Go Cheliax!

Pathfinder Society

. . . because everyone loves a villain with class. And if you don't, you can be dealt with.

"Soon Absalom's soul will belong to the Majestrix. . ."

Dark Archive

After reading today's blog entry, I had the urge to haughtily stroll around, and say "Bow down, servant!" to whomever dared cross me.
Unfortunately (??) I'm at work, and it could be a very, very bad idea. ;-P

Cheer for Cheliax all you want.It won't do any good. Cheliax's days are numbered. Their first mistake was taking Shoanti land. Believe that.
Once the Sklar-Quah finish dismantling Cheliax's cringing whipped dog of a colony in Korvosa brick by brick, the rest of their empire will be next. Bet on it.
Down with Cheliax! Down with Tyranny! Long live the Sklar-Quah!

Scarab Sages

My boys are going to love working against Cheliax. :)

Is there going to be a Pathfinder Faction Book? Something bound with all the rules for the Pathfinder Society in it?

Grand Lodge 3/5

Wicht wrote:

My boys are going to love working against Cheliax. :)

Is there going to be a Pathfinder Faction Book? Something bound with all the rules for the Pathfinder Society in it?

I like the idea of that!

For the glory of Andoran!

The blasphemy and misinformation in this thread is as astounding as it is harmful to the soul.

Every enlightened person knows that Razmiran is the only nation on this world worthy of adoration and prolonged contemplation.

Shadow Lodge

Only the Varisians should rule!!!!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

As long as we get our Indiana Jones-ish faction to compete with the Chelaxian Nazis, it's all good.

Dark Archive

Your childish dreams of freedom and power will be crushed under the steel of Cheliax armored fist and burned to ashes into hellfire.
Then you will wake up, will snap your eyes open, and see you true fate: brand new slaves for the greater glory of the Infernal Empire.


hazel monday wrote:

Cheer for Cheliax all you want.It won't do any good. Cheliax's days are numbered. Their first mistake was taking Shoanti land. Believe that.

Once the Sklar-Quah finish dismantling Cheliax's cringing whipped dog of a colony in Korvosa brick by brick, the rest of their empire will be next. Bet on it.
Down with Cheliax! Down with Tyranny! Long live the Sklar-Quah!

And so it shall be!

(Salutes with klar)

Grand Lodge 3/5

August can't come soon enough!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber


Take all your silly little ideas about freedom and independence back to that Augustana backwater. We all know that people want to be...directed.

Long live the Majestrix!

Wicht wrote:
Is there going to be a Pathfinder Faction Book? Something bound with all the rules for the Pathfinder Society in it?

There will be a PFS Faction guide PDF for Season 0 (as part of the Pathfinder Society Player's Guide PDF) and there's a really good chance for a printed faction guide for Season 1 (once we've switched to the Pathfinder RPG rules).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Wicht wrote:
Is there going to be a Pathfinder Faction Book? Something bound with all the rules for the Pathfinder Society in it?
There will be a PFS Faction guide PDF for Season 0 (as part of the Pathfinder Society Player's Guide PDF) and there's a really good chance for a printed faction guide for Season 1 (once we've switched to the Pathfinder RPG rules).


Joshua J. Frost/Nicholas Logue:
I am in some confusion over the idea of Cheliax being involved here.

Guide to Korvosa wrote:

Darklight Sisterhood

Cheliax considers the Pathfinder Society a hated rival, always competing for the same ancient relics and resources. The country's ruthless antiquarians stop at nothing to acquire what they seek, but while Pathfinders tend to push the boundaries of law and decency in their pursuits, Chelaxians willfully cross these boundaries. Unfortunately for Cheliax, this makes its agents hated across the globe. It cannot hope to compete with the Pathfinder Society in tapping the goodwill of locals.
Enter the Darklight Sisterhod. This small and secretive group of adventurous women fans out across Cheliax, its former imperial holdings, and beyond. The sisterhood acts as a government-funded but private spying and adventuring network loyal to Cheliax and serving many of the same roles as the Pathfinder Society (but reporting to Cheliax rather than chapter houses). Darklight sisters contend with and even recruit Pathfinders and retired Pathfinders, although the sisterhood lacks the size, coordination, and resources of its competitor. So one-sided is the competition between the two that most Pathfinders don't even know the sisterhood exists.

Since Cheliax does not get on very well with the Pathfinder Society, is the living campaign being planned going to involve not just Pathfinder members, but also it going (as one of the factions) the 'Darklight Sisterhood' as representatives from Cheliax? Or is there a cadre of spies within the Pathfinder Society that the Darklight Sisterhood controls, whether these agents realise that they are the pawns of Cheliax or not?


Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Joshua J. Frost/Nicholas Logue:

I am in some confusion over the idea of Cheliax being involved here.
Guide to Korvosa wrote:

Darklight Sisterhood

Cheliax considers the Pathfinder Society a hated rival, always competing for the same ancient relics and resources. The country's ruthless antiquarians stop at nothing to acquire what they seek, but while Pathfinders tend to push the boundaries of law and decency in their pursuits, Chelaxians willfully cross these boundaries. Unfortunately for Cheliax, this makes its agents hated across the globe. It cannot hope to compete with the Pathfinder Society in tapping the goodwill of locals.
Enter the Darklight Sisterhod. This small and secretive group of adventurous women fans out across Cheliax, its former imperial holdings, and beyond. The sisterhood acts as a government-funded but private spying and adventuring network loyal to Cheliax and serving many of the same roles as the Pathfinder Society (but reporting to Cheliax rather than chapter houses). Darklight sisters contend with and even recruit Pathfinders and retired Pathfinders, although the sisterhood lacks the size, coordination, and resources of its competitor. So one-sided is the competition between the two that most Pathfinders don't even know the sisterhood exists.
Since Cheliax does not get on very well with the Pathfinder Society, is the living campaign being planned going to involve not just Pathfinder members, but also it going (as one of the factions) the 'Darklight Sisterhood' as representatives from Cheliax? Or is there a cadre of spies within the Pathfinder Society that the Darklight Sisterhood controls, whether these agents realise that they are the pawns of Cheliax or not?

Good question Charles!

Cheliax is insidious. Sometimes the best way to oppose an enemy is to join their ranks, steal their secrets and rot them from within. Cheliax urges loyal agents and citizens to join the Pathfinder Society when able, all the better to keep close tabs on this cryptic rogue organization and occasionally beat them to the punch on an important find.

It should also be noted though that while many pathfinders from the Cheliax faction are something akin to spies and double agents, just as many attempt to reconcile their country's conflicts with the Society and walk that treacherously thin line between them. In other words patriotism comes in many different colors and levels of zeal. I imagine some Chelish pathfinders believe in both their nation's greater glory and the goals of the Society, and must navigate the rocks and shoals of serving two masters who are at odds with one another.

This is why I love Cheliax, just being a Chelish pathfinder is itself a cool roleplaying hook. You, more than any other pathfinder, have to really examine how and why you joined up and what your true intentions/motivations are. Awesome!

...but no, they aren't my favorite of the factions, in case you are wondering, my favorite is still to come!

Also, for those of you excited to play a Chelish pathfinder I have one very important question:

Kiss or Lash? >8-D

Silver Crusade

Herald wrote:

For the glory of Andoran!

Andoran! #$%& YEAH!

Coming again to save the mother#$%&in' day yeah!
Andoran! #$%& YEAH!
Freedom is the only way yeah!
Cheliax your game is through 'cause now you have to answer to...
Andoran! #$%& YEAH!

Taverns! #$%& YEAH!
NBPL! #$%& YEAH!
Boats! #$%& YEAH!
Literacy! #$%& YEAH!
Prostitution! #$%& YEAH!
Tiny heads! #$%& YEAH!

#$%& YEAH!

Liberty's Edge

O Andoran!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The Common Rule strong and free!
From far and wide, O Andoran,
We stand on guard for thee.
Gods keep our land glorious and free!
O Andoran, we stand on guard for thee.
O Andoran, we stand on guard for thee.

Down with the Chelaxian tyrants! And raise the red banner high!

Jeremy Puckett
Proud Andoran Supporter

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Cheliax is insidious. Sometimes the best way to oppose an enemy is to join their ranks, steal their secrets and rot them from within. Cheliax urges loyal agents and citizens to join the Pathfinder Society when able, all the...

And some are involved for their own personal agendas I bet...I mean LONG LIVE CHELIAX >.>

Liberty's Edge

Coridan wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Cheliax is insidious. Sometimes the best way to oppose an enemy is to join their ranks, steal their secrets and rot them from within. Cheliax urges loyal agents and citizens to join the Pathfinder Society when able, all the...

And some are involved for their own personal agendas I bet...I mean LONG LIVE CHELIAX >.>


hail cobra...


hail cobra...


rail no... Wait a second. *grabs shotgun*

Freaking Chelaxians. You can't even insult them by telling them to go to hell, since they're already on their way. :P

Jeremy Puckett


Coridan wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Cheliax is insidious. Sometimes the best way to oppose an enemy is to join their ranks, steal their secrets and rot them from within. Cheliax urges loyal agents and citizens to join the Pathfinder Society when able, all the...

And some are involved for their own personal agendas I bet...I mean LONG LIVE CHELIAX >.>

HA! Exactly! I love Cheliax. Amazing that its not my favorite faction. One beats it out by a slim slim margin.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

alright...how is a worshiper of Asmodeus not evil. I saw that in PfOrganized Play there are no evil PCs. huh?

Mactaka wrote:
alright...how is a worshiper of Asmodeus not evil. I saw that in PfOrganized Play there are no evil PCs. huh?

If I remember correctly, you have to be within one step of your deity's alignment, which would open up Lawful Neutral as a potential alignment for a worshipper. Such a worshipper would more likely be inclined to follow the "law" part of his doctrine rather than the evil. A good example might be a character who grew up in Cheliax, and has listened to their grandparent's stories of the chaos after Aroden's death and how the Church of Asmodeus brought order to the land. Such a person isn't evil, but is following the same beliefs that his parents and grandparents did, without dipping into the "eeeeevil" stuff that Asmodeus' clergy might be expected to.

Dark Archive

Not really understanding the no evil part of the campaign setting. I feel it kicks out a lot of possible choices for players.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Kevin Mack wrote:
Not really understanding the no evil part of the campaign setting. I feel it kicks out a lot of possible choices for players.

Yes, but it probably prevents more problems than it causes. No CE "screw over the party for fun and profit" characters. Now CE players, on the other hand...

Kevin Mack wrote:
Not really understanding the no evil part of the campaign setting. I feel it kicks out a lot of possible choices for players.

We'd rather the organized play campaign stay focused on adventuring and exploring Golarion rather than devolving into PVP fights based entirely on choices made because of someone's evil alignment.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Not really understanding the no evil part of the campaign setting. I feel it kicks out a lot of possible choices for players.
We'd rather the organized play campaign stay focused on adventuring and exploring Golarion rather than devolving into PVP fights based entirely on choices made because of someone's evil alignment.

So no Bellac-like characters? Or would he have fit into the LN category?


Mactaka wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Not really understanding the no evil part of the campaign setting. I feel it kicks out a lot of possible choices for players.
We'd rather the organized play campaign stay focused on adventuring and exploring Golarion rather than devolving into PVP fights based entirely on choices made because of someone's evil alignment.
So no Bellac-like characters? Or would he have fit into the LN category?

Exactly. LN.

I played a CN character at our playtest at Origins and while I did some crazy stuff, never felt the need to delve into evil per se. We also have a strict rule against player vs. player conflict. We want EVERYONE at the table to have a good time, not just the disruptive jerkoff there. :-)

Dark Archive

I'd be all for evil PCs if some immature players didn't take it as 'evil = stupid.' With my own players, jaded by years of Vampire play, evil parties tend to get along better than good ones...

The worst inter-party conflicts seem to show when someone plays a Paladin and decides that the party can't do something that his code doesn't approve of, or that he has to challenge the evil emperor / demigod to an immediate fight to the death or something, rather than smile, nod and then go and destroy his powerbase first.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Set wrote:

I'd be all for evil PCs if some immature players didn't take it as 'evil = stupid.' With my own players, jaded by years of Vampire play, evil parties tend to get along better than good ones...

The worst inter-party conflicts seem to show when someone plays a Paladin and decides that the party can't do something that his code doesn't approve of, or that he has to challenge the evil emperor / demigod to an immediate fight to the death or something, rather than smile, nod and then go and destroy his powerbase first.

Paladins are frequently played terribly imo. I always saw Paladins as Jedi-like. Violence was the last resort not the first solution. Redemption was always the preferred choice.

Liberty's Edge

Coridan wrote:
Paladins are frequently played terribly imo. I always saw Paladins as Jedi-like. Violence was the last resort not the first solution. Redemption was always the preferred choice.

The three best takes on paladins you can get in modern fiction:

1) The Azure Guard from "The Order of the Stick." Not Miko, but everyone else.
2) The Knights of the Sword from "The Dresden Files." The way they deal with even their worst enemies is inspiring.
3) Captain America. 'Nuff said.

Jeremy Puckett


Set wrote:

I'd be all for evil PCs if some immature players didn't take it as 'evil = stupid.' With my own players, jaded by years of Vampire play, evil parties tend to get along better than good ones...

The worst inter-party conflicts seem to show when someone plays a Paladin and decides that the party can't do something that his code doesn't approve of, or that he has to challenge the evil emperor / demigod to an immediate fight to the death or something, rather than smile, nod and then go and destroy his powerbase first.

Oh I agree. Paladins can be just as disruptive and there is a little sidebar in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play Player's Guide about Disruptive Play and how it WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, no matter what your alignment is. There is nothing worse than an a+%&%!+ paladin. You'd think LG would allow for a little compassion and a little tolerance of others' beliefs too. Anyone who can't play their paladin in a positive way simply won't be allowed to play. In other words: Jerkoff players will not be tolerated. Player vs. Player conflict will not be tolerated (this does not JUST mean combat by the way, nerfing other player's actions, options, ideas and what not is just as disruptive as attacking them with a battleaxe). Roleplaying conflicts are great as long as you are not going out of your way to ensure another player has a bad time. Doing so is a big no-no in PFS. Nuff said.

Dark Archive

Not really sure why everyone seems to think an evil charecter would automaticly = pvp. Ive played evil charecters for years and ive never felt the need to go on a killing spree of my fellow players. Also if you have made the rules clear that disruptive play is not tolerated I see no reason why an evil alighment cant be allowed.

As a side note Ive always found it was the chaotic side of the alighment scale that caused problems not the evil one.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Well, I play true neutral most of the time so, I'll just get on the fence and watch the alignment fray from up there. Doesn't matter what alignment you are, as long as you buy overally expensive stuff from Qadira :).


Michael Meunier wrote:
Well, I play true neutral most of the time so, I'll just get on the fence and watch the alignment fray from up there. Doesn't matter what alignment you are, as long as you buy overally expensive stuff from Qadira :).



Shadow Lodge

golem101 wrote:

Your childish dreams of freedom and power will be crushed under the steel of Cheliax armored fist and burned to ashes into hellfire.

Then you will wake up, will snap your eyes open, and see you true fate: brand new slaves for the greater glory of the Infernal Empire.


Oh please, didn't your deity leave...I mean Die?

*laughs at the chex clerics with no spells*

Dark Archive

I suspect heretical Taldan religious practices to be the root cause in the untimely Death of Aroden. At least that's what my father used to tell me as a boy. And if you continue to doubt our deceased patron's power just look around you. What other deity could so transform the face of the globe, even in death? Even some 100 years later the world still roils with the aftershocks. Yet you wish to belittle this god's power. Whoa unto you and all who heed your words! The Iron Boot of Justice spares not fools.


Shadow Lodge

your version of the Boot is old and rusty by now! And just to make sure..... RUSTING GRASP!!

Bah who needs boots.

*Stunning Fist*

Dark Archive

Torthal Steelfist wrote:

Bah who needs boots.

*Stunning Fist*

Rolls and makes a 22 Fort save.

Retorts -
"You must know by now that the best defense is a good offense. Boot to the Head!"

Dark Archive

Dragonborn3 wrote:

Oh please, didn't your deity leave...I mean Die?

*laughs at the chex clerics with no spells*

Well nobody knows, do they? But even if he did, I think there's something to be said for channeling past disruptions into a bold new national order.

Our present religious practices, for example, exemplify the greatest ideals of Chelaxian prudence. If the devils have already been promised the world after all, then promising it to them again, bit by bit, in return for favors only seems practical :).

Dragonborn3 wrote:
golem101 wrote:

Your childish dreams of freedom and power will be crushed under the steel of Cheliax armored fist and burned to ashes into hellfire.

Then you will wake up, will snap your eyes open, and see you true fate: brand new slaves for the greater glory of the Infernal Empire.


Oh please, didn't your deity leave...I mean Die?

*laughs at the chex clerics with no spells*

As far as I am aware her Infernal Majestrix's Chelish subjects will be continuing to receive spells from Asmodeus for the indefinite future, and any rumours that Asmodeus is dead are simply rather sad del...

Oh, wait, you mean Aroden?
Oh, of course Aroden is dead, which is the event that ushered Cheliax into its new age of 'glory', forcing it to shed colonies and carry out a re-evaluation of its methods and beliefs.
Rumours that the Runelords of Thassilon or their Aboleth associates were involved in any way in the demise of the deity Also Known As 'the last Azlanti', are of course mere rumours, but anyone who can't figure out that:
1) The aboleths had a problem with the Azlanti.
2) The aboleths dropped the Starstone to get rid of Azlant (the empire) and most of its people.
3) That some day the aboleths might just decide to 'finish the job' (one less thing on the 'to do' list, you understand).
...lives in a relatively naive and carefree version of Golarion.

If it isn't obvious to you what the Runelords get out of infernal Cheliax (besides the gratifcation of their key aboleth allies), then I am pleased to say that I have clearly been doing my job effectively.

Shadow Lodge

Vibia Thrune wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

Oh please, didn't your deity leave...I mean Die?

*laughs at the chex clerics with no spells*

Well nobody knows, do they? But even if he did, I think there's something to be said for channeling past disruptions into a bold new national order.

Our present religious practices, for example, exemplify the greatest ideals of Chelaxian prudence. If the devils have already been promised the world after all, then promising it to them again, bit by bit, in return for favors only seems practical :).

you make a good point but who keeps promises to such creature?

Shadow Lodge

hmm.. i thought i killed all the runelords. *runs to sacred divination proof forest* I must tell the others....

Dark Archive

Dragonborn3 wrote:
you make a good point but who keeps promises to such creature?

Well it's sort of a zero-sum game, I guess. The dark tendrils of the nine hells will soon enwrap our world (I'm told I should say "pitiful" world, but it sounds a bit melodramatic) regardless of what we do, and . . . well there's no sense in getting the powers that - will - be angry with us before we even meet them, is there? A solid rapport built on a history of mutual gain is the best solution; it may hasten the inevitable, but the inevitable was going to happen anyway, right? Plus, look what devils have already done to bring order to Cheliax! What's coming up will be the most significant and most natural reform movement Golarion has ever seen, so why not get in on the ground floor :).

Anarchy and rebellion are bad moves. They make us look bad in the eyes of our soon-to-be rulers, and lessen the value of our souls. No devil wants a worthless soul tainted by chaos and strife does he? I can't think of a worse way to make an impression, even in the afterlife . . .

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Not really understanding the no evil part of the campaign setting. I feel it kicks out a lot of possible choices for players.
We'd rather the organized play campaign stay focused on adventuring and exploring Golarion rather than devolving into PVP fights based entirely on choices made because of someone's evil alignment.

Surely the 'No PVP, ever.' rule already covers this.

Dark Archive

Dragonborn3 wrote:
golem101 wrote:

Your childish dreams of freedom and power will be crushed under the steel of Cheliax armored fist and burned to ashes into hellfire.

Then you will wake up, will snap your eyes open, and see you true fate: brand new slaves for the greater glory of the Infernal Empire.


Oh please, didn't your deity leave...I mean Die?

*laughs at the chex clerics with no spells*

It seems you confuse us with those... rebels. You know, those who refer to Iomeda-diddly-ding-dae, or whatever they call that upstart girlie.

No worry, though. Proper knowledge is soon to be imparted... with a bit of healthy discipline.

Dark Archive

Keep in mind that Chelish are the heroes here and all you poor lost children will be much safer under our benevolent rule.

Dark Archive

"Now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb".
- Lord Dark Helmet, Spaceballs

Dark Archive

So many enlightened people here! I must applaud loudly and bow my head to the great and wonderful lords and ladies of Cheliax, I but a humble soldier of our vast and noble empire. Oh and to agree whole heartedly with the good guys being dumb. Truly their stupidity knows no bounds.

Of course some wonderful traits for us Chelish folk in Serpents skull adventure path.

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