Ken Marable |

Although I have a backlog of 3.5 adventures I want to run (which I'd prefer not to convert since I still enjoy playing 3.5 and I don't have a lot of free time for converting if I don't have to), when I try out a 4e campaign, it'll probably be either:
1) playtesting stuff I'm writing and/or
2) converting old Plancescape adventures (Tales of Infinite Staircase, Dead Gods, Faction War, etc.). I didn't get a chance to run many of those all the way through back in the 2e days, and since they would need converting anyway I might as well try converting all the way to 4e.


I run my games in Eberron and most always come up with my own adventures/campaigns as I like to tailor each campaign to the players. That isn't to say I won't steal plot hooks, encounters, maps, etc... from other sources though.
I really hope DDI gives some good support for playing Eberron in 4E until the Campaign Setting Book comes out in 2009.

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A new homebrew set in a multiverse after the Great Wheel breathed its last. In fact, the current 3.5 Ptolus campaign I am running is going to end with the PCs destroying the Great Wheel (I think) because it is flawed and corrupted by the Galchutt. So the new setting will rise from the ashes, so to speak. Some of the details will be the same but others will change dramatically, much like 4e. :)


After years I am going to homebrew my own. 3e made encounter and NPC creation far too time consuming. 4e is in my opinion (see I said opinion - aren't you guys proud of me) ... anyway ... 4e is in my opinion the best edition of D&D EVER from the perspective of the GM.
So far, I agree 100%.

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crosswiredmind wrote:After years I am going to homebrew my own. 3e made encounter and NPC creation far too time consuming. 4e is in my opinion (see I said opinion - aren't you guys proud of me) ... anyway ... 4e is in my opinion the best edition of D&D EVER from the perspective of the GM.So far, I agree 100%.
As do I, from what I have seen.

Bluenose |
So what kind of Campaign setting or adventure do you plan on running with 4E?
I was thinking about doing a Savage Tide conversion but I have changed my mind and now I am working on a homebrew setting loosely based on a fantasy colonial America.
That's very similar to what I've been working on. Exploration, survival, trade and diplomacy with native groups, etc. Or perhaps they'll go Conquistador, but native groups with magic are likely to be tough.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Lensman wrote:That's very similar to what I've been working on. Exploration, survival, trade and diplomacy with native groups, etc. Or perhaps they'll go Conquistador, but native groups with magic are likely to be tough.So what kind of Campaign setting or adventure do you plan on running with 4E?
I was thinking about doing a Savage Tide conversion but I have changed my mind and now I am working on a homebrew setting loosely based on a fantasy colonial America.
My current 3.5 campaign is like this as well. Influenced by J. Gregory Keyes's "Age of Unreason" tetrology. The PCs run a small trading company (2 ships) and privateer when they aren't adventuring.
But if I ever convert to 4.0, it won't be for a while. After we wrap up my current campaign, I'm running a D20 Modern/Future campaign based in the Firefly 'verse. But my eventual 4.0 campaign is running with the "points of light" assumption. Kind of a wild west like area, but with knights on horseback and chivalry instead of cowboys and six shooters. Maybe a campaign arc dealing with restoring the crown.

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I've actually been working on creating my own campaign where the ultimate story involved an elemental void (picture large abyss with black tentacles) is trying to break free from the creation that is encasing it. When the primordials and gods created the world (along with the Shadowfell and Feywild) the order that was created actually locked away a hidden evil that they were not even aware of. Even though it is locked away, the concentration of shadow in the Shadowfell has given it a portal to exert its influence outside of its shackles out in the Far Realm. It is here where it's corrupting power has spawned aberrations that so hate living things and the world at large. While putting a more secure lock on this creature's prison is the large scale adventure, I'm working on how that plays out into smaller adventures, but it should travel through the Feywild, Underdark, Shadowfell and draw in all kinds of demons, aberrations, and other things that go bump in the night.
Of course, that'll be starting once we finally finish our PFRPG version of Shackled City hopefully later this year.

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I'll be running Rise of the Runelords or Curse of the Crimson Throne of course!!!
Plus many of my friends have already taken a renewed interest in DM'ing after seeing 4e in action.
After GMing 4e for three different groups more than one person said that they would not feel so intimidated by rules and would love to try running a game or three.

Antioch |

I'm currently using the "implied setting" for the first sessions that I run to get my group used to the rules and whatnot. After that I have three complete campaigns setup in an original setting that uses the history and material from the implied setting.
In addition, I'm still going to finish my Age of Worms campaign set in Eberron, perhaps run Savage Tide in the implied world to make it easier, and then also kick off a Forgotten Realms campaign.
I have too much stuff to run, and too little time. It sucks that many good PS3 titles are coming out as well. :-(

Tatterdemalion |

So what kind of Campaign setting or adventure do you plan on running with 4E?
But it'd be Greyhawk, if I didn't think conversion would be so difficult.
I was thinking about doing a Savage Tide conversion... but I have changed my mind and now I am working on a homebrew setting
I'd kill to have someone do that work for me. This is precisely where I'd like to use it.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

So what kind of Campaign setting or adventure do you plan on running with 4E?
I was thinking about doing a Savage Tide conversion but I have changed my mind and now I am working on a homebrew setting loosely based on a fantasy colonial America.
My longstanding homebrew - which I'll convert to 4E after the current campaign ends, is based on a reverse wild west concept. Essentially think of the various human and demi-human nations are sort of like Indian Tribes. But the Goblinoids and Orcs are as numberless as the stars themselves and every decade the frontier gets driven back a little further. Another Dwarf Fortress Falls, Another human city is sacked - the final demise of the Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes etc. is inevitable - demographics will see to that its just a matter of when.
I plan to help with a conversion of Rise of the Runelords on the boards as one project.
Otherwise my next campaign will feature a lot of converted 1st and 2nd edition modules (my 3rd edition games were also almost nothing but converted 1st and end edition modules).
I hope to run Dragon Mountain, Isle of the Ape, The Forbidden City (heavily modified), The Ruins of Nol-Daer, Ex Libris, A Paladin in Hell and The Wounded Worm for my players, probably a few others that I am currently forgetting.

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Probably will start a new Eberron Campaign, since it hasn't
1) been assploded by the devs like poor Faerun
2) is over the top anyway in 3.5 with action points and magic all over the palce and which fits with the new style of gameplay I have experienced with 4e
3)Already talked myself into an Argonessen-based game with dragonborn and Seren barbarian proxies for the Chamber or other dragon factions...(as much as I hate to admit..I am liking the concept of dragonborn)
I'll have to figure out psionic-based powers, but seems doable from what I've read of the power's origin concept.

Tatterdemalion |

I would think Greyhawk would be easy to convert over to 4E. Why do you think it would be difficult?
Missing classes and Vancian magic, mostly -- they've become too much part of our campaign.
And I don't think I can convert a 3.5 character to 4e on the fly. I can take a 2e NPC and make my players think it was a 3.5 NPC from the start -- for example, if I give an NPC Two-Weapon Fighting the players will never know I made it up or the points don't add up.
The following pieces are actually quite important to our ongoing game. Some are easy to fix, some are not:
- monks
- half-orcs
- gnomes
- grey elves (very different in temperment/tone from 4e elves -- best replaced with eladrin, which I love)
- Vancian magic (one of our players loves it fanatically)
It's like 4e set out to sabotage our campaign :P
To be fair, parts of 4e would make certain parts of our campaign work much (!) better, but that's not the point of this post.

Lensman |

Lensman wrote:I would think Greyhawk would be easy to convert over to 4E. Why do you think it would be difficult?Missing classes and Vancian magic, mostly -- they've become too much part of our campaign.
And I don't think I can convert a 3.5 character to 4e on the fly. I can take a 2e NPC and make my players think it was a 3.5 NPC from the start -- for example, if I give an NPC Two-Weapon Fighting the players will never know I made it up or the points don't add up.
The following pieces are actually quite important to our ongoing game. Some are easy to fix, some are not:
- monks
- half-orcs
- gnomes
- grey elves (very different in temperment/tone from 4e elves -- best replaced with eladrin, which I love)
- Vancian magic (one of our players loves it fanatically)
It's like 4e set out to sabotage our campaign :P
To be fair, parts of 4e would make certain parts of our campaign work much (!) better, but that's not the point of this post.
Looks like Vancian magic is your only real hang up as the others will eventually show up in PHB2. Though gnomes can be played as a PC race using their stats from the Monster Manual.

Tatterdemalion |

Looks like Vancian magic is your only real hang up as the others will eventually show up in PHB2. Though gnomes can be played as a PC race using their stats from the Monster Manual.
We'll see. "Eventually" doesn't do us any good in the short term. It's possible that our Vancian caster can be convinced that 4e magic is appealing.
And gnomes have changed somewhat with 4e. Actually, I like them better than the 3.5 concept. I didn't particularly like 3.x changes to gnomes or halflings, and IMC these races conform far more closely to 1e and 2e versions.
In any case, conversion is always work. Converting 3.5 to 4e would be a lot of work.
I might point out that there are no conversion suggestions given in the rulebook (there was when 3e came out). WotC isn't interested in that -- they've shown no interest in making my current campaign work; part of my irritation is with this attitude. IMO 4e is a new game -- every indication is that WotC agrees. All the old games and campaigns are irrelevant.
While typing I realize I'm onto something here...
There is a notable and profound absence of interest from WotC in what I've played, how I've played, or whether or not I want to keep playing it. No previous D&D team has demonstrated this level of contempt or disdain for players. IMO.
The game's good, I'll switch if I think we can, but WotC continues to piss me off.

Grimcleaver |

The plan is to set our campaign in the Middle World, the core setting for 4e. The hope is to populate it from various 3e products that were created with no grounding in any setting. Cityscape is a wonderful example. Loads of cities and organizations--but no place to put it. It certainly didn't belong in Greyhawk. I'm hoping to plug in Fantastic Locations and a bunch of the official generic setting adventures out there for download on the Wizards site. Likewise I'm hoping to incorporate all the places and NPCs from the new modules as they come out. I'm really excited to be able to use all this stuff finally. It should be cool. About half of our group is chomping at the bit to get playing. I'm really looking forward to it.

mevers |

I'm planning on running two campaigns in 4th ed, each for a different group.
The first group (basically those from an old Eberron game I was a player in) I will be running through a converted Curse of the Crimson throne campaign.
The second group (just finished off the Grauls in HMM from RotR) I will be running through the Savage Tide AP, converted to 4th ed AND Golarion.
I hope to get the CotCT game up an running as soon as Amazon get me my books (about 2 weeks after the street date down here in OZ), and the second group will kick off as soon as we finish the HMM. I was going to see RotR through to the end, but I have had it with 3.5, and am keen to start with 4th edition.

Fletch |

The hope is to populate it from various 3e products that were created with no grounding in any setting. Cityscape is a wonderful example.
Don't forget ol' 2e too. College of Wizardry is one of my favorite location-less settings from that era.
For myself, I'm really tempted to dig out my old Basic D&D stuff and adapt it. If encounter creation in 4th ed. is as easy as some are saying, I'd love to be able to run Night's Dark Terror; Red Arrow, Black Shield; or even the Wrath of the Immortals under the new system. Dudemonkey's right. This new system really does feel like the old red box set, right down to the Keep on the Boarderfell.


I too plan on using the implied setting,i.e. 'The Middle World', using the adventure in the dms guide and KOTSF as a starter. I also intend dropping bits from several Necromancer Games scenarios into the setting (off the top of my head:- Crucible of Freya, Tomb of Abysthor(sic) and Rappan Athuk). These have some nice links to Orcus who features (not personaly) in KOTSF.

Evilturnip |

I am currently working on a 4E Age of Worms, I have a thread going in the AOW forum .. I posted the first draft to the conversions for Whispering Cairn. I may run this in saturday.
Cool. My Eberron group is going to be finishing up Blackwall Keep in 2-3 sessions, and after that we're going to try switching to 4th edition, taking the campaign along with it.
At that point, one of my players is going to switch to being DM (and doing something not AOW related), and I'll play. After advancing a few levels, we're switching DM duties back, and I'll continue with AOW, so I'll be keeping an eye on your thread with great interest Nahualt.
AZRogue |

I'm using a homebrew based off the one in the new DMG, just to try it out. It's actually a lot more ... populated, than I had originally expected. The POL setting seems to be as full as most any other setting, at least there. I'm building around it. It gives me a margin to work with before the PCs catch up.
One change I made, inspired by the POL idea, is to add in a Dark Sun type darkness effect. When night falls, you BETTER be in doors. Or behind the ring of protection (Ritual) when traveling, watching the circle of endless monsters trying to push past the barrier.
The darkness effect, actually, is the meta plot of the campaign and I've littered secrets and clues as to the cause across the world so far. As the PCs uncover more and more they will eventually confront (or not) those responsible, who are not as much a part of the past as most think.

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I was thinking about doing a Savage Tide conversion but I have changed my mind and now I am working on a homebrew setting loosely based on a fantasy colonial America.
If you haven't seen it already, you might want to check out Northern Crown by Atlas Games. It's actually even d20.
Another one (non-d20) is Colonial Gothic by Rogue Games.


I too plan on using the implied setting,i.e. 'The Middle World', using the adventure in the dms guide and KOTSF as a starter. I also intend dropping bits from several Necromancer Games scenarios into the setting (off the top of my head:- Crucible of Freya, Tomb of Abysthor(sic) and Rappan Athuk). These have some nice links to Orcus who features (not personaly) in KOTSF.
Since posting this I have been going over some old stuff I have and doing a bit of thinking. One of the most enjoyable campaigns i ran was the original 1st eddition Forgotten Realms (grey box). I found this and have been going over it. This as well as recently starting reading the Knights of Myth Drannor series by Mr Greenwood has givn me pause for thought. I might set the 4th ed campaign in the Realms, but way back in time(circa 1360s i think). This was as i recall a much more enjoyable campaign with lots of uncomplicated flavour.