
Ellirayne D'Lyrandar's page

112 posts. Alias of Kayos..

Full Name

Ellirayne Aquistienne D'Lyrandar


Half Elf


Sorceress 2







Special Abilities

Low-light vision, elf blood


Chaotic Good




Envoy for House Lyrandar

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

About Ellirayne D'Lyrandar

----- Game Mechanics -----

Base Attack: +0 (Melee: +0 (+2 with finesse weapons), Ranged +2)
Initiative: +6
AC: 12
HP: 14 (8 + 6)
CMB: +0

Fort: +1 (+0 Base + 1 CON)
Ref: +2 (+0 Base + 2 DEX)
Will: +3 (+2 Base + 1 WIS)

+2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.

----- Skills -----
Skill = Total (Ranks + Ability + Misc)

Acrobatics = +5 (1 + 2 + 2)
Appraise = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)
Bluff = +8 (1 + 4 + 3)
Diplomacy = +8 (+9) (1 + 4 + 3) (+1 when in nobles outfit)
Knowledge: Arcana = +6 (1 + 2 + 3)
Knowledge: Nature = +3 (1 + 2)
Knowledge: Nobility = +3 (1 + 2)
Perception = +1 (0 + 1)
Perform: Woodwind = +5 (+7) (1 + 4) (+2 with her flute)
Profession: Sailor = +5 (1 + 1 + 3)
Spellcraft = +7 (2 + 2 + 3)
Use Magic Device = +8 (1 + 4 + 3)

+2 bonus on sight- and sound-based Perception checks. They can make a Perception check to spot a secret or concealed door if they pass within
10 feet, regardless of whether or not they are actively looking.

----- Languages -----
Common, Elven, Auran, Draconic

----- Feats -----
Least dragonmark - mark of the storm (fog cloud 1/day CL 1, +2 acrobatics)
Skill Focus; Diplomacy
Eschew Materials

----- Bloodline Powers -----
Elemental Ray (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can unleash
an elemental ray as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d6 points of damage of your energy type (electricity) +1 for every two caster levels you possess.

----- Spells -----
Spells per day; 1 Level = 5
(Bonus spells included in the above)

~ Fog Cloud 1/day CL 1

Spells known;
0 Level;
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Mage Hand

1 Level;
Mage Armour
Magic Missile

----- Equipment -----
Belt pouch
Flute, Masterwork
Identification Papers, with portrait
Jewellery (worth 100gp)
Lantern, hooded
Noble's Outfit (Glamourweave)
Rope, Silk
Signet Brooch (House Affiliation)
Signet Ring (Family Line)
Silver Dagger, Masterwork
Sling & Bullets
Spell component pouch
Traveler's Outfit

89 gp 8sp

----- Appearance & Personality-----
Height: 5'5"
Hair: Blonde, kept quite short & layered,
Eyes: Green
General Appearance: Usually Ellirayne keeps herself well dressed, her hair styled perfectly and every detail of her attire well thought out and beautiful.

However when out adventuring or travelling her appearance is quite the opposite; comfortable baggy clothing and often windswept messy hair leads to a quite androgynous appearance. It's whilst travelling that the many similarities in her and her brother's facial features become more obvious and they are occasionally mistaken for one another.
Personality: Ellirayne is a confident young noble woman, she speaks in a soft, airy tone but isn't afraid to raise her voice to make sure she's heard. A quite skilled diplomat she is always eager to try to solve a situation with her words and her status over her spells.

Whilst travelling it's not just her attire that changes, her occasionally more tomboyish traits come to the fore and she relaxes quite a lot. When travelling she likes to take a break from her life amongst the noble circles and just be a 'normal' person.

----- History -----
The D’Lyrandar twins were born on a stormy spring day 21 years ago, Ellirayne entering the world 6 minutes before her brother Deerian. Born into a noble family the pair were never short of the good things and lived happy and healthy lives. It wasn’t long after their first birthday that both children started to display affinity for things related to the air, it wasn’t a rarity to experience a crackle of electricity or a small unexplained gust of wind around the pair, much to the annoyance of their longsuffering nanny.

Born into the Lyrandar house the twins were encouraged to explore and to learn, to discover things about themselves and the world around them. At first confined mostly to the upclass Skyway they grew curious and started to explore further and further afield.

It was during this exploring the pair found their roles in life, and in the house. A naturally friendly, outgoing and pretty girl Ellirayne made and kept friends quickly, easily bringing allies to the house and earning herself a position as an envoy of sorts for their house. Deerian meanwhile was more skilled in physical endeavors, quick and precise. It was due to this and his already being quite protective of his sister that it was decided by him and their family that he would make a fantastic bodyguard for his older sister, should any of her future diplomatic endeavors go awry.

Their paths in life picked the twins set about learning alongside older members of the house, most prominently their parents and every time the half-elven couple left on house business their children came with them. Because of this the pair have seen a lot of interesting sights and met a great deal of interesting people and have also developed a love for airships, wanting nothing more than to own their own one day.

Random 1st Level Spell :: Cure Light