Andre Caceres |
Player in my group wanted to play an OGL race for Pathfinder game. Worked out well, as far as backwards cap. would go. but it started me wondering. Which race did anyone discover in 3rd that is always in. I'm an old Palladium player so I let almost anything in, and 3.5 at lest gives the rules to do that. Still I have a list of my top ten. And for the record this isn't an attempt to start a fight so for the sake of argument lets argree that your picks shouldn't neccesarly be core in Pathfinder RPG. My list is not in any particular order, if I had to chosee # 1 & 6 are my favorits.
1. Pevishan. This was in two FFG books and fixed a lot of prob. with Sorc. wayy back in the day. Little trouble giving it Racial Levels, but I've worked some home rules for it.
2. Goblins from WOW rpg. They are just too cool. But I like Pathfinders take on Goblins too. Thinking of sub-racing the two.
3. Orcs. Never really understood why they were not core, since Elves are and they are not more powerful. Breaking my own rule :)
4. Centaurs come on gotta have centaurs.
5.Half-Dwarves I like most versions of this race given.
6. Lizardfolk I've yet to have anyone play them but I see Lizardfolk to be more like the Dino-people from East of Eden fantasy books. Note also like Goodmen Games raptor book as a sub-race.
7. Minotaurs of all types.
8. Hob-Goblin from R&R Excaliber. This was the race used by my player and actually it oddly works well with Pathfinder gobles as my Hobgoblins look down on their lesser brothern.
9. Drow but they are not all evil, they simply hate their surface counter parts.
10. Midnight had half-gnomes/half-dwarf.
11. Midnight also has half-elf/half-halfling.
Hey that's 11, oh well ten wasn't enough. I'll do the same for classes in an other post. I just wanted to get other peoples list, and how you use them.
Mike McArtor Contributor |
BenS |
Mike McArtor wrote:I'd like to see well-done replacements for lupins and rakastas. The dogman and catman have been a part of RPGs forever.I always thought a reworked 1HD, 0 LA Gnoll would've been just fine to use for dogmen, was expecting it to be done with Classic Monsters Revisited but alas.
The Sibeccai in Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed/Evolved are good dogmen!
Zootcat |
I love new races! I plan to add quite a few to my Pathfinder games. When it's all said and done, I'll probably have over 30 playable races. If that sounds like too many to you, please realize that I am not letting them in until I have a good understanding of how they fit into the world of Golarion. Also, I want the bad-guy races to remain bad-guys, so I won't be letting many of those in.
I'd like to post the entire list that's up for consideration, but I'm afraid of getting a negative reaction from the boarders when they see what I've got planned. (Mwahahahaha!!) I will post the list (and my renegade concept) later on when I've got things more set in stone.
That said, here a few favorites of mine that I'd like to see used more often:
Kenkus! I love these crow/raven-people. I imagine them being like pigeons in the sense that you see tons of them in any big city in the world, but not in the country. They'd be a nuisance race. Thieves. Beggars. Obnoxious merchants of worthless trinkets that won't take no for an answer.
Ibixians! The Goatfolk from MM3. I see them as the inheritor race of the dwarves. The dwarves are dying out and they know it, so they are prepping the ibixians as their heirs on Golarion. They are moving into many of the abandoned dwarven ruins to further the dwarven culture there.
Silverbacks! Awakened gorillas is something I've been cooking up for years, and planned on implementing into my Pathfinder campaign, and then BAM! Paizo did it for me! They are even calling them silverbacks. But they made them bad-guys-- which is cool-- and I don't want to take that away, so I found another niche for them. It's quite the backstory, so I will have to reveal it later, but I'm pretty excited by it.
Alright, that's all for now. I'm going to do full write-ups on these guys (and more!). I will probably post them to the boards.
DracoDruid |
While I am always fancy about new cool races too, the problem I saw in making/allowing new ones is that it will diminish the importance/role of all the other races.
Just think about it. If there are let's say 12 races too be playable, groups tend to some strange mixture of drow, kenku, wemik, hobgoblin, lizardman stuff.
And if you don't fix your setting for all those races, a setting still "ruled" by humans won't react that good on such constellation.
I would stick to the basic races and would only allow ONE "exotic" for about 3 or 4 core-race-players.
Dark Lurker of Psionics |
When I was working the Psionic races into Pathfinder, I decided to make Maenads and Xephs children of the Runelords of Wrath and Pride. They were created by them and survived the fall of their masters.
What races would make good children of the other Runelords?
Lust =
Greed =
Envy = Changelings maybe?
Sloth =
Gluttony =
Lupin Mage |
I think lupins would be a good race to work into Pathfinder.
I even have a idea of how they got there.
They got a vision of a strang and magical land
across the ocean and so they set ships over there.
I have Brimewall as their Capital and Crystilan as a
temple/monasteri to their gods.
I also have a large number in Riddleport who are
indepent of their goverment.The rest are scattered
across the land. I thinking about haveing them
tied to the Runelords but that still up in the air.
Any feedback on this idea wecome