Strange Loops; An Eberron game


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For those of you who follow Iri to the temple. Ellirayne, when you step outside, the warmth of the sun can be felt very strongly on your mark. In fact, it seems to tingle pleasantly, as if it was going to burst out with radiant light.

Service has already started this morning, and you gather in, as quietly as you can, to listen to the High Priestess finish her sermon.

" a blessing! The heat is as a gentle flame. To comfort our bodies, to light our path, and to burn away disease, pain, suffering, and Evil. Blessed is the Flame that lights our path. Blessed is Irian that warms our hearts."

The audience repeats the blessing, and a moment of silence is observed. "May the flame be with you."

Solinthas steps up to the podium to finish the service.

"And may the Flame light your path as well. These times are tough, and though the presence of Arch-Hierophant Morr and of the Plane of Irian are equally unexpected, I know in my heart that they are both gifts to us. Service is ended, I hope to see you tomorrow, brighter than ever."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Irirangi waits with Merreck (and any of the others who are with us) until the service ends and them makes her way towards Solinthas's chamber.

She pauses by the guards. "Holy Solinthas has a task for us. May we see him?"

"Yes, of course," the guard states. "But I can't guarantee that he'll be alone. Morr's been by his side since she showed up. While she's wrapping up the sermon, now's as good a time as any to catch him."

The guards wave you on to Solinthas' chamber. Through his open door, you spy him shuffling some papers. Alone, for the time being.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Holy Solinthas"

Irirangi bows respectfully.

"I think we are in a position to undertake your quest. However, before we discuss the matter, I have a request. This is Merreck ir'Tharias. You may know of him as an explorer of the world's dark places.

It is my thought that his guidance will help us. As you know, some personal danger is involved. In conscience I cannot ask him to help us without sharing the information you gave us with him. I will vouch for his trustworthiness and so will Sillas ir'Vraxeris. Will you accept Merreck's need to know?"

Sillas stands silently behind Irirangi, bowing respectfully when she introduces him. "An honor, sir."

"Priestess, I trust you as leader of this team, to make the right choices. It's all about trust, indeed. If you deem him worthy, then he must be.

Please share with him any information I have already shared with you. Additionally, there are some notes here. And a sealed letter, for your contact in Passage.

His name is Rurin d'Sivis, and he is one of the gnomes that works in the Kundarak vault. He, better than I, can explain the dangers of undertaking such a task. He has done it before, apparently."

Solinthas clears his throat.

"He also expects to be paid for his time. Should you need an advance of the 20,000GP, I can provide that now, for supplies and equipment."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Sillas, how much money should we ask for? I've no idea."

"An advance would be very helpful. There will be considerable expenses."

"That is fair. I will give you half now. Rurin mentioned a fee approximating 3,000GP, leaving you 7,000GP to spend wisely. Of course, if you manage to negotiate a different price with him, or decide not to use his services altogether, the 3,000 is yours to do with as you please."

Solinthas opens a chest from across the room, and slides it over to Irirangi.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri takes the money, the notes and the letter and bows again.

"Our thanks. May the flame burn brightly for us all."

As she turns to go, a sudden thought strikes her.

"This may be irrelevant, but does the High Priestess know why Irian has appeared like this? Anything unusual that could impact upon our mission should be investigated I think."

Solinthas sighs heavily.

"I wish I knew. If she does know anything, she's not sharing. She thinks it's a blessing, of sorts, even if it is out of schedule. Either way, Irian's presence should not hinder you, but rather it should help. All your curative spells will be more powerful while it's near to us."

Solinthas bows at the group.

"May the Flame light your path."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

After taking a formal leave of Solinthas, Iri hurries from the temple with the others.

"Let's get out of here and see what he has to say shall we. He's a wonderful man and a great one too in his way, but whenever I see him I feel so formal and I can't breath properly. Merreck, this is the deal..."

She explains the problem of the bank, the amulet, the death of Delphis and the potential world-ending plot as quickly as possible.

OK DM, unveil the mysteries of the notes and the letter.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


I would like to see if I can speak with Zillia...
It's not as if she is my "superior" per se, but with my actual teacher gone,
I just wanted to check in with her, and she might even have some info relevant to this scenario...
"Did someone mention something about a special shopping trip?"

Iri; the notes basically provide an in-game excuse for you all to remember everything that has been said regarding the job. Feel free to destroy them once you feel your characters can remember it all. The letter is sealed and intended for Rurin d'Sivis. Do you want to break the seal?

Starlan, of course you can go see Zillia, just make sure you all agree on a time and place to meet for tonight's take off.

Feel free to divide the cash how you all see fit. Buying wands, scrolls, potions, etc and arcane keys is important if you want to bypass magical locks. If you have another plan entirely, that's cool too. I don't expect you to have the breakdown of the heist anywhere near perfect yet. Talking to Rurin will give you plenty more information about what to expect and how to overcome it. You can even buy supplies in Passage, but I would also caution against being too obvious or drawing too much attention while you're there. "Hi, excuse me, I was hoping to purchase some invisibility potions, some lockpicks, and some bear repellant."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri carefully puts away the letter to Rurin.

"It's a shame we can't read it, but I don't suppose it says anything we don't already know."

She looks at them all hopefully.

"Could someone else go shopping? For one thing, I should go and talk to Joseph and for another, I have no clue what to buy."

"Fun sucker. I love going shopping."

Female Half Elf Sorceress 2

Blarg, sorry I've been ill and I'm trying to catch up. If in doubt assume Elli is coming along and keeping quiet and thoughtful until the group finally head off on ship at which point she'll perk up I'm sure

"I'd be up for finding us appropriate gear for this little jaunt to Passage. Merreck, you have more experience at planning adventures than I do, would you mind coming along?"

"Well, damn, now I know I'm in the wrong head."

"Not at all. I figure some rope. An arcane key or two. Some potions of invisibility or flying, and maybe something to let you climb on walls would be good. Scrolls would be cheaper, but that would require someone to activate them, and I sure as hells can't."

Merreck's eyes glint at the prospect of spending money.

"How much of your advance do you want me to spend on supplies? I know a guy, I can get a bit of a discount, but I can't promise any miracles."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"How much do you think you'll need?"

"Lady, I could spend it all in a heartbeat. Don't tempt me. I think a couple k's will equip us all quite well. We'll go pick up some stuff here, and then the rest of it when we get to Passage, once we have a better idea of what we're up against. I imagine chatting with this Sivis fellow will reveal a lot. Who knows what their defences are like."

Don't worry, I'm not going to spend all your money. But if you give Merreck an inch, he'll take a mile. Shopping is fun.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Two thousand? Take a thousand. See what you can get. Use your influence. Tell them Gregor Biasharan may be prepared to send business their way."

"Don't let him bankrupt us. I have to go and find Joseph."

Irirangi is not the daughter of rich merchants for nothing. She can't do this stuff herself, but she's got an idea how it works.

Sillas smiles slightly "Yes, I imagine that between us we might be able to drop a few names worthy of a slight discount."

'Don't worry. I'll keep him from going too far.'

Not sure if you want to RP this, or just meet up later with these provisions.

After a short while haggling with the shopkeepers at the retailing outlet of the Academy, Merreck returns with a handful of stuff and a big grin; he is also 1,000gp poorer than when he went in.

"Look at these!," Merreck says, pointing to a mere handful of glass vials and crisp parchment. "This little vial just needs to be drunk, and it will make someone invisible for a short while. These 5 however are a work of genius. Interestingly enough, these 5 potions were made by trackers, trappers, and magic men of the wild. Druids, you know. A weird lot. Anyway, these ironic little things make it so that whoever drinks it becomes untrackable, by scent, sight, sound, anything. You can walk right through mud or water and not leave a single footprint. Handy things if we want to hide our movements."

Merreck unfurls a few of the scrolls. "I hope someone here is better at reading them then I am. I have a little experience, but it's mostly gibberish to me. In a pinch I can activate them, but don't count on me. Take a look-see. Here's another that will make someone or something invisible. This one opens magical and nonmagical locks and doors. A one shot deal here, so best use it wisely. And for a quick, but temporary, getaway, this one does wonders with a rope. I have some rope, so that's covered. If we need to beat a hasty retreat, we just need to climb the rope. It'll make a little extra-dimensional pocket for us."

Beaming and proud of his purchases, he looks at you. "Ready to fly an airship and rob a bank?"


Potion of Invisibility
5x potion of pass without trace
1 scroll of knock
1 scroll of invisibility
1 scroll of rope trick

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

I nod at the exchange, thinking what the neighborhood gang would thing of THIS.

"I agree, we can pick up some stuff in Passage, or Stormhome, but we'd be best to avoid getting stuff most immediately connectable to our task. Like these Arcane Keys. Probably best not to pick THOSE up in Passage... We could try in Stormhome, or here in Sharn, a good number must change hands regularly, even if they are illegal."

"...Was there anything else we wanted to do together before leaving, or should we all meet up at an agreed time....? Do you prefer a certain location? <to the Twins, who have the Airship>"

I can't particularly think of any supplies at the moment, but next time I post, I might have thought of something... I guess most of us have some loose ends to tie up temporarily...?

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

DM, Iri wants to check the strangeness of Irian appearing before she heads out to Passage. Merreck went on his spree near the Academy, so her meeting could have happened while the others were shopping. Or could be happening, or be about to happen or whatever tense is most appropriate here.



While the others are out shopping in preparation for your trip, you decide to go visit Joseph at the Academy. They are shopping around Morgrave, so it's a quick walk to go see the Professor. His office door is unlocked, strangely, and it seems that he left in a bit of a hurry. A half-eaten breakfast sits on his table, a quill-pen sticking out of a half-eaten bun.

There are some strange elliptical drawings on the desk, mostly scrap, but obviously concerning the rotations of the planes.

Leaving the office, the secretary snaps her fingers to get Iri's attention.

"Are you looking for someone? Oh, the Professor? He ran out not an hour earlier. Something to do with the sun, I think he said. He mumbles a lot, you see. And something about a special advanced studies course he's teaching. He's only got a couple students in that one. Whatever he went running after is obviously pretty important. He brought a bunch of books with him, but I don't know where he went. He said he'd be back at the latest, tomorrow morning. You can try for him again tomorrow, if you'd like."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

DM Dahn


Thanking the secretary, Iri asks if she can use the office for a moment to write a note to the professor and slips back inside before she can be told she can't. Once she's back in there, she takes another closer look at everything that might be useful.

Set of rolls to find stuff out in Joseph's office:
In order

Know (Rel)
Prof (Scholar)
Know (Pla)
(1d20 7=16, 1d20 7=14, 1d20 8=19, 1d20 10=21, 1d20 3=17)



Of those rolls, your Spellcraft and Planes checks are both going to be given bonuses by your Profession check, especially if you spend some time with his notes and books. Your perception check will certainly help you FIND the stuff in the first place, as it is quite messy.

The secretary doesn't seem to mind, and waves you back again.

Spending some time with Joseph's notes, you learn a few things. Primarily, that his writing is very messy, as is his office. Things are scattered everywhere, in piles that must make sense to Joseph, but no sense to anyone else.

Apparently, Irian is early in it's manifestation. It shouldn't happen for another year. Even so, it is never as 'present' as this. It's effects could be felt for sure, but it's never been visible or perceptible. When it is on it's usual schedule, it is present and palpable for 10 days. He's not sure if this manifestation will be shorter or longer.

Additionnally, Joseph is convinced that something has thrown it off it's orbit; not only is it early, it's much too close. It could have untold effects on healing and curative magic.

He intends to study it more, and has gone to 'Kurala's House of Healing' in the Clifftop district of Sharn, to see if some of his theories are correct.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Kurala's House of Healing

Irirangi commits the name to memory, jots down some notes of Joseph's more comprehensible ideas and rejoins the others.

"I need to take another side trip. To the clifftop district. My old tutor is up there and I really need to see him before we leave. Elli, why don't you come with me? He's a wonderful man, he might be able to help you with your family problems."

She beams at Merreck as he proudly displays his purchases.

"You know, you did a wonderful job. Is there any change?"

"Uh, no. I spent it all. And I'd spend more if I was able."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


I'll drop by Goran's House and see who's home...



As you glide above Goran's compound, you don't notice any activity. Landing and calling out, Zillia meets you at one of the entrances.

"Starlan. You are safe. The ritual is complete, and I am less exhausted than I was. Come in, let me make you a tea, and tell me what you saw. Wing told me you came by yesterday. I'm sorry I wasn't in much of a state to see you."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


CRAP! the board ate my big long post...

I comment on the double Suns,
Explain about the Rings and the others who found it,
Show her the mark & comment how it glowed yesterday, probably some extra-planar energy,
Explain Iri/Solinthas' plan to retrieve the Demonic Amulet before the cult does,
and briefly mention the Twins' have family problems we also might help them with.

And I also comment on the hunting party I met here yesterday,
whom I almost thought were a danger to Zillia, they were so frustrated at not being able to hunt Demons at that exact moment.

Sorry to not post in full conversation style, I just wasn't going to re-type that all over again... Please continue though, I'll jump right back in (and remember to save/copy first!)

Sillas surveys Merreck's purchases, nodding and saying "Good, good. I imagine all of that'll come in handy by the end of this. I spoke to mother and father. They were a surprised and a little curious about the suddeness of the trip, but other than that accepting. I left word for everyone else who'd need to know, so apart from a little packing, I'm ready."
Sillas reaches into the inner pockets of coat and pulls out a sealed letter "And that reminds me...".

What's in Joras' letter? He finally remembered it.



The Note reads as follows;


I need your help. There's something going on, down in The Cogs. I don't know what it is, but some people have gone missing. And even more have been robbed in their homes. The watch won't do anything about it, the beaurocratic pigs. They say it's beyond their jurisdiction, which, to be fair, makes sense.

The rumours I've heard all point to a recent excavation below the city. The chap running the operation is named Vestan ir'Simul. All his workers have abandoned the project, since some of their number have disappeared.

I'm trying to figure it out. I tried to get a hold of Vestan for a comment, but I was unable to reach him. There's something very fishy about it all, and I intend to get to the bottom of it.

Which is why I'm writing you this note. I recognize it's pretty much the opposite of a gift, but I wanted to let you know why I won't be attending your gala tonight. I'm going to slip down there tonight.

Here's a crude little drawing. It should point you to the excavation site...should you need it.

I plan on returning after uncovering whatever I can, but I like to be prepared. If you don't hear from me sometime tomorrow, then I would let the others know.

Be safe, and so will I.


Sillas reads the note, a frown growing as he finishes. Carefully folding the note he looks up at Irirangi, Merreck, and Wingy "Have any of you heard of a fellow named Vestan ir'Simul? He's running an excavation of some kind down in the Cogs."

He hands the letter to Merreck, asking him "When was the last time you heard from Jorras?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

DM Dahn


Has Iri ever heard of this bod?

You can give me know:local checks to see if you've heard anything about Vestan ir'Simul. Otherwise, you may have to ask around. Excavations usually take place on the low levels, as Sharn is built upon an old human city (that was built on an old goblin city). But if he's making any cash out of his excavation, he may live in the upper levels of Sharn. Also, it was a long time ago, so check the intro page for your interactions with Jorras and the others, at the hideaway. I've been trying to get you to read the note since then.

"Jorras? Yesterday, same as you. He was sitting around the table with all of us yesterday, barely touching his drink, I remember, and then he just up and left. He mumbled something about not coming to your party, and that was that. If he did show up last night, I didn't notice. To be fair, most of last night is a blur."

Merreck scans the note.

"This guy never stops. He's always trying to figure stuff out, stick his nose in places it doesn't belong. A fantastic quality, I must add, but I hope it hasn't got him into any trouble. He says here that he'll be back later today. I don't think we should worry. Yet."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Hmmm. Iri does not have know(local) among her knowledges, but she might have picked up something regardless.

Know local (Vestan ir Simul): (1d20=18)

Know (local) 15

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

"Hmm... I've made it down there OCCASIONALLY...
I've heard those excavation things are often quite dangerous for the workers,
collapsing sinkholes, not to mention worse..."

Know(Local) = 17 Aid another?

Starlan and Zillia


Sorry I took so long to get back to you about this; the boards have been weird the last few days. Also, this conversation is happening at a different point in the time-space continuum, so I wanted to clear it up before you guys go taking off!

Zillia is silent as she listens to Starlan’s recounting of the day’s occurrences. Obviously still weak from the ritual, she sits with her eyes closed while Starlan talks, the aromatic steam from their tea wisping around her head. After he finishes, she begins.

“The second sun is not a sun at all, but rather, it is Irian, another Plane of existence. It’s presence worries me. The outer planes all orbit the Material; unchanging, stoic, calculable. Occasionally they touch the Material plane, but never out of schedule. They exist in a perfect balance. Which is what worries me. The warmth and power of Irian may be palpable and welcome, but what if it was a different plane? What if Fernia decided to touch the Material, as Irian had? Millions of lives would be extinguished in the flames. That is what worries me. Something has thrown Irian off it’s orbit, and I don’t know what. And I don’t even know where to start looking. If Goran was here, he would know what to do.”

“These rings sound very interesting. I have never heard of anything like them. You say they were glowing yesterday? Strange.” Zillia mutters a few words, and touches a twig hanging around her neck; her eyes begin to glow with a pulsing light. She gets up from her chair and gingerly removes Starlan’s shirt, examining the mark. She shakes off the spell and sits down again. “You say you now have telepathy, too? There’s certainly something going on there, but I don’t think it’s necessarily the product of something from the outer planes. More likely something created by creatures from the depths of Kyber. The other marks were glowing yesterday too, correct? If you intend to spend more time around these people, you could inspect their marks as well. I’ll remind you of the magic words to reveal Khyber’s taint.”

“Evil, everywhere you look, is it? Agreeing to take responsibility for this task is very brave of you, Starlan. Rakshasas are very dangerous fiends, and Tyrankalias’ imprisonment must be safeguarded. Of course the non-partisan House Kundarak would never understand the importance of violating their vaults, security, and trust. It must be done. What I do not trust, however, is where the amulet will end up. I’m not certain it will be safe with the Church of the Silver Flame. Those righteous zealots will probably lose the thing in the wake of paperwork and beaurocracy. I do however trust you to make the right choices. I know you are cognizant of the immense task ahead of you.”

“Though their strength and ferocity is very present, the hunters you met are on our side and they meant no misgivings toward you. And you need not worry for me, for Wing is by my side, and he is a capable warrior. Or at least, that’s what he keeps telling me.”

With a warm smile, Zillia waits for Starlan to speak, again, slowly sipping her tea.

Detect Aberration

Detect Aberration
Level: Druid 1 (Gatekeeper)
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You can detect the presence of aberrations by observing
the disruption of the natural order around them. The
amount of information revealed depends on how long you
study a particular area.
1st Round: Presence or absence of aberrations.
2nd Round: Number of aberrations in the area and
the strength of the strongest aberration’s aura. If the
strongest aberration aura’s strength is overwhelming
(see below) and the creature h as HD of at least twice
your character level, you are stunned for 1 round and
the spell ends.
3rd Round: The strength and location of each aberration’s
aura. If an aura is outside your line of sight, then
you discern its direction but not its exact location.
Aura Strength: The strength of an aberration’s aura is
determined by the HD of the aberration, as given on the
following table:
HD Strength
1 or less Faint
2–4 Moderate
5–10 Strong
11 or more Overwhelming
Unlike similar spells, detect aberration does not reveal lingering
Each round, you can turn to detect aberrations in a
new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of
stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3
feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

This is all, of course, assuming Sim or Merreck shares the information contained in the note with the rest of the group.

Iri; While she does not know of Vestan personally, she has over-heard her own mother harping on about a petty aristocrat who was helping sponsor some new excavation below the city. Collaborating with what the others recollect points to Vestan ir’Simul as the aristocrat.
Sim; Vestan ir’Simul is an aristocrat who has recently diverted public funds to an excavation below the cogs. His workers have abandoned the project, however, and he has withdrawn any further application for funding.
Starlan; Vestan’s excavation has mostly come to a standstill as several of the workers have disappeared. The rest have quit, and he has been left without a crew, and nothing to show for his trouble.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri shares the little she knows with the others. Then she looks at Sillas.

"Are you worried about your friend? If he's in trouble, shouldn't we at least find out before we go haring off across the world?"

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


In a certain point of space-time, somewhere now close to Irian:
I nod at Zillia's assessment, thinking of how to use the spell she describes to me.

At her mention of the Church's plan for the amulet, I cringe sympathetically, adding:
"...I think they really just came across this situation, and don't necessarily know what they're doing.
But if WE can obtain it from the Kundarak vault, the Cult could as well, so we should act to prevent that.
If you find out any more information about this, it'd be very helpful if you contacted me about it somehow...
Either an effective way of protecting the amulet, or a way to destroy it forever, would be great."

I also ask of any Druidic Circles/ contacts she knows of in Aundair, either near Passage or Stormhome. You never when know some more allies could come in handy. And, if she's willing to herself, or knows a capable Druid Scribe, I'd like to get 2 scrolls of Detect Animals/Plants and Hide from Animals, of at least 6th caster level, let's say 7th, so I can effect all of the PCs, Merreck, & have one more if the "contact" in Passage works out...?
(Bears were mentioned, as if the Dwarves were using them to guard the Bank? It might be nice to release them from captivity...)

Irirangi Biasharan wrote:

Iri shares the little she knows with the others. Then she looks at Sillas.

"Are you worried about your friend? If he's in trouble, shouldn't we at least find out before we go haring off across the world?"

"A little, yes. Jorras can be very determined to get an important story, and he might take risks he shouldn't. I suppose I could give the letter to someone, Tara maybe, in case he doesn't turn up by the time we leave."

About what time of day is it? When are we leaving?

Zillia and Starlan


"Well, there's no way of me knowing for sure without analyzing the item, but destroying it is what I'm worried of. These kinds of magic items, ones that hold the souls of beings, usually release the trapped soul by smashing the item that contains it. I'm worried that the Church, in their zealous righteousness, may attempt to destroy the thing. I shall keep thinking on the matter."

"I'm sorry that my eyes and ears do not extend into Passage. I will send you positive thoughts on your journey, however. As for the matter of the scrolls you are looking for, I have some in the library. Please wait a moment." Zillia shuffles off to the next room, and soon returns with an armload of birch-bark paper, rolled up with simple twine.

Unfortunately, one of the caveats of Eberron is that there are very few high-level NPCs in the world. The highest caster level that Zillia can offer is 5. However, as they are 1st level spells, the cost for a 5th level scroll is the same as 5 individual ones. That would actually be your best bet; the last sentence of 'Hide From Animals' presents a situation where you could all potentially lose your stealth if any one of you cancels the spell. It would be more flexible to cast them separately. And the contact, Rurin, is an information broker only. He's not accompanying you into the bank. Also, releasing the bears from captivity would certainly be a chaotic good act. Releasing them into the town would be a Chaotic Evil act. Have a plan.

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