
Gillian Wiseman's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

In my campaign, which is really dungeon-based, but I've thrown in a lot of Kingmaker locations outside the dungeon, my pcs have suddenly (after getting beaten up badly in the dungeon) decided to go bandit-hunting for a while.

The situation is this:

A second NPC adventuring party (whom my PCs mostly dislike) announced 10 days ago that they had discovered the location of a large "bandit keep". They hired 8 1st level warriors (we're playing 3.5) and claimed they were going to "lay siege" to the Keep.

Now, the PCs ignored this for 10 days; at that point they decided to go after the other group. Not being great trackers, and not knowing where the Keep was, they hired a local ranger to lead them to the Keep. It is a few days travel away, in a hilly, lightly wooded region, near a large lake.

My PCs are 5th level, so I've added a bunch more lower-level bandits (doubled them, and upped them to 3rd lvl warriors), and have beefed up the lieutenants a little bit.

But, my quandary is; why haven't the other party managed to wipe out the keep? What's going on? They are also about 5th level; a grippli wizard, a fighter/cleric multiclass, a fighter, and a catfolk rogue. They have their 8 1st level warrior henchmen as well.

What are some fun things that could have waylaid them, or problems they could have encountered? The NPC party is really borderline evil. I could even see one or two of them joining the bandits!

I'm strongly considering converting Kingmaker to my campaign world - but running it with the e6 rules (found here: http://esix.pbworks.com/)

(E6 is essentially dnd that caps out at 6th level plus feats for advancement beyond 6th.)

Has anyone tried this? What would be the biggest problems? I'm aware that the published campaign is geared to finish at above 12th level, though I don't remember now just how high it tops out. Would it be impossible to adapt?

My PCs are at the end of book 3 of RotRL and I have made a very sad discovery about myself as a DM. I really don't like adventure paths.

I LOVE the story of RotRL, but I'm not enjoying running it very much. I want to constantly modify, tweak, add, subtract and reinvent the whole storyline, which is exactly what I started the adventure path to avoid having to do!

I guess the paths just don't really fit my style as a DM.

The point of my question here is, do you think I can trim portions of the path out to minimize the remaining length without sacrificing the overall plot?

For example, I'm thinking that once the PCs get going towards Jorgenfist, Conna will find them and talk to them before they invade the giant camp. She'll escort them through the upper level of the dungeon, down to around B12/13, where they'll be met by the priestesses, who won't be misled by Conna's escort of the party into thinking they're "friends".

Does this seem possible, and what other short cuts can I take to reduce the length of the campaign? I'm not worried about having to make changes in power level; I can handle that easily enough on my own...

Thanks for any advice!

My PCs have become fascinated by the sunken Paradise barge - they want to raise it - partly to search for treasure, and partly out of sheer PC cussedness, I guess.

They've hired Irontooth to get a team of oxen, ropes, pulleys, etc... to do the work with. They intend to drive a couple of posts into the shore to act as anchors and work from there.

I am going to have the divers attacked by giant gar (they've already been warned about their presence) but I'd love some suggestions of other problems they can run into during this process.

They have NOT heard yet about the tattoos (I think that Irontooth will turn out to have one, and tell them about it). Right now, they're off in the woods at the Graul homestead, so I have time to come up with "what happens"...

Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions!

Nor did they ever destroy the runewell under Sandpoint.

They're now finishing up "the Misgivings" and will soon be leaving Sandpoint.

What will Elyrium do? What will happen to the runewell? Should I drop some hints that they need to go back and deal with this loose end, or not?

To pathfinder.

Thank you,

Gillian Wiseman

I'm actually going to get to PLAY in this campaign; I'm thinking of running a character addicted to Shiver. But the player's guide doesn't go into detail on what Shiver does to you while you're taking it. What would the penalties be if you tried to take actions while under the influence? How long does a dose last? How expensive is it? How hard to get?

I realize that the background in the booklet assumes you've "cleaned up" and are no longer addicted. How hard is it to break such an addiction? How long would it take? Can magic help? If so, how, and if not, why not?

Is there any place I can get answers to these questions?

Thanks for any input.


I've never been a fan of "going to hell" or other plane-shifting types of adventures, so while I'd love to run the early portion of STAP, the second half leaves me a bit uninterested.I also dislike running DnD campaigns past about 12th level or so.

Any suggestions on how to neatly conclude this campaign early? What is a good stopping point? What points need to be covered? What would be some of the problems?

Has anyone else done this deliberately?