Strange Loops; an Eberron game

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

It's cool; I wouldn't want the game to come to a halt on my account. I've been busy and when I had the chance to check the game thread; I didn't have a chance to read all of it.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

No worries, Arc. I recognize that real life concerns take priority.

Now, onto the matters at hand.

I'm curious if anyone has any theories. What's up with these rings? Where's Flash? What does Solinthas want?

Or rather, how do you feel about the game so far? What do you want to see happen? Tired of Sharn yet?

Let's gossip!


I'm really enjoying it. Irirangi wouldn't be possible as a PC in any other format and that's very refreshing - and a challenge in itself :D

The rings - I have no idea what they are. If Flashy boy has vanished, then I'd guess one of the following:

(a) He knows more than he told the twins and has done a runner before things turn bad (which he might - he seems the irresponsible type)

(b) He doesn't know any more than he told the twins, went to check and has now got in over his head with something he really shouldn't have meddled with.

If it's (a) then tracking down where Flash has been on his last jaunt sounds good. If it's (b) than rescuing Uncle Flash from whatever might be an option.

Solinthas? What on earth is he doing calling on Irirangi? She's a very lowly girl in the Silver Flame hierarchy.

Plus there is the fun prospect of both Sillas's and Irirangi's mothers going ballistic if either of them miss this party.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Starlan, I don't think we can say that you picked up a sending stone at Isan's shop. He mostly deals with items from Xen'drik, and is an artificer who specializes in gadgets and rings.

You also said that House Sivis sells the sending stones, so you'll have to get one from there. I admit that I am ignorant as to where these things are from. Do you have a splatbook or dungeon/dragon reference? When I use the DMG rules to create the item from scratch, I come up with a pretty expensive item, and I know that's not what you're looking for. Do you have a price on the thing?

I'm not unreasonable, I just need more info.

As for Zillia herself, she is pretty busy today in general. Her and the other Hunters are out gathering information, and preparing to strike. Flying out there would be your fastest bet, but I can't guarantee she has too much time for chatting. Official Gatekeeper business, however....

That's cool, I might have halucinated it :-)
I'll get the Animal Messenger spell when I reach 3rd level Druid,
and that's more cute/flavorful anyways!

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Sorry for my posting (or rather, lack thereof) over the last few days. I just started a new job (a new restaurant) and it’s been extraordinarily busy; when I get a break I’m not in a place to do any actual writing. For a while, I’ll only be able to post once a day, if that. Sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully things will quite down a little and my schedule will become a little more predictable within the next few weeks. Please NPC me as necessary.
Thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Arc, bud, don't worry about it. Are you a server? Or do you work in a kitchen?

Quandary, I'm not shooting you down, i'm just not very familiar with Eberron! If you recall, it was your idea to play an Eberron game, and I just roamed in. This game is all your fault. ;)
Just hit me up, it's my first time. I'm an Eberron virgin.


Congratulations on the job, commiserations on the time eating. Work will do that to a person.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3
xdahnx wrote:
Arc, bud, don't worry about it. Are you a server? Or do you work in a kitchen?

I sort of do a little of everything. I'm mainly washing dishes though, although I'm learning how to prep some of the stuff. It's actually a fun job so far (I like restuarant work) and we make good food (I also like Indian food) so I'm happy with the job.

I will post when I can.

:-) No worries, this is my first Eberron PbP! :-)
I guess I was just hallucinating the 2-way stones, though the 1-way message stones are useful enough,
although our group certainly has less need than most for them.
(The one-way stones I think are sold by either House Sivis, or Cannith, or both)

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

So, sorry for the distance.

Been having some serious life issues. They are more or less sorted now. Or perhaps just suffocated for the time being.

In short, I am slightly more present.

Most recently I've had a long week of, quite ironically, party planning. For my birthday, not Sillas'. We threw a great party, that, like all Dionysian affairs, ended at the snout of police dogs, arrests, fines, and lots of spilled beer.

Some fun photos of early early in the night can be found Here and Here, and maybe Here.

Thanks for your patience, strange loops will now resume it's regularly scheduled strangeness.

The Exchange

Hi Dan

I know you've had lots of stuff going on but I was wondering.. are you gonna get a chance to post with the twins soonish? Or do you just want to kind of jump them ahead timewise in a they are sorting things out kind of way.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Sorry Paul! I was in a bit of a spot regarding how to get you guys out of there. Hopefully the watch will take care of things and you can get on with the rest of the group! It's not too late to go to the party!

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Dahn, kudos on the birthday party scene. It was very well done, very evocative descriptions. Its probably one of my favorite scenes from a D&D game.


Seconded. Eerie, atmospheric and plot driving.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Ah, thank you very much.
Tho, you all had a part in it. Or several.

It's something that I've been thinking about since the very first Strange Loops post. Sim's intro thread started with the ominous 'it's your birthday' today bit, so it's been a long time working up to it. I didn't want it to be anything lame, really.

I'm working on the next day now...sorry that i've been distant the last few days...

That's going to change.

OK Experience time!

You all receive 1,000XP for the previous game day, bringing you to a total of 3,000. We are using the 'medium' progression, in case you wondered.

I figure now is a good time to break down some of my DM specific qualities. I was waiting for the first 'day' to be over before I bust any of this out, in order to make it a bit more organic, and so that we could establish our communal style of play. I thought this time would come a lot sooner, trust me.

But it was a busy day!

So, how to do XP without combat? We played three months with no meaningful combat, and the DnD system doesn't have built in rewards for non-combat things. In a tabletop game, I give XP and rewards to congratulate and encourage good roleplaying, but on the boards, almost every interaction you have with the game is 'in character'. It becomes impossible to award 'rp xp', for example. So what to do?

Well, first of all, what is XP? What do experience points mean? I'll posit that they are some measure of your character's progress toward 'actualizing' themselves. Sim is still Sim, Starlan Starlan, the twins the twins, and Iri is Iri, at level 1 or level 20. That's a given. Except that life at L1 and L20 is very, very different. The space in between is the path they take to get there.

So, then, I give XP points based on the 'things you do to actualize your character', in addition to combat. Make sense, right?

When you meaningfully cast a spell, interact with your animal companion or an NPC, haggle for prices in a shop, Sense Motive on the weird guy on the bus, unlock a door (with your head or a lockpick, is up to you), etc you gain a little XP. A little. I keep track of these things. Then I do some math, and share them with you as a group.

Some examples of things you've done to gain experience recently; Starlan's little tumble and dance to gain Maida's attention (not only did he use an AP, used his new mark, used a skill check, and tried to pick up an NPC. Good points there), Deerian's punch to Maeder's face (did not see that coming. bonus points for making the DM spray coffee out of his nose in the morning), Iri's entrance scheme, etc.

I didn't bring any of this up before, because I never felt like we were 'playing a game to gain XP'. I never wanted that to be the focus, and I don't think it has, in any way. I would hate to preface the game with that kind of thing in the back of your mind. Now that things are flowing, I think it's fair to mention it.

I also don't give XP until you rest. Maybe that's old school of me, but I hate the idea of punching monsters and having them explode with gold and xp. I think the development of characters comes through reflection, interaction, danger, etc. That comes into effect once the characters have had a chance to stop fleeing in terror, and less in a video-game manner of after each kill or combat.

Another note; as far as posting regularity goes, I think we have a fair idea of how things go here. We're not tremendously fast, nor are we dead-slow. I'm a very, very busy dude, and I try my best to put Strange Loops on the front of my Internet Responsibilities, but sometimes I am missing (and/or unconscious). I think we can extrapolate the pace of the game from here, and I hope that it is still ok with everyone. I love this game, in it's uniqueness and pace, but am totally willing to bust down the doors and throw some goblins at you, if you want.

It's a slow game, to be fair, but I defy you to say that nothing happens in it.

Now, if only Arc was a hungrier fish....

Also, if you had any questions about how Action Points work, you can check my DM profile. I stole it from Aubrey or Heathy, but it's all there. It's in the Eberron book too!


XP for being a nutbar? :D

Will get Iri's morning sorted out today.

The Exchange

The pace is grand and the interactions are fun. It would be great to get a little more direction in goals for the group but you can see that is coming :) In all it's a great game so keep up the good work Dan.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind running up against some 'goblins': it'd "get things going" in another sense, and definetely pull the group together in more tangible way than just navigating social disorders does :-)
(though this has all been great, I think you've pulled the setting off to a 'T', and I'm sure even my lost adventure with Marduk will provide fodder for us in the future... Not to mention all the other pressing issues that threaten to engulf us at any moment :-))

About the XP, if it's OK with you, Dahn, just go ahead and tell me when I level up...
But that we're actually leveling thru this makes me feel marginally less worried about trying that run on House Kundarak :-)

Rules Question, Dahn: I mentioned the Weapon Finesse thing to Paul, but does it also apply to Starlan's main weapon, the Tangat? I'm not applying it currently...?

p.s. I'm actually looking forward to the group having some encounter in/around Starlan's house, given that super-cool picture you linked with the multi-level Japanese building as an example... Very interesting spatial setup for an encounter, especially with different sized creatures :-)

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

The Weapon Finesse doesn't apply to the Tangat because it is a two-handed weapon that is not finesseable. Only 'light' weapons and others that are specifically noted as finesseable (the rapier, the spiked chain I think too).

I hope that combat comes soon, to be honest. I can't wait to kill---err, see you guys in that kind of scenario. I do agree that some conflict will help bring the group together, but I just have to legitimize why you guys are in the conflict together, is all.

As for the little Mos Eisley cantina scene that surely would have resulted from Morduk's bar hopping...too late. You missed your chance. It can still happen, for sure, but not with Morduk as a guide...

It would have been an interesting comparison between the two parties, but the way things flow is the way things flow. You got a girl's number, and that's something Morduk would understand, for sure.

Cool. And I know the PERFECT use for whenever I get that Animal Messenger spell.

I realized I had confused ranks/skill modifiers, so I removed a bunch of synergy bonuses that shouldn't apply until I have enough actual ranks in those skills. I also updated my prepared spells to include one Protection(Evil), given the freaky events that have been happening...

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3
DM Dahn wrote:
Now, if only Arc was a hungrier fish....

I'm not a fish.

I actually hadn't given XP or leveling any thought until just now.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

I was simply talking about some of the hook's I've thrown at you that have fallen by the wayside, is all. No fishy dealings implied.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3
xdahnx wrote:
I was simply talking about some of the hook's I've thrown at you that have fallen by the wayside, is all. No fishy dealings implied.

I'm not surprised I've missed a few things. I've been busy lately (school started and I have work) so sometimes I'm in a bit of a hurry when I check the game thread. Feel free to whack me with the plot hammer if I'm being too dense.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Well...there was that whole business of the letter that Jorras gave you in your intro still haven't opened it....even Merreck has asked about it...

no pressure

read it when it's organic to do so...

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Damn, I entirely forgot that.
Fortunately, Sim at least has an excuse for being tardy in opening it. Yesterday's events distracted him from other concerns.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Ok guys, I promise I'll have an update later tonight!

Sorry for being so lame, but I've had one of the worst weeks ever! Be back soon!

And the plan with the bears? Oh god....

I don't even remember mentioning bears...


Dahn sweetie, if you build an insane and surreal adventure, you have to expect insane and surreal plans.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

I'm still writing in the lions and the tigers, don't you worry.

The Exchange

Hi guys,

Sorry we've been quiet. Lots going on and we're both having difficulty catching up. Trying to work out which spoilers we should be reading etc.. a little odd. Could our kind DM give us a quick rundown of what we're doing and why. I promise we'll jump back into posting when we can work out what it is we're doing :)


Hope things are well with you both.

This may help a bit (and I'm 100% sure Dahn will correct anything I've got wrong).

There are several concurrent threads of plot at present.

Thread 1 concerns the twins. They're travelling to Stormholme to see if they can find traces of dotty/mad/bad Uncle Flash and their errant mother. They, like all of the pcs, have a strong interest in finding any other rings that may be just lurking around, and Flash is the bloke who found them and distributed them in the first place.

Thread 2 concerns Iri (and everyone else by default as she's incapable of doing any of this on her own). The head of her order (Solinthas of the Silver Flame) has charged her with extracting an amulet from a Kundarak vault. This amulet is a demon prison and it's suspected that other parties are also interested in getting hold of it. From the point of view of the Silver Flame, they want the thing locked up. The other parties may also want it locked up or destroyed, but they might also be keen on unleashing the demon as well. None of which is good.

The current plan is to extract as much information about the previous owner of the lockbox (and the amulet)from a gnome called Rurin i'Sivis. Sillas and Iri are on his trail with a letter from Solinthas. The twins, Starlan and Merreck are hunting for clues at the home of the (now very dead) previous owner, Delphis. Delphis was obliterated by assassins, but this bit of information isn't common knowledge yet.

The general idea is to break into the vault possibly disguised as animal liberation activists (to free the trained bears the dwarves of the Kundarak vault use to guard the premises). The details of this are not yet finalised and this plan is subject to change - dependant on anyone having a slightly less demented idea for a start.

Anyway, the bank job is why we're all currently in Passage. We are casing the joint.

Thread 3 concerns Sillas's pal Jorras who went off trailing a hot story but hasn't come back yet. His whereabouts are unknown, but this plot strand is in the hands of NPCs until we get back to Sharn.

Thread 4 concerns all of us. The plane of Irian has moved significantly too close to Eberron. This isn't harmful (as Irian is good news). What is harmful is that nobody knows why or if there will be extreme negative effects if the negative counterpart does the same thing.

Ummm ... is any of this helpful at all?

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3
Rev Rosey wrote:

Ummm ... is any of this helpful at all?

Yes, thank you. I can now just about read the game thread without feeling like an utter idiot. I got increadably lost as I was good and didn't read other peoples spoilers and that lead to me always having a lot of information missing and everything just appeared to be getting increasingly complicated and it made my brain want to bleed out of my ears.


You're welcome :D And it's really good to see you back.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Yes, that really is most of the case.

People have currently split into two groups.

One is casing the town, exploring the bank, and searching the wizard's home. The other is going to approach the gnome contact to get the info.
You can be wherever you'd like, but it was suggested that you guys join up in pretending to be trying to rent a storage box from the bank. That way you can be snotty dragonmarked heirs that ask a lot of questions without really being too suspicious!

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Just a side note, we finally hit the 1,000 post mark in the main thread.

*Throws confetti in your eyes*

*Party like it's 2599 of Irian*

BTW, awesome map job on the bank!

And actually, the set-up you developed threw a wrench in my bear plans,
as I had thought they would be INSIDE the bank...
...So I'm now thinking of even MORE bizarre plans ;-)

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Take your time, in some respects, but don't be afraid to jump into it either. It's a difficult job, and there should be some high tension once you're in there. But work some of it out in character too, if you can. You can still make plans with each other telepathically no matter where you are. That will give you guys an edge while you're in the place or casing the joint further.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Another apology from me, I just want you to know I'm still trying to post but I'm finding it hard to connect with my character and what's going on. Everytime I try to post I feel like I'm hitting a huge wall and I stall and I'd much rather post nothing than something stupid and less than exciting after a gap in posting :\

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

You can't force it. You don't have to participate in the bank heist if you don't think your characters connect with it.

After this, you were all headed to Stormhome; that's certainly where your character will come into her own.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

You know, that may be a plan. Elli is worried over the possibility of getting caught and tarnishing the family name further. She feels bad enough over leaving Sharn whilst things are still up in the air. Besides, somebody needs to keep their distance for providing alibis/bailing people out if things go wrong..

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

No pressure. You need to save your energy for taking on old Uncle Flash....

Female Half Elf Sorceress 2
xdahnx wrote:
No pressure. You need to save your energy for taking on old Uncle Flash....

Fleskar, his name is Fleskar, nobody who causes this much turmoil is deserving of a name as cool as Flash.

Kayos. wrote:
You know, that may be a plan. Elli is worried over the possibility of getting caught and tarnishing the family name further. She feels bad enough over leaving Sharn whilst things are still up in the air. Besides, somebody needs to keep their distance for providing alibis/bailing people out if things go wrong..

I'd like to know that Elli and Deerian are standing by to bail. Although what on earth makes you think that anything at all is likely to go wrong?

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Oh yeah, you guys have everything under control. Aren't you going to release bears randomly, and call it liberation?

Waiting for that bit, I am.


Something like that, yes. Are you critical of this plan perchance?

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

No, I'm a vegan. I'm taking notes!

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Well, the bank set-up doesn't really seem conducive to my 'Bear plan' as such, but I'll see what I can do :-)

I'll let the Wizard's house play out and such before 'poking around' more of what we know of the Bank, and discusing what we all think is the best way to proceed.
(clarifying basic info "ooc" is fine, I think, but we can discuss plans in-character, of course)

And Elli & Dee, I don't think you need to feel as if you've missed out on so much,
I don't think much that has transpired in spoilers has been really so "core" to the game... (well, Iri & mine's meeting with Solinthas with the info about the demon-artifact we're supposed to recover, but Iri posted that for everyone to read a while's back.)

I just don't know who is supposed to make Wingy look so un-couth and scandalous, if not the Twins :-)

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri certainly won't. She's already got a world of strange in her own head. This crew are the closest to normal people she's talked to in years.

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