Pat's Keep on the Shadowfell (4ed)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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The Exchange

M Human

I make minor modification to my Frivry character.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Wizard

I penciled up an Eladrin Wizard using the new PHB and standard array.
Think I did it correctly, first time with the all new rules.
Just have to type it up and write a background.
I think it would be cool to have two Fey in the party
and we would be playing different roles.
The Elf was weaker on the wizard front than the Eladrin.
Elves in general are less "magical," it seems. Removed from the
Feywild and less , I don't know, elven.
And it doesn't look like they use trance anymore either, weird.
4e takes a little getting used too!

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Lazaro wrote:

Well I had fun, and in the end that's all that matters. I will say the Kobolds were a pain.

Power attack is different, but other that it was great.

I do have to ask; why would anyone use the Basic Attack option, when using one of your powers normally does more damage or adds effects of somekind?

Glad y'all are reporting fun!

As far as I can tell basic attack has two primary purposes: opportunity attacks and charges. In most cases, you can't use your attack "powers" for either of those.

In terms of character revisions, I'm inclined to believe Dyrnwyn was always an eladrin (or what have you), and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Well I had fun and am looking forward to more.

pat512 wrote:

Another thing that happened is that some of you burned encounter powers on minions (the spear-wielders). Should the players have meta-game knowledge that certain monsters are minions?

I don't know but I kinda think the description of the koboles with shields kinda told me that they were a bit more challenging then the spear-wielders. I don't really thing we need to meta game to figure out where the grater challenge is but then again I didn't know that the spear-wielders where minion at first.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Ok, let's get back into play. Somebody needs to bandage Dyrnwyn (who might look different now), then in a short rest he can spend healing surges.

In a brief (5-minute) rest, all of your encounter powers recharge, as does your ability to take a second wind, and you can spend as many healing surges as you like. Daily powers are gone until a 6-hour rest.

In terms of loot, the re-sale market is different in 4E, with most things recovering 20% of regular price instead of 50%. This seems to be intended to cut down on the practice of stripping the foes of their armor, weapons, and shoes. There's just not much return on the enterprise now.

That's not to say there's no point in checking for actual treasure.

Male Eladrin Wizard
pat512 wrote:

In terms of character revisions, I'm inclined to believe Dyrnwyn was always an eladrin (or what have you), and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Love Orwell and have taught 1984 a number of times!

I have posted a new update to Dyrnwyn, hidden just beneath the Tiefling profile information.
Give it a look and let me know if you see any changes that need to be made. I typed the rough up today, though I left the sketch on my desk.

Anyone have any bandages?!

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

The new-and-improved Dyrnwyn looks good. Don't forget to choose which arcane implement you've mastered (e.g., staff of defense).

Also, my reading of the Wizard description suggests that you don't have to pay for your first spellbook. Others? In the wizard I'm building for another game, I used the money saved for alchemical reagents for rituals.

Male Eladrin Wizard

Yeah, I thought that, in my reading of it, the Wizard gets the spellbook. I spent the 50 gold grudgingly, though. Just to be sure. I'll gladly use the cash on other devices.
I think I am going with the staff. I like the wand but it just lacks the presence of a staff. Y'know?
Plus, it's great for Light!
I like the Eladrin and wonder what Richard Baker's influence was here. His Last Mythal trilogy for Forgotten Realm was quite good and focused, to a large extent, on that design of elf.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

This is of immediate potential interest to Moonglum, but is going to crop up for a lot of 4e issues. Dragon "magazine" has published, within the last few hours, a Class Acts article with illusion spells for wizards. link (pdf)

I'm inclined to make most such content available, unless something seems drastically broken. The retraining rules are designed to let you take advantage of later-published material.


Male Eladrin Wizard

I was just reading this article, too!
Nice spells. They seem pretty powerful, too.
I am going to ponder these tonight.
I've never seen such pragmatic illusions before.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Meant to do this:

Kobold Slinger (level 1 artillery): 100xp

5 Kobold Minions (level 1 minion)@25xp: 125xp

2 Kobold Dragonshields (level 2 soldier)@125xp: 250xp

Level 1 encounter bonus xp award for passing 100 posts: 500xp

Total: 975xp

Each: 975 / 5 players = 195xp

XP needed for level 2 is 1000.

Let me know what y'all are doing next . . .

Male Eladrin Wizard

My first 4e XP!

How do encounter powers work when you're not in combat. Specifically I want to know if I can use more then one Inspiring Words with only a 5 min rest so that I can add a 1d6 to every once healing surges?

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Grailhawk of Shiva wrote:
How do encounter powers work when you're not in combat. Specifically I want to know if I can use more then one Inspiring Words with only a 5 min rest so that I can add a 1d6 to every once healing surges?

Found it!

p.263 wrote:
If you use an encounter power (such as a healing power) during a short rest, you need another short rest to renew it so that you can use it again.

So repeated 5 minutes rests.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

The first piece of the DDI is up: Compendium .

The interface isn't great, but it's a searchable database of the character creation rules.

Male Eladrin Wizard
pat512 wrote:

The first piece of the DDI is up: Compendium .

The interface isn't great, but it's a searchable database of the character creation rules.

Thanks for the tip. I added the Cantrips, At Will, Encounter, and Daily text for my powers on my character sheet.

I agree, the interface is primitive but the online resource is nice for pbp.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Hey, all.

I'm hearing crickets.

Did getting through the fight accomplish what people wanted to do with this game, in terms of acquaintance with 4e?

If so, I won't be offended!

Just let me know what you want to do.

Well i would like to play till the end of the module but have been very busy the last few weeks trying to get a new job.

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

Hiya Pat, sry for my absence, I moved at work two rooms away. Thus my time available for posting was bit limited. I'd certainly like to continue, at least the module and perhaps further on, if time will allow it.

Plus, Dots are ba-ack...

(they really help spot the threads where one needs to post in))

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Ok, great. Van and Moonglum have been posting, and Lazaro just did, so that's everyone accounted for. Sounds like it's just been that "life is happening."

I'll try to move things along.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Moonglum/Dyrnwyn let me know he's afk for a few days.

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

Pat? The online Dungeon #155 has some additional information, sidetreks and optional parts for Keep on the Shadowfell.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Oliver von Spreckelsen wrote:
Pat? The online Dungeon #155 has some additional information, sidetreks and optional parts for Keep on the Shadowfell.


Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Seeking input:

What, given the limits of PBP, is the best way to handle immediate reactions?

This is in response to Oliver's specific frustration, but it's a general question for 4E games and my 4E games in particular.

The problem has at least two parts -- one is tracking, the other is timing.

First, the GM needs to be aware of when immediate actions are triggered. This is the easy one to solve, in terms of communication. The GM needs to keep notes on possible trigger conditions relevant to the specific battle (such as which creatures are cursed), and that's helped by reminders from the player when the conditions might be met. That will also get easier as we all get more used to the powers of 4E characters.

Second is trickier. When, in this example, a cursed kobold dies, should I stop the action and give the warlock's player a chance to speak up (this is not meant to be sarcastic at all)? That would be most like the tabletop version, and would make for the best adherence to the rules. This comes up for other things such as opportunity attacks, but those are easier -- the GM can just roll the attack, as there are minimal choices to make. This could also be eased by the player setting contingencies, but Oliver in this case had no way to know such buckets of damage would suddenly be done to the cursed kobolds.


Male Eladrin Warlord 1

I'm not really sure if you are asking a specific question or just want are opinions on the matter but imo what you said sounds good its best when the player can put contingencies up for what might happen but since thats not possible in every instance you will have to ether pause the game and see what the player would want to do or rewind the game to add in what the player did. Ether way its just the limitations of a pbp game.

The Exchange

M Human

He is interesting to say it to the GM and I think we can stop the action if a monster dies for give a chance to change the action of a PC. I hope I won't forget because I say that is a great idea and that I don't follow.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

I guess the question was pause vs. rewind. The more I think about it, the more I'm coming down on the side of pause (which is not what I have been doing).

To facilitate this, I need a quick inventory of any powers everyone has that give immediate actions (interrupts or reactions).

Rhiannis -- if a cursed enemy is downed, Rhiannis gets a free move as a reaction, is that right, Oliver?

Any others? Please respond even if you don't have any, just so I know.

Thanks. Always trying to improve the experience for all of us!

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

Rhiannis gets a free teleport as an immediate reaction if a cursed opponent goes down. (Misty Step is Improved to 5 squres via a feat, cursing works only on the nearest opponent)

Silo doesn't have any Interrupts at least not right now. But he dose have Vipers Strike that will give an ally an OA if an enemy shifts. But I think just letting you roll any OA's is the best way to handle them.

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

I will try to post Rhiannis "Misty Step" destinations in his profile and keep it up to date. That way Pat can always take the destination from there, if it is night in Europe.

Opportunity Attacks are always Basic melee attacks. So it is fixed which weapon, which boni and so on.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Well after seeing this I want to play a Swordmage now

The Exchange

M Human

I don't think that Frivry has any interrupt or reaction for the moment.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Kobold Skirmisher (level 1 skirmisher): 100xp

3 Kobold Dragonshields (level 2 soldier)@125xp: 375xp

Kobold Wymrpriest (level 3 artillery): 150xp

Subtotal: 625xp, or a level 2 encounter.

Role-playing and patience bonus award because PBPs are really slow: 750xp

Total: 1375xp

Each: 1375 / 5 players = 275xp

Current total: 470xp

XP needed for level 2 is 1000.

Good work, all.

Oh, one more number: Average hp/PC at end of fight: 8

Male Eladrin Wizard

Thanks for the XP update. Didn't see this until just now.
It's looking like leveling is going to take a few more combat sessions!

Male Eladrin Wizard
Lazaro wrote:
Well after seeing this I want to play a Swordmage now

Just downloading this now. Drow too, eh?

I'm not certain what to expect with FR with the destruction of the known world. I've been reading Richard Lee Byers Undead, which i sone of the places in which the tale of the blue fire and the death of magic has played out. Only half way through it, though.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7


I'm heading out of town on the 7th, returning the 19th or 20th. Some days I'll be online a lot, some a little, and maybe one or two not at all.

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

Warlock Class Feature:

On your turn, if you move at least 3 squares away from where you started your turn, you gain concealment until the end of your next turn.

Source: D&D Compendium.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Oliver von Spreckelsen wrote:

Warlock Class Feature:

On your turn, if you move at least 3 squares away from where you started your turn, you gain concealment until the end of your next turn.

Source: D&D Compendium.

Right, but concealment isn't the same as being hidden. Concealment gives them a -2 to hit you, and gives you the opportunity to hide. Hidden means they don't know where you are!

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Wait, I forgot the errata. Concealment isn't enough to hide.

So we're both wrong!

You still get the concealment (-2 to be hit) without a roll, but you're not hidden and it doesn't help you hide.

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

I don't want to hide. I just don't want to be hit.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

I'm heading to Dragon*Con in Atlanta early Friday morning, and back late Monday evening. I have no idea how much time I'll be online.

If nothing else, see y'all in a few days.

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

Have fun Pat.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Thanks, Oliver.

Sorry, guys, I really thought I'd be able to update all my games today and get things rolling, but I had too much catching up to do.

Definitely will start the fight tomorrow.

Meanwhile, is Moonglum back?

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Dealing with a friend's emergency -- back as soon as I can.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7


First, don't panic. For reasons external to the game, I'm having to seriously curtail my pbp activity. The first cut I'm making is dropping all 3E/PF games, preserving time for the 4E games I'm running and playing in.

I do intend to restart this game -- today, with a little luck.

Apologies for the delay,

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Bumping to note things have started again -- so far have only heard from the dying character!

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

All, please sound off if you want to continue this game.

If not, that's fine, but don't leave the rest of us (looks around) hanging!


Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5


I am going to be on a vacation until the 29th September and
I don't know how good my internet access will be.
Please DMPC Rhiannis, until I get back.

I want to continue the game, but I noramlly wait for my turn in the Initiative order.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Hi, Oliver. Thanks for chiming in.

Dragonvan (Frivry) and Lazaro (Gran) have posted in-game.

Oliver (Rhiannis) is gone for the next 10 days and wants to continue.

Moonglum (Dyrnwyn) went on a week's vacation a month ago and hasn't been seen since.

Grailhawk (Silo) hasn't been heard from in nearly two weeks.

My other 4E game has collapsed even harder -- it was suddenly down from six to two (Grailhawk was in it, as well).

So what are the possibilities -- assuming at least five people like my games, and assuming I like GMing 4E PBPs?

- I don't have anything agains GMPCing people as needed, but not three out of five, so continuing immediately is not an option.

- Recruit this one back up to strength when Oliver returns, and hope we lose nobody else in the meantime. Unfortunately, of the two obvious recruitment candidates over in Refugees, at least one of them (Rev Rosey) I'm pretty sure is playing KotS live.

- Start something new, with recruitment priority going to my steady players in the two moribund games.

Dragonvan, Lazaro, opinions?

Oliver, I'd value your input if you get a chance to voice an opinion before you take off.


Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Hmm...I'd like to continue with what we right now, even though I think Gran has bit the big one. So recruting for the game is fine by me.

On the other hand I'm up for staring something new aswell.

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