Domain Spells - What Happens to Them?

Combat & Magic

Can I be a real bore and raise this question again? Sorry :-)

I had hoped it would be addressed in Alpha 3, but there is no mention of it, so I'm bringing it up again.

What happens to those spells that were previously only available to clerics through their domains? Have they been folded into the general cleric list? Are they no longer available to clerics at all? Have they been removed from the game?

It's easy enough to houserule this one way or the other, but can we have clarification from the designers on this please?

Many thanks.

Kamelion wrote:

Can I be a real bore and raise this question again? Sorry :-)

I had hoped it would be addressed in Alpha 3, but there is no mention of it, so I'm bringing it up again.

What happens to those spells that were previously only available to clerics through their domains? Have they been folded into the general cleric list? Are they no longer available to clerics at all? Have they been removed from the game?

It's easy enough to houserule this one way or the other, but can we have clarification from the designers on this please?

Many thanks.

I guess that will be answered conclusively in the beta, but until then, make them general cleric spells I'd say.

Scarab Sages

I think it would make more sense to assume that they are no longer available to clerics...

Hmm, if that's true, that would be a major blow to any groups using the Spontaneous Divine Caster rules:

Of course, the PF core rules can't be planned around every option out there but I will miss the reduction of spell versatility — particularly for the few spontaneous-casting clerics my group has.

I do not think the domain spells will be available to the cleric to memorize.

As I see it, there are no longer any domain spells. You gain both domain powers and since you gain the powers of both domains...there is no need to memorize the spell/ability anymore. I think that is why they took the +1 off of the cleric's spells per day list.

Look at the bright get the 4 level 0 spells as at will abilities. No need to memorise those pesky cantrips.

You still get the spells per day (+ spells for high Wis).

You still get to spontaneously cast cure/inflict spells.

Not to mention the Channel Energy ability...AoE heal (or harm if you're a meanie)...nice! Use your spells for other things and still be able to heal the party.

And those two domains you have...Well, you get both abilities from each domain. Some of them are unlimited in use, some have a number of uses based on your level, some are once per day. In any case, those domain abilities surpass the domain spells of the core cleric class. You get both abilities/spells so there is no need to memorize them.

All in all, a good improvement. The only thing I noticed is that there are only eight domain abilites instead of the origional nine. But I can see why they lowered that. Any ninth level spell is pretty nasty, no matter the class. Immagine having two of them one time per day...

Just my take on it.

KaeYoss wrote:
Kamelion wrote:
What happens to those spells that were previously only available to clerics through their domains? Have they been folded into the general cleric list? Are they no longer available to clerics at all? Have they been removed from the game?
I guess that will be answered conclusively in the beta, but until then, make them general cleric spells I'd say.

I would not suggest this, given the number of highly specific spells that clerics do not generally get that are on the varied lists. Let every cleric cast Burning Hands, Fire Shield, Stoneskin, Prismatic Sphere and Wish?

I think by rules, they have been removed. Domains have been replaced, language specifically stating such a thing would be confusing to a new reader (it could go in a sidebar however). The 14 new powers (7 from each domain) certainly make up for the lack.

Someone else pointed out the only core spells that are not on *any* class list are the Holy Smite/Order's Wrath type ones, which are still spell-like abilities for the Alignment domains.

If it's truly an issue for a particular conversion (of say a non-core spell that was added as domain only), I think adding the domain spells to *that* cleric's spell list would be reasonable in most cases.

Majuba wrote:
Someone else pointed out the only core spells that are not on *any* class list are the Holy Smite/Order's Wrath type ones, which are still spell-like abilities for the Alignment domains.

The issue is that several spells are unavailable to clerics except through domains, not that only two or three spells aren't on any class list.

Are some of these spells not really the best choices for these domains? Yes. But by the same token, some are good choices for these domains.

Are some redundant, or merely weaker or stronger versions of existing spells? A few are, but most are not.

Are the new domain powers a more powerful option for clerics than domain spells? Generally speaking, yes they are. But they're not always as versatile, nor as compatible with previously published material.

However, these aren't the issues I want to highlight here. I just want to point out that we don't have a clear answer in this regard yet.

By the absence of any reference to domain spells, it makes sense to infer that they have been removed. But that then raises the questions of backwards compatibility - what about those characters or NPCs who use these spells in published products?

Anyway, as there are so many domain-only spells that aren't covered by equivalent powers in Pathfinder, I think it needs addressing in an unequivocal fashion by the designers. That's all I am asking for.

So I made a list :-). These are the spells that are only available to clerics through their domains:

Air Domain
Gaseous Form
Control Winds

Animal Domain
Calm Animal
Dominate Animal

Artifice Domain

Charm Domain
Charm Monster

Community Domain
Greater Status
Telepathic Bond

Armor of Darkness
Prying Eyes
Power Word, Kill

Create Greater Undead

Spike Stones
Iron BOdy

Unholy Blight

Fire Shield
Fire Seeds

Disrupt Undead
Holy Smite
Holy Sword
Bolt of Glory
Crown of Glory

Detect Secret Doors

Hold Monster

Mind Blank

Moment of Presience

Bolts of Bedevilment
Maddening Scream

Magic Aura
Protection from Spells


Plant Growth
Command Plants
Repel Wood
Control Plants

Mind Blank


Lesser Planar Binding
Instant Summons
Teleportation Circle

Clenched Fist

Fire Shield
Fire Seeds

Phase Door

False Vision
Polymorph any Object (not sure if this applies, however, given changes to polymorph.)

Power Word, Blind
Power Word, Stun

Fog Cloud
Acid Fog
Horrid Wilting

Sleet Storm
Call Lightning Storm

Laithoron wrote:
Hmm, if that's true, that would be a major blow to any groups using the Spontaneous Divine Caster rules:

That variant won't work, anyway. The domain spell lists will no longer exist, so without the old 3.5e rules, you won't know what he'd cast spontaneously.

I say that if you want the old rule, you'll have to go with the old domain, anyway.

Majuba wrote:

I would not suggest this, given the number of highly specific spells that clerics do not generally get that are on the varied lists. Let every cleric cast Burning Hands, Fire Shield, Stoneskin, Prismatic Sphere and Wish?

Yeah, I didn't make my self nearly clear enough. I was kinda talking about those spells that exist only on domain lists, like holy smite.

But since I think they're on the new domain lists as well (Good domain 12th level: Holy smite 3/day), I think it will be alright.

So I'd say let the old domains just disappear, being replaced by the new ones. If any spells aren't used any more (and no domain ability closesly resembles them), just put them on the cleric list (I doubt that there will be (m)any).

KaeYoss wrote:
If any spells aren't used any more (and no domain ability closesly resembles them), just put them on the cleric list (I doubt that there will be (m)any).

Well, there are plenty - all of those on the list above (with only one or two exceptions) are all spells for which there are no obvious substitutes from the new domain powers. There were actually a bunch more spells that only appear on domain lists, but I didn't include those as they have been covered by domain powers that either exactly or closely replicate the missing spell. My list above covers all of those that are left.

I do agree, though, that they could be added to the cleric's list, but I would still make them specific to the domains. A few extra spells known for each domain wouldn't unbalance the game, imho. Official word, however, would be nice :-)

Flavor-wise, I still think it's way cool to have a few spells that only clerics of a particular domain can cast. I plan on houseruling that spells on the old (3.5e) domain lists are available to clerics with access to that domain only -- they aren't bonus spells anymore, but can be prepared normally in place of spells from the generic cleric list.

Maybe a "domain" component could be added to the V, S, M, and DF components; that way the spells could still appear in normal lists somewhere, and not have to be shunted aside into obscure supplements?

Kamelion wrote:

Well, there are plenty

What I mean is spells that appear only on domain lists. Not spells that clerics can only get via domains, but spells that no one except clerics of that domain can get. Right now, I can think of only 4 (Holy Smite and the versions for Chaos, Evil, Law).

KaeYoss wrote:
Kamelion wrote:

Well, there are plenty
What I mean is spells that appear only on domain lists. Not spells that clerics can only get via domains, but spells that no one except clerics of that domain can get. Right now, I can think of only 4 (Holy Smite and the versions for Chaos, Evil, Law).

OK, gotcha :-) It's the wider question of clerical access to domain spells that concerns me, though. I just wanna know what the score is in that regard.

Sovereign Court

One point I was noticing with the cleric is that several of the spell-like abilities in each domain (2-6) actually duplicate the old domain spells as spell-like (or supernatural, in a few cases) abilites from both PH and non PH domains. Both styles of cleric are excellent classes (in my view anyway)(TETO)

Domain spells in particular have the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 9th level spells as spell-likes, but most domains have at least four, very few are only 2 or 3, so there are some ways to sneak spells in.

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