The D’Lyrandar twins were born on a stormy spring day 21 years ago, Ellirayne entering the world 6 minutes before her brother Deerian. Born into a noble family the pair were never short of the good things and lived happy and healthy lives. It wasn’t long after their first birthday that both children started to display affinity for things related to the air, it wasn’t a rarity to experience a crackle of electricity or a small unexplained gust of wind around the pair, much to the annoyance of their longsuffering nanny.
Born into the Lyrandar house the twins were encouraged to explore and to learn, to discover things about themselves and the world around them. At first confined mostly to the upclass Skyway they grew curious and started to explore further and further afield.
It was during this exploring the pair found their roles in life, and in the house. A naturally friendly, outgoing and pretty girl Ellirayne made and kept friends quickly, easily bringing allies to the house and earning herself a position as an envoy of sorts for their house. Deerian meanwhile was more skilled in physical endeavors, quick and precise. It was due to this and his already being quite protective of his sister that it was decided by him and their family that he would make a fantastic bodyguard for his older sister, should any of her future diplomatic endeavors go awry.
Their paths in life picked the twins set about learning alongside older members of the house, most prominently their parents and every time the half-elven couple left on house business their children came with them. Because of this the pair have seen a lot of interesting sights and met a great deal of interesting people and have also developed a love for airships, wanting nothing more than to own their own one day.