Kutholiam Vuere

Aliard tallard's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts (9 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


Liberty's Edge

Easily the best of it's limited breed. The information contained between the covers is a complete dream. The illustrations easily inspire the imagination. Compared to the WoTC deities & demigods book it is short. However unlike that book the focus has been refined to provide maximum playability.
Reading through I never once was lost

Liberty's Edge

Stop Griefing the nice people at paizo. Though it is a nice point. In all honesty I'd Love to have pathfinder art hanging around on my laptops background. hell on my PS3 would be even better.

Liberty's Edge

I want 4E Iron Kingdoms. Seriously miffed that privateer stopped pressing the core & splat books.

Liberty's Edge

Y'know i'd love to find out what really makes any race a core race. I mean honestly does it matter that only those listed in the PHB be first out of the gate?
In my not so respected opinion we could leave off any two and be fine. core is only relavent to the tale this is the setting's prime conceit.

Liberty's Edge

Magic the Gathering's Lodoxans(elephant men) always had a cool vibe. But honestly I'd love a solid conversion of the FF12 Viera.

Liberty's Edge
