept any but him. Whether or not he exists or that Fiona will ever meet him is the curse she holds, and one that perhaps Fate conspires to soon end.

Yesss! I have completed my character!

*Looks back at the backstory he just wrote*

Damn... I really must not like him... His life has sucked.

EDIT: Should I make him a half-elf? It seems we have a lot of them. xD

EDIT II: Ack! Forgot that Sirrion requires refugee status. Will have to switch that. Fairly easy, though.

lol. I guess half-elves are popular for being broken-hearted?

Must be. Well, to be fair, they do get sort of the best and worst of both worlds. >_>

Very true. As far as being a refugee from Sirrion, it's not that much of a stigma in the southern parts of the world, so if you have a back story that works with running from human slavers, go for it.

Oh, I just changed the location. Hopefully, it still works... The Island is much smaller than Sirrion. x_x

Awesome job there, Ithelien.

Thank you! I did my best, and this is really right up my alley.

Well, hopefully Irnk will put up a character so we'll have four at least.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll get one up today, I promise!

Do you happen to have an asia-esque local on your gameworld GM? I have a Luna Lovegood/Wednesday Addams/Bride with the White Hair Elven White-Haired Witch character I have been playing around with for some time that might go interestingly in this situation.

Hahaha. Is Ithelien the only male here? ... That could prove amusing, if only at first. xD

EDIT: Dammit, Fiona. That spoilered backstory is whispering sweet temptation to me. Must resist, to ensure more fun later....

@Irnk: Jin Zhao would be the local for you.

@Ithelien: Yup, you're the token male.

GM Henry Fortuna wrote:
@Ithelien: Yup, you're the token male.

Ohh... He's going to enjoy this far, far too much. Well, at least, a part of him will.

... I'm looking forwards to this.

Until mobs of women chase you around. How many guys do you realistically think would go to a place which is practically a giant Valentine's Day festival?

Oh, come now! That's the best part!

... How many potions of bear's endurance can I purchase?

Just kidding. >_>

More seriously, though, he's in his natural environment. Flirting is like breathing!

lol. We'll see where that gets you ;)

Well, wherever it gets me, I'm sure it'll be a fun ride! Just as long as

no one wants emotional attachments...

Then you're heading to the wrong festival :P

Well, yes, but still. xD He is going to have some fun, no doubt... How long it lasts is a different question.

EDIT: Ooh, discussion thread's open. Would you prefer us to leave that until we get the game going, or can we take random questions there now?

I opened the discussion thread. I think further interest beyond you four is unlikely.

Oh, go ahead and post in there :)

Gotcha, boss.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ok, After considerable consideration, I have changed my mind about the Witch.
May I present Vinccenso Pruffi, refugee wizard.

Born the youngest son of the Pruffi family Patriarch, Vinccenso was made painfully aware from an early age that he was, at best superfluous. His filial value rose, slightly, when it became apparent that he had significant innate talent for the arcane arts...
Enough so that Amicus Falco, greatest War-Mage of his generation within the nation-state of Sirrion offered him an apprenticeship. An offer the Pruffi family Patriarch happily accepted as it meant, to his mind at least, one less mouth to feed.
Vinccenso found that life apprenticed to a War-Mage agreed with him, though he didn't take to the discipline of martial magery any more than adequately at best; the constant travel, experience with different places & situations and the camaraderie of the soldiers with whom he found himself constantly, spoke to him in ways life as the least son of a minor family never did.
Particularly when he met Annalisse Mercuri.
The only child of a several generations long military tradition, Annalisse was almost everything Vinccenso wasn't; dutiful, disciplined, attentive to the consequences of her actions & the actions of those about her; the two of them clashed at almost every meeting. Only Vinccenso's clear utility & potential saved him from summary dismissal long enough for the two of them to recognize a mutual regard.
A regard shattered in the events which have since been called by the survivors only 'the diaspora'.

At nineteen, Vinccenso is a lanky, loose-limbed individual, standing noticeably over six foot in height; with an insouciant manner & a smirk that even divine wrath has difficulty removing.

'I will go down with this ship. I will not put my hands up in surrender. There will be no white flag upon my door.
I'm in love & always will be.'

About those things & people Vinccenso cares, he cares deeply. At the same time, life as a refugee with no family, no loved ones & no real home has lead him to the conclusion that in the eyes of the world & the gods around him, he is nothing more than a commodity...
And a commodity does not offer anything of itself freely.

I'm going to hold off introducing him in the Discussion thread until you have given me the go-ahead GM.

edit: Never Mind.

Well, I guess Ithelien is going to have to share now ;P

Is there still time to apply for this?

Yes, there is.


I'll get something done after I've updated my own game. :P

Well, here's the finished character. I've roleplayed before, but this is my first PbP, so please be patient with me.

Of course.

Tesia wrote:
Well, here's the finished character. I've roleplayed before, but this is my first PbP, so please be patient with me.

That's okay! It's only my second. xD

Tesia wrote:
Well, here's the finished character. I've roleplayed before, but this is my first PbP, so please be patient with me.

The only way to improve is with practice. Welcome aboard!

JonGarrett, GM Coluber?

So... I tried to think of something a little more sane, but couldn't. :P So here's Évelyne Sauveterre, seeking love after a (literally) messy breakup.


Like every faithful priestess of Lamashtu, Évelyne has a rather large amount of offspring for her age. But along children, comes a considerable amount of work, almost excessive for one person to handle (even with her rather lax parenting style). So she decided to take a break from the one-night stands and find a more stable partner for herself, to share the parental duties on the majority of the year she isn't adventuring.

And for a while, she thought she had found just that.

Until one morning, she woke up with her chest impaled by a longsword, one bearing the demonic rune of Pazuzu, nonetheless. A swing from her falchion took care of the traitor and a Cure Moderate Wounds of her literal broken heart, but the metaphorical broken heart wasn't so easily mended. Eventually, she came to the conclusion that to forget a past lover, you need a new one; Preferably one that wasn't planning on murdering you all along.


Évelyne Sauveterre
Female human cleric 3
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 dodge)
hp 30 (3d8+6)
Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +6;
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Mwk Falchion +4 (2d4+3/18-20x2)
Spells Prepared (caster level 3rd, concentration +6)
2nd (2+1/day, DC 15) Invisibility, Spiritual Weapon, Open Slot
1st (3+1/day, DC 14) Command, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Open Slot
0 (DC 13) Detect Magic, Guidance, Spark, Stabilize
Domains: Ferocity, Trickery
Str 15, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats: Dodge, Great Fortitude, Warrior Priest

Skills: Diplomacy +8 (3 ranks), Bluff +5 (1 rank), Linguistics +5 (2 ranks) Knowledge(religion) +4 (1 rank), Spellcraft +4 (1 rank), Sense Motive +9 (3 ranks), Heal +7 (1 rank)
Traits: Ease of Faith, Voice of Monsters
Languages: Common, Valanian, Abyssal, Gnoll
Combat Gear: Mwk Falchion, Mwk Chain shirt,
Special Abilities: Channel Energy 2d6 (4/day, DC 12), Copycat (3 rounds, 6/day), Ferocious Strike (6/day)

So... Yeah. :P I hope that at least I didn't put off anyone. If the alignment is a problem, I could make her CN without much problems, since she's in the northern part of the CE square anyway.

I think the desire for love and companionship doesn't mesh too well with CE, so a switch to CN would probably be best. Sounds good, go ahead and dip your feet in the Discussion and Gameplay threads.

Yeah, CN is pretty wild as is. I mean, I'm just north of CN myself, so...

All right, I'll get that and the alias done... Tomorrow. I'll have to wake up in five hours. :/

Get thee to a bed, sir/madam/other!

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